All Chapters of A Divorce After My Rebirth: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
1081 Chapters
Chapter 171 Threat
Rebecca watched Cedric's face darkened, and her tone became even more uneasy. "I know you're blaming me, Cedric, but that was..."At this moment, Rebecca found it difficult to continue!Cedric interrupted, "You said a year ago?""Yes, the last time was about a year ago. After that... Well, you know I've been busy settling your affairs."This was something Cedric knew. Due to the ongoing conflict between her and Natalie, Cedric intentionally assigned her tasks to tie her up, preventing her from causing trouble for Natalie.A year ago...!It was clear that Rebecca wasn't the one responsible for the recent developments.Cedric stood up and strode toward the exit.Confused, Rebecca asked, "What's wrong? Did she say something?"Now that Natalie had status and position, Rebecca was sure she had said something unfavorable about her to Cedric. Instead of responding, Cedric slammed the door behind him, indicating his frustration.Rebecca understood from his attitude that Natalie
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Chapter 172 Take Action
It took a lot of willpower for Christina not to crumble under Cedric's sharp questioning!Just when she feared Cedric might ask something else, he finally let her go."You can leave now." This sentence was like a reprieve for Christina. She had never wished to escape so badly before.Before this, she had always tried to spend as much time with him as possible when she could.But today, he had exuded such an imposing presence.It was terrifying!After Christina left, Cedric was alone in the car. It took a long time before the storm in his eyes dissipated.It was evident that both Rebecca and Christina hadn't lied. So... what was Natalie hiding from him?-At Sylvan Gems, as Natalie returned to her office after the meeting, she received a call from Stephen. His tone was somewhat serious!"Are you getting close to Cedric again?""Uncle!""Is he threatening you?"Natalie sighed, rubbing her temples. "It's nothing like that.""Zane and Karina told me something differen
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Chapter 173 Retaliation
Natalie felt her chest tightened.Cedric, he...!He really dared to do anything.There were two photos attached to the report. Both were of her biting him, but the look in her eyes had clearly been edited![Did Mr. Johnson really divorce Mrs. Johnson? It doesn't seem like it!][Will there soon be a reconciliation between Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson?!]Those were among the various headlines that were written.Clank!Natalie ruthlessly swept the computer from the meeting table to the ground.Only God knew how reluctant she was to involve herself in such rumors with Cedric. And now, these reports...!Without needing to think, she knew that she and Cedric would be even more popular than public figures for a long time to come.The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.Cedric's name flashed on the screen of her phone, but she ignored it.Natalie rushed out of the meeting room.Zane was waiting outside. When he saw Natalie coming out and how angry she looked, he hu
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Chapter 174 The Fish That Slipped Through the Net
Natalie couldn't bring herself to treat those who had a connection with Isabella well. She especially hated it when they talked about her blood relation to Isabella.When that happened, Natalie would instantly lose her cool.-When the news about Natalie and Cedric broke out, Christina was the one who was most anxious about it. She never expected that once Isabella's matter was resolved, it would lead to Cedric and Natalie getting involved again!It had happened in the blink of an eye!She immediately drove to Sapphire.-Inside the apartment, Isabella was under the care of two servants. As the Johnson family wanted to ensure Isabelle was well taken care of, they paid the servants a high enough salary. By doing so, the two servants treated her quite well. But no matter how well they treated her, even if these two became her eyes and ears... What could she do? Her world... was in complete darkness!When Christina arrived, she saw Isabella eating fruits."You're living qui
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Chapter 175 Stephen Was Quite Domineering
Just after hanging up Stephen's call, Natalie received another call from an unfamiliar number.When she answered, she found it was the detective agency Karina had recommended before."Hello," Natalie said."Ms. Walker, we found what you were looking for.""Send it to my email.""Alright."Upon hearing that what she wanted had been found, a cold glint flashed in Natalie's eyes. She hung up the phone, opened her computer, and opened her email.She examined its contents. As she was reading, the same unfamiliar number called her again. "Is it just a photo?" Natalie asked."It's one of the people involved in Ms. Morgan's kidnapping.""..."One of them? She had asked before, but Isabella had said everyone was dead."Is this person still alive?""Yes.""Where is he now?""He's at Sea City in Glacial.""..."That was so far away!The photo's background was a snow-covered area around a glacier, indicating that the climate there wasn't good. The photo was captured from surve
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Chapter 176 Revealing the True Colors
What does it feel like to have someone practically hold one's life in their hands?Natalie had already thoroughly experienced it!Back when she was struggling in the Johnson family, life was tough, But at most, it was the pain of a wounded heart and the days of being mocked by Rebecca. At least back then, there wasn't much to worry about.Now, she had her uncle, who was a strong support. Yet, Cedric had turned his attention to her after he settled Isabella's matters, and had managed to reduce her to this state!Natalie had to admit that the feeling was truly unpleasant!"Sit down and eat properly!" The two stared at each other.Natalie was full of anger! On the other hand, Cedric was smiling calmly.But in that smile, there was a clear threat.Natalie sat down. She picked up her knife and fork, stabbing fiercely into the food on her plate. She ended up with a mess on her plate that looked terrible at a glance.Cedric glanced at her and said, "There's no need to be so ang
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Chapter 177 Isabella's Embarrassment
After hanging up Natalie's call, Rebecca immediately called Cedric. After a few moments, Cedric answered, "Hello.""Where are you now?""Sapphire.""Is there something wrong with you?!" Rebecca was visibly angry. "Turn around and drive back immediately. No matter what happened with Isabella, I'll handle it!""Who told you?" Cedric asked solemnly.He had just stepped out of Scarlet Villa's gate when Rebecca called."Don't worry about who told me. Just remember that this matter is not so simple. I hope you understand!""What do you mean?""Don't you see? Your relationship with Natalie has just improved a little, and Isabella suddenly comes looking for you? I suspect... there's someone behind her!"Previously, Rebecca had never thought about this. She always believed it was Isabella's cunning scheme and that she was doing it alone.But now, Natalie's words made her realize that if Isabella was such a cunning woman, a lot of things could be explained!Isabella had a roof over
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Chapter 178 Strong Contrast
The two of them locked eyes and neither backed down!The atmosphere around them was tense."Natalie, you're so daring now, huh?""Cedric, don't push me too hard!"She would stay here because of the situation with her uncle, but this was already her limit.Cedric also realized it.If they continued to push, this woman might...!Taking a deep breath, he restrained his anger and said, "You're not allowed to do this again!""It's not that you can't see her. There's a simple solution: just don't get involved with me!" Natalie refused to back down.Christina's phone call made her understand something!The start of her relationship with Cedric had thrown many people into chaos. If they went crazy, they would do so without any limits. Meanwhile, Cedric had started rumors that they might not be divorced and might even remarry that afternoon. And now, he was going to Sapphire alone in the evening?!Who did he think would bear the embarrassment?!"Stephen really spoiled you!" Ce
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Chapter 179 Irwin Frazier
As Rebecca finished speaking, the air grew still. Though Isabella disliked Christina and even considered her an unreliable ally, keeping her around had its uses. Seeing how Isabella remained silent, Rebecca's gaze turned cold."Isabella, I remember you're quite clever. Don't act confused now.""No one gave it to me. It's my previous phone.""Is it?""Yes," Isabella nodded.Rebecca took a deep breath. She concealed her emotions and stood up. Then, she glanced at the maid behind Isabella. Extending her hand, the maid tensed. "M-madam…?""Madam Johnson, what are you doing?" Isabella asked when she heard the commotion."Isabella, I don't want you to call him again.""Is it because of my sister? I remember you don't like her!""The biggest difference between you and your sister is that she knows where the line is," Rebecca said, surprisingly praising Natalie.Even the things she had done so far were only chaotic, but not catastrophic!But standing in the current situation a
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Chapter 180 Bankrupt Him
Natalie sneered and ignored Christina. She wasn't even bothered to respond.Instead, she opened the door and got into the car without a word.Seeing Natalie ignore her, Christina rushed forward and grabbed Natalie's car window with both hands. "Natalie, are you feeling proud now?""There's nothing to be proud of, don't you think?""...""I don't have time to spare for that anyway." Natalie seemed indifferent, which contrasted sharply with Christina's anger. Sometimes, indifference was the most cutting response. While one person meticulously planned and schemed, the other was too preoccupied to care."I'm buying those things with my own money! Why won't you sell to me? Aren't you afraid that I'll report you?""Report me for what? Sylvan Gems' items are limited edition every year. If you can't buy them, it's because you're too slow!""You...""Is there anything else?""Natalie, don't be too arrogant!""Let go!" Natalie didn't want to engage in this boring conversation.
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