All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 1591 - Chapter 1600
1636 Chapters
Chapter 1591 Punishment
The leader curled his lips and said, “No matter what you say, the branch leader has spoken and you will kill yourself. As long as you are in Arcadia, there’s no place you can run to.” His confidence came from the influence of the Viper’s Den and the reputation that the organization built throughout the years. One word was enough for Kaze to kill himself. They did not need to do it themselves. Kaze shook his head and said, “You guys could have walked away but you just have to challenge me. Fine. You people took my wife and let Pete Fuller hurt her, so you’ll pay for that.” He then stepped forward and approached the leader. “You dare challenge us?” The leader was slightly surprised. He bellowed, “You’re asking for it!” “Get him!” With a raise of his hand, his agents darted forward and jumped at Kaze. Despite their disdain for Kaze, they knew they could not afford to be careless because he had indeed defeated Hannah. Shoosh! With the Viper's Den agents lunging at him
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Chapter 1592 Throw It Out
“If he isn’t leaving, just call Don and throw him out,” Kaze said with furrowed brows. He was annoyed that Caleb had called him for such a trivial matter. Caleb awkwardly chuckled and said, “He’s with the Viper’s Den, we…” “Fine. I’ll be there in a minute.” Kaze hung up the phone and made his way to the city council. “Is the young mayor afraid of me? Is he avoiding me? Did you call him and tell him I am waiting for him?” Trent continued to cause a scene at the city council, acting like he owned the place. Had Caleb and the others not stopped Trent from going inside, he would have stormed into the mayor’s office to look for the new mayor. When Kaze arrived, he saw the man throwing a tantrum like a baby. “What is this about? Why do you want to see me?” He went over to Trent with an annoyed look. “Kaze Lee?” Trent was surprised to see him as well. The Viper’s Den agents who came with Trent locked their eyes on Kaze the moment he appeared. They were alarmed by his
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Chapter 1593 Calligraphy
“Go! Let’s go!” Trent was too embarrassed to stay. He covered his face and dashed into the car with the two Viper’s Den agents while avoiding the crowd. Right then, he received a call from his secretary, Kan. “Sir, Kaze Lee went to Landor Residence. He cut off the arm of every Viper’s Den agent and Pete…” Trent was instantly on edge when he heard about his grandson. He asked, “What happened to Pete?” “Pete got castrated and by the looks of it, there’s no way he could recover…” Trent could no longer listen to Kan as his mind slowly went blank. His consciousness slowly faded. …At the Viper’s Den West State Branch in Westeros, Magnus was looking at Yves kneeling before him. His face was emotionless. He asked, "So, you saw your colleagues got their arms cut off and you decided to ditch him to come back to me?” Yves was sweating nervously on his knees. He felt an intense pressure on his shoulder. “Branch Leader, I am sorry for my incompetence, but Kaze Lee is ridiculou
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Chapter 1594 Spits Blood
“It seems like Viper’s Den has finally learned some manners after I taught two groups of your men a lesson.” Kaze chuckled. He then saw the little wooden box in Yves’ hands and said, “So is this what Magnus Fuller wants you to give me?” Yves turned a deaf ear at the first sentence. Instead, he presented the wooden box and said, “Yes. This is from o-our branch leader.” Kaze smiled as he noticed the nervousness in Yves’ tone. He said, “Bring it over.” Yves passed the wooden box to Caleb. Caleb opened the box and took a scroll out. “Open it,” Kaze said as he gestured. Yves grew nervous as Caleb opened the scroll. He was afraid that Kaze might be angered and hold him accountable. Caleb flattened the scroll on the table. “Come to me on your knees and accept your death!” When the words were finally revealed, Caleb felt so pressured that he felt like swords were hurled at him. His face turned pale and instinctively took two steps back. His forehead was instantly covere
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Chapter 1595 Still Holding Up?
Yves did not know what happened. He had a look at the blood he spat on the floor and said, “I am sorry, Mr. Lee. I didn’t mean to make a mess. I’ll clean it up right away!” Kaze nodded without saying anything. Yves squatted and quickly wiped the blood clean. Only then did he get up, take Kaze’s scroll, and leave. Throughout the entire process, even he did not realize that his eyes instinctively avoided the words on the scroll. Carrying Kaze’s message, Yves went headed back to Westeros without further ado. “You’re alone?”’ Magnus frowned when he saw Yves looking as pale as paper. “Did Kaze Lee hurt you?” “N-No sir. Mr… I mean Kaze Lee is quite polite this time,” Yves answered honestly. Magnus asked, “Did you give him the scroll in person? How did he react?” “He looked fine. Calm. Nothing unusual,” Yves said as he recalled the earlier scene. “Calm?” Magnus was baffled. Then, his expression turned gloomy. “Don’t tell me you didn’t see him in person and left it
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Chapter 1596 Another Bout of Blood Vomit   
“Are you alright, sir?” Fear gripped Yves as he saw a terrifying look on Magnus’ face, which was anything he had ever encountered.“Ugh… I’m fine.” Magnus struggled as he shifted his gaze and said with a raspy voice, “The bastard is looking for trouble.” He hissed through clenched teeth. Yves assumed Magnus was furious that Kaze employed the same tactic on him. He persuaded, “Don’t be mad, sir. Lee is obnoxious. I doubt he takes anyone seriously.“The scroll won’t do anything to him. He needs to be killed, and I think you’re the best person for the job, sir.” Magnus scoffed and spoke hoarsely, “He doesn’t deserve my attention.” “What do we do now?” Yves was in a daze. Even Hannah was ruined. Among Viper’s Den, only Magnus stood a chance against Kaze. Magnus said with a grimace, “Issue an order that Sirius will replace Hannah’s position. Send him to Lilyrose with firearms. He must bring back the Nether Viper Sword and Kaze. “Times have changed. We can’t just fi
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Chapter 1597 Astral Glitter   
After much thought, Kaze gave Draco a call. “How are Sven and Wolf doing?” Draco replied, “They have passed all physical tests. The lab reports their progress live.” “Alright. Send them back in the next few days to protect Darcy. Make sure they are equipped with the license to kill. “Tell them to kill anyone who tries to harm Darcy,” Kaze said curtly. He was not worried about himself, but Darcy could be a target. Conan’s henchmen were no match for an organization like the Viper’s Den. … The next day, Kaze went to the mayor’s office. Conan was waiting outside Skylar View District. Standing next to him was Astral whose head was bruised and patched up. Conan would give him annoyed looks from time to time. “Why are you here?” Kaze drew close and looked at Astral. Astral hunched over and said, “I heard Sirius had flown to Lilyrose. I thought I would come by in case he tries something with you. I am set to succeed the family. Even if he hates me, he should take my o
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Chapter 1598 Repay With Retaliation   
“Chief of Viper’s Den’s serious crime unit?” Kaze raised a brow. “If I remember correctly, Hannah is the chief.” Sirius smiled. “Thanks to you, Mr. Fuller stripped Chief Delmore of her title and promoted me. “Come to think of it, I wouldn’t get the promotion if it weren’t for you, Mr. Lee,” Sirius said earnestly. He looked at Kaze with gratitude. Kaze grinned nonchalantly, his gaze brushing past the members of the Viper’s Den. “So is this the gratitude you’re showing, Chief Glitter?” Kaze remarked sarcastically. “Don’t put it that way. Business is business.” Sirius said with a smile, “From a personal standpoint, I’m grateful to you, Mr. Lee. “But you’re suspected of killing Gareth and twenty-odd of his students. You have also wounded our agents.“As the chief of the serious crime unit, it’s my duty to arrest suspects and bring them to justice.“Due to the nature of your crime, Mr. Fuller has asked me to bring you back to Westeros for punishment. “Since I owe you o
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Chapter 1599 Open Fire   
“Kaze, you should come with us if you know what’s good for you. Chief Glitter is only being nice to show you the sights of Westeros before you die.” “This should serve as a lesson for you. If you find yourself coming from a small place in your next life, you might want to think twice before getting so full of yourself.” “Don’t just stand there. Get in the car. Chief Glitter is patient, but we’re not.” Several members of the Viper’s Den tore into Kaze. They wanted to complete the task quickly and received an award alongside their leader, Sirius. Hannah was powerless against Kaze. To make matters worse, she lost the Nether Viper Sword too. Yves could not stop Kaze either. He ditched his incapacitated comrades and fled to Westeros with his tail tucked between his legs. Now that it was Sirius and his crew’s turn, they were going to apprehend Kaze and retrieve the Nether Viper Sword. When that happened, the team would rise in prominence within the organization and be given p
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Chapter 1600 He Means Business   
Bang!This time, Sirius shot Astral’s knee. Astral let out a harrowing cry before collapsing to the ground. He hugged his knee in agony. Hiss.Gasps filled the air. It was bad enough that Sirius shot Conan, but he fired at Astral too. Astral was his cousin and the future head of the family. Yet, Astral was more savage than Conan. Since he shot Astral’s knee at close range, the sheer force of the bullet would blow the latter’s kneecap apart. Even if Astral survived the shot, he would have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. It could be a sign that Sirius was severing ties with the Glitters. The expressions of the crowd when they looked at Sirius went from horror to sheer terror. They believed Sirius was either an idiot or simply cold-blooded. Sirius blew off the smoke residue and glanced at Astral, who was whimpering on the ground. He said callously, “As the successor of the family, you’re embarrassing the family by groveling at the feet of a nobody
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