All Chapters of Tycoon's favorite wife: I am enough to match with you: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
229 Chapters
Chapter 111: Heloise’s pain
"What are you doing?" Reginald stared at her with lowered eyes.Was she planning to pick it up and eat it?Some gazpacho had spilled under the dining table, and Heloise decided to get down and pick it up.She was going insane!Reginald, with a stern expression, pulled her out from under the table, gripping her delicate wrist tightly. In a low voice, he said, "Just a maid died. If you're not feeling well, I'll avenge her for you."In his eyes, he would certainly deal with those who harmed the maid, but there was no need to distress herself to the point of eating the chilled gazpacho.Upon hearing this, her fingertips trembled as she turned to glare at him fiercely, her eyes like a little wolf about to devour someone.Just a maid died?She's just an abandoned baby even your biological parents didn't want.They're all just the scum of the slums, waiting to die, so why bother living?Why did she have to hear such things all her life, and on what grounds?Standing in front of her, Reginald
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Chapter 112: The Smith family took her in
He took off the cigarette and handed it to her, raising an eyebrow.There were traces of him having smoked on the cigarette butt.Heloise glanced at him and then at the burning cigarette, without any hesitation, she took it and was about to put it in her mouth.Before she could, Reginald suddenly snatched the cigarette, threw it off the balcony, supported the back of her head with one hand, lowered his head, and kissed her forcefully, forcing the cigarette into her mouth.The strong tobacco flavor rushed into her mouth endlessly."..."Heloise was choked and uncomfortable, swallowing the cigarette down. Reginald bit her lip and smirked, "Do you really want to smoke? I disagree."Why learn to smoke when there are so many other things to learn? Asking for trouble."..."So, he was just messing with her.Heloise looked at him in silence, then turned her gaze away, continuing to look ahead. She didn't even have the mood to argue with him.Seeing her ignoring him, Reginald raised his hand,
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Chapter 113: This was the only way she could survive
"The Smith family has some nerve, given the current situation outside. They dare to shelter the Brook family mother and daughter."Reginald's tone was dark and ominous.Now, anyone with a sense of the situation would know that Reginald had no intention of protecting the Brook family. The Smith family's actions were audacious in the face of this clarity; it's like seeking death."Darnell is a pampered young man, not much cunning, simple-minded, and with a gentle temperament. A few drops of tears from Coral can easily manipulate him."Heloise said calmly, "Although he's just the third in line, and the family's wealth may not be divided too much, he has won the favor of the Smith family's old lady. If he pleads with her, she will naturally help him take in the Brook family mother and daughter."She continued talking without realizing that the man beside her was getting increasingly furious.Reginald suddenly gripped her chin, staring coldly at her. "You know the third son of the Smith fa
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Chapter 114: Everyone can wait to be buried here
The villa in Rosefield Garden has been simply decorated for the wedding. Romantic roses cover the ground, and a long red carpet is placed among pure white roses.The notary stands beside the notary table, ready and waiting for the ceremony to begin.Mrs. Old Smith, dressed in luxurious elegance, sits at the front, happily watching Grace, who has been flattering her with sweet words.Like Coral, Grace has undergone four stomach washings, almost losing her life, but now she has to muster up her spirits.Today, this wedding must succeed.Otherwise, the last refuge of the Brook family will be gone."Darnell is my favorite grandson. I don't care about matching social status. As long as Darnell likes it, I like it too," Mrs. Old Smith says with a smile.She has been deceived by the mother-daughter duo of the Brook family and thinks that Darnell and Coral treat her well. Feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of the large wedding, they specially arranged a small ceremony for her first, withou
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Chapter 115: Is what Heloise saying true?
Coral covered her mouth, her eyes turning red. "Forget it, Darnell. I didn't expect to end up like this for you. My dad is already inside prison, and now, we're supposed to have a small wedding, but with a coffin right in front of us? No way. I'm calling off the wedding."Saying this, Coral, crying, covered her face and tried to leave. Darnell quickly grabbed her, holding her tightly in his arms. "Coral, don't worry. No one can stop us from being together."Originally, he found the situation a bit strange, but now it seemed that Heloise had really gone to extremes.It turned out to be just some romantic affairs.Mrs. Old Smith understood and looked at Heloise as if she were looking at a piece of plaster. She didn't pay much attention and just instructed the butler, "Butler, send someone to the Smith family to invite some bodyguards over. Capture these disgusting people and give them a good lesson."How dare they come to Rosefield Garden and mess with her!Upon hearing this, Heloise sm
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Chapter 116: She was about to kill Grace
"Why didn't you ever tell me that Heloise is your sister?" Darnell asked, his voice trembling.Coral had always claimed to be an only child, saying that she and Heloise were good friends, that she was saddened by Heloise's disappearance, and that they were both grieving. Two grieving people should lean on each other.In the midst of this, what is true and what is false?"I..." Coral tried to explain, but the chaos around her turned her thoughts into a tangled mess.The lies she had spun were more intricate than a spider's web, and she didn't know how to weave a convincing tale.What to do now...Coral looked at Grace for help. Grace was crouched on the ground and said bitterly, "Darnell, now is not the time to pursue these matters. Heloise is about to kill us. You ignored me and Coral; now you should also think about your grandmother.""Now is the time to pursue these matters!" Darnell suddenly shouted hysterically, his black pupils contracting.Everyone was stunned.Heloise stood the
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Chapter 117: This girl was terrifying
“Mom?”Heloise sneered mockingly, "I've never found this word so disgusting before."Harriet also had the last name Hall, and she never called her mother, but Harriet sacrificed her life for her. As for Grace Hall Brook, she called her mother, and what was the result?"No, Heloise..." Grace pleaded in fear, tears falling, "Be more calm, Mom really knows she was wrong. Please, for the sake of our past relationship, spare Mom's life, okay?"Heloise laughed, "You can rest assured. For the sake of our past relationship, I won't let you go alone. Once you leave, I'll send Coral over to accompany you."Hearing this, Coral's legs went weak, and she tried to run, but the two bodyguards held her firmly.Grace had only one daughter, and she was most distressed about her. When she heard Heloise's words, Grace was so frightened that she couldn't even think. She hurriedly explained, "No, Heloise, the whole thing was done by me. It has nothing to do with Coral.""The whole thing has nothing to do w
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Chapter 118: Thank you, Mr. Wordsworth
Heloise approached Coral slowly, the cane in hand.Coral, terrified, turned pale and struggled with excitement. The wedding dress on her body twisted into an unrecognizable shape."What are you doing? What do you want? Heloise, have you gone crazy? You, you dare, you wretched woman!""Don't move!"The bodyguard pressed her down firmly."Heloise, what are you trying to do?"Darnell looked at Heloise in astonishment, wondering what she was planning.Heloise stepped closer, lifting the cane in her hand. In her black-and-white eyes, a cold glint flashed. The next moment, she swung the cane down onto Coral's knee.Without a hint of hesitation."Ah—"Coral let out a desperate scream, eyes almost popping out from the pain. Her legs went weak, the pain making it impossible to stand, and she could only be pulled by the bodyguard.The servants of Rosefield Garden huddled around Mrs. Old Smith, all trembling with fear."Coral!"Darnell stared in shock; eyes wide open.Heloise really did it.Helo
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Chapter 119: Now say 'I love you'
"Very clever," Reginald lowered his face, his thin lips almost touching hers, "But, are you analyzing me or that Smith fellow, hmm?"His palm firmly held her waist, trapping her with no escape. His tone was both sexy and dangerous.Heloise didn't struggle, just looked at him strangely. "I don't understand what you mean. "What's with this sudden sourness?Reginald tightened his embrace, lips brushing against her ear as he asked, "He pursued you. When you disappeared, you sought his help."He really knows it all.Heloise's ears were heated by his warm breath. Her hands rested on his chest, creating a subtle distance as she said, "I have nothing to do with him."She understood Reginald's desire for control. Even when they had nothing between them, he regarded her as a possession. Now that the two of them have had sex, it’s even more so, and he takes her as his even further for granted."Is that so? How come I heard he found out at the wedding that you didn't disappear for no reason, and
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Chapter 120: Everyone will die
Reginald sat in the driver's seat, casting a sidelong glance at her hands. Seeing that she hadn't actually discarded the candy, his expression softened slightly. At least she had some sense.…Wordsworth’s Consortium, as the most influential financial group in the PHOENIXFELL Empire, had its headquarters in a prime location in Phoenixfell City.The CEO's office was spacious, with a color scheme of black and gray, exuding a luxurious yet mysteriously dark atmosphere.Reginald stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and from his perspective, all that met his eyes were the industries of Wordsworth’s Consortium, including the harbor.He stood there, tall and imposing, his back exuding an air of coldness.On the desk behind him, a curved computer screen played a video. The footage showed a funeral parlor.Heloise, dressed in a black dress, walked step by step from the funeral parlor, holding Harriet's ashes. Her
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