All Chapters of Honey, You're a Billionaire?: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
362 Chapters
Chapter 91 Wanting to Approach Her
As he returned to Zenwood Gardens, the night had already fallen. However, Rose had not returned yet. Jonathan tried to call her, but her phone was already switched off. At this moment, Rose was completely engrossed in staring at her computer screen, meticulously replicating the designs of those sets of jewelry from memory. She was completely unaware that her phone had been switched off at some point. After completing the final design drawing and printing it, Sherlyn looked at the design sketches with incredulity."These are the design sketches for those sets of jewelry from earlier!" she exclaimed.The chaotic scene earlier had made it difficult for her to remember just a few prominent features of the jewelry. However, Rose surprisingly managed to memorize the entire appearance of the sets of jewelry in such a short time. Sherlyn's eyes were filled with admiration.Suddenly, Rose looked at her and asked, "Can you do the polishing and crafting?"She hesitated for a moment and
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Chapter 92 Just Happened to Feel Like It
The night grew darker. Under the soft lighting, Rose wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. Losing in her intense concentration, she failed to notice that Miles had been watching her at the door for quite some time. He was familiar with Rose's work. The craftsmanship of the fire opal necklace from the National Jewelry Design Award was so exquisite that even artisans with decades of experience found it hard to match. She was only in her twenties. However, her skill undoubtedly involved a great deal of natural talent aside from diligent practice."Ah!"A sudden cry caught their attention. Rose turned to see Sherlyn with a small cut on her hand, caused by the machine. She hurried over to check. Once she was sure it wasn't serious, her anxiety lessened. However, Sherlyn's hand couldn't continue working with her hand for the time being."You should go to the hospital to get it bandaged to prevent infection." Rose quickly helped her stop the bleeding.Sherlyn, overwhelmed with
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Chapter 93 He Is All Rose Needed
Rose glanced at the flame she had drawn on the gemstone, confirming that it was the same as her usual depiction. "You've seen this before, right? The flame."She was still grateful for his assistance during the National Jewelry Design Award finals. However, it was evident that this wasn't the answer Miles was looking for.He walked up to her and asked, "I know it's a flame, but why did you mark it like this?"Rose understood what he meant. Why did she make this specific mark?She pondered for a moment before answering, "It's probably just a habit from when I was young."In her memory, her mother would make something and habitually make a mark in the most inconspicuous place. She looked at the seriousness in his expression and found his reaction peculiar. "Isn't that normal?" she inquired.Normal? Miles cast a glance at her. The Young family had its origins in the jewelry business, and nearly every family member personally created their works. After finishing a piece, they w
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Chapter 94 Meet the Person Behind Her
Rose was awakened by her alarm clock. When she checked the time, it was already 8:00 am. Realizing that today was the agreed-upon time, she was shocked. She immediately grabbed her fully charged phone from the bedside table and called Sherlyn, "Have the people on that side arrived? Where is the appraisal expert arranged by William? And those sets of jewelry that need to be replaced ...""Ms. Shaffer, please rest assured. Everything has been arranged," Sherlyn replied.The jewelry that needed to be replaced had already been taken by Jonathan. To replace the jewelry, there needed to be some special arrangements, and Rose had to personally oversee it.As soon as she got out of bed, she saw Jonathan standing at the bedroom door with his arms crossed.He looked her up and down before he asked, "Are you sure you want to go out like this?"Rose was taken aback. When she looked down, she realized she was in her pajamas, made of silk material that was a bit too revealing. It left her fig
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Chapter 95 Employing Every Means
Jonathan cast a glance at Rose. Their eyes locked, and a vivid image of the sexy sleepwear in the closet flashed across Rose's mind, causing a slight flush to her cheeks."Why is he here?" she inquired."Ms. Shaffer, the appraisal expert was brought here by Sir, and he has entrusted the jewelry to him," Sherlyn whispered to her.Rose was taken aback. Why would the jewelry be handed over to him? According to the planned flow, there should have been some minor chaos later on, allowing William to switch the jewelry. Then, everything would be untraceable. However, at this moment, Rose was beginning to feel uncertain. After both sides had positioned their respective appraisal experts, the woman opened the safe.As the expert had already appraised half of the contents of the safe, the expected chaos had not yet erupted. Rose looked at William, wanting to ask him what was happening.However, he paid no attention to her and instead fixed his gaze unwaveringly on her star escort husband.
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Chapter 96 He Struck My Wife
The sudden arrival of the police took Rose completely by surprise. The police had surrounded the woman and her group.The head officer, Connie Lenzier, approached Rose and asked, "Mr. Finch, are you okay?"Jonathan's face darkened. If he hadn't acted quickly, Rose would have been hurt. He glanced at the bodyguard he had kicked away and said, "He struck my wife."Connie's forehead was covered in sweat. An hour ago, they received a report of a fight and brawl at Aquastead Hotel. Initially, they didn't pay much attention to it, but someone noticed that the person reporting the incident was referred to as "Mr. Finch". Nobody was ignorant of this name—he was the head of Finch Group.Connie didn't waste any time and personally led his team to the scene. He glanced at the person writhing on the floor. This person was the one who had been beaten up. "Mr. Finch ...""I acted in self-defense."Jonathan didn't allow him any room to speak. If it weren't for the concern of revealing his
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Chapter 97 Refusal
When Jamie heard that something was amiss inside, he immediately ran away. As soon as he got into his car, Finley blocked him, and he was quickly apprehended by the arriving police.As one of the parties involved, Rose had to go to the police station to give a statement. Inside the police station, Jonathan leaned against the door with one hand in his pocket. He was waiting for Rose, who was currently being questioned."Mr. Fin …"Connie was about to call Jonathan as he approached, but he glanced toward the interrogation room and hesitated. Confirming that Rose wasn't out yet, he continued, "My wife doesn't like it when people call me 'Mr. Finch,' so call me "Sir", especially in front of my wife. Remember that."Connie was briefly stunned, but he quickly corrected himself, "Understood, Sir"Just as Kelly reached the entrance, she overheard Jonathan's words regarding his wife disliking people calling him "Mr. Finch".She had originally intended to enter the police station, but
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Chapter 98 Extraordinary Possessiveness
Rose arrived at a suburban cemetery. She stared at her mother's tombstone and murmured, "Mom, I've come to see you."Looking at her mother's photo on the tombstone, she indeed had eyes very similar to hers. Her mother was very beautiful. However, during the car accident all those years ago, her face was so disfigured that even the best mortuary makeup artist couldn't restore her original appearance.She had cried and called out, trying to wake her mother. However, no matter how hard she cried, her mother's eyes remained tightly closed. Now, it seemed that Celeste Jewels was going to meet the same fate as her mother."If I had discovered Jamie's hidden agenda earlier, things wouldn't be like this now ..."There were still many things at the company that she hadn't had the chance to sort out. However, from Jamie's greedy extortion scheme, she knew that resolving the mess at Celeste Jewels wouldn't be easy. She refused to give in."Mom, no matter what, I will save Celeste Jew
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Chapter 99 Jonathan's Frustrations
"Yes, he's staying at a friend's house. The property is under the name of Mr. Gibson. I wonder whether Ms. Shaffer or Mr. Finch have such a close relationship with Mr. Gibson."The security guard suddenly realized that he might have disclosed too much information about the residents. He immediately refrained from saying anything further.Kelly stood in place, feeling something was amiss. Given Jonathan's status, acquiring a property in Aquastead should have been effortless. Why was he borrowing Zac's house?She was eager to find answers. Just then, she received a message from Maya, which included a video and a voice message. She opened the voice message."Kelly, why haven't you come yet? Today's main event is you; to celebrate Rose's unlucky day, I plan to drink a lot tonight!"Ever since Maya found out that Jamie had left Celeste Jewels an empty shell for Rose, she couldn't have been happier. She wished for Celeste Jewels to go bankrupt quickly so that she could step on Rose.Ho
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Chapter 100 Acting Strangely
"You're married? Damn! With the little beauty? How's that even possible?"Zac exclaimed in succession. It seemed the news he'd just heard was too shocking. He even walked back and forth several times, stomping his feet a few times to display his amazement.After the initial shock, he seemed to think of something as he asked, "Okay, you're married. But why would there be a marriage agreement?"Why not? Jonathan couldn't say that he had received a substantial sum of money from Rose before they got married.As Mr. Finch, if he were to be found out selling himself for money, he wouldn't feel much more embarrassed.He remained silent for a while, and Zac had already concocted an extravagant drama in his mind. "Are you worried that she's only interested in your identity as Mr. Finch, your money, and your status? That's why you're guarding her?"Jonathan furrowed his brow as he refused to explain."Or could it be that she's pregnant, and you think that she isn't good enough for your
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