All Chapters of Alpha Brocks Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
168 Chapters
Back one hour earlier--Pack warrior Jessup- “Dude! This is like who is drugging who? Did you ever see the game, someone would hide something under a cup and then mix up the cups so well you couldn’t tell which cup the hidden cup was in no longer?”Pack Warrior Ron- "It's maddening not being able to see their faces due to the masks. I'd really like to identify the key players involved in this situation."Jessup - "If I were at that table, I wouldn't dare drink or eat anything that was served to me. I've already warned Alpha Brock, and fortunately, no one has attempted to poison the Silverton's acting beta or his mate. Now, let's piece this together. Couple number one is quite suspicious. While everyone rose to dance, the Alpha stayed seated for the first song. He discreetly added something to both Alpha Brock's and Alpha Brock's mate's drinks. Meanwhile, the woman accompanying him returned from the restroom, and that Alpha rose to converse with another pair of Alphas across the room.
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Janet’s perspective-Well, nothing is going according to my plan. I wanted to take out that feisty she-wolf Stephanie, but she ended up getting the love potion that was meant for Brock. And to make things even more chaotic, it turns out Yadiel has got a love potion too. Now he's gone and marked me without my consent, and I'm struggling to resist the strong pull that comes with being marked. As if that wasn't enough, my own wolf decided to mark Yadiel as well!I urgently need to find a witch to remove his mark. All I wanted was Brock, but now, thanks to the mark, he's fading from my thoughts faster than I can handle. Juggling a fuzzy mind and a body that seemed to have developed a new magnetic north—directly towards Yadiel—I stumbled my way through town. The aim was simple: Find Gertrude, the local witch, and pry this wolfy conundrum off my skin and soul.By evening, I stood in front of Gertrude's cottage, which was more of a chaotic jumble of herbs and wind chimes than a dwelling. The
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Brock's perspective- Last night was a real rollercoaster with Stephanie. She was practically demanding, thanks to that pesky drug, that we mark and mate.Normally, back in the day, if a she-wolf wanted me that bad, I would have gladly obliged. But ever since the mating bond, my whole outlook on things has changed.I can't in good conscience take advantage of the situation, especially when she's all drugged up, thinking she's head over heels in love with me and desperate for us to mate before anyone else can lay their paws on me.Little does she know, even if I weren't head over heels for her, my wolf is totally smitten and wouldn't even let me entertain the thought of another she-wolf.Jasper's perspective- “Wow! You finally came to your senses, puny human!”Brock's perspective- “Who you calling puny, butt breath!” I snap back, but Jasper's already barged to the front of our mind and I'm left struggling to regain control.I can practically feel his excitement at the scent of Stephanie
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Stephanies perspective-A cloak of humiliation wrapped around me like a suffocating fog, the weight of last night's fiasco threatening to crush me. With a dread that pulsed through my every vein, I prayed to every deity I could think of that it hadn't reached my father's ears. Taking a hesitant breath, I reached out through the tendrils of my mind, seeking the solace of Linda's thoughts, praying she had somehow missed witnessing my disgrace.With a vulnerability cracking my mental voice, I pleaded, "Linda, I... Can we talk? I could really use a friend right now. Maybe in my room?"The pause that followed stretched into an agonizing eternity until her voice, tinged with an awkwardness that only amplified my anxiety, filtered through the connection. "Oh, sweetie, I'd love to,, it's not exactly a good time. Rylan and I, we're..." A pause, filled with implication. "...celebrating our togetherness. Quite... intimately."The mental image flashed unwelcome into my thoughts, and a fr
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Brock’s perspective- I stood there, agape, grappling with the revelation—Yadiel has a sister. The question blazed through my thoughts: who could she be? I showed the bewildering text message to Stephanie; it was crucial we uncover the identity of Yadiel’s kin. The notion that she could be anyone, possibly even a member of my own pack, sent a cold ripple of unease through me. Our ignorance about Yadiel's lineage could spell hidden threats, infiltrators mingling undetected among us. Stephanie's face was a canvas of shock, marred by nuances of emotion I couldn't decipher. "We must question this rogue," I declared to my men with a commanding tone. That's when the tears erupted, and Stephanie’s sister crumbled to the floor. She clutched at my trousers with desperate hands, imploring me not to harm "her Adrien," as she tearfully called Yadiel's associate. With a sigh and an involuntary roll of my eyes, I hoisted the rogue to his feet. I offered her a strained promise: I would endeavor to
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Crystals Perspective -In the brittle silence of realization, a truth gutted my soul—Adrian had manipulated me, wielded me like some inconsequential piece in a treacherous chess game. I was just leverage, a means to reclaim his kin from Yadiel's vengeful grasp. And Yadiel? He, too, had his pawns, bending Adrian's will with the chains of family ties.I peered up at Adrian through a sheen of tears. He reached out tenderly, thumb skating across my skin in a misguided attempt to soothe. But the warmth of his touch was a betrayal, fueling a firestorm of abhorrence within my chest. I slapped his hand away, the sting of skin against skin echoing my brewing tempest of fury. I couldn't bear the weight of his gaze. I couldn't drown in the depths of his eyes, not when they mirrored my wretched disillusionment.Choked by an oppressive air, I surged to my feet, fleeing from that scene of emotional wreckage, away from the man who had cracked my world open. I sought sanc
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Stephanies perspective: We demanded almost everyone to leave, except for family and mates. My father seethed with anger as the mates stayed, but my mother calmed him with a single touch on his arm, perhaps using her telepathic abilities. A heavy silence hung in the air, as my mother's action diffused the tension. Disappointment etched on my face, but I had no right to judge. Although it was shocking and deeply upsetting.            Finally, my father broke the silence, his voice brimming with fury, "What is Brock doing here, and why is he involved in our family affairs?"            I slammed my fist on the table, fury coursing through my veins,
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Stephanies Perspective-My mother's lips parted, ready to offer her narrative, but with a tender gesture, my father interrupted. His fingers brushed her arm, an unspoken plea for patience. "Darling, let me go first," he softly implored, locking eyes with hers, "since my choices are the ones that paved this unforeseen path—the path that brought Crystal into our world."I watched as my father's eyes shimmered with a melancholic blend of sorrow and remorse, shadows of a guilt that must have been his silent companion for sixteen long years.My father reclaimed his seat beside my mother, his eyes cast downward, heavy with unshed tears. I watched in somber silence as one slowly escaped, tracing a glistening path down his cheek. My mother's own eyes brimmed
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Yadiel’s perspective:Looking out my window, I am greeted by a vibrant scene of autumn splendor. The leaves, in their various shades of red, orange, and yellow, dance gracefully in the gentle breeze. They rustle and sway, creating a mesmerizing display of colors against the backdrop of the clear blue sky. The branches of the trees, once lush with green foliage, now showcase a mosaic of hues, painting a picture of nature's transition.As I peer through the glass pane, the movement of the leaves grabs my attention, drawing my eyes to their delicate and intricate patterns. They flutter and twirl, seemingly floating in midair before they softly land on the ground below. Each leaf, adorned with its unique design, contributes to the tapestry of autumn that unfolds before me.The changing leaves evoke a sense of impermanence, a reminder that nothing remains stagnant, neither in nature nor in life. The sight outside my window reflects the turmoil within my own tho
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Adrian’s perspective:Yadiel doesn’t understand that Crystal is my true mate. I won't leave her alone here to take my sister home. I must stay and protect Crystal and find a way to get my sister to safety, far from Yadiel’s reach. I'm not sure how to do that, though. His home is a fortress, with vast grounds under his watchful eyes for a hundred miles. The scars on my sister’s arms are visible, and as I plan to escape with my mate and sister, I’m also mapping out a plan to return and end Yadiel’s hold on weaker wolves. His henchmen will soon draw their last breath.I surveyed the fortress from the shadows, my heart echoing against my ribs in a furious rhythm. They say a werewolf's senses are unparalleled, but fear has a scent all its own, and it was thick in the air tonight. Crystal's hand found mine, her touch both a comfort and a sharp reminder of the stakes. It was reckless, seeking her out under Yadiel's watchful gaze, but the fierce pull of the mate bond didn't care for logic or
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