All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
1636 Chapters
Chapter 151 Hilfinger Corporation Acquisition
“Uncle Camry, Aunt Teresa, you are being too courteous,” Kaze said as he helped them into the house. “I said I will take care of you two on behalf of James now that he’s gone.” Camry and Teresa were thrilled to hear that. After losing their son, this would be the first time they felt truly happy. Kaze added, “The Old District environment is terrible. Brenda can’t grow up happily here, you guys can’t stay here anymore. I’ll buy a big house for you and you can move in with Brenda. I’ll hire a maid to take care of you all. “Aunt Teresa, you don’t need to wash clothes in the winter anymore.” “Kaze, that sounds… expensive. We are fine living here. Why don’t you just take Brenda away? The two of us are going to be okay.” Teresa’s hands were shaking when she rejected the suggestion. Kaze saw the cracks on her hands and it pained him. “Money is not that important to me. I’m more concerned about your health. Just leave it to me. I’ll let you know when everything is done.” “Kaz
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Chapter 152 Kelly's Death
A group of security guards rushed out and flanked the Quint family as if it were an ambush. “Jay, you traitor! Are you out of your mind? The Hilfinger Corporation belongs to the Quint family now. How dare you tell the security to throw us out!?” The Quint family was stunned and enraged. Jay scoffed, “The Quint family is shit. Who told you that Hilfinger Corporation is going back to the Quint family?” “My grandson-in-law, Kaze Lee! He was at the rebuilding ceremony yesterday and he saw the fall of the Hilfinger family!” Master Quint argued. Jay cackled. “Your useless grandson-in-law? You believed him? If he said Lilyrose City belongs to him, would you ask the mayor to give you his place” Irritated, Jay urged the security guards to throw the Quint family out. “Don’t just stand there, throw them all out!” All of them were thrown out of the lobby. "Get the hell out of here! Hilfinger Corporation is now under the control of the Everia, Golding, and Chapman families. The Quin
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Chapter 153 A Puppy
"He’s just the Quints’ son-in-law, why did the Lee family go to such an extent to warn him? They must have overestimated him," Eliot said with a scornful grunt. He was displeased with the Lee family because they used to hold the same rank as the top three families. Now, the Everia, Golding, and Chapman families had to take orders from the Lee family. Eliot was an ambitious man and he too wanted to push the Everia family to new heights. Frank said, “I heard he has the support of the Perfect World Group. After Roger Hilfinger killed himself, his body was sent back to the Lee family in a coffin.“He even gave the Lee family three weeks to apologize to him in person. The family was having a birthday party for Karina Lee when the coffin crashed their party. Then, George Lee asked us to deal with this little retard.” The top three families accepted the terms offered by the Lees. All they had to do was deal with a retard of a son-in-law and they could get Hilfinger Corporation. W
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Chapter 154 Expel Brenda
“Ms. Lowry, I didn’t hit Ben. He took my toy and he fell when he ran away!” Brenda stood with her hands behind her back in the corner of the office, crying her lungs out as she tried to defend herself. The boy named Ben was sitting in front of her. There seemed to be some blood stain below his nose, and he was also crying. Slam! Ben’s father, Ken, slammed the table and shouted, “You wretched girl! How dare you lie! Ben is a good boy, he has a lot of toys. Why would he take yours? No wonder you lie at such a young age, your parents didn’t teach you right!” Ben’s mother, Elsa, said coldly, “Ms. Lowry, Brenda White is obviously a badly educated child. I’m afraid Ben might be influenced by being in the same class as her. I’d suggest she gets expelled!” Brenda cried when she heard the boy’s mother threatened to expel her. “Sobs, no I don’t want! Ms. Lowry, please don’t expel me! I am a good girl, I didn’t hit Ben!” Ms. Arina Lowry was a fresh grad recently recruited as a tea
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Chapter 155 Influential Parents
Soon, a forty-one-year-old man with glasses came into the office. The man was the principal of Golden Sun Kindergarten, Jonas Jordan. “Ms. Lowry, what’s going on?” Ms. Lowry explained to him. “Principal Jordan, this girl here hit my son and accused him of taking her toy. She’s a vile child and I don’t want her to be in the same class as my son. You know what to do.” Ken grunted angrily. Kaze scoffed, “I said we’ll check the surveillance footage. What’s wrong with you? Can’t understand English?” Principal Jordan glanced at Kaze who refused to compromise and then at Ken who sounded righteous. Both of them seemed to have a background. It gave him an instant headache. He could only carry out the standard operating procedures. “Hold on, I’ve asked someone to get the surveillance footage.” Soon, a staff member entered. Principal Jordan had a look at the video that the worker recorded using his phone. The footage showed that Brenda was playing with other kids. Ben, o
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Chapter 156 Ms. Summer
Ken laughed when he heard Kaze. “Kid, bold words you have there. Be careful not to bite your own tongue when you talk.” Elsa laughed as well. “Golden Sun Kindergarten is my husband’s company brand, and he can’t expel a girl? Who do you think you are?” Kaze ignored the two of them. He pulled his phone out and called Snow, who was waiting outside the preschool. “Snow, have you heard of Tuling Education Group? Who is their boss?” “Mr. Chairman, you don’t know about the Tuling Education Group?” Snow was surprised. She then explained, “Jessica Summer is the CEO of Tuling Education Group. She founded the company with a partner.” “Jessica’s company?” Kaze was surprised. He did not care about what company Jessica owned or how big her business had gotten. Even if she was the richest woman in South River State, she would have to kneel before James’ grave. “Call Jessica and tell her to come here right away.” Kaze then hung up the phone. “Who is Jessica?” Elsa was baffled
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Chapter 157 Blacklisted
Jessica shuddered in fear when she heard Kaze. She looked around and finally saw Ken. Her gaze turned frosty and bellowed, “Ken Mendez, how dare you expel Ms. Brenda White?!” Kaze held Brenda in his arms and from this scene, Jessica knew the girl was as close as family to him. Ken was stepping on a landmine! His mind went blank. He bent over when Jessica bellowed at him. “Ms. Summer, I didn’t know…” Slap! Jessica slapped him on the face, leaving a flaming hot mark of her palm on his face. “You are fired!” “Huh?” Ken was stunned as he held his face. He arrogantly claimed that he could get Brenda expelled, but now it was he who got fired. He lost his job as an executive of Tuling Education Group, one that paid him almost a million a year. That was not the end. Jessica then said, “I will blacklist your name from the industry. No one in the education field will hire you anymore!” Ken collapsed on the chair. Blacklisted by the entire industry! He was alread
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Chapter 158 Settling Scores, Old and New
Snow glanced at Camry and Brenda, and she held back from speaking further. “Uncle Camry, why don’t you bring Brenda into the car first?” Kaze put Brenda in Camry’s care. After they went into the car, Kaze frowned and asked, “What happened?” Snow said, “Ms. Quint and the Quint family went over to Hilfinger Corporation to take over the business but they were thrown out by the general manager, Ray Buster. And Kelly Clarkson jumped off the building right in front of them. “At the same time, Henry Hilfinger jumped off the hospital window.” Thump! Jessica, who came out with them, was frightened when she overheard Snow. She immediately knelt before Kaze and begged him. “Kaze, please don’t kill me! I know I’ve made some mistakes but please don’t kill me. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do! I’ll go confess in front of James’ grave! I’ll do whatever I can to make up for his family!” The woman kowtowed to Kaze repeatedly. “Stop it. I am not responsible for their deaths!” Kaze
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Chapter 159 Pick Up Brother-In-Law
“Old house?” Kaze looked at Camry and Teresa. Teresa sighed and said, “Brenda is referring to the mansion that James bought when he came back to Lilyrose. That’s when she started to remember things.” Back then, all five of them lived in that house. Winnie also had many pets in the house to keep Brenda entertained. Brenda had fond memories of that place. She still had dreams of her and her parents having fun there. Camry said, “It’s over now. After James passed, the house was taken by the bank and it must have a new owner by now.” Teresa pursed her lips. A hint of reminiscence flashed in her eyes. Back then, the family of five lived a happy life. Kaze took note of the mansion. After he left the White family, he told Snow to check the mansion’s current status. If Brenda wanted her old house back, then there was no need to buy a new one. Snow drove Kaze back to Horizon Mirror Mansion before she left. “Kaze, how dare you come back here! Because of what you said, w
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Chapter 160 Tailed
The presale of Passion Fragrance District was around the corner and Darcy had been busy. She had to get the most important loan cleared. Quintessential Group had always faced a shortage of funds and had to deal with large expenses on a daily basis. The presale required a large sum of regulatory funds as well, so the company was facing a huge financial gap. She had to deal with all the problems herself. Kaze agreed. “Darcy, are you feeling alright?” Kaze noticed the unusual look on her face. Darcy rubbed her cheeks. “I’m fine. I’m just a little scared. Kelly jumped off the building in front of us.” Fortunately, she was mentally strong. On the other hand, the usually arrogant Samus and Deborah peed themselves on the spot when they saw Kelly’s body. It was a terrifying scene. “Oh yeah, I heard Henry jump off the hospital window as well. It’s just strange,” Darcy said emotionally. Henry and Kelly were her high school classmates, and now both of them killed themsel
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