All Chapters of A Divorce After My Rebirth: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1081 Chapters
Chapter 141 Ignorance
"Natalie, I never expected Stephen to be your uncle. Well, it's quite pathetic that you ultimately need your uncle to protect you!""Yes, I have an uncle. What about you?" Natalie deliberately taunted over the phone.How that woman plotted against her before, Natalie was now showing how she could provoke her in the same way."I have Ced," Isabella said with a tone filled with resentment.Cedric!Now, he was the only one left.She had nothing left.Isabella had never thought about what it would be like to have nothing, and now she understood. Not only did she lose everything, but even seeing the sunlight was now impossible.This outcome was beyond her previous imagination, and it was absolutely unacceptable.On the other end of the line, Natalie closed her beautiful eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, a cold glint flashed brightly!She said, "You have him, so what?"Isabella made it sound like Cedric was something Natalie missed.Was Isabella so happy that she had
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Chapter 142 Beaten Up
"With this, do you think I should still forgive her?" Every word from Isabella sounded heartbroken.Cedric closed his eyes, and they were even colder when he opened them again."I want to sue her!" Isabella said determinedly.Isabella was alone, and her mother had already been humiliated; she didn't need to deliberately please anyone anymore!Seizing this opportunity, she wanted to make her stance clear about Natalie and no longer hide her feelings in front of Cedric. When Isabella declared her intention to sue Natalie, Cedric narrowed his eyes. He glanced at the disheveled and pitiful Isabella, a hint of compassion flickering in his eyes. He took a deep breath."I will handle this matter. " Cedric finally said."I no longer need her apology. I'm sorry, Cedric, this time... I'm afraid I can't consider your feelings on this anymore!" Isabella's tone was gentle but firm. She made it clear that she had been considering Cedric's position before, but Natalie insulting her moth
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Chapter 143 Still in the Mood for a Date
Natalie turned around, and the coldness in her eyes now had a hint of mocking as she smiled.The smile carried no bitterness. In fact, it was simply flat and carried no emotions."Tell me then, why did you come to find me? To apologize to her? Or for me to clarify things for her?""...""I'm curious. How do you plan for me to clarify things? Tell everyone that my mom stole her mother's husband? Or that I stole her man and admit to being the homewrecker?"Cedric narrowed his eyes, and his breathing became somewhat erratic. Undeniably, at this point in the relationship between her and Isabella, it was impossible for outsiders to judge who was right or wrong.No, if it came to defending their original family, people would undoubtedly stand on Natalie's side. Observing Cedric's tight-lipped silence, Natalie's smile widened."Or should I tell everyone I have a sister in this world? My dad's illegitimate daughter?""...""That this illegitimate daughter was initially seeking rev
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Chapter 144 Still Intimate
"Besides, Isabella has never been kind to me since she arrived at Verde City!"Isabella had destroyed Natalie's family and taken away her happiness!While doing all this, Isabelle never considered the fact that Natalie was her only relative, right?Now, Isabelle had a miserable fate with no future. The whole world probably thought Natalie should be responsible for her, right?"No, she hasn't done anything to you!" Cedric looked at the tense Natalie and continued, "Whether she did or didn't, what's the point of saying these things now?"But Natalie also knew that even if she asked, Isabella would provide another version of what had happened to their mothers! At this point, it was impossible for Natalie to post a clarifying message for her!In the end, Natalie gave up.After exiting Sylvan Gems, Cedric saw Natalie get into Irwin's car. At that moment... he clenched his fists. Now, she was...!The current Natalie gave Cedric the feeling of a bird flying out of a cage. Before
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Chapter 145 Transformation
The smell of natto made Irwin wrinkle his nose in distaste.Seeing his reluctant look, Natalie cut a small piece and handed it to him with a spoon. "I also thought it smelled bad when I first ate this. But try it; you won't regret it."The first time she brought Cedric to eat it, he also refused to open his mouth.However, she failed to bring down the aloof deity in the human world. Instead, she was the one who was brought into his world instead."Is this... really edible?" Irwin, who was originally a bit of a neat freak, was having a hard time accepting the smell, let alone thinking of trying the taste!"Try it, and you'll know!" Natalie said.Irwin was silent as he looked at Natalie skeptically. Finally, he opened his mouth and took a bite. His actions were swift and decisive, as if it was a matter of life and death."How is it?" Natalie looked at Irwin, wanting to see if he would react differently from Cedric.After all, when Cedric tasted it, he immediately spat it out.
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Chapter 146 A Series of Sweet Moments
"What do you mean?"The message from Christopher irritated Cedric. It wasn't just him. Anyone who received a message like that from a friend they hadn't heard in a while would react the same!Soon, Christopher sent him two videos!In one of the short clips, Natalie was feeding Irwin. In another, they left the noodle shop hand in hand!Taking a closer look at the shop, Cedric felt his world collapse instantly!"Natalie!"It felt like his teeth would turn to dust with how hard he was grinding them.She... She...!They had a heated argument just an hour ago.And now, an hour later, she was having dinner with Irwin at the place where they had their first date?!Even though the storefront had been renovated over the years, the big tree in front of the shop was familiar to Cedric.At this moment, his world completely collapsed and descended into chaos.Ring, ring!It was a video call from Christopher.Cedric closed his eyes tightly. When he opened them, the world was clear agai
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Chapter 147 Considering Remarriage
"Who knows?" Rebecca replied impatiently.She picked up the tea in front of her and took a sip. Unfortunately, the faint tea fragrance still couldn't ease the turmoil in her heart.Christina looked down, and a sinister glint flashed in her eyes.She said, "Although the public opinion has been buzzing lately, only a few people know the details. Natalie has divorced Cedric now, and she doesn't seem like a meddlesome person. She's been immersed in work lately. It's unlikely to be Joyce either, right? After all, she wants to Ced.""...""So, I doubt she wants the Johnson family's reputation to be damaged!"In other words, there was only one person who would benefit from doing this!Isabella!Because she was now blind, the Johnson family had to be her support. The more people from the Johnson family caring for her, the better her days will be. While Christina didn't explicitly say it, Rebecca understood."But she doesn't know those people in high society!" Rebecca said, referring
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Chapter 148 Brother-In-Law
"Natalie, do you even know what kind of people the Frazier family are? Do you want to die? Is that why you insist on getting involved with Irwin?" Everyone in Verde City knew that the Frazier family was widely known to be involved in the most complex matters.Natalie looked at Cedric's questioning and angry look."I'd like to ask myself that too. Did I want to die such a miserable death to have gotten involved with you?"Cedric was speechless.Here it was again!It was the same feeling.Her words felt as if she had gone through torture and died once.Cedric irritatedly flicked the lighter. Obviously, he didn't like the current atmosphere. He took a deep drag from the cigarette he had just lit and said, "I know you didn't have a good time at the Johnson family, but back then..."Back then... What?Cedric was well aware that Natalie was always unhappy when she visited the Johnson Manor. He knew her relationship with the Johnson family was not good, so he rarely brought her
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Chapter 149 Jocelyn Lambert
In the end, it was Cedric who couldn't let go.It would be a reasonable solution if he agreed to send Isabella anywhere outside Verde City. But he didn't."She's blind now. If you ask her to leave Verde City, where can she go? Who will take care of her?" Cedric said as he looked at Natalie.This statement seemed like an interrogation. It was also a subtle way of accusing her of cruelty!Natalie looked at him quietly with a smile on her lips. The laughter in her eyes was so obvious, unfamiliar, and ridiculous."Nat..." Seeing her smile like that, Cedric's heart tightened.He was about to reach for her hand, but Natalie pushed him away.Closing her eyes, she said, "She's my sister, right? Even I'm not worried about her well-being. As her brother-in-law, what are you worried about?"Natalie had used their relations here and...!With that, the concern and involvement Cedric was displaying for Isabella became even more ridiculous and disgusting.Cedric's face changed.He ha
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Chapter 150 Plotting Against Jocelyn
After Jocelyn left, Christina came downstairs and asked Rebecca, "Mom, what did Joyce want?""Just keep an eye on Isabella!" Rebecca's expression wasn't pleasant. Originally, she intended to settle the matter between Jocelyn and Cedric to prevent any changes from happening.But now, she could see how the Lambert family was playing this.She had to admit that Isabella's presence in the Johnson family did have some impact on this matter!"I got it, Mom. But what did Joyce mean by that?""Oh, it just needs to be dealt with quickly!" Rebecca said irritatedly.In reality, her current thoughts were focused on another person. She closed her eyes, concealing the shrewdness in her eyes.Just as she was about to say something, the butler hurriedly came in. "Madam, there's a delivery for you!""Delivery?""Yes, ma'am.""Where is it from?""It's from Simeria."Simeria? From abroad?Rebecca furrowed her brow even more because she hadn't been shopping on foreign websites recently, so
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