All Chapters of Tycoon's favorite wife: I am enough to match with you: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
229 Chapters
Chapter 131: Do you think being an assistant is easy?
This is not acceptable at all. They have no idea how Heloise plans to make her move. Whether the Master gave her a gun or poison, will she strike when he's sleeping? How is there the time to save him?"I've given her a chance once, so I'll repay her once, consider it entertaining her." Reginald placed the handgun aside, took off his protective glasses, and said casually.He wanted her to know that no method could escape him, and he also wanted her to know that as long as she didn't leave, he could pamper her to death.Where is it heard of risking one's life to please a woman? Ben was completely speechless. "Mr. Wordsworth, this won't work...""If I ask you to do, just do it. Why so much nonsense!" Reginald gave him a disgusted look.At this point, Ben had nothing more to say and could only lower his head. "Yes, I'll find the best medical team to stand by outside Hyacinth Garden."Ben stepped back.Reginald stood there, disassembling t
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Chapter 132: Is another story about to begin?
Late at night.Reginald took a rather long shower, hands pressed against the wall, his well-defined arm muscles evident. The shower sprayed down, washing over a sharply defined face and a body with clear muscle lines.The water was icy, devoid of any warmth.After a long while, he turned off the shower and casually picked up the bathrobe hanging nearby.In the bedroom, Heloise sat at the bedside reading a book. The soft yellow light fell on the pages, casting a warm glow on each one.Suddenly, a shadow loomed, swallowing all the light.The next moment, her chin was lifted, and as she looked up, she saw Reginald leaning over her, one hand propped on the bedpost. He bent down, looking at her. Droplets fell from his slightly disheveled wet hair, hanging on his eyelashes like tears.He exuded a cold aura, his almost otherworldly eyes seeming to penetrate her body. He gazed for a long time, then lowered his head, kissing her lips with a do
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Chapter 133: Have another child with the same crazy bloodline as me?
The cigarette burned out, and Reginald crushed it under his foot, extinguishing the faint glow. "I've always thought that Ryan brought that woman back to stimulate my mother, to make her sick, and then eliminate her righteously.""..."Heloise sat there in silence, listening attentively."After my mother died, Ryan became completely unrestrained. He married that woman, sent the newborn me and my sister to Hyacinth Garden, and instructed the servants to torment us. Perhaps he wanted us, two children with a genetic predisposition for mental illness, to die early. This way, Ryan's life would be completely free of any blemish."Reginald spoke slowly, pointing ahead to a small courtyard. "I've told you about what happened next. My sister died in that spot, right there.""..."Heloise followed the direction he pointed, as if she could see the snowy night of that evening, the young and beautiful girl standing there, ending her sorrowful life.
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Chapter 134: Find a way to change her scores
He shouldn't let his child go through what he went through.Listening to this, Heloise had to admit that Reginald's decision was quite wise. If the child born had the same concerns about their genes as he did, it could torment them for a lifetime. Besides, she had never thought about having children for him. So, taking birth control pills was the safest and most advantageous option for both of them."Is there no cure for this illness?" Heloise skipped the topic of children and asked."Do I, Reginald, not have the money? If there were a cure, wouldn't I have taken it?" Reginald replied."But what about the Gonzalezes? Surely, among them, there are people who have never been sick for their whole lives?" Heloise inquired again.At this, Reginald's gaze deepened. "Yes, there are people who have never been sick for their entire lives. As long as they don't get sick, they are no different from normal people.""Then, isn't that fine?"Helois
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Chapter 135: I'll enter this Talent Society
Heloise, carrying her bag, pretended not to notice and turned to leave. On her way, she bumped into a group of girls, and a sharp voice mocked, "Taking a test and still carrying banners. Some people really overestimate themselves, thinking they're some kind of celestial being. Disgusting."Hearing this, Heloise coldly raised her gaze. The leader of the group was a young girl in a white dress, holding books, with long straight black hair, appearing refined and scholarly. However, the girl's complexion was somewhat pale, giving her an unwell appearance.The other girls surrounded her, and the one who spoke was a girl named Bena, who used to be Coral's lackey.Seeing this, Heloise couldn't help but sneer. She looked at Bena and said, "Oh, you changed masters, have you?""You're the one who changed masters. What nonsense are you spouting?" Bena was so angry she could explode on the spot."Heloise said you're a dog, and not a loyal one!" Abel hurriedly
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Chapter 136: You seem to be very willing to help others
This day's exam was not peaceful for Heloise.In the bright and spacious classroom, Heloise just found her seat when she discovered that the chair was broken—clearly damaged deliberately.Glancing at the students around her, she noticed the presence of the little followers who were previously with Tricia. It was somewhat amusing; she wondered which nerve they had touched to decide to play a prank on her.Heloise sneered but didn't say anything. She simply informed the invigilator and got the chair replaced. However, the ten minutes before the exam was wasted.After sitting down again, she looked at the exam paper in front of her. There were two regular papers and an additional difficult test paper underneath.The instructions stated that anyone could attempt it or ignore it, and it wouldn't affect the grading.She started answering the questions, her writing speed surprisingly fast. At the twenty-minute mark, she had already completed
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Chapter 137: I personally came to pick you up, impressed?
The atmosphere was so tense that even classmates noticed something was off. Someone stood up for Heloise, saying, "Professor Campbell, hasn't the computer arrived yet?"Professor Campbell, sitting at the front, sipped from his water cup and replied, "I've already made the call. If the person hasn't delivered the computer, what can I do?"It seemed like he hadn't actually ordered anyone to bring it.Heloise sat in her seat, smirking.Another student spoke up, "But we've been taking the exam for half an hour. Even if it's delivered now, will Miss. ThankGod has enough time to answer? Are you going to give her extra time?"In response, Professor Campbell said in an indifferent tone, "In my exams, no matter the situation, everyone is treated equally. Who knows if she deliberately caused this delay, waiting for everyone to finish before taking the test, hoping to get some answers."With these words, the whole room became restless. Students looked
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Chapter 138: Change Miss's exam rating to an A
Reginald looked at the road ahead, one hand on the steering wheel, the other holding hers, pushing the gear into drive, and stepping on the gas pedal."..."Heloise wanted to pull her hand back."Don't move."Reginald's long fingers tightly held hers, the warmth of his palm pressed against hers, not allowing her to take her hand away. He drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gearshift.He is so casual.Heloise looked at her hand, trapped in his, feeling somewhat helpless. She didn't bother arguing with him; she just let it be.Suddenly, Heloise thought of something and felt the need to tell him, "I ran into your sister at university.""Whose sister?"Reginald glanced down at their intertwined hands, the curve of his lips lifting even more, and only after a few seconds did he register her words. "You mean the Wordsworth’s one?"The one who seemed to be studying at Imperial University.
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Chapter 139: Who get an S+?
Uh. Showering with money, indulging with life—this Mr. Wordsworth raises canaries; it's not something ordinary people can imitate.Ben waited in the car and finally received a call from the bodyguard. He picked up the phone and asked, "Is it done for correcting? ""Ben... Ben, is Mr. Wordsworth arranging for someone to change the grades?"The bodyguard on the other end stuttered, his tone full of disbelief."How is that possible? What happened?"Ben asked."Oh, nothing." The bodyguard's voice on the phone was absent-minded. "So, I had the school change Miss's S+ to an A. It's strange, why would the grades be lowered?""If you're told to change, then change. Why so much... Wait, what did you say?" Ben was shocked, his eyelashes lifting. "You said Miss's what grade?""S+," replied the bodyguard."Miss got an S+?" Ben asked in disbelief."Yes, I checked. This time, the Law School only had one S+, and it's Miss,
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Chapter 140: A Talent Society like this is really dirty
Heloise listened without much surprise on her face."Wow, she's actually so amazing?""Which school did she attend before? Why haven't I heard of her? Did she study abroad?"The discussion buzzed around.Tricia sat there, her expression frozen, a smile lingering at the corner of her mouth, her face somewhat stiff.Several other girls beside her dared not speak, watching Tricia cautiously.A few seconds later, Tricia stood up, clapping her hands while smiling at Spicy ThankGod. "Congratulations, Spicy."Heloise didn't want to engage with her, but she did have something to say. "Can I join the Talent Society now?""Of course," Tricia said sincerely, "shall we go after class?"Heloise nodded.Tricia smiled, nodded back at her, and then sat down.Professor Campbell was about to skip this incident and continue the class, but the students had already spontaneously started applauding, their applause enthusiastic a
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