All Chapters of Alpha Brocks Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
168 Chapters
Stephanies Perspective: Could the gamma ensure my human friend reached the pack hospital in time? If not, her life would slip through our fingers...Linda and her sister were confirmed to be on pack grounds, yet we wondered if additional members of the mountain witch clan had converged to aid Morgana. Above the trees, Yadiel—now functioning as Morgana's vessel—hovered like a specter, apparently overseeing the scene. Could it be that she had enlisted more recruits?The leaves rustled with a faint crackle, piercing the forest's darkness. Clouds shrouded the moon, casting a net of shadow through the intertwining leaves and branches. Glancing at Brock, I whispered, "Someone is out there. I can't read their mind. If I can't read minds, and only human minds are closed to me, does that mean witches—humans with magic—would evade my mind reading abilities too?"Brock edged closer, his eyes reflecting the little light that filtered through the dense forest, his nostrils flaring as he attempte
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Stephanie's Perspective:"Linda, I've just informed Brock about our predicament; I need to speak with your sister who's with you at the pack. Could you connect her to this conversation? She's not part wolf, so I'm uncertain what a mind-link with her entails.""Steph, certainly. She's here beside me, battling at my side. She can touch my temple to tune into our exchange. I'm currently away from the fight—we're down to one last witch. She's not particularly powerful. I'll keep her at bay while my sister joins our dialogue."“Thank you, Linda,” I called out, a grateful lilt in my voice.The response came back sharp and irritated, slicing through the air. “I’m not Linda! What the hell do you want?”I drew in a deep breath, letting a bit of sarcasm creep into my tone. “Well, for starters, a little courtesy wouldn't hurt. Look, if you're not interested in joining forces to break through this deadlock, fine. But just so you're aware, Brock and our men are about to hit a wall. There’s a witch
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Stephanie's Perspective:As if carried on the wind, Brock's wolf appeared beside me in a breathless moment. The burden of my friend's weight on my back slowed my stride. Together, we headed south toward our pack, while Brock veered southwest, circling behind the hospital to avoid the turmoil tearing through the vicinity.It was then that Brock had a flash of insight, recalling a hidden tunnel near the western mountains—a secretive passageway that burrowed beneath our pack's territory. With this knowledge, he subtly altered our course, steering us away from the tumult of battle.Brock's plan was a gamble, but desperation lent us speed. The dense forest blurred past, becoming a mottled tapestry of shadows and moonlight. My lungs burned with the cold night air, and somewhere beneath the discordance of our flight, I could hear the distant howls and cries of our wolves, a grim symphony to our plight. "Stephanie," he panted, his voice barely above a growl, "the cave with the tunnel is clos
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Stephanie’s Perspective:Even the night seemed to pause, holding its breath as we emerged into the open. The moon, full and mocking, cast a silvery glow over the chaos that rippled through those two blocks. Shadows danced wildly as the clash of flesh and bone echoed through the air—a symphony of survival as my pack fought bravely against the invaders.The weight of Bethany in Brock's arms was a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the fierce drive within us to protect it. He glanced at me, a silent question in his gaze. Our eyes locked, and I nodded, understanding the unspoken plan—swift, silent, and cautious. Our feet barely touched the ground as we moved swiftly, dodging the debris that littered the battlefield.Claws raked the earth, teeth snapped, and the scent of spilled blood made my wolf bare her teeth in response, she was trying to push herself through my human form to fight. Brock's careful footsteps faltered as a rogue spotted us, his eyes a gleaming reflection of
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Stephanie's Perspective: Barely a thought spared, I burst through the packhouse doors, and, with a surge of adrenaline, I shifted into my wolf form, Aurina. The transformation came with a rush of strength—but also fear that chilled my bones."Aurina! We must save Brock!" My voice trembled, the words barely a whisper to my other half.Aurina's presence flared within my mind, fierce and unyielding, echoing my own determination. Her spirit, once a gentle murmur, now roared with purpose. "Stephi, they haven't claimed him yet—and they won't. Death will have to contend with us first!" Her vow coursed through us, igniting a fire to fight, to protect, to survive.” Aurina soothed my torment, stirred by the dread of Brock's demise. "Steph, he perished for only an instant and has returned; I sense his wolf's presence. It's a weak connection, yet it persists. Together, we'll rescue our mates!""Aurina, it's crucial we establish a mind link with Linda. If her mate is well, he must seek us out to
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Brock's Perspective:Stephanie was reluctant to leave me alone to contend with the rogue, well aware of the risk involved. Yet, the urgency to deliver her friend into the capable hands of our pack's healer superseded everything else. As for the rogue—I could handle him singlehandedly if need be.Suddenly, the super rogue's allies appeared to partake in our deadly dance, and I found myself locked in combat with three overly eager adversaries.Clutching at victory by a thread, I managed to hold my ground. Blows were exchanged, yet no matter how many limbs I severed, they sprouted anew as if I were battling undead rogues.A deafening bang in the distance threw me off my game; the direction from which it echoed was precisely where my gamma had been stranded. That fleeting moment of distraction afforded one of the rogues the perfect opportunity to land a vicious strike in my stomach area.I refused to be taken down without dragging a few rogues along. At that moment, I yearned for a blowto
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Brock's Perspective:My devoted beta believed he had to completely restore me as I teetered on the brink of death. This exhaustive endeavor sapped all his vitality, and he collapsed, unconscious, upon me."Steph, I need to get Rylan off me," I pleaded. Stephanie understood, gently hoisting Rylan just enough to allow me to wriggle free. Springing to my feet, a rush of vitality coursed through me, a testament to Rylan's healing gift. I quickly relieved Stephanie, hoisting Rylan onto my shoulders with ease. It was as if Rylan had bestowed upon me a mystical elixir, transforming me into a super wolf. Fueled by this newfound power, I was ready to confront the Zombie Rogues head-on.My grin stretched from ear to ear, an absurdity given the chaos erupting in every corner of the pack's territory. Yet here I was, ensnared in a bizarre euphoria, a product of Rylan's magic. Stephanie's gaze landed on me with a mixture of concern and bewilderment, no doubt pondering whether a head injury from my
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From Stephanie's Perspective:Brock's demeanor had shifted, no longer recognizable. My mind buzzed with inquiries for him, but even bathed in an infuriatingly euphoric haze, I found myself longing for his gruff company. Grumpiness was far easier to navigate than this facade of blissful ignorance amidst chaos. I braced myself to unleash my inner Alpha.I knew better than to protest as Brock threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes; his mind wasn’t his own at that moment.Bolting out the hospital’s back door, each leap over a log sent jolts through me, as though racing over a speed bump at high velocity. With only his ironclad grip keeping me aloft, I could almost feel the impending thud of my body hitting the ground.Brock set me on my feet, his voice extraordinarily cheerful as he declared, "Come on, follow me."This part of the pack territory was unfamiliar to me. Before us stood an ancient three-story edifice, its facade bearing the improbable sign "Maintenance Closet." A
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Stephanie’s Perception:Linda rose to her feet. As I captivated Eldwyna with a trick, Linda swiftly recomposed herself and ensnared Eldwyna in an enigmatic slumber.The blast Linda unleashed towards the witch recoiled, sending her tumbling onto her backside. Despite the perils of war surrounding us, I couldn't contain my laughter at my friend's expense.Linda flashed me a triumphant grin, savoring our victory against the vexingly powerful witch. Through our mental bond, she conveyed her plan, "Steph, I'll transport her to the dungeons and incarcerate her in a cell designed to nullify her magic." I acknowledged with a sharp nod, swiftly descending from the tree's embrace to rejoin Brock, standing shoulder to shoulder as we faced the onslaught of renegade zombies.Linda vanished into the abyss, dragging the witch into the depths of night before plunging into the shadowy dungeons beneath the packhouse.Brock advanced toward Morgana, the possessor of Yadiel's body, her form eerily suspend
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Stephanies Perception: I reached out to Linda with a psychic tether, informing her that the immediate conflict had ceased, but Morgana remained at large."Stephi," Linda responded, "I must visit the pack hospital to attend to my mate." I nodded via the mind-link, signaling my approval. "Excellent, and afterward, we'll convene to refine our combat tactics. It's essential for you and your mate to be versed in defensive arts, to stand against virtually any adversary. Should you reunite with his lost pack, as Alpha and Luna, your duty is to safeguard them. A formidable confrontation with Morgana looms on the horizon; we must be ready."Breathing deeply, I sensed the feint scents of pine and wet earth mingling with the sharp tang of spilled blood. It was a stark reminder that even in the seemingly peaceful warmth of our pack lands, danger was never far. Morgana, a rogue witch with a vendetta against our kind, had struck at the heart of our pack and yet eluded capture. My fingers twitched,
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17 Protection Status