All Chapters of Another Chance: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
172 Chapters
Chapter seventy one
Emily's POVI was told that we were having some visitors and I was expected to dress up. This time I didn't forget, I don't think I would ever forget.I couldn't bear to deal with the wrath of the King twice, I just couldn't.I couldn't remember the last time I saw Claire, she had gone on leave and I couldn't help but miss her.I missed her reassurance, her cooking, her kindness, her whole presence. I missed everything.Cassie was asked to help me dress up. The king had given her shopping bags that contained dozens of dresses I was to pick.Whatever my choice was and it was difficult to decide since all of them were very pretty and extravagant.“Ouuuu I think this is the best” Cassie exclaimed as I changed into a straight burgundy dress that hugged me and fell above my knees showing my legs.It was the simplest of all dresses and I think I loved it more than any other dress ever put together.Cassie helped me to get into the dress. I had no idea how to do my hair and she fixed my hai
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Chapter seventy two
Luka’s POVI had never seen her so angry. She was like a volcano waiting to explode and I loved how she was holding onto the last thread of patience. That was something I could not do . My emotions were too volatile to be left alone for long - I would either blow up or go completely mad. And this situation was no exception. It was my fault. This wasn’t supposed to happen; it didn’t have to. How was I supposed to know that James would come with her sister?The same sister who abused her and contributed to her trauma and made her life miserable and who was currently sitting up there.weThere was a rage in me too, especially when Avery spoke rudely to Emily.How dare she?It took every power in me not to allow my Wolf to snap her neck into two and devour her where she stood, but I held back - at least until I figured out what she was up to.There was something awfully familiar about her.“I think I know you” She blurted out as if she read my thoughts fluttering her lashes at me.What?
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Chapter seventy three
Emily’s POV I was stuck in a maze that was all I could say about my life recently I was the same dream all over again and it wouldn’t stop nor leave me alone.It was dark and I was in an unfamiliar place. I could hear the sound of water flowing somewhere nearby but I couldn't pinpoint where. It seemed very quiet and peaceful, unlike everywhere else. A slight chill brushed over my skin. I shivered, my body was stiff despite the warmth surrounding me. Something was calling for me and I followed it without question.My feet carried me across the grass, the water was still flowing nearby and my ears were alert to any sounds. As far as I could see there was nothing but trees. At least there was nothing threatening to attack me here, at least nothing that I could see. So what was this place? Was it safe? Maybe it was something bad, maybe I should turn around right now and walk away.“You've come” The voice sounded deep and gravelly, almost like a whisper.I flinched and instinctively took
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Chapter seventy Four
Emily’s POVHow do I explain to you that there was nothing as therapeutic ass morning sex, with the one you suddenly felt attracted to, the one whose dick you're sucking with a fervor that you can't get out of your system and yet somehow manages to make you come once more. I woke up next to him as usual, with him spooning me, his head nestled between my shoulder blades, his arm across my stomach, his nose brushing against my neck, his breath tickling it. He smelled of sweat, musk, and something else. There was just something about this man, words weren't even enough to describe what he did to me, how he did it. Like a druggie I was addicted.That was the rule I broke, I was attached to him, I had failed, drown to him like an unexplainable force was joining us together. It was intoxicating. The warmth of his naked skin against mine and the strong masculine fragrance surrounding us was just enough to drive me crazy. I sighed contentedly and snuggled my face against his warm bare ches
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Chapter seventy five
Emily’s POVToday I woke up with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and it refused to go away. The hair on my arms stood in a very weird way as though they were trying to tell me something, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out what that might be. My eyes are blurry from lack of sleep and It felt as if I haven’t showered in weeks because that is just how much my skin feels like shit.The King wasn't around, he had gone on a trip and he had said he would be back in three days. Alfred had gone with him too. What was worse than what I was feeling was the throbbing in my heart.I couldn't lie to myself anymore, I had fallen in love with the King. In the past few weeks we spent together, I noticed a softer side to him, I liked it. I liked how he cared for people, for me. He wasn't as selfish as he thought he was, it was just a wall he had put up.But nothing was worse than knowing that he didn't feel the same, I know he didn't.That terrible feeling came up again and I knew that
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Chapter seventy six
Chapter seventy-sixEmily’s POVI woke with a burning sensation running through my head, it felt as if someone had stuck me under a car and was dragging the metal around in my skull until all the blood rushed out, making me dizzy and nauseous at the same time, and then the pain started to set in. My vision blurred for a bit before everything became clear again and I sat up straight in bed, rubbing my head vigorously with both hands, hoping that would stop the throbbing from inside. My hair was sticking to my forehead uncomfortably, the dampness of sweat coating my face. It took a few minutes for my heart rate to return to normal and my stomach to settle. When I finally managed to relax, I took in my environment.I was in my room, I could not remember how I got there, and when I looked up, a lady in a white coat was staring right at me.“How are you doing, your Majesty” She had a kind smile on her lips, she did not appear angry or unkind, but it made my spine crawl nonetheless. She se
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Chapter seventy seven
Chapter Seventy-sevenLuka’s POVThe memories of my nightmares left me in front of stepmother’s art room, some of her paints were spilled on the floor, and Father had kicked them out of the table in anger. I wanted to run, I didn't want to watch any further. I knew what awaited me, I was familiar with the routes yet I stayed still watching my younger self move around.Mama’s face was contorted with grief as I tried to comfort her. It took me hours before she calmed down enough to even look at the pictures again. I remember the tears and the pain, I remembered the sadness.“Why would you do that? you know how much she loves those” I yelled at my father.“Shut the hell up Luka, why are you even here” he yelled.“No, you shut up!” I retorted. My father grabbed a fistful of my shirt and dragged me away from the door, my stepmother (mother) tried to follow but slipped because of the paint. I tried to break through, to help her but my father held me back.We fought. We screamed at each oth
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Chapter seventy eight
Emily’s POVI pleaded with the doctor to tell him everything but not to tell him about the pregnancy, I wanted to do that myself and she agreed.I was overjoyed, I couldn't imagine being a mother, not that this wasn’t already the happiest day in my life, but now there was even something worth living for, something worth fighting for , it was the best feeling ever. It felt like I was making history- like we were making history together, our child- children would be part of history too. I didn't know how to explain it but there was an unexplainable energy radiating off me at the moment. I felt alive, like I was finally doing things right, like I had just found my calling. I couldn't wait until the King knew about the baby, he would be so thrilled, right?I pushed away every ounce of doubt that had been growing inside of me since the beginning of the news, all that self-doubt, I wouldn't let myself think about it anymore. It made me sad and anxious, thinking about it only made me fee
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Chapter seventy nine
Emily’s POVHe led me inside and I still couldn't find it in me to say a word.His presence alone was satisfying, it intoxicated me in more ways than I could explain.How do I tell you that this man meant so much to me?Is this what falling in love does to people? Does it make you soft and weak until there's no more fight left in you? Is it just one of those moments where the world stops spinning, everything slows down and the sun shines? It feels like something that belongs to me. Like you're in my hands, I'm the only one who can see you, who can touch you. Like all your secrets are mine and all your sorrows come to a stop when you’re near me.But I don't understand how anyone could want someone else so desperately.It doesn't make any sense.If anything, it makes too much sense. If anyone is perfect, it would have to be him. That made so much sense.“Are you sure you are alright Emily? Does any part of your body hurt? ” His voice was deep and soothing, it calmed me almost instantan
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Chapter Eighty
Chapter EightyLuka’s POVThe news had gotten to me that Emily was found unconscious in the garden. I couldn't think of any reason why that would happen but I was thrown into a panic state anyway.I ran through all the possibilities in my mind but couldn't come up with an answer for why she would be out cold and my wolf couldn't stop howling, it wanted to see its mate.I wanted to see her too.Damn that woman! I leave her alone for a few days and she manages to get into trouble ! The more time passed by, the more frustrated I became. This could very well be the worst possible moment for us both, we've barely found our footing with each other after everything and now this?Dr. Meg finally called to tell me that she was okay and it was weird how myWhen we drove into the castle, a sense of relief and longing engulfed me and all I wanted to see was Emily. Not me, my wolf, it wanted to be sure that its mate was safe.It was only when I stopped to give instructions to the guards about my
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