All Chapters of Honey, You're a Billionaire?: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
362 Chapters
Chapter 71 Is She His Girlfriend?
Inside the elevator, Kelly was seething with anger as she stared at Rose's retreating figure. With graceful strides, Rose exited the hotel and was about to hail a taxi when she received a call from Evan."Rose, there's a celebration dinner for the National Jewelry Design Award tonight. Mr. Miles would like to invite you."The National Jewelry Design Award had ended several days ago, and the celebration dinner had been scheduled earlier. However, due to Rose's hospitalization, Miles had deliberately postponed it."Mr. Miles ..."During the competition, both Evan and Miles had helped her immensely. Feeling the need to express her gratitude in person, she readily agreed, "Sure. What's the time and the venue? I'll be there on time.""Tell me your location, and I'll send a driver to pick you up."On the other end of the phone, Evan instinctively asked after recalling Rose's "contractual husband", "Are you alone?"Su Ran hesitated for a moment as she didn't grasp his intention. S
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Chapter 72 Jealousy
Rose subconsciously glanced over and saw the shop attendants gazing in her direction. Meanwhile, the "driver" helped her carry the shopping bags, positioning himself with his back turned to her.The silhouette of his figure … Evan certainly had an impeccable eye. Even the driver exhibited such a trendy and stylish appearance. To an unknowing onlooker, one might mistake him for a famous model!Rose redirected her attention and continued scrutinizing the gown in the mirror. The "driver," Ezra, had already put on his mask. As Rose came out, he gestured discreetly to the shop attendants to keep quiet.One charismatic wink from him sent the hearts of the shop attendants into a flutter. One of them excitedly took out her phone and aimed it at him, as well as the "girlfriend" behind him.Ezra was well aware of the effect of the images taken from different angles. He faced the camera, appearing casual but subtly shielding the person behind him. As expected, only a part of Rose's face was
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Chapter 73 The Star Escort Husband is Angry
Rose was startled by the sudden appearance of a tall figure. She was about to employ all her skills to give him a shoulder throw when she caught sight of the man's profile. She immediately withdrew her intention to act. What was her star escort husband doing here? He had a gloomy expression as if he were very angry.Rose was about to ask him the reason for this anger when he led her to an empty corridor."Hubby ..."She had just spoken when her star escort husband's handsome face descended, and he forcefully kissed her lips. Her mind went blank in an instant.Jonathan was filled with jealousy. He kissed her with an air of dominance, passionate and deep. Rose's legs went weak from the kiss.It wasn't until she could hardly breathe that she protested by patting her star escort husband's chest. Jonathan then stopped the kiss. Rose leaned against his chest and felt their heavy breath.Her face turned crimson, all the way to her neck. They had already done what they shouldn't have,
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Chapter 74 Smudged Lipstick
Rose was about to inquire when her star escort husband had already carried her into the elevator and out of the shopping center."Why are you with him?" Jonathan asked in a displeased tone as he placed her in the passenger seat.Rose wondered who he was referring to.She suddenly realized something and quickly replied, "I didn't have a suitable outfit for the National Jewelry Design Award celebration tonight. Since there was enough time, I came to do some shopping. Evan's driver is nice; he helped me carry the shopping bags ... Oh no! My shopping bags are still with him."She suddenly remembered it. As she was about to get out of the car to retrieve them, Jonathan pressed his hand on her shoulder.He said in a gentle and indulgent voice, "I'll go get them."Then, he closed the car door and walked back into the shopping center. He was in a jubilant mood thinking that Ezra was just a driver in Rose's eyes.However, he couldn't ignore Ezra's intentions for getting close to Rose.H
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Chapter 75 Mr. Finch Comes for a Woman
Rose's head buzzed as she looked at her slightly swollen lips in the mirror.She recalled the recent fierce kiss from her star escort husband and the way Finley and the "driver" had looked at her with ambiguous eyes afterward. Her lips were still swollen now; wouldn't it be even more obvious earlier? What on earth had she experienced a moment ago? She was humiliated when she thought about facing people later.She covered her red and hot face, wishing she could find a hole to hide in. Jonathan let out a low chuckle as he was in a great mood.When night fell, he dropped her off at the celebration venue and watched her as she got out of the car."Are you not coming with me?" Rose asked again before leaving.Jonathan gave a faint smile. At the celebration tonight, Evan would be there; Ezra and Miles wouldn't be absent either.During the National Jewelry Design Award finals, Miles had shown considerable interest in Rose. When the camera focused on him, his admiration was evident in
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Chapter 76 Who Is Trying to Seduce Jonathan
"Ms. Shaffer ..."The person approaching was none other than Miles. He was dressed in a well-tailored black suit and walked gracefully towards her. "Are you leaving?" he asked.Rose felt caught off guard but quickly put on an elegant and composed smile as she replied, "No, I'm not leaving. I was just looking for Evan, but I think he's been delayed."Miles raised an eyebrow, showing that he saw through her excuse."That day, due to the urgent situation, your identity as Ms. Flora was exposed. You don't hold it against me, do you?"He stared at her with a burning gaze. Rose had come to the celebration to express her gratitude to him for his help that day."Why would I? I'm grateful to you. If it weren't for you and Evan, I might have been banned as the one who stole the artwork. You've done me a great favor."As her words ended, Miles chuckled."Then, how are you going to express your gratitude?"Rose was stunned for a moment.Just as she was pondering, Miles said, "I'm just
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Chapter 77 Only the Back of the Head in Sight
Rose's gaze followed the leather shoes upwards and saw a black mask. The sparkling ripples of the pool were reflected on the mask, and she thought she had seen a ghost.She held her breath, pretending to be calm and hoping the "ghost" couldn't see her. In the next moment, the black mask enlarged in front of her; the "ghost" actually crouched down and reached out toward her. Jonathan's hand gripped her arm as he wanted to pull her out of the pool.Rose felt like she'd been jolted by electricity, and all her pretense of composure instantly crumbled. There was only one thought in her mind—to run.She forcefully turned around and kicked the pool wall with all her might, propelling herself several feet away. At the same time, it caused Jonathan to plunge into the water with a splash.He was drenched from head to toe. His expression darkened. Was he really that scary? He swam toward Rose and once again grabbed her arm. Instinctively, Rose kicked frantically, narrowly missing his sens
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Chapter 78 Finding a Replacement
After Rose left, the atmosphere in the backyard became quite eerie. Inside the pavilion, Jonathan had wrapped himself in a bathrobe. His face was dark as he dried his wet hair, seemingly pretending that Miles wasn't there."Long time no see. I never expected that we would meet again in such circumstances." Miles was the first to break the silence. Both of them were prominent figures in Regalia. After the incident that happened three years ago, they seemed to have developed an unspoken agreement, deliberately avoiding each other.Jonathan remained expressionless, offering no response to his reflections. Miles gave a faint smile and continued to stare at him, not wanting to miss any of his reactions. "You agreed to be a guest judge because of Rose, right?" he asked.This time, Jonathan's brows furrowed slightly."You changed the venue of the competition at the last minute because of her, didn't you?" Miles spoke with certainty."I remember the host of the competition said th
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Chapter 79 Making Her a Public Embarrassment
"That's good."Miles expressed great satisfaction with this answer. Without even glancing at Jonathan, he strode out of the pavilion.As Rose's mind continued to echo Mr. Finch's confession, she suddenly noticed Miles approaching in her direction. Her heart skipped a beat.Fearful of being caught eavesdropping, she didn't even have time to put down the mask she was holding as she immediately left the backyard.She carefully avoided the crowd and quietly went upstairs to change out of her wet clothes. Her movements were subtle. Her actions were noticed by Mandy.Mandy took a glance at Evan, who was looking for Rose at the dooryard. She was not originally on the guest list for this celebration event. However, upon hearing that Evan would be attending tonight, she immediately left Kelly's engagement ceremony.She pretended to coincidentally meet Evan, using both soft and hard tactics to make him bring her along to this event. She even invoked both of their families to persuade him
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Chapter 80 Deliberately Provoking Her
At Lane residence, Kelly had just endured the scrutiny and provocations from Mrs. Lane Senior. Her heart was filled with frustration. Her phone suddenly rang, and it showed that the caller was Mandy. The two of them rarely interacted as Mandy had always looked down on her. However, after some consideration, she answered the call."Kelly, I've got some good news for you. Your sister, Rose, was quite impressive tonight. She even managed to captivate Mr. Young. Congratulations to the two of you! You just got engaged to Nixon, and Rose might get engaged to Mr. Young soon."Mandy deliberately provoked her. In the past, at Nightfall Lounge, the plan to humiliate Rose was initiated by Maya. However, during Kelly's engagement ceremony today, Mandy realized that Maya was just a follower. The real target for Rose's humiliation was Kelly.As expected, Kelly couldn't hide her jealousy and resentment as she said, "Nixon and I truly love each other. Rose is already married. How could she ente
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