All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 1621 - Chapter 1630
1644 Chapters
Chapter 1621 Dallas Auction
“Dallas Moneylender isn’t afraid of Viper’s Den? How much are they taking?” Kaze was furious. Dallas Moneylender was an underground money laundering organization and theoretically, they should be afraid of the Viper’s Den, one of the official authorities. Viper’s Den’s main responsibility was to control the underground factions across the country. It was not exaggerating to say that Viper’s Den was Dallas Moneylender’s bane. However, since Dallas Moneylender prioritized profits and money, as long as they could reap sufficient reward from the auction, they might take the risk and hold the auction of the Nether Viper Sword. Kaze was curious how much Dallas Moneylender was taking. Auction houses usually offer a certain percentage of commission from the final auction price. It was not fixed, so the number entirely depended on how high the bidding could go. “Mr. Chairman, Dallas Moneylender has been around for a hundred years, as long as the Viper’s Den. They have people all
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Chapter 1622 Magnus' Decision
“Then do you think Kaze can make it this time?” the woman asked curiously. Even though Kaze was able to force Magnus out of his turf by auctioning the Nether Viper Sword, the man was still the branch leader of the Viper’s Den in the West State. Magnus had access to all resources, connections, and branches in the entire West State. He was a force to be reckoned with. Kaze might be slightly powerful in Lilyrose but his powers and resources were nothing compared to Magnus’. Sieg shook his head. “I can’t tell. Logically, I think Kaze is dead meat. Though a part of me wants him to perform another miracle. “Only then he is worthy to be my opponent, my grinding stone that I can hone my skills with. Let’s just wait and see…” As Sieg’s voice grew softer, the courtyard returned to peace and quiet. …Viper’s Den Westeros branch. Magnus sat on his executive chair, emotionless and silent. “Branch Leader, the representatives from thirty-five branches asked why can’t we deal with a
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Chapter 1623 Honey Lazada
On the second day, the auction proceeded as planned. After Kaze sent Darcy off to work, he strolled back to the entrance of Skylar View District. “Brother!” Conan, who had been waiting since early in the morning, came over attentively. Kaze glanced at him and asked, “How’s your hand?” “Nothing to worry about.” Conan smiled and waved his hand around to show that he was fine. Kaze nodded. “Come on, let’s go get your revenge.” He had gotten news that Magnus left West State last night and had already arrived at South River State. The upcoming auction would surely be a party. Dallas Moneylender rented the exhibition center for the auction, which was the same place where Rove held their investment auction. Kaze did not grant any backdoor access to Dallas Moneylender to rent the place, nor did he inform the city council about the auction. Even though Dallas Moneylender Lilyrose Branch had been eliminated, their influence in the city remained strong. Given how strong
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Chapter 1624 Dragon's Nest, Ruth Wyrm
Kaze did not mind the authenticity of Honey’s words. If Dallas Moneylender had the nerve to come to him for revenge, he would just eliminate them all once more. “Mr. Lee, please wait at the VIP lounge area. I still have to welcome other guests. There are quite a number of VIPs attending the auction today.” Honey told one of her men to lead Kaze to the lounge area before she went off. After Kaze and Conan sat down, more guests were being brought into the VIP lounge. A tall young woman with a hair bun walked in surrounded by people. Conan was surprised to see the young woman. He leaned closer to Kaze and whispered, “Bro, this woman is Ruth Wyrm, one of the leaders of Dragon’s Nest in South River State. Like Hannah Delmore, she’s also one of the young prodigies…” Before he could finish, he realized Kaze was looking behind him with an interesting look. “Bro, what’s the matter?” He instinctively turned around and saw Ruth behind him, staring at him fiercely. He was not a
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Chapter 1625 Wolf's Den, Tiger's Cave
Kaze put the Nether Viper Sword away and said, “Since Conan started it, I’ll let you off the hook this time. There won’t be a next.” “Hmph!” Ruth grunted coldly but dared not continue the argument with Kaze. She was no idiot. From the moment Kaze successfully ambushed her, she knew she was no match for him. She knew Kaze defeated Hannah and two teams of Viper’s Den’s agents. She was skeptical at first but after the brief encounter, she was forced to accept the fact. Kaze ignored the young woman. He was not trying to be arrogant or overprotective of his followers, but because the auction would be flooded with people from different factions. It was necessary to ensure his and Conan’s safety. Ruth was from the Dragon’s Nest, so it was almost certain that the Wolf’s Den and Tiger’s Cave would also send representatives over. After all, it was uncommon to see Viper’s Den in shame. Based on how fierce and rude Ruth was to Conan, it was no surprise that people from the four
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Chapter 1626 Auction Starts
Vigar had another glance at Kaze but did not say anything. He simply sat down in the corner as well. Other than the Viper’s Den, the Dragon’s Nest, Tiger’s Cave, and Wolf’s Den had sent their representatives over. More guests arrived. As for the local Lilyroseans, the family heads of the Vikrom, Joestar, and Logman families came to support Kaze right after they were discharged from the hospital. Some influential figures of the city also attended and greeted Kaze when they arrived. However, not everyone respected Kaze. “Kaze Lee, I wonder if you will die today…” Madam Hacks, Christian, and the others attended as well. The one who spoke was Mary Sue. Her words ignited the spark of conflict in the air. Dakota and the other investors from all over the country attended as well. They attended, hopefully, to witness Kaze’s death. They had gotten the news that Magnus would attend the auction. Magnus’ arrival would mean Kaze’s death. Kaze glanced at them and toyed arou
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Chapter 1627 Starting Bid One Billion
After Honey’s introductory speech, the auction staff brought the Nether Viper Sword on stage. The auction also arranged for some experts to demonstrate the sharpness of the sword by performing a few moves on stage, cutting wooden planks, iron rods, and whatnot. The crowd was in awe of the sword’s sharpness. As expected of the sacred weapon of the Viper’s Den. Despite it being a replica, it possessed unparalleled sharpness and power. However, only the amateurs were impressed by the demonstrations. People like Ruth, Sol, and the others were calm and quiet, simply waiting for the auction to start. They knew how strong the Nether Viper Sword was. In fact, each organization had their own sacred weapon. They would not attend the auction if they were solely after the sword’s sharpness and power. After the demonstration, Honey officially started the bidding. She said, “Now let us start today’s auction. Allow me to state the rules first. “The starting price for the Nether
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Chapter 1628 Get the Nether Viper Sword to Kill You
Honey looked at Sirius and his men with a gentle smile, speaking in the softest tone. Her words sounded weightless. Sirius glanced at her and nonchalantly said, “An underground organization stepping into the light and auctioning the sacred weapon of the Viper’s Den. Aren’t Dallas Moneylender afraid of being eliminated?” He was overflowing with murderous intent. He disregarded Honey’s words and Dallas Moneylender entirely. Honey remained smiling and said nothing. Then, a large number of Dallas Moneylender’s staff swarmed out from the corner and went straight for Sirius and his men, surrounding them. They were so quick that Sirius and his men were unable to respond in time. Bang! Following another heavy thump, the agent who attacked the staff earlier was kicked out of the hall with blood spewing from his mouth. “You!” Sirius’ men were furious. They glared at the staff members and took a cautious stance. Sirius reacted grimly. Even after he revealed his identity, the
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Chapter 1629 500 Million Each Bid
Right after Sirius’ words subsided, everyone looked at Kaze. They heard it was Kaze who cut off Sirius’ arm with the Nether Viper Sword. Now that the rumor had been validated, it explained Sirius’ resentment toward Kaze. He was willing to spend a fortune to bid for the Nether Viper Sword just so he could use it to kill Kaze for revenge. The brief confrontation pressured even Conan, yet Kaze remained nonchalant. He smiled at Sirius and said, “Then it’s going to be costly. You are spending a few billions just to kill me.” Sirius scoffed and said, “I can get it back when I take you and your wife’s company. Their combined assets would be enough to buy a few Nether Viper Swords.” The meaning of his words was self-explanatory. After killing Kaze, Sirius planned to take Kaze and Darcy’s companies to cover the cost of the sword. “We’ll see if you can win the sword,” Kaze said with a hint of fierceness in his eyes. Sirius sat down and then said, “Auctioneer, you may continue
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Chapter 1630 10 Billion
The trustor Honey referred to was Kaze. Sirius glanced at Kaze and scoffed. “Don’t worry about that. It’s just five billion. The Glitters still can afford it. It’s just a matter of cash flow. The money I used today will come back ten folds or even a hundred folds!” His gaze turned fierce. He thought he had won the bid for the Nether Viper Sword. No matter how resourceful or wealthy the other three organizations were, they would never spend a hefty five billion to purchase the Nether Viper Sword. They attended the auction and raised the price because they wanted to make the Viper’s Den look like a fool. They were not here for the sword because it would put them in the opposite position against the entire Viper’s Den. Therefore, the Glitters spending five billion for the Nether Viper Sword was considered a decent deal. They were not losing anything. Sirius wanted to kill Kaze with the sword and seized his and his wife’s assets. The combined value of the companies and as
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