All Chapters of Honey, You're a Billionaire?: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
362 Chapters
Chapter 101 Someone Is Secretly Helping Her
Rose didn't dwell on it. When she arrived at the company, she was surprised to find that the office was now fully occupied with people. Everyone appeared to be handling their tasks efficiently.She thought she might be having a hallucination. Just a few days ago, there were only five people in the entire company, including herself. Despite putting out recruitment notices, no one had applied for the positions. Now, it was a completely different situation."Good morning, Ms. Shaffer."The lovely receptionist at the front desk greeted her with a smile. Rose checked the company's sign once again to confirm that it was truly her company.Then, she responded with a smile, "Good morning."As she walked toward her office, everyone she met greeted her with smiles and warm greetings.When she entered her office, she immediately summoned William to inquire, "What's going on here?"William was just as baffled as he replied, "I don't know how this happened, but this morning, a large number
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Chapter 102 Capture Her Heart by First Capturing Her Appetite
After hanging up the phone, Miles began to anticipate his meeting with Rose's husband tonight. He knew Jonathan too well. He was used to making independent decisions. If he really put his heart into pursuing Rose, even though she was already married, it wouldn't be an obstacle to him. He would spare no effort to make anything that annoyed him disappear. However, even so, Rose's husband could pose some challenges for him. If he could persuade him to let Jonathan give up, that would be even better. Miles chuckled as he contemplated this. "Prepare a bouquet of roses and get a pair of the limited edition earrings from the recent Young House of Jewels collection. I'll be needing them tonight," he instructed his assistant.On the other hand,Rose immediately felt regret after hanging up the phone. Inviting Miles to their home might not sit well with her star escort husband.After some contemplation, she decided to make a test call. She dialed the number, but it indicated that the pe
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Chapter 103 The One to Thank Is Not Him
In preparation for entertaining Miles that evening, Rose returned to Zenwood Gardens early to prepare dinner. As soon as she entered, she was greeted by a strong aroma of food. The dining table was filled with dishes that she loved, both visually appealing and delicious."This ..."She began to wonder if she had walked into the wrong house. Before she could make her exit to confirm, her star escort husband emerged from the kitchen."You're back early today. Just in time for the last dish. Wash your hands, and we can have dinner," Jonathan said while carrying a plate of salad. He was wearing an apron, resembling a family cook. His handsome face was undeniably charming even in this attire, which added a touch of authenticity to his presence.Rose was briefly stunned. She scanned the table with amazement and asked, "Did you make this?""Why don't you taste it and see if it suits your palate?" It wasn't a problem for her to think he had made the dishes."Wow … I didn't expect
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Chapter 104 Jonathan's Strategy
As Rose changed her clothes and stepped out, she was startled by the somber expression on her star escort husband's face. "What's wrong?"He was fine just moments ago. Was it her imagination, or did she detect a hint of jealousy in his tone? Jonathan fixed his gaze on her and asked, "Who is the person you want to invite?""Oh, I forgot to mention. It's Mr. Young from the Youngs in Regalia. I'll introduce you two later; he's also eager to meet you." Jonathan's face seemed to darken even further. The additional group of people who applied for jobs at Celeste Jewels was probably Miles's doing. He had clearly warned him to keep his distance from her.He stared at Rose in silence for a moment before he suddenly smiled, "Since he helped you so much, I should express my gratitude to him as well."Rose was somewhat puzzled. However, she didn't dwell on it and checked the time; it had been almost ten minutes since Miles said he would arrive. She adjusted the dishes on the table, not
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Chapter 105 Do You Want to Come
"Ms. Shaffer, I have some sudden matters to attend to today and can't make it."Miles glanced at the several cars around him, his heart filled with frustration. After saying this, he promptly hung up the phone. Rose was a bit bewildered. What could have happened to him?On the side, Jonathan had already headed to the entrance, ready to change his shoes and leave. He could tell from Rose's expression that Miles wouldn't be coming.However, he still had to put on a facade."Let's go!" he urged.Rose lowered her eyes and said, "No need to go; Mr. Young said he has some sudden matters and can't make it.""Can't make it? Well ... that's a shame. I was looking forward to meeting him," Jonathan sighed in disappointment.He looked at the table full of dishes and asked, "How about we eat first?""Sure," Rose reluctantly agreed.She was indeed feeling a bit hungry. The dishes on the table were as delicious as those prepared by a top chef.When she thought about the pitiful-looking eggs
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Chapter 106 Taking You Somewhere
"Playing games like catching a cheater, that's better left for you and Nixon."Rose coldly disconnected the call. Kelly didn't expect this reaction from Rose. She looked toward the nearby figure of Jonathan and a woman.The woman was none other than Anastasia. Anastasia had just arrived in Aquastead, and she was eager to see him. Therefore, she called him as soon as she got off the plane."Jonathan, it's been so long. Originally, I was supposed to come to the National Jewelry Design Award with my brother, but Anthony ..."She took off her sunglasses and pushed her hair aside, revealing a bruise on her left cheek, clearly from a blow. Jonathan frowned."Since I filed for divorce, Anthony has been pestering me. In my heart ..."Anastasia gazed at him with affection, hoping to find a trace of compassion in his eyes. However, Jonathan only furrowed his brow and looked at her with an exceptionally calm expression.After a pause, he coolly asked, "Where is it?"If it weren't for a c
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Chapter 107 Incompatibility
"I have something to tell you as well," Jonathan said as he fixed his eager gaze upon her causing her cheeks to blush slightly.Rose averted her gaze from his intense stare and focused on his pants leg. "You go first.""First, close your eyes," he said, wanting to surprise her.She furrowed her brows, unsure of his intentions but closed her eyes nonetheless. After a while of silence, her star escort husband suddenly took her hand.Just as she was about to open her eyes, he warned, "Don't open your eyes."Soon, she felt something cool wrapped around her wrist. With years of knowledge about jewelry, she recognized it as a bracelet. He had given her a bracelet?Her mind momentarily went blank, and she couldn't fathom what he was up to. Then, her star escort husband's low, captivating voice sounded in her ear, "My grandmother used to say that if I meet someone I like, I should give her this. Rose, I'm giving it to you now."Rose's head was momentarily empty, but she remembered t
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Chapter 108 No Feelings for You
"I don't have feelings for you. Our agreement should end!"Rose dropped these words and returned to her office. Jonathan's face turned ominously dark. How could she have no feelings for him? She had been infatuated with his face. He had never felt such defeat. He stared at the bracelet in his hand, utterly puzzled as to where he had gone wrong. In the afternoon, Rose went to the bank to withdraw one million in cash. If her credit limit had allowed, she would have taken out all the money she owed her star escort husband. When she returned to Zenwood Gardens, her star escort husband was not there. She piled the cash in the bedroom. That night, her star escort husband did not come back. For the following days, she brought back one million in cash each day. After a few days, she had finally moved all the four million back home. Early one morning, she called her star escort husband. The phone rang for a while. Just as she thought he wouldn't pick up, he answered."Hello?"A woman
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Chapter 109 The Money Counting Machine Is Ready
As Anastasia saw the name of the person Jonathan was calling, she immediately knew who was on the other end of the call. She had never seen such a passionate expression on his face.Jonathan promptly drove back to Zenwood Gardens. Anastasia wanted to follow him but stopped in her tracks. In the hotel lobby, she gazed blankly in the direction he had disappeared. After all, had she arrived too late? She touched the bruise on her cheek. She had come to Aquastead to participate in the National Jewelry Design Award. Just an hour before she was supposed to leave, Anthony, who was drunk, found her and began to harass her. In their altercation, he ended up striking her. She deeply regretted her actions. If it hadn't been for everyone's belief that Jonathan would fail in the power struggle within the Finches, she wouldn't have turned to someone else.If she had stayed steadfastly by his side back then, she would be Mrs. Finch by now. She wouldn't have had to go through the trouble of se
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Chapter 110 Mrs. Finch
So, she sent a message asking him to come back just to repay him the money? The neat stacks of cash in front of him meant she was resorting to getting cash because he had asked the bank to prevent her from transferring money to his account. Transporting this much cash back home would take time and effort. As Jonathan's gaze fell on the money-counting machine, he couldn't help but let out a self-mocking smile."Ms. Shaffer is considerate."She had everything prepared for him, all just to distance herself from him as soon as possible. What kind of look and tone was this? It was as if she was an irresponsible, unfaithful woman who wounded his heart. In reality, he already had a new "sugar mommy". His gaze made her inexplicably guilty. She instinctively averted her eyes and urged him, "You can start counting now.""No need."Jonathan withdrew his gaze coldly and continued, "I'll have someone take care of this money. As for our agreement, you should sign the divorce agreement, a
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