All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 1611 - Chapter 1620
1640 Chapters
Chapter 1611 Can’t Walk Out Alive   
Sirius paused and turned around to look at Kaze with a frown. He looked at Kaze like he was an unappreciative clown.“Mr. Lee, I’m letting you off the hook because of Chief Commander Hiden. Don’t be ungrateful. “You better cherish every second of your life. The Viper’s Den won’t let you get away with stealing the Nether Viper Sword,” Sirius said coldly. Kaze sure was oblivious to the fact that he could crush him before Albert came along. Sirius chose to leave the matter alone for now, but Kaze would not let it go. Kaze was taking things for granted. Taking steps ahead, Kaze said indifferently, “I told you that your Viper Queen has to come and retrieve the sword from me. “But the issue is that this is not Nether Viper Sword. “You had the mayor’s office surrounded and fired shots at my people. You even wanted me to cuff myself on my knees. “Do you think we’re even just because Albert kicked you around a little? “Here’s the deal. You’re not walking out of Lilyrose ali
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Chapter 1612 Crush You Like a Bug
“Who are you to challenge the Viper’s Den’s authority, lowlife?” While Madam Hacks appeared to be mocking Kaze, she was actually stirring the pot.She would love it if Kaze and the Viper’s Den could be at each other’s throats. Madam Hacks hated Kaze’s guts. Kaze, the loser, not only got Kingston arrested, but he also got his nose in her business. Today, Albert slapped her because of Kaze, and the legality of her marriage was challenged too. Madam Hacks would rather die than be humiliated. Since she could not do anything to Albert, she took out her anger on Kaze. As Sirius said, Albert could not always be there for Kaze. “Lowlife?” Kaze narrowed his eyes at Madam Hacks. “You still don’t seem to have a clue who the lowlife is here.” He was enraged moments ago. If Albert had not shown up out of the blue, corpses would have piled up outside the mayor’s office. The fifth wife of the Hacks family head was no threat to Kaze. He could easily kill her. Not getting th
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Chapter 1613 Hasty   
“Since you got a beating from Albert, I’ll only use one hand on you. Two hands and I’m out. I can forget about today’s incident too. “How about that?” Kaze’s nonchalant suggestion only enraged Sirius. “You’re cocky, Mr. Lee. Don’t you care about your life?” Sirius hissed through clenched teeth. Sirius was aware that Kaze had defeated Hannah with his palm. The news traveled across the Viper’s Den’s branch in the West State. However, Sirius believed Hannah only lost due to her carelessness. He knew Hannah too well. Hannah was arrogant and condescending. She would not take a nobody like Kaze seriously. For that reason, Hannah failed miserably. She became a joke within the organization. Sirius trusted that he was as strong, if not better than Hannah. His rapid rise through the ranks was proof, especially in the Viper’s Den where competence mattered more than family background. Hannah was a beautiful woman which were two qualities that sparked a lot of interest. Th
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Chapter 1614 Punching Above Your Weight
Madam Hacks, Christian, and the others sneered as Kaze stood still as if he was too stunned to fight back. They called Kaze on his bluff. The outcome of the fight would ultimately reveal the real champion.“Die, loser!” Sirius let out a menacing smile. He did not mistake Kaze’s moment of daze for an opportunity to show mercy.The way Sirius saw it, Kaze was a dead man since the moment he got on his nerves. “Die?” Kaze moved at last. Staying true to his word, he only used one arm. Kaze raised his arm and slapped Sirius’ clawing hand away. “Crack!” Then came a series of splintering noises. As Sirius’ arm hung limp, he made a face of agony and disbelief. That was impossible. Kaze shattered his entire arm. The joints in his wrist and elbow shattered into several pieces. “No!” Sirius looked up at Kaze in rage. Not stopping there, Kaze landed his hand on his cheek with sheer force. “Smack!” Sirius coughed up blood and collapsed to the floor.“Argh!”
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Chapter 1615 Eliminate the Viper’s Den   
Sirius was in disbelief. He had encountered many great fighters in the Viper’s Den, but nothing and no one ever stunned him. It took just one slap. Sirius was incapacitated. The sheer force of the slap was great. That was all it took to shatter the joints in his wrist, elbow, and shoulder. The rest of his body did not suffer as much damage. Sirius finally sensed the disparity of strength between him and Kaze. Kaze slapped his pride and ego away, and Sirius still could not believe it. Maybe only Magnus in the West State could put up a fight against Kaze. Sirius’ lips quivered as he spoke with difficulty, “I represent the Viper’s Den, Lee. I came to Lilyrose on Mr. Fuller’s orders. If you kill me, the Viper’s Den will make you pay.” Madam Hacks and the others widened their eyes. Sirius was too proud to even acknowledge Astral as the family successor. He even stuck his neck out to refute Albert the chief commander. Yet now, his threat carried no weight. The c
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Chapter 1616 Not Enemies   
Albert smiled wryly without another word. He knew Kaze meant what he said. For anything Kaze deemed unacceptable, nothing and no one could stop him from fixing it.It was Kaze’s very nature that won the strategic department over. Slaughtering the Viper’s Den was no big deal. Kaze’s statement shocked many. The crowd could not understand where Kaze got his confidence from. Did he know what he was saying? Ignoring everybody else, Kaze patted Sirius’ face with the tip of the bloody sword. “I can spare your life. Get your ass back to the West State and tell Magnus to find me in Lilyrose. Don’t send his little minions to annoy me. “I’ve sliced off your arm, but the next time, it’s your throat I’m after.” Sirius did not make a peep. He struggled to get on his feet and grabbed his arm from the ground. Sirius and the other Viper’s Den agents departed without looking back. The team aggressively surrounded the mayor’s office when they arrived. However, they left with thei
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Chapter 1617 Stirring the Pot   
Sirius detailed the earlier incident. Magnus made a face upon learning that a slap was all it took for Kaze to defeat Sirius. Even though Magnus had an idea about Kaze’s strength, he was still horrified. “Our branch suffered a massive loss, sir. No one can restrain Kaze. Only you can kill him and retrieve the Nether Viper Sword.“Besides, Kaze made it clear that unless you make the trip, he will start killing the next group of people you send,” Sirius summoned up the courage and said solemnly. Sirius could not wait for Magnus to finish Kaze off. Kaze was his enemy and nightmare. He might never step foot into Lilyrose so long as Kaze lived. Magnus scoffed, waved his arm, and said, “It’s time you step back. I’ll sort this out.” He had not recovered since spitting out blood from reading the scroll from Kaze. How could he possibly go to Kaze now? Sirius said resentfully, “But sir, the news about Kaze stealing the Nether Viper Sword and destroying the Viper’s Den in the Wes
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Chapter 1618 Destroying a Branch   
The woman looked at Sieg with admiration. With just one move, Sieg could play out the plan to his desire. He worked behind the scenes, finishing his opponents from miles away. It was not just flattery. Sieg’s reputation for wisdom in Geranium City was well-deserved.To the woman, Sieg was the perfect man. Sieg smiled broadly. “I hope Kaze doesn’t die so easily. I finally found someone who piqued my interest, so it would be a shame if he died too soon.” … Kaze, Darco, and Albert were having a drink at the military command in Lilyrose Strategic Department. After every battle they fought in the war, Kaze would organize a get-together and drink with his buddies to let loose. Not one to be a snob, Kaze mingled with his men like buddies. His comrades-in-arms would not keep their distance from Kaze because of his senior position in private. They opened up to him. “Drink up! Remember the last time we drank together? Or was it the time before the last?” Albert tipsily r
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Chapter 1619 Auctioning off the Sword   
“That’s exactly why Magnus spread the rumors. He’s dug a hole for you to jump in.“He has a trap laid out for you when you go there. “But it’ll look like you chicken out if you don’t go.” Draco nodded and chimed in, “That’s right. That’s what the bastard wants.” They saw through Magnus’ evil plan. Still, Draco, Albert, and Kaze were relaxed and even disdainful. Magnus was nothing but a buffoon in their eyes. Even if Kaze went to Westeros, crushing the Viper’s Den’s branch there was a piece of cake. Any manipulation was useless in the face of absolute power. “Are you going to Westeros?” Albert asked in anticipation. It had been a long time since Kaze started anything. Albert was desperate for Kaze to head to Westeros and crush the Viper’s Den’s branch. “As if.” Kaze retorted gleefully before uttering indifferently, “Magnus isn’t worth my time to Westeros.“But Magnus can come to me.” Kaze’s eyes turned icy. The Viper’s Den was becoming a constant annoyan
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Chapter 1620 Enter Dallas Moneylender   
Many knew by now that the Viper’s Den’s Nether Viper Sword was in Kaze’s possession. Hence why the Viper’s Den made a huge fuss, and Magnus, the leader of the branch in the West State demanded Kaze to deliver the sword in three days and apologize on his knees. All eyes were on Kaze. Kaze messed with the wrong people this time. The very name of the Viper’s Den sent shivers down many spines.Many believed that Kaze would head to Westeros and present the Nether Viper Sword to Magnus on his knees before the three days were up. However, news arrived of multiple attempts to sell the Nether Viper Sword through auction houses.One name entered everybody’s mind right away. Kaze. Since Kaze stole the Nether Viper Sword, it could only be him who was planning to auction it off. Kaze had the nerve. He was playing with fire. The news was quite a bombshell. No one expected Kaze to try and sell the Nether Viper Sword. He was definitely getting under the Viper’s Den’s skin.
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