All Chapters of Bullied by Navy Triplet Stepbrothers: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
207 Chapters
51.The Secret Between Parallel Lines
QuinnI was born to rule. I was made for power. I was the next alpha after dad. I was the strongest of the three of us. I was the leader of my brothers and also the future leader of the pack.Those were words that I knew right from birth. They had been ingrained in me from the start and I held on to it. As I stood in the cave though and looked at my dad howling on the ground at the disappearance of his enemy, I didn't feel like I was strong at all. I didn't feel like I was the leader of anyone. I didn't feel like I could rise to trouble one day to save anyone in the pack if they were in distress.I felt like shit. I felt numb as I looked at my dad and knew I was as helpless as my brothers felt. I felt like a fake and all my days of being strong and coming to the rescue of my brothers vanished into thin air in my memory at the sight of washing my father in despair.How could I dare to say I was the future leader when I couldn't even protect my father from the pain in his heart? How co
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52.The Missing Clue
MiaI felt bad for the triplets. They would never forget this birthday of theirs no matter how long they lived. Things had gotten messy and it was about to get messier.The way Albert was looking at them, I was afraid he was about to fly off the handle and lash out at the boys. I had to talk. I had to do something. No matter how angry Albert was, I knew he wouldn't lash out at me. I was the only one who could do this impending confession session without making everything go out of proportion. "Don't blame the boys. It is all my fault." I confessed.He looked at me, staring at me in disbelief. I knew he would find it hard to believe me. He would think that I was trying to protect them or worse, think that I had been threatened by them to lie on their behalf.I thought hard, wondering what I would say to make him believe me. I didn't know of anything and realized that I just had to come up with the truth."I met the dark wizard before your wedding. It was the weekend the triplets came
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53.The Roommate and Accomplice
MiaI could barely sleep all through the night. I tossed around the bed but there was not any position that was comfortable for me. The next day, I was awake before the sun. I dressed as fast as I could. It was the day I was meant to go back to the company house with my brothers but I wasn't going to leave without seeing my mum. Albert had told me that she would be coming home today and I was waiting for her.I hoped that she would come early so I could leave. I itched to find out the truth about this as much as I could. I dialed Sasha's number again but it was unreachable.I frowned as I removed the phone from my ear. She had obviously gotten bored with ignoring my calls and had turned her phone off. A knock sounded on my door and I moved to it, wondering who it was. I didn't think anyone else was awake at this time but who was I trying to fool?I didn't think I was the only one who found it hard to sleep. I thought of the triplets who had a ruined day and felt sorry for them. I ga
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54.Finding Time for War and Shield
Quinn We were back at work but we weren't going to stay for long. We were just here to get approval to be absent from work for a while. We had already written and sent a letter to our superior and I didn't think that we were going to be denied.The man was dad's friend and even though he wasn't a werewolf like we were, he knew about our world and knew that we wouldn't have asked to be excused for reasons that were not good.We were here to ask for permission to leave officially and also tidy up some loose ends before we leave on a holiday that we had no idea of when it was going to end.It would be a mess if the others didn't see us come back and we just left without a formal record of our request for an extension of leave. The other officers would be angry and hate that we were getting preferential treatment. Our boss wouldn't like that and I didn't like that either. I hated it when others underestimated my powers and thought I was just lucky.The major looked at the three of us st
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55.The Reunion of Darkness and its Minion
SashaI was glad that I had kept some savings on me. It had been easy to run away when the master had broken us free from the cage. We had left the party without anyone noticing us and it was from there that I knew my life was about to take an interesting turn.Master couldn't hide how much he hated the werewolves and it had taken all that I had in me then to convince him to not retaliate as we were leaving and find a better plan and time to punish them.I couldn't blame him for wanting to deal with them at that moment. I would lose my wits as well if I was locked up in a place for twenty years. That was insane.We had a lot to talk about. I had a lot of questions for the master and it wouldn't be in my best interest if I allowed him to act foolishly out of his emotions.After being locked up for twenty years, I didn't think he was going to be as strong as he was then. No matter how much I idolized him. I had to be realistic with myself.He was already straining himself to work with
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56.The Troubles at Dawn
Mia"What is wrong with you, Mia?" I jumped as my boss shouted at me. What was wrong with him? He hadn't done that before. I wasn't even shocked at his shouting even though he hadn't done that before. He was shouting at me over what he hadn't done before. I wasn't expecting this attitude from him."Is there a problem, sir?" I asked him, my hands pausing on the keypads and I frowned as I pulled my eyes away from the screen to look at him."You are the problem, Mia." He hissed at me. I was taken aback. Where was this coming from? We didn't have any issues. We had laughed as we departed the previous day and he had even promised to get me a gift today, teasing me that I was one of the employees he liked. I didn't know where this attitude was coming from. He was acting strange and I didn't know what was wrong with him. I didn't think we had a fight this morning as well.How could I be the problem? I sighed. How possible was it that someone who liked you would suddenly tell you that you
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57.When the Cock Forgets to Crow
MiaI thought that home would be better when I get there but it wasn't. I saw mum standing outside unlike herself, looking worried with a huge frown on her face. Not that it marred her beauty but it was unlike her. She was in a conversation with the cook when I got in and glanced up in surprise when she saw me."Come here, dear." She said as she saw me. "Why are you here?" I didn't feel offended at the question as I knew that she was teasing me. I should have expected the question though. I hadn't been home in some weeks after she came back from the honeymoon trip. I had told her that I couldn't be home because I wanted to give her and her husband the privacy she needed. We both knew that was an excuse but I was grateful that she didn't push it.The boys were home and the newly wedded parents were doing well without a complaint. I could have stayed home if I wanted to but I didn't want to. I felt guilty about the escape of the dark wizard and couldn't face Albert or the boys. I was
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58.The Burden of Nightmares
MiaThe cat sat on the window sill and mewed, his black eyes shining as it stared at me. I shivered, holding on to myself with my arms as the cold dealt with me. I was cold and yet it felt like I was hot. It was hot. It was strange and I couldn't deal with it.I cursed at myself, wondering why I had chosen to wear the gown I had on. I had on one of the strapless gowns that the triplets had bought for me that I couldn't have rejected because they had given me in the presence of my mum.I scoffed, telling myself that I was being silly. I couldn't have worn that gown even if I had a gun to my head. Asides the gown that mum had forced me to wear then when the triplets had invited me to a party, I didn't think I had ever worn any of the other gowns. I had packed it somewhere so I wouldn't even be tempted to wear them.I wouldn't have worn a gown as light as this when I knew that I would be coming to a place as light as this. I didn't even bring a coat with me. What was I thinking?I frowned
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59.The Terror She Couldn't Face
MiaI woke up, feeling cold and pulled my duvet over me. That was strange. What was going on? I clearly remembered that the home heater was on before I went to bed the previous night. I shouldn't be feeling this cold. I pulled the cloth higher over my head but it didn't help.What was the time? I wondered if it was daybreak yet. I couldn't wait for the world to be alive so I could get some breakfast into my body. Maybe I would help with cooking breakfast. I needed some distraction to help me with the bundles of nightmares that I had dealt with.I turned to check the time on my phone and was shocked to see my mum seated beside my bed, staring at me."Mum," I croaked in surprise. "Why are you here?""You wouldn't stop screaming all through the night. I had to be here when I couldn't take it anymore to be sure my daughter is fine."I blushed, feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry to have disturbed you."She flicked her hand, waving my apologies away. "Don't be sorry about that, dear. Anyone ca
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60.The Unholy Fear of the Night
MiaThe boys finally moved in and we got settled to business. I avoided looking at Quinn all through the meeting as I couldn't get over the news I had heard about him. I couldn't stop imagining seeing the grim reaper behind him. Albert growled at them. "Why were you late?"Jack grinned in his usual carefree manner. "We saw Mia walk into the study and we thought to give the two of you some father-daughter bonding time."Albert and I scoffed at the same time at his words and then smiled at each other. I knew they wouldn't have been late to show up without a good reason. If only they hadn't done that, I wouldn't have asked Albert any question and wouldn't have known what I did. I wouldn't be tempted to look at him with pity as I wanted to do and I knew doing that was the fastest way for me to get my head off my neck.Quinn hated pity and wouldn't tolerate it if I looked at him with pity. Even if he liked me to the moon and back, he would have dealt with me."Let's get to business." Albe
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