All Chapters of The Father of My Twins Spoils Me: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
505 Chapters
Chapter 101 Run Away With The Children
It did not matter how calm and collected or intelligent Nathan was. When Eva called him a criminal, his face darkened.His expression was frosty, and there was no warmth in his voice. “I don’t care what you think. My children have to be returned to the Langleys. I’ll try my best to fulfill any request you have.”When Eva realized he was not giving up on the children and even thinking about taking them from her, she became agitated. She flung a book on the table toward him with the back of her hand, saying angrily, “I won’t allow it!”Nathan did not evade it. The book hit him right on the forehead.His head immediately reddened.Anger flashed in his eyes.Eva was still agitated and simmering in anger. Her eyes were red. “Nathan Langley, don’t for one minute think that every woman in this world will be wrapped around your finger just because you have money and power! "I don’t want anything! To me, you don’t deserve to be the children’s father. You’re nothing but a criminal!”At
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Chapter 102 Toying With Her Life
Nathan quickly went downstairs.The children were in a cheerful mood after enjoying some yummy cakes.They were even happier to hear that Nathan was taking them to the aquarium.However, they did not forget to ask for Eva’s permission.“Can we go with Daddy, Mommy?”They looked at her hopefully and expectantly.The look in their eyes almost made Eva change her decision.She felt she was being a little cruel to them.They yearned for a father’s love.However, it was something she did not want for them.Eva felt apologetic about this. She put up a gentle smile on her face and said, “Go on and have fun. I’ll wait for you here.”“Thank you, Mommy.”They were ecstatic about it and ran into Eva to hug her around the neck. They kissed her on each side of the cheek.After that, they skipped away with Nathan as they walked out the door.Eva kept walking back and forth after they left.She could not wait around for things to happen. She should at least have a plan when the childre
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Chapter 103 Teach Her A Lesson
The crew on the ground immediately realized what was going on and came over to rescue them.It was not long before Max’s drenched body was hauled out of the water.Nathan wanted to climb out as well, but a dolphin behind knocked into him.He swallowed a huge mouthful of water. It was the most unflattering situation he had ever been in.Fortunately for him, the crew got into the water and helped Nathan up to dry ground.The first thing Nathan did was look toward Max.Max was shocked by what had just happened, and his little face was pale.Mia kept trying to comfort Max while crying. “Don’t die, Max. I’m scared.”Nathan was a little amused by this. He quickly went over to comfort his little girl. “Everything is fine now, Mia. Don’t cry.”Mia immediately lunged into her daddy’s arms when she heard his voice. “You can’t die either, Daddy.”“Of course. Daddy’s not going to die.”Nathan hugged her and rubbed Max’s little head. “Don’t be afraid. The dolphins didn’t mean you any har
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Chapter 104 See For Yourself Just How Insignificant You Are
Relieved, Nathan left with the little ones.While on their way back, he decided that Eva should not know about this. Thus, he began to talk to the children about this.“Don’t tell your mommy about how Max fell into the water when we get back, alright? Otherwise, she might not allow you to go to International Ocean Park again.”Mia would do anything Nathan told her to. She quickly nodded. “Alright.”Max’s brain turned quickly, and he said, “We can keep quiet, but I want Haagen Dazs ice cream.”Nathan raised an eyebrow.“Is this an extortion, young man?”Max looked serious. “You were the one who wanted to talk about this. An agreement has to come with conditions.”Nathan laughed at how seriously Max was taking this. “You're pretty smart."Max nodded proudly. He continued counting on his fingers. “We also want to see the panda and go to Legoland and Disneyland at least once. If you agree to this, we’ll promise not to tell Mommy anything.”Nathan was defeated.Max was truly his
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Chapter 105 She Was Finished
When Finn saw how things had taken a serious turn, he shouted, “Are you really going to do this, Miss Pileggi? Miss Lane is Mr. Langley’s guest. You’ll only anger Mr. Langley by doing this.”“Shut up!” Nicole yelled back at him. “A slut like her doesn’t deserve to be treated as a guest by Nathan. She's here to seduce Nathan because she's trashy by nature. I’ll rip her face off. Nathan would never make things difficult for me over this slut because I’m his fiancée!”She pulled on Eva’s arm without further delay, about to slap her.Eva put up her hands instinctively to shield herself from the blow.However, Donna and Sola held her arms down on each side…The cars chasing after Nicole were now parked a distance away.Many paparazzi had set up their equipment and were clicking non-stop on the cameras.They did not dare get too near, but every one of them looked excited.Nicole Pileggi was beating up someone! This was huge!Any one of these pictures would grab the attention of at
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Chapter 106 You’re Not Allowed To Leave
“Of course not.”A devilish smile appeared on Nathan’s lips. He suddenly leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear, “You can take the children with you, but you’re restricted to only North City. Don’t even think about going to another city, understand?”Eva got tense.How did this man know that she was thinking of leaving with her children?There was a look of fluster in her eyes, but she quickly calmed herself down to hide her emotions. Anger crossed her face. “Stop trying to control me, Nathan Langley. You don’t have the right.”With that, she took the children with her without turning back for a second look.The room was left with only Nathan and Finn.It was only then that Finn remembered what happened with Nicole. “Mr. Langley, Miss Pileggi has gotten herself into big trouble. If the paparazzi publish those pictures, Miss Pileggi’s entertainment career will be completely over. Should we…”A cold look crossed Nathan’s face. He sneered. “She should bear the responsibil
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Chapter 107 He Still Cares About Me
Mason’s men were defeated after that short altercation.It was not long when the bodyguard from before returned to report, “It’s been taken care of, Mr. Miller.”Finn nodded and noticed the scratches on him. “Take care of your wounds. You can get more men over here later.”The bodyguard left with a nod.…It was nighttime at Thriving Dragon Bay, and the main villa was brightly lit.Nathan was in his huge study. He was wearing a robe and had a glass of red wine in his hand while standing in front of the French window. He was staring far out into the distance.He was seductively handsome and had a tall, elegant figure. However, his eyes were shrouded in darkness as he was deep in thought…Nathan had a lot of questions about Mia and Max being his children.He was sure he did not enter the wrong room five years ago that night.Nathan was confident that someone had changed the room number.That was the cause of his eventual night with Eva.He had no idea who was the mastermind a
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Chapter 108 Riddled With Scandals
Nathan headed straight to a café in the city center to meet up with Finn after leaving Thriving Dragon Bay.Finn immediately gave Nathan an update upon meeting him. “The media outlet that contacted me is pretty well-known in the country. They’re called ‘Current Affairs’. Their people should arrive soon.”Nathan headed for the second floor and instructed, “You’ll be speaking to them later.”“Alright.”Finn nodded in agreement. He did not forget to clarify, “How do you plan to handle this, Mr. Langley? Do you want this story to disappear?”An amused look crossed Nathan’s face. “Why should we make it disappear? Tell them to write the story however they see fit. If there are any untruths in their story, they can expect their company to shut down.”Finn was astonished.Was his boss… planning to go against the Pileggis?It looked like Nicole was done for!Nathan very quickly found a seat upstairs while Finn waited downstairs with the bodyguards.About ten minutes later, a male papa
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Chapter 109 No Second Chance
Different headlines exploded all over the scene like grenades. Each explosion was bigger than the next.Nicole had many fans.However, her previous antic of thrashing the flower shop had smeared her character greatly. The only fans left supporting her were die-hard fans.However, even they were astounded by the news.[Is this true? My Nicole is such a kind and pure person. How could she do something like that?][Us fans know what Nicole is really like. There must be some mistake here.][Ptui! It’s not the first time we’ve seen dirt on Nicole! You lapdogs should stop being deceived by her pure and innocent persona.][I remember a similar news being reported about her online. I think it’s about Nicole Pileggi thrashing a flower shop.][That’s right. I heard that the owner of the flower shop is a good person. She's also a single mother. I feel so sorry for her! How can Nicole Pileggi do something like that?!]Nicole’s die-hard fans began an intense online war with some anti-fans.
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Chapter 110 The Engagement Is Off
Nathan ignored her words. He turned his gaze slowly toward Robert and said, “I think the most important thing right now is to discuss breaking off the engagement.”Robert was furious to hear that. He slammed the table and stood up. “How dare you?! Nicole has been your fiancée for five years. Do you know how hard it's been for her to tolerate gossip about not being given a legitimate status in our family? "Now that something has happened to her, you’re choosing to do nothing and even thinking about breaking off the engagement?”Nathan said nothing. He swept a nonchalant glance at Rebecca. “I need to talk to my father alone.”Rebecca had wanted to say something, but she kept her mouth shut when she heard Nathan’s request. “Alright. Go ahead. I’ll go cut some fruits for you.”She turned and walked toward the kitchen.The living room was now left with Nathan and Robert.Nathan looked straight into Robert’s eyes without flinching. He was calm and composed.He said quietly and slowl
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