All Chapters of A Divorce After My Rebirth: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
1081 Chapters
Chapter 151 The Best Revenge
Girls loved sweets, but many were afraid to indulge too much due to the fear of gaining weight.Seeing Christina enjoying the treats, the indulgence in Wanda's eyes deepened. "Shall I personally make you lunch, Miss?""Sure!""What would you like to eat?""Fish!""Alright. How about some braised fish?""Sounds good!" Christina nodded.She truly liked braised fish.Wanda looked at her. The more she looked at Christina, the more her fondness toward her grew. The smile on her lips widened as she said, "Have a couple more pieces; we'll have a late lunch!""Okay."Watching Christina eat happily like a child gave the cook a great sense of accomplishment.-After Rebecca left the Johnson Mansion, she made a call to investigate Natalie's whereabouts. Sylvan Gems was a huge company! Many of the upper-class circle in Verde City admired it greatly.Unexpectedly, her former daughter-in-law, whom she had despised, became the CEO of an international jewelry company.At this moment,
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Chapter 152 Isabella's Fate
If it weren't for personally experiencing her tactics, Natalie might have thought that the lady before her was no different from other noble wives.This kind of gentleness seemed as if Rebecca's past tactics were truly a process to better Natalie as a person!"It's not really important if it's resentment or not, right? After all, I no longer have any relationship with you or the Johnson family!"Resentment?For people like them, the best revenge was indifference. Once, they used to press her down. Now, she stood at the pinnacle, making them look up to her. That was the true torment for them.Especially now, Natalie felt a sense of satisfaction deep inside as she watched Rebecca struggle with her words. Finally, she could vent some of the pent-up frustration she had for years!On the other hand, Rebecca tried to maintain a calm exterior. However, she was constantly enduring a heart-wrenching pain."Natalie," Rebecca said. She felt as if she couldn't hear her own voice.Nat
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Chapter 153 The So-Called Carefree Life
The Johnson family had always been conscious of their image and cared deeply about appearances. Now, they found themselves unexpectedly entangled in such a mess. What on earth was happening?Rebecca and Elizabeth were both relatively traditional women, so this situation was beyond what they could accept."W-what is going on?" Rebecca's mind was completely in chaos at this moment. What was happening here? Isabella was Natalie's sister. Natalie was Cedric's ex-wife. And now that Natalie had divorced Cedric, Isabella was residing in the Johnson Manor?! The relationships were getting incredibly complicated!Natalie interrupted her thoughts and said, "What's happening? I don't have time to explain to you." Glancing at her wristwatch, she ignored Rebecca and walked away."Wait!" As Natalie reached the doorway, Rebecca called out. Her face was pale, and even her voice was trembling!Natalie paused and turned her head slightly. "Is there anything else?""Then... What do y
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Chapter 154 Utter Chaos
Isabella flipped through her suitcase—the one Yuvan had personally delivered and placed in the cabinet. She opened it, searching for her phone. However, after going through the empty suitcase and feeling through each piece of clothing, she still couldn't find her phone anywhere."Ms. Morgan, it's time for your medication," a servant's voice came from outside.Then she heard the servant say in a displeased tone, "Why did you mess up the room like this?"Isabella asked in the same displeased tone, "Where's my phone?"She needed to make a call!She had to call Yuvan and Cedric. She needed to leave this place!Christina... she was too terrifying!What she had seen before was nothing compared to now. This time, Christina had truly revealed her true colors before Isabella.Isabella had to admit that the woman was frightening!She shuddered to think what kind of poisonous methods Christina had used to deal with all the other women who had once pursued Cedric.Poisonous wasn't
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Chapter 155 Karma
Christina scanned her surroundings and said, "Are you sure you want to talk with me here, out in the open?"Natalie replied, "I have other things to attend to. If it's not something urgent, come back tomorrow... no, the day after tomorrow.""You're quite the busy person now. It makes sense. You're the founder of Auro Studio and the CEO of Sylvan Gems," Christina remarked as she looked at Natalie, who was a head shorter than herself.When Natalie was in the Johnson family, Christina's jealousy was mainly directed at her position as Mrs. Johnson. After the divorce, they had no grievances or conflicts. But now, Natalie's dazzling identities seemed to stir up something within the Johnson family...!The call she just had with a certain person flashed through her mind, and the anger in her heart burned hotter!Natalie asked, "Ten minutes. Is that enough?""Fine."In the end, the two found a spot in the lounge area.The receptionist quickly brought two cups of coffee, and Christina
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Chapter 156 Art Exhibition
When their food arrived, Bianca took a sip of her red wine and then said to Natalie, "I'm reminding you now, you better keep a clear head."She was referring to the matter with Rebecca.Both Natalie and Bianca had expected Rebecca to approach Natalie after the revelation of Natalie's relationship with Stephen. However, they didn't expect her to come so quickly."If she had even a slight liking for you before, she wouldn't be coming to you now, right?" Bianca's words implied that Rebecca's sudden interest was not about Natalie but something else.Natalie responded, "It's because of Isabella.""Isabella?""Isabella has gone completely blind, right? Somehow, the story about Isabella and Ivan has spread in high society. The Johnson family was concerned about the impact, so they had to bring Isabella back.""So you mean Rebecca is worried that Cedric will get together with Isabella?""Yes."Bianca scoffed. "This old hag! I should've known.""And I'm guessing there have been so
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Chapter 157 Cedric's Changes
The revelation that Isabella was Natalie's sister shocked and angered Rebecca. Immediately, she called Cedric to return to the Johnson Manor. When Cedric arrived, Rebecca and Christina went downstairs.As they walked down the stairs, Rebecca instructed, "This has to be dealt with quickly. You should go to Sapphire immediately.""Okay. I understand," Christina nodded obediently, portraying the image of a well-behaved girl.Christina sat in the hall, contemplating the situation. Meanwhile, Rebecca urged her to leave."Go now," Rebecca pushed Christina gently."Okay," Christina reluctantly agreed. She preferred to stay at home whenever Cedric returned, but now, she had no choice but to comply with Rebecca's words. Concealing her reluctance, Christina left.Now that she was alone with Cedric, Rebecca felt the tension in the air. Cedric lit a cigarette, and Rebecca sat opposite him, clearly agitated."I've decided to let Isabella live in Sapphire," Rebecca stated directly.Ce
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Chapter 158 Dim-witted
Half an hour later, Natalie met Bianca in a café and recounted the situation between Cedric and Irwin.Bianca was also shocked."Irwin is Apex Global's CEO! How did Cedric manage to do that?" Bianca wondered."I don't know," Natalie shook her head. She didn't know how Cedric had managed to get Irwin out of Verde City, but the current situation was clearly not in her favor.Bianca looked at Natalie with concern. Cedric's proposal for remarriage wasn't a joke!"Bia, why don't you temporarily put aside what you're working on and leave Verde City for a while?" Natalie suggested."Will he come after me next?" Bianca grumbled.Natalie silently observed her. Bianca also recalled the incident of the previous divorce case. Cedric had a substantial infuence in Verde City. Whatever he wanted to do, there was no one to stop him. He was ruthless to everyone, and that included Natalie!"From what I can tell, it seems like he has settled Isabella's matter and has turned his attention ba
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Chapter 159 Settle Scores at an Opportune Time
After saying this, he took the utensils from Natalie's hands. Now that her hands were empty, the anger surged higher within her. She raised her hand to slap the man's calm face.However, Cedric caught her wrist. Wrapping her other arm around her waist, he pulled her towards him, causing her to fall into his arms."Don't be so angry, okay?" he said calmly."Cedric, go to hell!" Natalie bent her knee to strike him, but he easily blocked the blow. Natalie's knee hurt from that!Just as Cedric was about to take Natalie away, Nigel and Leon stepped forward. "Miss!""Let go of me!"When Natalie saw Leon, her tone became more serious.Instead of releasing her, Cedric leaned in closer. "Even if there were ten of him, do you think it would be enough to stop me?"Natalie was silent.Her mind was blank after she heard his words.She recalled Cedric's previous fights. Back then, he wasn't yet the company's deputy chairman, having just graduated from school. She had witnessed him
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Chapter 160 Scheming in the Shadows
This man was now...!Her anger was almost consuming her.On the other hand, Cedric showed no sign of losing control due to her emotional outburst. He was like a completely different person from before!He handed his empty plate to the nearby butler and stepped forward, pulling Natalie forcefully into his arms. His strong and powerful arms held her firmly, rendering her helpless!"Bastard! Let me go!""You still haven't figured it out yet, huh? What we need to resolve now isn't the matter of remarriage.""You...""If you don't behave now, do you want to skip work tomorrow? Or do you plan never to go to Sylvan Gems in the future?" The man's tone was gentle, but his words carried a veiled threat.Yes, it was a threat!At this moment, he was threatening Natalie.Previously...! Because Cedric's focus was on Isabella, he didn't have time to deal with her antics. Every action she took was enough to drive him crazy.Now, he had enough time. He also had the patience to engage
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