All Chapters of Honey, You're a Billionaire?: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
362 Chapters
Chapter 81 Please Accept the Five Hundred Million
Inside the room, after having changed into fresh attire, Rose became entranced by a photo hanging on the wall. In the photo, two men and a woman stood side by side with their students' day attire.However, their faces had been smudged with black paint. Was this young lady the "Anastasia" mentioned by Mr. Young? Who were the other two individuals? Could they be Mr. Finch and Mr. Young?She refrained from overthinking and swiftly dried her hair. Letting the hair casually fall behind her, she prepared to go out. As she opened the door, two pairs of eyes met hers. "Mr. Young … Evan ..." A bewildered expression flickered across her face. She had assumed that Miles would leave after bringing her here. She hadn't anticipated him waiting for her. What's more, she wondered when Evan arrived. The look in Miles's eyes held a mix of shock and bewilderment."Ana ..."He instinctively wanted to call out Anastasia's name. However, he suddenly realized something and immediately withdrew his
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Chapter 82 Exposing Her True Colors
Rose was so shocked that she blurted out. Though her voice was low, Evan and Miles still heard it."Cough …""Cough …"Both of them slightly hesitated before they covered their mouths and coughed, smiling lightly to help conceal her shock. At this moment, all Rose could see were the endless zeroes behind the five. While she was the heiress of Celeste Jewels, she hadn't received a single penny from her family after graduating. She had been financially tight ever since she paid for her star escort husband. Now, with an unexpected 500 million, she was on the brink of blurting it out in excitement.Miles observed her with an increasingly gentle gaze as he asked, "Ms. Shaffer, don't you want to say something?"His reminder brought her back to reality. She finally noticed that everyone was looking at her. She chuckled as she raised her phone and said, "Money ... a lot of it. I like it!"Her words left everyone speechless. After all, who wouldn't like that huge amount? In the back
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Chapter 83 I Am Already Married
"It's a pity that I'm the only one who admires Ms. Shaffer. Meanwhile, she …" Miles continued as he raised an eyebrow in disappointment.The crowd was instantly in an uproar. No wonder his gaze toward Rose had been so full of affection just now. Could it be that he had been secretly in love with her?"My goodness! What kind of ethereal love is this? Ms. Shaffer must have saved the galaxy in her past life ...""Mr. Young is handsome and wealthy. Apart from Mr. Finch in Regalia, who can compare to him? Ms. Shaffer doesn't have feelings for him?""Could it be that Ms. Shaffer has feelings for Mr. Finch?"Discussions among the crowd were rampant. In the backyard, hidden in the darkness, Jonathan's eyes gleamed with depth as he focused on Miles in the villa. However, when he heard the statement mentioning Rose had feelings for him, a glint of excitement passed through his eyes.In the next moment, Rose poured cold water on his newly kindled flames as she clarified, "No, I haven't fa
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Chapter 84 Could it be Mr. Finch
Nixon was excited. Soon, he was brought to the backyard. In the darkness, Jonathan's face was incredibly grim. Nixon thought he had finally revealed Rose's true colors.He immediately added fuel to the fire as he said, "Uncle Jonathan, you have seen that Rose is that kind of woman. She's not worth even a single glance from you.""What kind of woman is she?" Jonathan's voice was low and chilly.Nixon quickly painted an even darker picture of Rose. "She was once my fiancée. To harm me, she got involved with a male escort and even married him. She approached Mr. Young and you just for money to support his husband."A male escort? Rose indeed treated him as if he were some kind of special occupation worker, throwing money at him. A faint smile involuntarily tugged at the corner of his mouth.However, Nixon didn't notice his change in expression. Thinking about the 500 million Rose had just received, he felt a surge of envy."Uncle Jonathan, don't let her deceive you. Those jewels a
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Chapter 85 The Possessiveness of the Star Escort Husband
She treated him as if he were an untamable force of nature to be avoided at all costs. However, when it came to her "husband," she could smile so radiantly.A trace of displeasure welled up within Jonathan's heart. "Hello?"Rose glanced at her phone. The call went through; however, why wasn't her star escort husband saying anything? Jonathan suddenly snapped out of his thoughts, his mood far from pleasant. "I'm coming to pick you up. Be ready in ten minutes. I'll meet you at the entrance."He hung up before Rose could respond. Rose wondered what had caused that explosive tone. Had she done something to upset him? Meanwhile, Miles had left with his matters in mind. At the same time, Evan saw Rose at the door. Outside the villa, Jonathan stood next to an ordinary sedan, with his back facing the direction of the villa. When Rose saw that figure, her heart inexplicably tightened. Was that Mr. Finch?When the man turned around, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief upon seei
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Chapter 86 Inheriting Celeste Jewels
Kelly cried pitifully, intentionally not disclosing the reason. After Jamie and Chelsea repeatedly inquired, she choked and said, "It seems that Mrs. Lane Senior doesn't like me. It's all because I'm not the eldest daughter and can't inherit Celeste Jewelry. Even if I marry Nixon, it won't help him."She was heartbroken as if she had suffered a great injustice in the Lane family. Chelsea, also in tears, embraced her and wept with her. "It's all my fault. You're your father's biological daughter, but for all these years, you've been treated as an outsider. If you marry and still have to endure such injustice, what can you do? Maybe you shouldn't marry at all ...""But ... I'm already engaged to Nixon. If we break off the engagement, the Shaffers's and Dad's reputation will be ruined."Kelly cried even harder. Jamie, with deep and determined eyes, remained silent. His daughter had suffered too much!Celeste Jewels had been left by Celeste, and Rose would inherit it as soon as she
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Chapter 87 Seeking Him Will Certainly Come at a Price
Before the intern could say a word, Maya, wearing a triumphant expression, walked in and handed a resignation letter to Rose."Congratulations on successfully inheriting your mother's legacy, Rose. I came here today to personally resign, out of consideration for our years of friendship. By the way, you asked where everyone went, right? Just check your company email."Rose opened her email and saw a flood of resignation letters."All the key positions in the company have been vacated, leaving only these inexperienced interns. Rose, how long do you think Celeste Jewels can survive now? Hehehe … Do you think Uncle Jamie intended to give Celeste Jewels back to you?"A malicious grin crept over the corners of Maya's lips. Even if Rose inherited Celeste Jewels, what could she do with it alone? She left with a malicious laugh.Rose's office was left empty, and a few interns stared blankly at her. Almost everyone could sense her unpreparedness. The air in the room became stiflingly silent
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Chapter 88 A Trap Set for Her
in a five-person company, Rose immediately arranged for the release of a job recruitment notice. Meanwhile, across the street in the office building facing Century Tower, Jamie sat in his office.The vast ground floor office area was occupied by employees, all familiar faces from Celeste Jewels. Kelly gazed at the company's signboard, "Lavier Jewels", which stood out prominently.She was pleasantly surprised. It turned out that her father had been discreetly operating a jewelry company. Over the years, numerous resources acquired through Celeste Jewels had flowed primarily to their company, thanks to her father's manipulations. What could Rose do even if she inherited Celeste Jewels? It was an empty shell at this point.She wanted to bring Rose over right away to witness this, as she was sure her reaction would be priceless. However, on the surface, she continued to appear deeply concerned as she said, "Dad if Rose were to find out about this company ..."Before she could fin
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Chapter 89 Do You Still Want to Stay Now
The woman noticeably hesitated upon hearing this. "It's impossible for them not to be fake."Jamie had made it explicitly clear to her that the sets of jewelry he had given her were fake. He wouldn't deceive her.Rose observed her reaction and remarked, "Whether they are real or fake can easily be determined by an expert's assessment. Are you afraid to have them appraised?""Who's afraid? We'll have them appraised!"The woman gave her a confident look. It seemed she was wary of any tricks Rose might pull as she immediately had her bodyguards collect the jewelry along with the custom contract."To ensure fairness, why don't each of us invite an appraiser? We can meet at Aquastead Hotel in two days and have the jewelry appraised face to face," Rose suggested with a sly smile that made the woman inexplicably uneasy.Despite her lingering doubts, she couldn't see any potential tricks in this arrangement. "Alright."After agreeing, she took the jewelry and left. Still feeling une
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Chapter 90 Tearing Up the Agreement Directly
Zac had just returned from a business trip and immediately invited both of them out for drinks. "Come on, let's drink ... Today, we won't leave until we're three sheets to the wind!"He tried to liven up the atmosphere. However, Jonathan remained stoic as he entered Nightfall Lounge. He exuded an air of resentment, drinking in silence without uttering a word.Two days had passed since he last visited Zenwood Gardens, and Rose hadn't shown any reaction. Frustrated, he took a swig of the strong alcohol, but it did little to alleviate his agitation.After observing him for a moment, a faint smile graced Miles's lips as he said, "I need to take a call."Then, he left the private room. Just as Rose thought Miles wouldn't answer the call, it rang. "Hello, Mr. Young ... I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need your help. I urgently require several jewelry materials. I'm facing a situation here, and after thinking it over, you're my only hope in the entire Aquastead."Rose and Miles had o
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