All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1642 Chapters
Chapter 161 Club for the Socialites
Jackal and his team used to be reconnaissance soldiers, so they had excellent tracking techniques, but they paled in comparison to Kaze. He already knew someone was tailing him since he drove out of the house, but he did not know it was Dan’s men. Jackal said, “God of War, our boss wants us to follow you around so we can help you settle problems and run errands.” “Fine. Just stay low.” Kaze nodded. He indeed needed people to run errands for him. He could mobilize the Tiger Fangs and Garo Spec Ops Team at will, plus several other battalions and special forces under the command of Lilyrose Strategic Department, but it was not that convenient to move that many people around. He did not want serving soldiers to be at his side at all times as well. It would risk exposing his identity. Jackal and his team were the perfect choice. They might be nothing to Draco but Draco was the strongest war general under the God of War, so it was not actually fair to begin with. “Thank y
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Chapter 162 Tiffany Chapman
“Tell him to piss off, I don’t want to see him,” Sky said impatiently. He did not want Kaze to embarrass him in front of Tiffany, the lady he fancied. Tiffany smiled and said, “Sky, if your sister knows you ditched him, she will be mad at you.” “Tiffany, I know you are doing this for me, but he’s a retard. I don’t want him to cause a scene here and affect your business.” Tiffany was the owner of Socialite Club, and it was Sky’s first time here. The moment he stepped in, he noticed the interior was beautifully decorated and the customers were all rich. He even saw some regulars from the top families. “It’s fine. Even if your brother-in-law thrashes Socialite Club today, I won’t give him a hard time. For your sake.” Tiffany got up. She stroked the boy’s face with her slender fingers. Then, she turned to the waiter and said, “Invite Mr. Lee inside.” “Tiffany, you are so kind to me.” Sky’s heart was pounding after the little tease. His face even blushed like a little
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Chapter 163 Sky Got Hit
Tiffany tried to break free from his grope but failed. She reluctantly said, “Howl, I’m not young anymore. Please don’t tease me.” Howl from the Vikroms, a first-tier family. His sister would be Vicky Vikrom, the girl that Samus had chased for years and still did not get. Howl attended the yacht party at Horizon Mirror the other day. The other man was Daniel Logman, also from a first-tier family. He grabbed Tiffany’s hand and said with a giggle, “Tiffany, you must be joking. You are at the golden age of all women. You are more mature than those insolent girls outside. Why don’t you have some fun with us?” The two of them laughed as they teased Tiffany. Tiffany might be from one of the top three families but Daniel and Howl were not afraid of teasing her because it was not their first time. She was known as a seductress in the circle and many men had played with her before. They might be teasing and flirting with her but they all knew that they might not be the predato
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Chapter 164 Brother-In-Law's Second Lesson
“Sky, they are my customers. How can the boss throw their customers out? Come on, it’s just a little prank.” Tiffany did not ask Daniel and Howl to leave. Instead, she told Sky not to be calculative. Sky was aggrieved. “They hit me and insulted my sister!” “They were just joking with you,” Tiffany said, showing no signs of helping. Sky widened his eyes in disbelief. Tiffany was sweet and caring a while ago yet now she was like a stranger to him. Howl scoffed, “Sky, you useless piece of shit. Are you hoping Tiffany will help you? We are the Platinum members of the club. Who do you think you are?” “Why don’t you call your sister here and she could ‘beat’ us back on the bed? Hahaha!” Daniel laughed as well. “You two fuckers!” Sky wished he could beat them up, but he could not. Then, Kaze put his phone away and came over. Tiffany raised her brows. It seemed like he finally decided to intervene and defend Sky. However, she believed he would not be able to do anything
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Chapter 165 Destroy Socialite Club
Slap! The loud slap was like a bell ringing in everyone’s head, striking fear into their hearts. They all looked at Kaze in disbelief. He must have lost his mind! How dare he slap Tiffany? She was an elite of the Chapman family! Tiffany covered her face in shock. Sky was also surprised. He held Kaze’s hand and grumbled, “Kaze, why did you slap Tiffany? She’s good to me! She’s kind and caring! It’s not her fault, she’s just trying to do business!” Sky was so dumb that he did not know he was the prey. Kaze shook his head and said, “There are people who are villainous on the outside, whereas some are wicked on the inside. Just wait. Someone is going to reveal their true colors soon.” “Kaze Lee! How dare you slap me!” Tiffany screamed. She recovered from her shock and glared at Kaze with a ferocious look. “I’ll fuck you up, you stupid fucking retard! I’ll get my men to abduct your wife, strip her naked in front of everyone, and throw her onto Howl and Daniel’s bed! Th
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Chapter 166 Six Ferocious Men
“Kaze, stop challenging her! We are going to die here!” Sky got nervous. Kaze said he wanted Socialite Club thrashed. Not only Tiffany did not believe him, but even Sky felt the same. Kaze took his phone out and shoved it into Sky’s hands. He smiled and said, “Do you believe if I call this number, Socialite Club will be thrashed and we will walk out of here unscathed?” “Kaze! Stop fooling around!” Sky got so nervous that he almost broke down and cried. The phone in his hand was like a piping hot potato that he wished he could let go. His mother, Agnes, told him on the phone that Kaze loved to brag. He also knew that Kaze lied to everyone in the Quint family and got them thrown out of the street yesterday. Now he believed what his mother said. Their lives were on the line and he was still bragging. “Just believe me. Make the call, tell them to thrash Socialite Club immediately.” Kaze helped Sky tap to call and put the phone next to his ears. “Mr. Lee, what is it?
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Chapter 167 Weak
“Yup.” Kaze looked at Tiffany, whose expression had gone blank. He chuckled and asked, “So, Ms. Tiffany Chapman, are these the so-called experts your family paid over a million each every year?” The so-called experts were weak and useless before veterans who returned from the battlefield. Thump! Tiffany fell to her knees and looked at Kaze in fear. “They are your men?” Kaze smiled. The woman must be frightened to ask such a dumb question. He lost interest in threatening the woman; even the daughter of the Chapman family was no match for absolute power. “Thrash everything you can in the club,” Kaze said before he walked out. The top three families made Henry and Kelly kill themselves yesterday to warn him and he had been searching for a chance to fight back. Now with Tiffany presenting him with an opportunity, he used the thrashing of the club to humiliate the three families. Tiffany shuddered when she heard Kaze. Everyone in the upper social circle knew that Soc
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Chapter 168 Hand Him Over
Sky heard that his family won the jackpot and bought a big house, but he did not expect it to be Horizon Mirror at Skylar View Residential Area. When the car drove into the neighborhood, Sky’s jaw dropped and remained open until they reached the house. Agnes was delighted to welcome her son back and she prepared a feast. Darcy came back for the meal as well. The family sat down at the table to celebrate over the elaborate meal. “Did you hear, the club that Tiffany Chapman ran was ruined! It’s all over the news now!” Agnes spoke of the news halfway through lunch. She seemed intrigued. Darcy was rendered speechless by her mother’s reaction. “Mom, why are you so happy that Socialite Club was ruined? The customers there are rich and influential, but it has nothing to do with us.” “What do you mean it has nothing to do with us?” Agnes cried in surprise and then gloated, “The three families snatched the Hilfinger Corporation from us and made us the laughingstock. They had i
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Chapter 169 Kneel, You Bastard
Master Quint was frightened. The Quint family was just a second-tier family, there was no way they could stand against a first-tier family, let alone the Vikroms and the Logmans. He turned around to Samus and Deborah. “Which one of you went to Socialite Club yesterday?” “Grandfather, we came here yesterday and didn’t go out.” Samus and Deborah were frightened as well. They swore they had never been to Socialite Club before. Rudy stepped up to vouch for his children. “Then it must be the other family members. Call them back now!” Master Quint said with clenched teeth. Rudy made the call and summoned all the other family members back to the house. Deborah then said, “I heard Sky came home for his semester break. Could it be him?” “Whether it is him or not, call them here first. We must give the Vikrom and Logman families an explanation today,” Master Quint said as a promise to the two butlers. The butlers grunted impatiently. They did not have time to wait for the Q
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Chapter 170 Eliot Could Save Sky
Kaze then drove off to the Vikrom family. Agnes did not believe him at all. Sky broke the legs of Howl and Daniel, the sons of the Vikrom and Logman families, not just any rando. She grabbed Darcy’s arms and cried, “Darcy, think of something. Sky is your little brother. He broke their legs because of you. Those two families will never spare him…” She dared not finish the sentence. Considering how vicious the Vikrom and Logman families were, breaking Sky's legs would be the least they could do. “Mom, calm down. Let me think…” Darcy’s mind was blank. The only help she could think of was Miru, but even she could not deal with two first-tier families combined. While she anxiously thought of a solution, she received a call from an unknown number. “Is this Ms. Darcy Quint? I am Eliot Everia. I heard your brother was taken to the Vikrom family. Maybe I can help get your brother back…” Eliot Everia? Darcy knew he was the first son of the Everia family, but she barely knew
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