All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 1631 - Chapter 1640
1640 Chapters
Chapter 1631 Dallas Black Card
Even though Sirius could claim ten billion from Kaze and his assets, he could not fork out that much money to get the Nether Viper Sword. Frustrated, he sat down and stared at the woman, saying, “Ten billion? Fine, the sword is yours. But do you even have that much money?” The woman did not care about Sirius’ sarcastic remark. She shot a frosty glance at him and said, “Shut up. Don’t speak if you are poor, you useless trash! The Nether Viper Sword is the sacred weapon of the Viper’s Den. Is ten billion really that much?” The moment Sol, Ruth, and the others heard the woman, they almost burst out in laughter. Sirius flushed, drowning in his own embarrassment and frustration. As a member of the Glitters, he was called useless trash by a nameless woman in public! Kaze did not laugh at him. He focused on the woman instead as thoughts ran through his mind. “Ten billion once.” “Ten billion twice.” “Sold! To the lady in the back!” Following the smack of the mallet, the Net
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Chapter 1632 Mysterious Woman
“My master said he will meet with you in person when you are done with your matters.” The woman then took the sword and left. “‘Hold it right there!” Before the woman could leave, two of Sirius’ men went up to her and blocked her exit. “You pretentious hag, hand over the sword!” One of them tried to snatch the sword away. Upon seeing the situation, many disdainful glances were shot at Sirius. He failed to reclaim the sword through the auction, so he decided to reclaim it through force. How shameless! Sirius stared at the exit nonchalantly as if he was not a part of it. The Dallas Black Card surprised him for a moment but he was not sure if it was still part of Kaze’s plan with Dallas Moneylender to trick him. After all, bringing someone with the Dallas Black Card into the fray might scare the Viper’s Den and Kaze could escape the punishments. Therefore, Sirius wanted to test if the woman was the real deal. The woman frowned. “Move,” she said. “Know your pl
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Chapter 1633 You're Too Stupid
The woman put the Nether Viper Sword away and said, “Fool. A gun is not the most lethal within a short distance. Your gun is meaningless in front of a true expert.” After berating Sirius, the woman shot a meaningful glance at Kaze before she left. Sirius stared at the exit blankly, speechless. Kaze curled his lips into a meaningful grin. It was an interesting exchange. The woman was not mocking Sirius. It would seem more appropriate that she was lecturing him. Kaze had an extra glance at Sirius, whose face was gloomy. He wondered if the fool could grasp the wisdom. After the woman left, all the guests in the auction hall regained their senses. What happened in that brief moment overwhelmed them. Sirius also slowly regained his composure and his mind cleared up. He wiped the blood off his forehead and then looked at Kaze coldly. “Mr. Lee, I don’t care what master she serves, you are going to die today!” The mysterious woman might have shocked everyone at the auct
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Chapter 1634 Coward
Albert frowned. Suddenly, a frosty chuckle came from the entrance. The chuckle was not loud but it sounded like thunder, clapping right beside everyone’s ear. Many of the guests were frightened. Everyone turned to the entrance once again. A middle-aged man with a wrinkled face appeared at the entrance. He exuded an aura of authority without even speaking. His bearing, hands clasped behind his back, conveyed a sense of towering grandeur and deep unshakable presence, characteristics of someone in a position of power. No one dared to take him lightly. He scanned across the hall and ultimately landed his frosty gaze on Albert. “Chief Commander Hiden of the State Strategic Department. You have quite the nerve to act like a gangster without your uniform. You beat someone up in front of a crowd. “You said you are not in uniform and you are here as your own entity. Does it mean the Viper’s Den can arrest you?” “Hahaha! Branch Leader, you are just in time! Arrest Chief Com
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Chapter 1635 Master Agar
“Chief Commander Hiden, without the uniform, you are just a common citizen. I, as the branch leader of Viper’s Den, do not need a warrant to arrest suspects or criminals. “You hit someone in the open and you question my authority to arrest you?” Albert scoffed. “Even without my uniform, or my title, you and your little den can’t arrest me!” “Young man, don’t speak too soon.” Magnus clasped his hand behind his back and shook his head. He said with a smile, “I know you come from a reputable noble family, the Harrowdale Hidens, whose history dates back a thousand years. “You are what they call a noble. Young masters from other wealthy families are like kids to you. Common authorities might not have the nerve to arrest you because of your privileged background.“But have you heard? Even the king must be punished according to the law when he commits a crime. Others might not dare to arrest you, but not the Viper’s Den!” The king would be punished according to the law when he co
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Chapter 1636 Madam's Will
Upon finding out Master Agar was from the Hiden family of Harrowdale, the guests quieted down. Many of the guests continued to scrutinize Master Agar subtly but dared not look him in the eye. Lilyrose was a small city. The local families could not even rival those in Sunrise City, let alone a noble family in Harrowdale. To Lilyroseans, a noble family was something from fairytales. If not for Albert or Master Agar, no one would have the chance to encounter a noble throughout their entire life. They were all human beings living on the same planet, breathing the same air, but the difference in status was huge. Due to the disconnection between social status, the commoners and the nobles would never cross paths. Master Agar might be from the Hidens, but he was only a martial artist serving the noble family. Technically he was not part of the family by blood, but people still revered him. Ruth, Sol, and Vigar might not be as surprised as the commoners but they too dared not t
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Chapter 1637 Albert Forced to Leave
Albert’s eyes burned with rage. “Trivial?” To him, protecting Kaze was not just his duty, it was his priority. If not for Kaze, his instructor who guided him on the battlefield and allowed him to seize all the war achievements, his family’s resources alone would not have been enough to make him the chief commander at such a young age. Yet Master Agar made it sound like something unimportant. Though he knew Master Agar served the madam, which also meant his words reflected the madam’s will. “Is it not?” Master Agar asked righteously. Losing his patience, Albert stepped forward and bellowed, “Go back and tell her…” “Albert!” Finally, Kaze intervened by calling Albert, stopping him. “You can leave now. Go back to the strategic department.” Kaze could tell that the madam that Master Agar referred to had absolute power in the Hiden family. Kaze did not want Albert to oppose the madam because of him, and he did not want Albert’s family to punish him either. “But I…”
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Chapter 1638 It’s Still Kneel and Apologize
Without Albert’s support, what would Kaze do against Magnus, the branch leader of Viper’s Den? Everyone could already picture Kaze’s funeral. Sirius got up from the floor and grinned viciously. “Kaze Lee, you had Albert Hiden on your side before this and you disrespected us all. “What about now? Come on, keep it up! Or else you won’t get the chance anymore!” Sirius resented Kaze to his core. His arm was cut off and his bones were crushed. It was not possible to recover from such an injury. Even though Magnus sent him here to lure Albert into the trap, possibly injuring him severely so that Viper’s Den would have a reason to arrest the chief commander, he agreed in a heartbeat. He was willing to risk being beaten up by Albert so he could take revenge against Kaze. Unfortunately, Albert did not take the bait. Sirius was just kicked to the floor and slapped twice. The hits were not enough for Viper’s Den to arrest him, hence Master Agar’s arrival. Now Albert had been
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Chapter 1639 Who Gave You the Confidence?
Magnus’ eyes were burning with anger. He had never hated a person this much. It was not his first time meeting an arrogant young man; Albert was a great example. However, Albert was from a prestigious family, so his background justified his arrogance. What about Kaze? He was a useless guy who took his wife’s family name. Yet Kaze had the nerve to talk to Magnus like they were equals, bluffing without considering the consequences. What a fool! Kaze was unfazed by Magnus’ growls. He clasped his hands behind his back and said, “If you don’t want to reason with words, then skip the chatters. Let’s talk with our fists. Are you going to fight me one-on-one or with your team of vipers?” Kaze started to roll his sleeves. “Uh…” Magnus was left speechless. His words were stuck in his throat. Sirius bellowed, “Branch Leader, do it! Kaze Lee is not just challenging you, he’s challenging the entire Viper’s Den. He disregarded our authority, disregarded the law—even if you ki
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Chapter 1640 Shot to Death
“Ugh…” Sirius groaned in pain. He stared at Kaze in fear. As Kaze exerted more strength through his foot, Sirius’ chest started to cave in. His organs felt pressured and his rib cage started to break. He was scared. He finally realized Kaze was ready to kill him on the spot. He expected Kaze to attack him. His provocation was intended to lure Kaze into attacking him, thus giving Magnus a valid reason to strike. Yet he did not want to die. “Branch Leader!” As though a drowning victim, Sirius started screaming for help. His scream for help not only surprised Magnus but also woke the others from their blank state. As the people regained their senses, they were shocked. How could Kaze attack Sirius in front of Magnus? His actions were challenging death itself! Even Magnus was stunned for a moment before he reacted with a grim look. He did not understand why Kaze had the nerve to attack Sirius at this point. Without Albert’s support, Kaze was just some guy with s
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