All Chapters of Another Chance: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
172 Chapters
Chapter Ninety one
Emily’s POVIt was a miracle how he managed to convince them to let me stay. No one wanted me here, it was way too obvious and I could tell from the looks I was getting that they were waiting for me to fall, just looking for an excuse to kick me out and I had to fight back tears at every turn.I didn't blame them.His name was Luke. The grey-eyed man- Alpha.He had told me that his people were going to watch me for a month to now if I was a threat to them or not and I agreed.The room he showed me to seemed to be my safe haven. I hid there from the world, from them piercing gazes that was full of judgment and condemnation. From their whispers of my worthlessness as a 'threat'. From the constant looks of disgust on their faces that made me want to crawl into a hole and never come back out, like a small mouse hiding from a cat.But tonight, I needed air so badly. It felt as though the walls of the room were closing in on me, making me suffocate and yet still leaving me breathless with
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Chapter ninety-two
Emily’s POV“Hey, why are you sobbing?” I didn't know when Luke joined me at the corner I stood after the aggressive woman left with her daughter.“Nothing, I guess it's the pregnancy hormones” I lied through teary eyes. I couldn't afford to tell him why I was crying. He had done too much for me already . It would be cruel of me to burden him with my problems now. But he had been so good and so patient with me that it just wasn't possible not to cry about it. I just couldn't help myself that I burst into another round of tears. It just hurt like hell to think how long ago it seemed, like a year instead of a two. It felt like forever since I last saw the king.I wanted to go home.I missed him so much that it hurt worse than all those hours I spent in bed alone. And being pregnant made everything worse. Because when I wasn't feeling this horrible pain I was craving the presence of my baby’s father who wasn't here. And he was never going to be here. It's as if some kind of cosmic jo
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Chapter ninety three
Luka's POV“You can't keep drinking your Majesty, it doesn't solve anything” Alfred’s voice echoed through my room.“Did you know Alfred?”I asked him instead, staring right into his soul. I was too far gone, it felt like, to deal with any bullshit. Not now, not at this moment. “Know what Sir?”“Did you know she was pregnant and refused to tell me?” He looked shocked for a second. “What are you talking about? Of course not Sir” he said shaking his head as if that would help him make sense of the conversation.“Don't play with Alfred!” I yelled. I knew that he didn't know. I was looking for a way to transfer all the anger going on inside of me into him. The only problem here is that no matter how hard I tried to force him out, he stayed. “Go” I commanded.“But your Majesty…” he protested.“Just GO!” I shouted even louder. If the walls could talk they would probably say something sarcastic about my mood.And so Alfred ran off.“And Alfred?” I called out as soon as he got to the door.
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Chapter ninety four
Luka’s POV“You can't keep the innocent girl locked, she knows nothing” Alfred looked at me with a frown.He seemed to have grown older in the past days, his grey hair more visible than ever in his face, his expression was sad. I understood the feeling. I hadn’t spoken with him much as of late and I knew why that was but I couldn’t help it. “Why can't Emily just come back to me? At least give me my child before she goes” I groaned as I threw myself backward on the bed. “You haven't noticed it yet your Majesty” He looked at me with too much concern for me liking.“What? Noticed what?” I tried to sit up. He placed a hand on my chest gently pushing me down “I know it's been hard but you don't need to push yourself too hard” he sighed heavily I looked at him and then turned around so I would look at him directly.“Notice what Alfred” I insisted.“You are in love with her” He said it simply as if it was the most obvious thing.“I'm not in love with anyone” I scoffed“That's ridicul
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Chapter ninety five
Emily’s POv No one told me how exhausting pregnancy will be. The fatigue that came with it, the ache and the pain in the middle of the night, the constant nagging worry that someone was coming to take my baby away from me, or worse yet, that I’d been taken away from it by some asshole wouldn't leave me alone.Today a lady had brought me breakfast, and I assumed that she was one of the maids, since it was a different one every day.As soon as she left and the smell of the food hit my nose, I felt nauseous . That's all it took. A wave of nausea made its way up to my throat, which was already too dry and parched for me to spit out whatever the hell I wanted to spit up at first. It only got worse when the nausea hit my belly, sending me into another round of vomiting.I ran to the bathroom and made it on time, but barely. When I finished, I sat down on the floor. My head was spinning and my stomach was empty. After resting for about ten minutes, I stood and went back to the bedroom and
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Chapter ninety six
Emily’s POV“Are you going to ever come out of your room?” Luke asked me.For the past two weeks, he had been making it a routine to stop by in case I craved something else for breakfast, lunch, and dinner rather than whatever was being served.“No, I think I like it in here” I wasn't entirely lying. It saved me from having to deal with the unwelcome stares of his people“Why?” he asked, sounding genuinely confused. “It's a bit dark in there.” He came to the doorframe, looking down at me through the gap between the doors. “You can go anywhere, even outside if you don't want to be in here, just as long as you're not locked inside.”“Uhm… I don't think you people like me much” I mumbled under my breath. “And I don't really feel like socialising anyway” He looked lost in thought all of a sudden and he exhaled slowly before coming into the room, sitting cross legged on the chair next to my bed.“They are not just used to dealing with a new face. It's been the same families in the pack for
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Chapter ninety seven
Emily’s POVI wasn't going to lie to myself anymore, I was not fine. I missed him.I missed the king so much that the thought of him hurt like an open wound, I missed everything from his blank expressions to his warm smile and he didn't even know about it. I loved this man more than anything in this world and I was willing to spend my life loving him until my dying breath because he was all I had left. It would be a waste if I let him go.And in the back of my head, I had hoped that he at least cared about me even if it was just a little, but deep down I knew he couldn't. He didn't love me. No one ever did. He only liked to fuck people. I couldn't understand how someone could do such a thing to a person who was supposed to be their partner, a person who was supposed to have been there for them through thick and thin. I never understood why he wouldn't care about me. I was stupid, I knew, but the fact was the truth and it hurt so badly that my heart felt like it might actually break ri
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Chapter Ninety eight
Luka’s POVNow it's been two months. Two months of unsuccessful search, fruitless questioning, and useless searching again. It felt as though I might be wasting my time. It felt as though I had lost the battle, and now that the war was over, the war was not worth fighting anymore. I should quit while I could. I should go back to being the person I once was.How was I going to do this? How?When my mind wouldn't let me rest, when my wolf wanted nothing more than to see its mate again, it came in handy, at the worst possible moments. But even with these abilities, I didn't feel like myself. Even before we met, I wasn't my old self. I couldn't get rid of the images of her blood and the piece of her hair I found that night.They haunted me day and night. In fact, all day and all night, I was plagued by them. They tormented me during sleep. And after sleep, they kept me awake.Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her face. When I looked at it, I saw all the things I shouldn’t have seen
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Chapter Ninety nine
Emily’s POVWas I the only one who had seen him? My eyes darted around my room for help. Who would help me? A little help was not going to hurt me, I just needed saving, and yet it didn’t come.Panic engulfed me in a warm hug that grew tight, almost suffocating as I stared at the man in front of.The hair in my arms stood straight up like spikes, my breath caught in my throat.I could hear my heartbeat racing and I couldn't think, could hardly breathe. I couldn't speak nor move, as I tried to focus solely on his face, which seemed to glow with a light from within. His hair was dark like ink, and shiny.But his eyes, those eyes were cold and danced with mischief and danger. Like liquid ice.I knew those eyes. I had seen them so many times, burning in my nightmares. Eyes that looked deep into yours like they could read your deepest desires. Eyes that screamed chaos, he was looking at me like a cat playing with its food befo devouring it and leaving the bones to crumble underneath the
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Chapter one hundred
Luka's POVMy hand trembled slightly and I clenched my fist tightly to steady it.Elena had taken me through some passages and rooms until we reached a closed door.She took out a set of keys and unlocked the door.There she pushed open and walked inside.I stepped in after her and looked around, confused. Where am I? “Sit” she pointed at what looked like yoga mats arranged on one side of a very large room. I frowned and did as she bid. As I sat, she closed the door behind me and then removed her black gloves, hanging them carefully on a hook beside the door. I watched her for a second and saw her move towards another table on the other side of the room. When she turned her back towards me, I realized it was a vanity. She picked up the makeup palette on the table and began applying the powder to her face.“What? I have to look good” She stated. “So much goes on here that I need to look perfect, and you know, that makes for very bad first impressions...” She commented sarcasticall
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