All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 1601 - Chapter 1610
1640 Chapters
Chapter 1601 Here Comes Madam Hacks   
Despite being held at gunpoint, Kaze looked callously at Sirius. “I told you. I’m not going anywhere without an arrest warrant. “You don’t have one, though. I know your plans. You want to silence me. “The Viper’s Den is supposed to work for the nation, but now it has become a tool for some of you for personal gains.“That’s including you, Sirius. This is the Viper’s Den's third visit, and in all three visits, I’ve been accused without proof. Is this what your organization stands for? “The Viper’s Den needs a serious shake-up, a thorough reform. It’s time to get this organization back on track.”Before Sirius said anything, the group beside him started laughing. “A shake-up? How are you going to do that?” “Aren’t you full of yourself, Mr. Lee?” “Do you know how many subdivisions of the Viper’s Den are spread across Arcadia?”“Do you know who is in the higher management of the Viper’s Den?” “Your speech about a so-called reform will get you killed once word gets out.”
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Chapter 1602 Zion Trade Network   
Madam Hacks measured Sirius up in shock. Sirius, long overlooked by the family due to his birth, emerged as surprisingly audacious.He fired a shot at Astral, the successor of the family. The Hackses in Geranium City were a big family. The head of the family had five wives. Madam Hacks was the youngest wife out of the five. Larger groups were magnets for drama and conflict. The Hackses’ squabbling and disputed assets often featured in the city’s tabloids. Madam Hacks’ secured foothold in the Hacks family was a testament to her diplomacy in power struggles.She quickly realized what Sirius was after. Madam Hacks decided to support Sirius in establishing himself in the family and even becoming the next head of the household. She stood to gain a bountiful reward for choosing the right guy to invest in.At the very least, the decision would strengthen her position in the Hacks family. With that in mind, Madam Hacks smiled. “You did the right thing, Sirius. The Glitt
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Chapter 1603 Special Privilege   
Kaze said sharply, “Christian, you and your group of mercenaries entered the country illegally and abducted my wife. I was kind and gracious enough to spare your lives and gave you three days to leave Arcadia. “But I guess you don’t know what’s best for you. You have the nerve to pose as a sales representative for Zion Trade Network to make false claims about me. “You’re really asking for it.” Kaze stared at Christian, his eyes reflecting bloodthirst. Most of the people at the scene were shocked. They could not believe Kaze vowed violence against Christian before their eyes. Even if Christian lacked Madam Hacks’ support and the sales representative title from Zion Trade Network, Kaze’s rudeness toward a Paladin like Christian was uncalled for.Foreigners tended to get special treatment and privileges in Arcadia. Christian sneered. “Zion Trade Network is a legitimate business, Kaze. The Paladian’s foreign office can vouch for that. We entered the country through the right
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Chapter 1604 On His Knees
“Haha, Glitter. I think I’m beginning to like Arcadia.” Christian burst out laughing and patted Sirius’ shoulder. After a bout of laughter, Christian then said, “I heard that you’re here to arrest Kaze over Gareth’s murder. I think you can process the death of my employees and Gareth’s case together.” “No problem. Both cases fall in Viper’s Den’s jurisdiction.” Sirius took Christian’s suggestion without hesitation. Kaze was about to die anyway. These foreigners were pleased to get their revenge before Kaze died. “Alright.” Christian turned to Kaze with a ruthless smile. “You ordered everyone from Zion to leave the country in three days, Kaze.“In our part of the world, someone with your views would be considered a classic nationalist.“It’s time for you to experience what it’s like to die at the hands of your own people. “That reminds me. As a friend, I could talk to Viper’s Den’s higher management to make sure you don’t die so quickly. “Have fun. I heard Viper’s
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Chapter 1605 Four-Star General   
Cheryl, Mary Sue, Christian, and the others snickered. “That’s a good idea, Chief Glitter. Make Kaze kneel and cuff himself. I wouldn’t want to miss that,” Mary Sue said with a wicked smile. Kaze responded indifferently, “Are you sure, Sirius? Are you going to make me kneel and bind my hands?” “What? Do you take yourself for a VIP?” Sirius dropped the façade and sneered. “You might be living like a king in Lilyrose and have friends in the mayor’s office, Mr. Lee. “But you’re nothing in the Viper’s Den’s eyes.“I don’t want to waste my breath with you. Either kneel and cuff, or I’ll make you.” Sirius raised his gun and pointed at Kaze’s head. Narrowing his eyes, Kaze was ready to strike. A figure emerged behind Sirius with a raised leg. “Wham!”The sudden attack slammed Sirius to the ground with a grunt. “Protect Chief Glitter.” The subordinates near Sirius went white and pointed their guns at the perpetrator in military uniform. “Are you pointing those things
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Chapter 1606 Albert Hiden   
The man was Albert Hiden, the chief commander of the State Strategic Department. The crowd looked at Albert in shock. Albert commanded the state’s military at the tender age of 30. Though he was not on equal footing with the state governor, they would find themselves in the same meeting room. Albert was truly a remarkable individual. The likes of Hannah and Sirius were a joke in the presence of Albert. Albert fiddled with the gun in hand and said indifferently, “Even the military wouldn’t launch an armed attack on the mayor’s office. The Viper’s Den sure is cocky.” Sirius said with a grimace, “Chief Commander Hiden, we are working a case, but Mr. Lee took cover in the mayor’s office. We cornered him here out of necessity. Our intention isn’t to launch an attack on the mayor’s office.“Besides, the State Strategic Department and the Viper’s Den operate in different jurisdictions. You have no right to tell us how to do our job, Chief Commander Hiden.” Sirius’ tone, while
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Chapter 1607 The Harrowdale Hidens   
“Let’s get one thing straight before I leave.” Filled with resentment, Sirius said snappily, “You can protect Mr. Lee today, but what about tomorrow or the day after, Chief Commander Hiden? “I doubt you can watch over him for the rest of his life.” Albert raised a brow. “Are you threatening me?” “This is no threat.” Sirius shook his head. “I’m merely stating a fact. You are busy with the state’s military affairs. You can’t always be there for Mr. Lee. You can’t anticipate everything.” The message was clear. Since Albert was taking Kaze’s side, Sirius would wait for his chance to strike Kaze. Albert chuckled. “That’s interesting. That’s quite a retaliation for a nobody working for Viper’s Den.” He drew close and slapped Sirius to the ground. Albert stepped on Sirius’ chest and lowered down to stare him in the eyes. “Are you forgetting that I’m not just a chief commander? “Even without my decorated stars, I can crush you. “I can kill you now, and the Viper’s Den a
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Chapter 1608 Untouchable   
“Do you reckon your rivals will make a big deal out of something you think isn’t worth mentioning, Chief Commander Hiden? “The little scandal should be enough to end your career.“Come on. If you think you can handle the consequences, crush me. Hahaha” Sirius laughed maniacally and looked at Albert in defiance. Albert narrowed his eyes dangerously. “Do you think I wouldn’t kill you? I’d rather stand by my belief than protect my career.” He did not explicitly state that Kaze was his belief. Albert put weight on his foot to crush Sirius. “Albert!” Kaze stopped him and said emotionlessly, “Let him go.” Given Kaze’s authority, Albert could still keep his career even if he killed Sirius. However, Albert would face some challenges. Besides, Kaze knew Sirius was right. Great power came with great responsibility. Albert’s upbringing meant that he would shoulder a lot of responsibilities. While Albert held the prestigious position of governing the state's military, th
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Chapter 1609 Who Are You to Talk?   
Madam Hacks had to step in. She could not bear to let Albert take Kaze away to roam free.Madam Hacks could care less whether Kaze was dead, but she needed the Viper’s Den to make him disappear for a while. That way, Kaze could stop his influence on Loid. In fact, the experience should serve as a strong reminder to Loid to let Kingston go. Hence, Madam Hacks put a label on Albert and threatened him with his superiors.However, Albert was not afraid of intimidation. “The Geranium Hackses?” Albert glanced at Madam Hacks before approaching to slap her. “Smack!” Madam Hacks, despite her connections to the Glitters and Hackses, took a hit in the face. She looked nothing like a lady with her disheveled hair and swollen cheek. “Ah! How dare you hit me!” Madam Hacks covered her face and shrieked hysterically. The malice in her eyes showed her determination to tear Albert apart. However, Albert could care less. He said curtly, “You aren’t legally married to the Hackses.
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Chapter 1610 Did I Allow You to Leave?   
The mention of the God of War washed color off Christian’s red face. The name struck fear in Christian even though he was a war veteran. Heck, the God of War became the nightmare of countless in the five strongest nations. Sirius, Madam Hacks, and the others grimaced. It was said that Albert once served under the God of War. The God of War also attended Albert’s appointment ceremony in Lilyrose. It was scary enough that Albert was the chief commander of the State Strategic Department and part of the Harrowdale Hidens. They were kept on their toes by Albert’s relationship with the God of War. There was another powerful figure who lay no more than 50 miles away in the local military base. He was Draco, who held sway over the military in five states. The man was also the God of War’s right-hand man. “I’m sorry, Chief Commander Hiden, it wasn’t my place to speak.” Christian backed down. Though treated like royalty by others, his expat status meant nothing to the G
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