All Chapters of Alpha King's Unmated Sister-in-law: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
130 Chapters
Chapter 71
"You can't be serious." Wyatt's tone was utterly dismissive, the slipping of respect palpable with every word. He sat back in the armchair, eyes shadowing as he grimaced. "I know perfectly well you're not suited for Gold Nation politics. Let's not beat around the bush about that. What is it you think you can accomplish by going there, with me? Do you think you'll be any safer for having my company? You've seen with your own eyes that I have so few friends I came with none, and so many enemies that you, a stranger, had to come to my assistance or else I would have died that day. So what plan could you possibly concoct that needs your presence in Gold Nation where my most dangerous enemies will be? I can't protect you from them, Matthew Catii.""I'm aware. And I know I'm not the most gifted fighter, but I have men who will fight under me if needed. I can put out a summons back home for an entourage to accompany us -" Matthew began, but the other man cut him off swiftly."If you had su
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Chapter 72
By morning, Matt and Wyatt were already prepared for the journey to Gold Nation. No time to waste, and Matt in particular still had yet to figure out how to deal with the inevitable confrontation with Beth - he had agonized over it all night, and now it was certain she knew the secret he had tried to keep from her all this time. The flat, cold look on her face whenever he couldn't help but try to catch her gaze gave that much away. And if he had hoped deep within his heart that she had forgiven him - well, that wasn't happening.But it had been decades since she had died in his arms, thirty years. Couldn't she give him a chance? Couldn't she tell he had changed? Even if he had deceived her until now, it was only because she would never have given him a chance otherwise. So maybe...But for now, he needed distance to let her forget her hatred. Every second they were anywhere near each other, it seemed her coldness toward him only grew, so some space was the only thing that might softe
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Chapter 73
Disguises were one of Wyatt's many strengths. It should have been unsurprising when the circumstances under which he had met Matthew had already proven as much, but Matthew had never appreciated the intricacies behind just putting on a good act to fool the eyes. The business of getting false papers, remembering every facet of their false backstories, constantly being aware that he mustn't reveal too much lest someone think he was a little too interesting and start picking apart his lies - Matthew was much better at business where even if someone tried to lie and misrepresent the numbers, the numbers themselves were never the source of deception. But with disguises and falsehoods and the ordeal of pretending that he and Wyatt were mere businessmen on their way to Gold Nation to negotiate trade...It rankled his pride, especially since he had to pretend to be Wyatt's Beta.But at least he was learning more inside information about the Troy family than he ever knew, even in his fifty ye
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Chapter 74
"...I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter, since I'm being kept here." Matthew looked around the room with a meaningful glower and a tight smile. There would be no way for Andrew to take that as anything but a condemnation of his prisoner state. Neither of them were idiots, so if Andrew Troy thought he was going to mistake his circumstances for anything but forced captivity, then he must be out of his damn mind. "So what is it you want my help with?" he asked. "Assuming it's something I can assist you with in the first place.""Nothing too challenging for your abilities, I assure you," said the man. "But it's come time to choose a side at last.""A side? Against -""The rogue wolves. Their attacks are mounting, and I'm not going to sit around playing cool politics anymore when there are lives of actual innocents on the line. Before, they were only chess pieces to be played with or traded off, but things are different now. I'm not my father, or anyone else who came before me t
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Chapter 75
How ridiculously easy.Andrew had left the main estate moments ago after speaking with Matthew, the foolish heir apparent of Bronze Nation who had tried to throw his lot in with Andrew's father. If he were smarter, he would have known to side with the winning team, but there he was, trapped in a room in the middle of the Troy pack's estate until Andrew decided to let him go. It had been a toss-up in the beginning, wondering whether to play nice and fool the man or to show his cards from the get-go, but in the end, Andrew's pride had won out. He had a signature, after all. He was a persuader, a convincer. To let Matthew know that Andrew had been keeping him on a leash and collar all this time and that he would never be free of it would only set the man against him permanently, which was a bother. Allies when they were willing to subject themselves were so much better to utilize.After all, Andrew had more than enough troublemaking enemies as it was. For instance, Wyatt Troy, his fat
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Chapter 76
"And you're laughing, why?" Andrew asked testily. "You don't seem to understand your situation here. Or have you finally gone senile after the way you've been spiraling all these years?"Wyatt laughed. He laughed and laughed and laughed. Andrew had always been sharp and clever, more than he had been at his age, but Andrew had one glaring weakness he had never been able to surmount: being humiliated. And laughing in his face while held captive in a dark prison cell normally reserved only for the most scorned of criminals, betraying not one ounce of fear or the respect Andrew craved so badly but giving him disdain instead - weakness, weakness, weakness.And it was well-deserved. Because Andrew had underestimated him. Did he really think the Alpha King of Gold Nation, his father who had come before him and taught him every trick in the book even if not through orthodox means, could be so careless that he would unwittingly fall into a trap as bland as this, without preemptive measures in
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Chapter 77
"This is dangerous, Daniel. I wish you'd told me about it before you went off and decided your plan for vengeance without me."Beth crossed her arms, face tight with a tired grimace. She hadn't had the heart to argue him down from this reckless plan he had, because she knew why he was being this way: this was a chance to find out once and for all what had really happened to his family. His three brothers whose bodies couldn't even be buried, his father who had become a blank shell of himself and only ever stared out the window or wandered around the pack house, lost in his own home. His mother who had become more distant ever since the tragedy and only continued to drift further away, turning her energy outward. She barely ever sat with her mate anymore, and although everyone still addressed her as Luna if she made an appearance, she kept to herself almost all the day.The Heether pack hadn't survived. It had died that day Warren, Brian, and Carlo fell to the rogues, and it was long
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Chapter 78
No. This wouldn't do. Beth paced back and forth in her bedroom where she had cooped herself up for hours now. Daniel had left four days ago which meant he and the warriors would only be a quarter of the way to the border by now, but the dark thoughts that swarmed her every night when she tried to sleep warned her that peril could befall them at any moment even from within Silver Nation.She should have gone with him. Strategically speaking, she and Daniel were the only leaders of value worth targeting, and the Heether pack was in unfriendly terrain for any rogue wolves to try to attack. The sister packs that surrounded their territory would make any invasion unlikely without great preparation that the rogues weren't known for. So while that meant she was safe here - she should be with Daniel, because that meant an attack on him was almost imminent. Whether from by rogue wolves or from Andrew's forces that he believed were working with them in the shadows, surely they would be ambus
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Chapter 79
PRESENT DAY"How about it, Daniel Heether? Should we work together in earnest now? Should I show you the extent of my commitment?"Daniel narrowed his eyes. The extent of his commitment? What was Andrew Troy saying now?"Allow me to explain myself. I sent for her the moment you arrived since I knew you would both want that."On cue, someone knocked on the large, heavy doors of the sitting room, and Andrew and Daniel both looked in their direction as the sounds echoed through the wood. "Come in," said Andrew. "Not a moment too soon or too late."The doors opened with a soundless arc. And there between two Deltas who escorted her - was Beth.He stood up so fast the guards recoiled where they stood, tensing and muscles bunching. So these were real fighters, not the halfling ones that reacted more like humans than werewolves by relying on weapons or other artificial means. These were true Delta guards of the Troy estate, trained to fight the proper way. And that meant they could sense t
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Chapter 80
She was in her bedroom. Too bad there were so many damn people in this pack house, it was like there was an entire village's worth of residents just on this floor. Not that she and Daniel would have been able to sneakily do anything anyway...The walls were thin enough probably that anyone would be able to hear if they got up to...things.But she was so lonely. Or maybe she was just frightened. She wanted Daniel's touch more than anything, not because of lust, but because she was at a crossroads where she was sure she was supposed to be - the right time, the right place to make a difference. Wasn't that why she was here? It couldn't be a coincidence. An espionage coordination effort to alert the entire nation as soon as the rogue wolves began making their move, she was the first in line to find out if anything happened.And in the future, she had learned things in hindsight, valuable things that she had been too late to utilize. But in this life, she might know it before it even happe
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