All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
1596 Chapters
Chapter 131 Ten Thousand People Deployed for Arrests
Following the scream, two thousand people in the hall switched their attention to the big screen on stage. The screen was switched back to the Golden Edge construction site. It was still live but the workers with the congratulatory banner were gone. Loud sirens could be heard from the site. Then police cruisers entered the frame, followed by multiple green armored cars. Common police officers and riot police officers came down from the cruisers. The green armored vehicles unloaded a battalion of fully-armed soldiers. They were equipped with live rounds and were ready to take out their targets. “Arrest them all!” The captain of the operation gave the signal. The police officers and soldiers charged into the construction site. In less than a minute, more than a hundred gangsters were arrested. Some gangsters were bleeding and bruised, and they were dragged across the ground like ragdolls. They were thrown into the armored vehicles mercilessly. Bob, one of the boar
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Chapter 132 Fallout
Everything went dead silent. Underneath everyone’s mortified look was their hearts pounding anxiously. The numbers that the vice police chief provided were like three heavy attacks that landed on everyone’s heart, inflicting critical damage. More than 2,300 gangsters were arrested and they were the men of the fifteen board members of the society. The gangsters were scattered across 109 construction sites yet they were all arrested in less than five minutes. The police force and the Tiger Fangs mobilized more than ten thousand men for the operation. An operation with ten thousand police officers and soldiers! It had never happened before in the history of Lilyrose. The most surprising thing was that no one got news on it or foresaw it coming. Roger’s blank look said it all. Even after all the gangsters were arrested, he still had no idea how it happened. “Why? Why did you arrest them?” Roger looked in Don and Shin’s direction with a blank look, murmuring. The fifte
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Chapter 133 Who Is Opposing The Construction And Material Society?
“No! I won’t accept this! There are two thousand people here and they are all influential figures. Since we still have some men outside, why don’t we hold them hostage and force the police to let us go! “After we get out, we’ll escape the city. With our influence and resources, we can make a comeback elsewhere!” Maybe Bob had lost his mind or maybe he was born a fugitive. He knew the odds were against him and he considered taking the risk to escape. The other gangster bosses were horrified, their legs turned weak. Only a few of them had a ferocious gaze in their eyes, wondering if they should take the risk. Most of the gangster bosses were still sane, but Bob had decided for them without their consent. He turned around and shouted, “You want to ruin us?! No fucking way! You think we can’t do anything after you arrest our men? Do you know how many people we have around Universal Tower?! “Don Braders, Shin Scarlet, one word and my men will come in here to take control of the
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Chapter 134 Who Is The Commander?
Not only Roger, Kelly, and Haiden, but the others were confused as well. All two thousand guests in the hall were similarly baffled. Then, the vice commander of the Garo Spec Ops Team who led the operation, Jayden Belfast, went up to Koga and saluted. “Deputy Commander, report! The Garo Spec Ops Team has joined forces with Lilyrose for the anti-riot cooperation and successfully completed all assigned missions. Order, sir!” Koga saluted back and said, “Standby and wait for the commander’s order.” Everyone was shocked. Judging from Jayden’s words, Koga seemed to be the deputy commander of this operation. In that case, who was the main commander? Shin Scarlet? It should not be because he had the same rank as Koga. Don Braders? Impossible. He was just the chief of police, which was lower ranked than the brigadier general. Shin and Koga were probably taking orders from the mayor, Johnson. “Could Mayor Brooks be the main commander of this operation?” Everyone turn
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Chapter 135 Roger Hilfinger, Do You Confess Your Crimes
The hall with two thousand people was dead silent. However, in places that the ears could not hear, people’s hearts were pounding rapidly. They breathed heavily and some even forgot to breathe. Shocking! Astonishing! Unbelievable! Not a single word or all of them combined could describe their feelings. The abandoned son of the Lee family, the son-in-law of the Quint family, the retard who had been locked up in the psychiatric ward for five years, the trash that everyone looked down on, was the main commander of the anti-riot operation?! The mayor, the brigadier generals, and the chief of police all listened to his command. Then, under everyone’s blank gaze, Kaze, who had been sitting for a while, finally got up. He looked at Roger, whose face had turned pale and his eyes had turned blank. He smiled and said, “Roger Hilfinger, what do you think of this?” Roger asked him a similar question when he was on stage. Now, Kaze wanted to return the favor. Roger’s expressio
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Chapter 136 All Kneel
“Kaze, I was wrong. I shouldn’t oppose you! Please let me go, please spare my family…” Roger knelt before Kaze, prostrating and hitting his head on the ground. He knew he was finished when he found out Kaze was the main commander of the operation. The Construction and Material Society was over, and so was the Hilfinger family. Based on what he did to Kaze, there was no reason for Kaze to spare him. Even the Lee family from the capital could not protect him anymore. He did not know who Kaze was, but as someone who could order the army around, he was someone so powerful that not even the Lee family could offend him. The massive anti-riot operation, involving tens of thousands of police and soldiers, managed to go unnoticed by the Lee family, despite having their men all over the city. It was the best proof that Kaze was more powerful than the Lee family! Kaze scoffed and said, “You went after my wife, do you think I’ll let you go that easily?” Roger shuddered. He regret
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Chapter 137 Return The Goods
After most of the guests had left Universal Tower, another group of people came in from the Sky Cloud Tower, which was opposite the building. “It’s Ray Forrester and the people from Perfect World Group!” “The chairman’s assistant, Snow Frost, is also there!” Everyone made way for the group as they strutted into the Universal Tower. They entered the building proudly as if they had just won the war. “I finally know what is going on! The Construction and Material Society has been snatching their employees yet they didn’t respond at all. It’s not that they don’t care or are scared, they are preparing for something big!” “Mr. Forrester is known for being calm and patient. We are fools to think that Perfect World Group is over. Now they are delivering the final blow to Roger Hilfinger!” “Yeah! Roger Hilfinger even said Ray Forrester dared not attend the ceremony. Look what’s happening now!” “We are the clowns, and so is Roger Hilfinger…” The guests dispersed gradually, mockin
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Chapter 138 Top Three Families
“You don’t need to worry about that. The core business of Hilfinger Corporation was originally a division of Quintessential Group that got separated. Now it’s time to return it to its rightful place.” Kaze then looked at Roger. “Tell your employees to clear out the company’s properties and possessions. Tomorrow, my wife will come to take over your company. If you agree, your son lives.” He made it clear that only Henry would be spared, not Roger. It was the most he could offer. Henry got what he deserved, so his life did not matter anymore. Roger, however, must die. It was a little present that Kaze prepared for his family back in the capital. Man proposed, and God disposed. Roger pulled his phone out and called the general manager of Hilfinger Corporation, Jay Buster, and delivered Kaze’s instructions. Kaze pulled a chair over and sat down. “Now, let’s talk about what happened five years ago. Other than the Lee family and the Hilfinger family, who else is involved in
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Chapter 139 Forge a Coffin
Roger finally understood the situation. Aside from Kaze’s current status and power, his previous identity must be prestigious and dignified as well. Henry simply bullied Kaze during his university days and because of that, the Hilfinger family received so much benefit that they grew larger. Kaze looked at the gangster bosses kneeling on stage. “What about you people?” “Mr. Lee, we have no idea as well. We were just goons a few years back. Mr. Quint is someone that we could never get close to.” All fifteen of them immediately confessed. They had no grudges against Kaze. Even if they were apprehended, the worst punishment would only be jail time. If they were somehow related to Hector’s car crash, then they would lose their lives. Ray then said, “Mr. Chairman, if they are the culprit, I would have dealt with them a long time ago. Based on what I know, it might be related to a few former underworld bosses who had either retired or left the underworld. “However, it’s a
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Chapter 140 Coffin as Birthday Present
When Kaze saw the substitute, he saw himself. When he was locked up in the psychiatric ward for the first year, his condition was exactly like the substitute. However, Kaze had it worse than the substitute. 24 hours a day, every minute and every second of his life was recorded and he had to pretend to be a retard in front of the camera. He would never forget it for the rest of his life. The screen showed James visiting the substitute. James accompanied him patiently, talked to him, and played with him. “When was this?” Kaze asked. Ray said, “Two years ago, before James White got into the car crash.” James visited the psychiatric ward that day and wanted to bring Kaze out to a better place for treatment. However, the substitute was under constant surveillance and the Lee family would never allow him to take the substitute out. James failed in the end. After that, James never visited because of the car crash. Then, after the problems with his company, he jumped
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