All Chapters of Another Chance: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
172 Chapters
Chapter one hundred and sixty one
Emily’s POVThe baby let out a soul-piercing shriek for the hundredth time that night and I sighed in frustration as I got off my bed and headed towards where it was coming from.He really couldn't just stay quiet when he felt like it, huh? But then again, if there was one thing about my son that seemed to be constant, it was his cries. It wasn't an unusual trait but sometimes it really got on my nerves. Like now, I just wanted to sleep , or at least take a long soak in a hot tub. So yeah, maybe I needed some help calming him down before he woke everyone...or myself- even though he already did, considering how loud he'd been getting lately. And maybe I wasn't totally calm either, but when I picked him up from his crib and watched him suckle on my breasts, it was hard to stay hard at the little guy 's cries."You need to stop crying so loudly, sweetheart," I murmured against his ear before he could protest any further- not like he could. "There are more important things to do tonig
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Chapter one hundred and sixty two
Emily’s POVI cried that night, I cried so much that my heart felt like it might break, the pain of missing him was so strong and sharp, that I couldn’t even cry out loud because crying would just make me attract unnecessary attention and feel more of a weakling, as if I didn’t already feel like an idiot every morning. I don’t understand why he would do that.It was just a hunch, right?Who was I deceiving? We werewolves had a special bond with our mates and that gave us free access to each other emotions and thoughts. Our mate could sense any emotion that we might have when his mate was in distress. All this while I thought he was going through the war, I thought he was having a bad time, I thought things were difficult and painful for him. And all this time, he was with another woman?I wasn't supposed to feel any remorse right? no pity? no questions right? All I had to do was hate him and wish he rot in hell right? Yet the pain in my chest made it hard for her to take even a breat
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Chapter one hundred and sixty three
Luka’s POV“We will go there. I cannot liive like this anymore. So I have decided to go over and ask for an alliance. I don't give a fuck about the council, the many times I did, it left us stuck. I only care about my people, just my people”As I said those words the old man in front of me teared up. They were tears of joy that proved that he had been waiting for this moment for far too long. He nodded in understanding. It was then that he handed to me a leather scroll case full of documents and gold coins in exchange for what he called the ‘honorary alliance'.For a brief moment, I considered refusing his gift.“I don't think they'll appreciate us giving them this Alfred. It might seem like we are trying to buy them off. I don't want to start it on a bad note, but I'm not sure”It was obvious that I hadn't convinced him. His expression said ‘if you do not accept my offer then I cannot help but feel like you will also betray the alliance you plan on requesting for. It doesn't alway
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Chapter one hundred and sixty four
Emily's POVMy Wolf was restless. I don't know what was wrong but I knew something was going on. Something I couldn't place my hands on, right from the moment Luke came into my room to call Carolyn.My curiosity was driving me up a wall, so I left baby Luka in his crib for a few hours and ventured out of my room and stared at the stairs where I could smell a strange scent wafting across the room. It was sweet like honey or maybe lemon juice, and it smelled… How was that even possible? it wasn't possible. There was no way it was possible. Maybe it was just a coincidence but I wouldn't lie, a pang of nostalgia drove me into the past where I didn't want to go but needed too much information at once. And if my Wolf was uneasy, who could blame her?I returned to my room and pushed Luka’s crib back and forth gently. The scent got stronger and I had an urge to take a deep breath, a need I didn't want to feel so bad about.I finally decided to go down to the kitchen but the heat from when
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Chapter one hundred and sixty five
Luke’s POV“Her blood pressure is very high, she hasn't been resting , her stress level is elevated and she will still be in danger if she continues” the doctor explained. “I don't know what it is but it's obvious she's struggling with the trauma from something in the past and postpartum depression isn’t helping either. It just seems like her mental health isn't getting any better either. I think we should put her on an antidepressant. Maybe a sedative too." The Doctor suggested.“For her long?” I insisted.“Just for today, so she gets to rest and heal. She needs it right now. She'll be fine tomorrow,” The doctor assured me as he walked out of the room and I took his place at the head of my bedside. I stroked her hair gently as tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't respond but tears fell down her cheek.Who was this woman? What battles was she fighting? What trauma did she hide from us? Why was she afraid? Why didn't she trust us enough to talk about it?The door suddenly opened an
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Chapter one hundred and sixty six
Luka’s POVEverything after the meeting was off. I could barely eat the food that was served.Something was going on and my Wolf felt it, it was howling and fighting inside of me, clawing its way out to take over. The wolf wanted a piece of this, a human would do as well. It was an urge that I tried to ignore. The wolf had always been there when I needed it, but it was only ever there if my life were in danger. But the more I thought about it, the more desperate I became for answers. My wolf was still there, but it wasn’t fighting anymore. It was just sitting there, waiting for me to make the next move. I knew what I had to do. It didn't help that I could smell her everywhere. Her scent lingered driving me more insane than ever before. I took in deep, deep breaths to try to get her scent out of my nose. But every time, all I smelled was her. She was so familiar, yet I hadn’t been able to find a trace of her since it happened. Not a scent nor a memory. Only her presence remained.The
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Chapter one hundred and sixty seven
Luka’s POV I was standing on the balcony when I saw a figure pass by immediately. I don't know what was crazier. The fact that this person had blonde hair or the fact that her smell had just hit me caused me to go through a wave of. Could it be? No! it couldn't right? I didn't realize when I started following the figure but the closer I got the more the smile persisted but there was no sign of any blonde hair anywhere. “Going somewhere?” A female voice called out and I came face-to-face with Princess Carolyn. She had a suspicious look on her face as she eyed me up and down. “Yes,” I answered in a small voice before I turned away. This was my fault for not checking who was around first! But I was so curious, I couldn't help myself. What if I really did find something interesting? Well, maybe. Maybe it's nothing at all. But I know what I had perceived. It had to be Emily. “I mean no, I… I just thought I saw someone there” I managed to answer as I quickly tried my best to regain
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Chapter one hundred and seventy eight
Yes I was horny Very horny There was a mystery man beside me and my hands on his broad chest. He held my hands “ Do you know what you are doing?” his voice was low and raspy , it sent shivers to my spine. I didn't know what I was doing except that I needed to be fucked as hard as possible. My hormones were a mess. I started working my hands through his chest again, he turned facing me, giving me every permission I needed. I lifted his chin so that our eyes met. I didn’t know who this person was yet I kissed him. I was surprised at the sparks that jolted through my body over a mere kiss, he tasted like alcohol and mint, I liked it. His tongue found its way into my mouth and I met it with slow laps,his hands found their way toward my waist and my tongue kept exploring like I couldn't get enough of his taste and when it seemed like we were about to run out of breath, I pulled away. We stared at each other. “Are you sure about this?” he asked. I bit my lower lip, nodding eagerly, ev
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Chapter One Hundred and sixty nine
Luka’s POV“They were a young couple and they got married and they started a generation of a new kind, the type that was special. Soon like generations, more came, and more left. We honestly thought they had gone into extinct until now. They can't be working alone, not after all this time. They had to be working with someone”Even after I had gone back to home from Lancha, those words kept replaying in my head, and I had nothing to say about them.I needed to find out who these special people were working with and why they were doing what they kept doing to our kind.Was there a previous problem before now? I needed to know.Now my sexual life has been suffering since I got back from Lancha. The thoughts of Emily filled my dreams and they were dreams of us having sex and I ended up masturbating more than I should.For example, last night I dreamt of thrusting into Emily aggressively until I could feel her body trembling beneath me. My cock felt like it was about to burst through my sk
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Chapter one hundred and seventy
Luka’s POVThis time it was the memories of the time she was fucked in the bath. Memories of when I checked my time for the umpteenth time, wondering why Emily was still taking so much time in the bathroom when been over an hour already, and the bathroom door was still closed.Of the times I knew I wasn't supposed to still be in there in her room, but for some reason, I felt as though I needed to ensure she was totally okay, before retiring to my room.I paced her room impatiently, contemplating on opening up the bathroom door or not.After another few minutes, I decided to do both. I slowly twisted the handle, then turned it slightly, opening the door just enough to allow me to peek inside. I shook my head in both relief and exasperation when I saw that she had fallen asleep in the bathtub, fully covered in the bubbles the bath had created. She seemed so peaceful while sleeping, unlike her restless self, as of earlier, I noted as I moved closer to the tub.“Shit,” I mumbled as I dip
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