All Chapters of Alpha King's Unmated Sister-in-law: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
130 Chapters
Chapter 81
What was he doing? Andrew Troy, heir apparent of the Troy pack, Alpha King of Gold Nation in all but name, bringing her breakfast with his own two hands? It didn't suit him at all, this show of being hospitable and humble, especially when Beth spotted the glint of gold on his fingers as he presented her with the tray. Wearing gold rings inlaid with diamond, jewelry expensive enough to buy out most minor packs' territories outright, but looking at her with that too-kind and pleased smile as he waited for her response...Creepy. There was no other word for it. She especially didn't like the way he placed the tray in her lap over the covers when she had been about to climb out of the bed, effectively stopping her and keeping her in place. And when his hand brushed hers, by no means accidental because Andrew Troy was the kind of man who was deliberate in every action, every word, Beth nearly shuddered with visible disgust. She only stopped herself just in time and disguised the motion
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Chapter 82
Ha. Andrew Troy, that son of a bastard. So this was the surprise he had been referring to back then, was it?Because before her stood two surprises indeed. One Beta and an Alpha she knew very well. Or, should she say, a Beta and his she-Alpha fiancee."Beth. You look well." Annalise stepped forward at Beth's greeting, but surprisingly, she didn't reach for her hand or grab her for a hug. Even the usual 'Bethie' nickname was missing from her lips. She only stood there with a small smile, far more reserved than Beth had ever seen her. Indeed, she seemed like she had grown so much over the last half year with an inch more to her height, or had it been even longer than that since they last saw each other?She was only a couple of years younger than Beth and yet had always carried herself with falsely innocent childishness. This strange new maturity and calmness that graced Anna's features didn't suit her at all. Beth hardly knew who she was looking at anymore. What a joke."Why don't you
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Chapter 83
There was no way Anna would apologize. Certainly never verbally, but even this stupid faux apology Beth demanded in the form of a drink from the flask? Definitely not. That had always been Anna's weakness, her vanity and pride. Despite her ability to put on a top-notch performance to fool anyone and everyone of her little vulnerable damsel ways, she had never, ever believed in a sincere apology.Beth knew her sister. She knew her far too well. She knew every little thing about her down to the dark crevices of her mind, because by the end of her first life in that bed, in that godawful, tear-stained, prison-bed where Matthew had kept her when she began to weaken and grow sick, Annalise had made it a point to come in and taunt her by revealing her true self. Every ugly thought, every dark scheme, every evil thing she had hidden away - confessed, gleefully.So she knew well before she ever stuck the flask out at Anna that the girl would only scrunch her nose up, frown, and turn her hea
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Chapter 84
Beth hadn't been so stupid as to stay out in the open with Anna no matter how tipsy she was. Like hell she was going to fall asleep next to her sister only to wake up in the morning with a literal knife in her back. Well, no. Maybe something more subtle than that, but still. The point remained. Her expert con of a younger sister was putting on a frighteningly convincing act of being a changed and better person, but how many times had she done that before? Far too many to count. Just another notch on the stick, honestly. So Beth had excused herself and gone to bed early, since it seemed Noah wasn't going to be around for the planned strategy meeting anytime soon.Figured. Big important man couldn't be bothered to plan and consult with a she-Alpha. He probably only tolerated Annalise's help as it was because she was his fiancee, and therefore a credit to his manliness as an obedient and useful wife-to-be. But Beth? No. Never.And yet the night wasn't peaceful at all. Beth woke sometim
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Chapter 85
When Beth awoke in the morning, she had no hangover and had instead a newfound certainty that the two warriors from last night were exactly who they said they were. Thank the Moon Goddess. With some luck, maybe she could get them released so they could fight alongside her. Being Silver Nation warriors, even if they weren't strictly Heether pack, they would be far better trained than the half-hearted troops she had on hand. Better yet if they were from one of the close sister packs, whose trained warriors were almost as good as the Heether themselves.But she had to hope that the message by falcon would return in time to vouch for them. Her word alone wasn't good enough. Moon Goddess help them, Beth found herself praying. If the rogues would hold off on the attack long enough for a reply to come back, then things would be so much easier. Winter-weather trained falcons could brave the storm and make the trip in record time, but whether the snow would slow down the rogues was in quest
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Chapter 86
Noah White. This Beta who had been so proud of his Gold Nation heritage and authority. Beth hadn't thought of cousin James since the night of that birthday celebration for Noah's father, but now she recalled afresh that in the other life, Jim had died in the middle of a massacre while supporting Noah in a failed battle. Back then, all she had known was a name, and only vaguely at that. But with the knowledge she possessed now in conjunction with what she remembered from before, there could be no mistake.Was this what had happened then too? Or was Noah just infinitely more of a coward in this life than the one before? She couldn't stand to think that this was what must have happened in the first life, that this man's sheer cowardice had claimed Jim's life while everyone else sympathized with him, grateful for how at least the Beta could have so narrowly escaped death while heroically fighting in the doomed battle with his comrades.This man. Noah White. If what she suspected was tru
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Chapter 87
This couldn't be happening. Anna buried her face in her hands, still struggling to absorb everything Noah had said straight to her face without even a hint of shame. A strategic retreat, he had said. Cutting their losses. And then when it was all over, reporting to Gold Nation and the Union Court that the battle had been bravely fought but lost anyway.He was supposed to be her new life. He was vain sometimes and reminded her a little too closely of how she had been before Beth had snapped sense into her at the birthday party at long last, but he was her husband, her mate. He was gentle and encouraging and never looked down on her even when she discovered there was so much in domestic life she was unskilled at, and it was because of him, too, that she had been able to grow.She was different now. She had changed. For over sixteen years she had only thought about herself and everything had always gone her way, so she had never thought to become better. But then, Beth had changed over
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Chapter 88
Anna was certainly not who she had been before. Beth didn't know what exactly had been the catalyst for her transformation, but the Annalise who had orchestrated immaculate tea parties and always gasped when even a fleck of mud dotted her dresses, the Annalise who had refused to even touch sticks on the ground because they had dirt or grass blades on them was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she had also come back and was living a second life, Beth thought dryly, but there was no chance of that no matter how amusing the notion. No, the way things seemed, Annalise had simply changed the good old fashioned way, through inner transformation after what must have been hardship and painful lessons.But one thing was for sure. She really did care for Noah. She might even love him. Whatever had happened in the past year, Anna had become someone who didn't turn her nose up at being mated to a Beta and had even deigned to come to the front where she would certainly meet with more than flecks of mud a
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Chapter 89
"You must be kidding, Anna. What are you saying?"She held her ground and stared Noah in the eyes, unblinking. He was half-smiling in disbelief as he sat on the other side of the table with his maps strewn about on the surface, hands still on the paper. "You heard me," she said. "I'm challenging you to a one on one fight tomorrow morning, in front of the soldiers. All of them. And I want you to stake your command on it. If I win, I take it from you, and I'll be the one leading the soldiers when the attacks begin.""Anna...What's gotten into you? If you're trying to make me laugh, I suppose it's working, but this is a bit of an unbelievable stretch even for you. Come on, I'm hungry. Get something to eat for both of us and we can cuddle in bed, I'm tired and want to settle down for the night anyway." He extended his arm sideways, inviting her to come to him around the table and climb into his embrace, but Anna stood in the doorway without moving.Beth had told her this was the only wa
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Chapter 90
Beth could see now with dispassionate eyes that she, too, had changed, more than she realized. Of course Beth was nothing like the weak, manipulable, gullible woman she had been in her first life, and of course she still had her doubts about Anna's miraculous change of heart over the last year. But it wasn't just vengeance and bitterness that stopped her from leaping to Anna's aid when Noah left that horrid wound on her leg. It was cold logic, the calm reasoning that told her if she interfered now, it would only be to Anna's detriment later no matter how one sliced it. So holding back and leaving her sister to her own devices was for Anna's benefit, not just a result of Beth's lingering hatred.Or maybe there was both mixed in. But either way, the fight was decided and there was only one victor, Annalise. Now was Beth's moment to back her up and solidify her sister's authority over Noah's share of the troops, and then after that, they could get down to the real business since Noah w
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