All Chapters of Tycoon's favorite wife: I am enough to match with you: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
229 Chapters
Chapter 91: Call me three times every day
Hard for her to be held all night; her bones were almost crushed. And this didn't even involve intimacy. If it had happened, wouldn't she be abused and unable to get out of bed every day?Carrying her backpack, she walked downstairs and headed straight for the kitchen."Heloi, come here," Reginald said, still looking at a document, not bothering to lift his head.Heloise didn't know how he had given her a nickname, which didn't suit her at all, but she stopped and changed direction towards him, offering a polite yet distant smile. "What's up, Mr. Wordsworth?"Reginald was still looking at his phone. Ben, standing nearby, handed her a phone. "Miss, this is your new phone."He bought her a phone."Thank you," Heloise took it.The phone was placed in an exquisite and high-end matte box, ready to be turned on. She took it out, looked at the brand, froze for a moment, and then turned the phone over.Sure enough, an entire surface of pink diamonds.This was the most expensive phone brand in
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Chapter 92: Miss seems very happy today?
A senior executive who was reporting froze in place, looking at Reginald with panic written all over his face.Oh no, did he say something wrong? Were the performance metrics insufficient? Was the management not stable enough? Did he mispronounce something? What to do...He looked to Ben for help, and Ben, standing there, cast him a glance. The senior executive seemed on the verge of wetting himself.The entire conference room was on edge, everyone glancing at each other, unsure where to put their hands and feet.Meanwhile, Reginald, oblivious to the small-scale tsunami he caused, continued examining the incoming call, completely unaware of the turmoil he stirred.The call was about to be disconnected.Reginald raised his gaze, showing impatience as he looked at the anxious crowd. "Still here? Should I invite you out one by one?"Did they all want to stay and eavesdrop on his phone call?Ben, standing by, softened the tense atmosphere with a gentle tone. "Today's meeting ends here. I
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Chapter 93: Do you have a senator dad?
"Hmm," Heloise admitted calmly, "because I've been wanting to do something, and today, it's finally happening.""Really?"Jane and Harriet didn't ask what it was, they just felt happy for her.As the sky began to brighten, Heloise arrived at Imperial University. She walked through a series of paths, carrying a bag, slowly making her way into the grand auditorium that could accommodate fifty thousand people.At this moment, the auditorium was empty, with only a few dim lights illuminating the vast space.Heloise stood at the back, the highest point of the seating rows, hands resting on the backs of the chairs on either side, overlooking the entire auditorium.This place would soon witness the final act she scripted for the Brook family.Footsteps echoed.Abel, with silver hair, and two brothers panted as they ran towards her, handing her a golden microphone.Abel looked at her. "Aunt... no, Sister ThankGod, I've completed the task you assigned to me."Sister ThankGod...That's what he
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Chapter 94: Fortunately, I came prepared
Next to Coral, someone engaged her in conversation, and Coral responded attentively, not holding Darnell's hand or displaying any overtly intimate gestures.With everyone in their seats, the auditorium lights gradually dimmed, leaving the stage illuminated.The curtains were slowly drawn back, revealing Brady walking confidently to the central podium in the bright lights, embodying the demeanor of a future decision-maker for the PHOENIXFELL Empire.Amidst enthusiastic applause from the entire audience, Brady began his speech.Simultaneously, numerous live broadcasts spread across the internet.Brady, being well-versed in public speaking, delivered a witty and humorous address, earning thunderous applause from the university students.Pleased with the effect, Brady concluded his speech passionately an hour later, "The PHOENIXFELL Empire will undoubtedly stand at the pinnacle of the world, and the students of the PHOENIXFELL EMPIRE will be the elites at the summit of the world!"Another
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Chapter 95: His political career was destined to end today
Brady stood there with an unpleasant expression, veins popping on his forehead. What was Heloise planning to do?Heloise casually sat down in a chair facing him, one foot resting on the chair's crossbar. Her behavior was unrestrained yet lacked any ruffian demeanor, remaining clean and refreshing.Her clear eyes focused on Brady as she raised a megaphone, "Can you hear me clearly now, Senator Brook? Or do I need to get even closer to you?"Brady instinctively covered his ears, almost deafened by the megaphone."I swear, this is amazing!"The students below were astonished by Heloise's actions.It was the first time they witnessed someone using a high-pitched megaphone to ask questions during a politician's speech."This student, you are not following the rules by doing this," a staff member rushed onto the stage to pull Heloise down.Remaining calm, Heloise effortlessly twisted the person's arm, causing them to yelp in pain. With an innocent look, she turned to Brady, "Senator Brook,
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Chapter 96: The prosecutor is probably on the way
Reginald leaned back in his chair, the high-quality fishing rod set aside, while his slender fingers played with a smartphone.His complexion wasn't looking great, especially considering there hadn't been the fourth or fifth call today. No calls at all.Did that damn woman think he could run wild just because he wasn't around?Reginald gritted his teeth, a dark shadow casting over his eyes. Not only did he ignore anyone trying to talk to him, but he also paid no attention to the fish that might be biting.After waiting for a while, Reginald crossed his left leg over his right, then switched, and then switched back again.Suddenly, he picked up his phone and dialed Heloise's number.The call went through, but it was like dropping a pebble into the ocean—utter silence.Fine.Very well!Reginald dialed again, and Ben hurried over, "Mr. Wordsworth, there's big news.""Get lost!"Reginald frowned impatiently."It's about the young lady from the Hyacinth Garden," Ben quickly added.At the m
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Chapter 97: The Brook family was really over
Upon hearing Heloise's words, Abel took the lead and shouted loudly, "Brady is trying to escape! Brady is trying to escape!""No running! Explain yourself!"The students stood up one after another, shouting loudly.Ignoring Heloise, Brady hurried to leave. Heloise, holding a high-pitched megaphone, continued in a cold voice, "I understand now. Senator Brook, you are now Reginald's soon-to-be father-in-law. It seems you are openly committing crimes relying on this status."These days, she had been observing the actions of the Brook family with a cold eye.Since the kidnapping case, Brady and Coral still took advantage of the fragile relationship with Reginald. However, they forgot that the relationship with the highest financial group in the PHOENIXFELL Empire was a double-edged sword for them as father and daughter.After all, the most daring to challenge authority were a group of fearless students.As expected, as soon as her words fell, all the students became more excited. Those in
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Chapter 98: Can Heloise escape?
Heloise, originally a small insect used to ward off disasters, should not have died, and the calamity was brought about by the Brook family."Oh... oh."Coral nodded repeatedly, trying hard to remember Brady's words, her eyes turning unusually red, tears streaming down."Listen." Brady leaned in and whispered to her, "If it comes to this point, dealing with Heloise, you go find Darnell, let him marry you. Among the young masters you've been involved with, only Darnell has good character, genuinely cares for you, and the Smith family's influence is not small. If the Smith family is willing to support me, I might still get out. Do you understand?"But this chance is extremely slim, and it all depends on whether Coral can win over Darnell."..."Upon hearing this, Coral suddenly remembered what Heloise had said in front of Darnell, mentioning that she would soon propose to him.It turns out that Heloise had already anticipated the next steps for their family.While crying and wanting to
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Chapter 99: Grace's gentleness
Coral stood there watching in disbelief.What's going on with this bastard? After three years in the slums, how did she manage to pick up such a variety of messy skills?She glanced to the side and suddenly saw a thick vine hanging from a nearby tree, about the size of her arm. She hurriedly rushed over and exerted all her strength to pull the vine down.It's too long...And heavy.Coral reluctantly held one end of the vine. Looking at Heloise effortlessly dealing with the bodyguards' siege, completely unharmed, Coral couldn't take it anymore. Seizing the opportunity, she fiercely swung the vine.Die! Damn bastard!Heloise was entangled with the bodyguards, and suddenly caught sight of something attacking. She stepped on one of the bodyguards and flied to reach out to grab the vine.Grabbed it?Not hit her?Coral stared in shock.What kind of skill is this?Heloise landed and couldn't help glancing at Coral, then amusingly said, "Thanks. "With a forceful swing, she knocked down two b
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Chapter 100: I'll return my life to the Brook family!
"Such cheap concern," Heloise sarcastically smiled, slowly turning her head to face Grace."Raising poultry to slaughter poultry, do the poultry need to be grateful to you?"This was an acknowledgment that she was indeed Heloise.Just acknowledge it.Grace's gaze softened as she looked at her. "Heloise, words aren't that simple. Puppies and piglets can survive when thrown on the ground, but if you toss a baby outside with no one to care for it, would it survive?"No, an unattended baby would have only one fate – death.Heloise stared at her, truly surprised that her "mother" had such eloquence."Whether you care or not, you have to consider the fact that the Brook family raised you. Otherwise, you would have died long ago," Grace asserted, each word hitting its mark.In the end, she was just an abandoned baby, unwanted even by her own parents.At Grace's words, Heloise slowly approached them, hands pressed on the table, looking coldly at Grace. Word by word, she said, "Sending me to t
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