All Chapters of Honey, You're a Billionaire?: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
362 Chapters
Chapter 121 The Situation Worsens
Rose and Miles turned back at the same time. Upon seeing the person behind them, their expressions changed. The person who came was Anastasia.Miles frowned deeply as if he didn't want to be disturbed by her at this time. Meanwhile, it was rare for Anastasia to see Miles with any woman, and this woman … Her eyes wandered on Rose's face.When Rose saw her, her whole body froze. Even though she was wearing sunglasses, she could recognize her at a glance—she was her star escort husband's new investor.She didn't expect to see her at this place. Where was her star escort husband? Did he come as well?Almost subconsciously, she glanced around and breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't see her star escort husband's figure.The next moment, she realized that she was a little afraid of facing the two of them standing together again. Especially after last night, she felt a little stuffy.Miles noticed that her face was a little pale. He asked with concern, "Rose, are you okay?"Accord
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Chapter 122 You Think She Will Like You
Miles's face could not be darker. Jonathan, who was not far away, also heard this.He strode up to Miles and said, "It's impossible for Rose to like you."Miles cast a glance at him. A moment ago, he was worried that Anastasia would say something she shouldn't say in front of Rose and cause a misunderstanding.However, at this moment, he hoped that she would expose his good impression of Rose."Do you think she will like you?"He smiled nonchalantly."Of course. She and I …"Jonathan almost revealed the fact that he and Rose were married, but he soon stopped. The divorce agreement was still in his hands, and Rose had a very bad impression of "Mr. Finch".He couldn't let Miles know that Rose didn't know his identity. Otherwise, he would choose to expose it. He suddenly felt a headache.Meanwhile, in the washroom, Anastasia looked at Rose in a trance through the huge mirror in front of her. Rose raised her eyes and met her gaze in the mirror.At that moment, both of them were s
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Chapter 123 Bleeding
The three people pulled Rose together at the same time. Rose felt that Maya and Kelly were indeed pestering. At the antique exhibition, she didn't want to get into a fight and affect the atmosphere.As she was about to push the three of them away and ask the museum security guards to subdue them, Maya suddenly stumbled on her foot."Ah …" she cried out in pain and failed to stabilize her body.As she fell, she tried to make a final struggle to stabilize her body. Hence, she let go of her hand on Rose's clothes, but it was obvious that she became even more unstable as she lost her fulcrum.She could only grab the hair of someone next to her."Ah …" Kelly's hair was grabbed, and her scalp hurt.She also couldn't bear the weight of one person. The moment Maya fell to the ground, Kelly also landed heavily."Ah … It hurts …"She held her lower abdomen with her hand. Soon, a pool of blood flowed out from under her body, staining her white skirt red.For a moment, Maya also panicked.
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Chapter 124 The Child Was Not Saved
As the two people broke in, everyone was stunned for a long time. Especially when Kelly saw Jonathan, a flash of panic flashed in her eyes. She wondered why he was there.Didn't Rose come with Miles? At this time, she couldn't care much anymore. She tried her best to keep her head down so that Jonathan wouldn't see her.When Rose saw her star escort husband, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. She thought he should have come with Anastasia.His investor was behind him, and Rose suddenly felt that the atmosphere was extremely strange. However, she didn't have the chance to think too much about the situation in front of her.Kelly gritted her teeth and told Maya, "Call the police, and call Mr. Lane …"Maya was stunned for a moment before she nodded."Alright."She and Mandy made a phone call together. The ambulance and the police arrived at the same time. The ambulance took Kelly away. The police had no choice but to take Rose for investigation.An hour later, the doctor an
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Chapter 125 How Do You Repay Me
Anastasia found it funny. She was the daughter of the Lane family in Regalia. Since that person disappeared, she was the only princess in the family.This was the first time someone wanted to use money to buy her over."How much do you give?"Maya looked her over. Although she wanted to bribe her with money, it hurt her heart to give too much."20 thousand. Just don't go in. If someone comes to ask you, just say that you also saw Kelly being pushed by that woman. It's just a matter of words, and you'll make 20 thousand."Anastasia listened silently without saying anything. Seeing that she didn't refuse, Maya naturally understood that she agreed. After all, who would refuse 20 thousand given for free?"This is for you. When you do what I just said, I'll naturally give you the money."Maya wrote her a phone number. She was afraid that the other party would not do as agreed if she gave her money in advance. She then entered the police station.There was a hint of disdain in the sm
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Chapter 126 Three of Them Cannot Beat One
As Nixon finished roaring, Miles's fist hit him hard in the face. His mouth was bleeding and his eyes were burning red. However, he didn't dare to make a mistake with Miles."Mr. Young, don't be deceived by her. She must have seduced you. As I told you, she and Mr. Finch …""Nixon …"Even though he was used to being refined, Miles was also angry. It was too much for him to humiliate Rose like this.Just as he was about to tell him to shut up, Rose stepped forward and slapped Nixon on the face before he finished speaking. With a snap, everyone around was startled."Rose, you …"Nixon gritted his teeth and wanted to step forward, but Miles held him deeply, unable to move.Rose met his fierce gaze and said, "Nixon, when you say I'm the murderer, you must have found the wrong person. Do you believe Kelly when she told you that I pushed her? Although I hate her, I also disdain to do such a vicious thing.""Rose, you're just making excuses. You just hate Kelly for snatching me from y
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Chapter 127 The Truth
As Rose turned on the phone, a video came into view. The video started when Maya stepped forward to block her. In addition to the picture, even the sound was recorded very clearly."Mandy, Kelly, come and help me. I don't believe the three of us can't cure her!"As the voice came out, Maya's expression changed even more. Rose realized that this video recorded what happened just now.After taking a look at Jonathan, he immediately understood her meaning. He called the two police to the side to watch the video together.At the same time, Miles also grabbed Nixon and walked to Rose to let him see clearly what happened.In the video, the three of them attacked Rose together, while she only defended. Suddenly, Maya sprained her foot. When she fell, she grabbed Kelly beside her, and they fell to the ground together.The truth came to light. Nixon was stunned on the spot. Kelly had clearly said that Rose pushed her and caused her to miscarry.However, in the video, it was obvious that
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Chapter 128 She Will Not Apologize
Kelly was stunned for a moment.Then, she asked innocently, "Nixon, what do you mean?"A bad premonition emerged in her heart.Nixon hesitated for a moment and said what happened just now, "Someone sent a video. In the video, Maya pulled you, causing you to fall."The more Kelly listened, the paler her face turned. Nixon still had too many questions in his mind."Kelly, why did you try to pull Rose away? And you said she pushed you, but it's obvious …"Kelly was extremely upset. She interrupted him."Nixon …"After the words came out of her mouth, she felt that her tone seemed cold. Although Nixon didn't have much ability, she still needed someone like him to protect her.Taking a deep breath, she pretended to be pitiful again."Nixon, as you know, Rose has learned Taekwondo. Maya and her had a conflict. I was afraid that Maya would suffer, so I went up, but who knows …"She sobbed and continued, "I didn't know Maya caught me and caused me to fall. It was so chaotic at the t
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Chapter 129 Exposing Her Trick
Rose just smiled faintly without saying anything. It seemed that they deliberately said harsh words to her. The harsher the words were spoken now, the more fun it would be to apologize later.Chelsea looked at the smile on her face and suddenly felt a little numb. She knew that Jamie hated Rose as well. Hence, she let him in to join the battle."Jamie, you have to speak for Kelly …"Jamie stepped forward aggressively. Before he could say anything, Miles, who was following, stood in front of him.He was dressed in a casual outfit, looked like a refined nobleman, and had the natural attitude of a high-ranking person. Jamie felt a little guilty. Rose walked directly to the sofa in the ward and sat down.This move stimulated Jamie and Chelsea even more."You don't even have the attitude to apologize. Sir, we don't accept her apology. We will take legal channels to resolve this matter."The police officers were also confused. They glanced at Chelsea, and their eyes fell on Kelly on t
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Chapter 130 Assistance from Miles
Kelly realized something and her body stiffened suddenly. The police on the side also saw through her trick. One of them couldn't hold back his laughter.Although the laughter stopped in the next second, it was a huge shame to Kelly. Her face instantly turned red. For a moment, all the resentment in her heart was concentrated on Rose.It was Rose who made her look embarrassed."Ms. Rose said that an apology must be sincere. I agree with this point. In this case, then kneel and apologize."Miles, who had been silent, suddenly spoke. He came because he was afraid that Rose would be bullied. However, it was obvious that she was not easy to bully.He took a deep look at Rose with a doting look in his eyes. Rose met his gaze and was very surprised that he would assist her. She smiled and nodded to express her gratitude. Then, she looked at Kelly."Kneel and apologize."She raised her eyebrows and smiled brightly. Kelly was filled with hatred. She knew that person was the eldest son o
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