All Chapters of A Divorce After My Rebirth: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
1081 Chapters
Chapter 181 Not Giving In
As soon as Stephen mentioned Irwin's return, a complex array of emotions flashed through Natalie's mind. Up to this point, Stephen only knew that Cedric was the reason for his inability to enter Verde City. But as for Irwin's side of the story, Stephen was unaware. Guilt welled up within her."It seems like everything went smoothly on his end!" Natalie sighed in relief. Stephen remarked, "He's youthful and bold!"The words held some ambiguous meaning, but Natalie sensed the urgency in Irwin's situation. She remained silent. Stephen continued discussing work matters, offering insights into business strategies, all of which Natalie absorbed.After ending the call, the secretary entered and said, "Ms. Walker, Mr. Johnson is here!"Natalie had just relaxed, and she frowned at the news. Cedric entered, followed by Yuvan, holding a takeout box. "So soon?"Natalie was clearly caught off guard by Cedric's swift arrival. After all, she only managed to get in two phone cal
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Chapter 182 The Bought-off Doctor
"You don't have the ability to do that!" Cedric said and released her with a disdainful look.He turned and sat on the sofa, lighting a cigarette. "Tina's birthday is approaching, and she's been eyeing Sylvan Gems' items for quite a few years. Reserve a set for her!"For quite a few years?And she still hasn't obtained it!It shows just how sought-after Sylvan Gems' items are.Natalie replied, "What she wants is the limited edition. I can't do anything about it.""You are the CEO of Sylvan Gems now.""The board of directors discusses the quantity of each set made. Even as the CEO, I can't interfere.""Natalie!""Oh, I almost forgot, Mr. Johnson. You always like to change things to suit your needs, right? But Sylvan Gems is different from your company. The limited amount of each set is what makes our items so irresistible!""...""Do you think I should make an exception because of my relationship with Christina, or because of our relationship?" She challenged him with a pro
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Chapter 183 Heavy Blow
As Jocelyn left the company, she encountered Christina. Compared to Christina, Jocelyn appeared more elegant. When Christina saw Jocelyn, she could already guess what had happened."Did you come to see Ced? He must be busy, right? Did you get to see him?" She sounded somewhat triumphant.Jocelyn's face darkened. "Was it you?"Christina replied, "I don't understand what you're talking about, Joyce!""Hmph, revel in your satisfaction. I guess he and Natalie are getting back together? And what's your business in all of this? Why are you kicking up such a fuss and looking so satisfied?" Jocelyn's face turned stern.Christina froze, and a hint of gloom flashed in her eyes. Jocelyn knew what kind of person Christina was—she was still considered a treasure by the Johnson family.As Jocelyn walked away, Christina turned back. She watched Jocelyn's retreating figure and snorted. Then, she walked triumphantly towards the elevator reserved for executives.-After Jocelyn was gone, C
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Chapter 184 Can't Get Through Tonight
The atmosphere in Cedric's office was suffocating.Yuvan nodded respectfully. "Yes, sir. I'll check right away."As Yuvan turned to leave, Cedric's thoughts were racing a mile an hour. Just as Yuvan put his hand on the door handle, Cedric stopped him. "Wait.""Yes, Mr. Johnson?""Also, check if Isabella has any other enemies.""Yes, sir!" At first glance, it seemed to be related to Natalie. However, with recent events piling up, many of Cedric's previous convictions were shaken. So, this time, he would approach the matter involving Natalie with caution, especially given her consistent denial of any involvement in Isabella's affairs.-Meanwhile, Natalie was busy with her own affairs. The recent product launch was successful, and Auro Studio was pushing its limits. In addition, the eastern suburb project with Irwin was about to begin.The details in her drawings needed to be perfected, so she was working late into the night. When Cedric called, she almost wished she coul
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Chapter 185 Regrets
At Johnson Enterprise, Natalie watched as Yuvan, Lucas, and others moved in and out. Several departments were urgently called for meetings, and she watched Cedric's diligence and seriousness in the work environment.He looked so familiar, yet so strange. Her heart was cold! As he said, no one would be sleeping tonight. Issues arose with the foreign projects, and it was a colossal matter. All departments returned to work overnight to address the problems.During a brief break, after Cedric had conducted three consecutive meetings, he sat across from her and observed her tired state.Sensing his gaze, Natalie perked up and stared at him, "I genuinely hope this damn company won't make it through tonight!""You'd better pray that everything gets resolved tonight. Otherwise, you won't be sleeping until it does, understand?" In essence, if he couldn't sleep, neither could she. It was retaliation. It was Cedric's retaliation against the frustration Stephen imposed on him, which
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Chapter 186 For Oneself
When the two returned to Scarlet Villa, everything had indeed been prepared. Natalie sat quietly at the dining table, eating her food. She had been silent ever since Cedric defended Christina again in the car.At this moment, her face appeared calm, but it gave Cedric the feeling of it being the calm before the storm."Nat." In the end, he couldn't help but break the silence."What?""I know things at the Johnson Manor weren't too good for you before, but it's all in the past now, hmm?""Are you advising me to go back? Or are you letting it go because of my uncle?" Natalie sneered.In the past?! That was not how she understood it. Although Cedric showed her that he could stand proudly at the pinnacle even without her uncle's support, Rebecca's actions gave her a different feeling at this crucial moment. She felt uncomfortable inside!"Your mother must be regretting it now, right? She did set aside her pride and approached me, you know? Seems like she doesn't have much conf
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Chapter 187 The Previous Natalie
If Cedric hadn't started pestering Natalie like this, Christina wouldn't relentlessly hold onto Natalie either!That way, Natalie could really do as her uncle said. She would be able to stand in her own position and walk towards her own future...!Just like the moment she divorced Cedric, she had let go of everything between them!But no!Cedric didn't let go.Christina didn't want to let go either.And Isabella wouldn't give up!So, she could only slowly uncover the ugly faces of these people!-Back in the room, the sky had brightened.Cedric initially didn't plan to go to the guest room, but Natalie was firm. She refused to be alone with him.Cedric was worried that pushing her too hard would backfire. So, he could only temporarily let her be. Besides, everyone was tired after staying up all night.Because of that, he didn't insist too forcefully.At this moment, Natalie was wearing a bathrobe as she stood at the large window. She had a glass of red wine in her hand and
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Chapter 188 Remarry Me
Bang!Natalie slammed the tray in her hand heavily on the small table.The sound clearly conveyed Natalie's current dissatisfaction.The man showed no signs of anger!"You seem quite unhappy?""Should I be feeling something else?""Remarry me, and your days will be better. Just like before, you do whatever you want, hmm?"Natalie sneered.The phrase "do whatever you want" made it sound as if she had been so carefree by his side before!"It wasn't like I could do whatever I wanted to do by your side before! Cedric, do you think too highly of yourself?"The mockery in her tone was so obvious.Evidently, she was ridiculing him for not being able to protect even his own wife.The man emerged from the bed, taking long strides toward her.His tone finally carried a hint of annoyance. "Are those things in the past still unforgivable in your eyes?""What, you think I'm going too far?""Natalie!"Natalie met the man's angry gaze.Cedric hadn't rested well, and his temper was no
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Chapter 189 Her Trust
Between Natalie and Cedric, it might seem like Cedric is exerting pressure on her, but in reality... no one was more frustrated than Cedric at this moment! Natalie continued with her daily routine. She went to work, attended meetings, and dealt with Cedric!-In the office, Natalie's landline rang. She answered, "Hello.""It's me." Irwin's gentle voice came through from the other end of the line, and it warmed Natalie's heart."You're back?" Natalie looked at the number on the caller ID and recognized it as Apex Global."Yeah. Shall we have lunch together at noon?" Irwin suggested."…Sure!" Natalie hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed. Originally, she shouldn't be meeting Irwin like this now, but things have changed for her.Setting aside other matters, she wouldn't allow her professional interaction with Irwin to be reduced.If Cedric couldn't even understand this point, then she...!After hanging up Irwin's call, Natalie picked up the internal line. "Hello?"
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Chapter 190 Isaac's Return
The restaurant where Natalie met Irwin for lunch was the same one they had gone to dinner before.Irwin expertly cut the steak and placed it in front of Natalie. There was a gentle smile on her lips as she said, "Thank you."Irwin raised the red wine in front of him and took a sip. Natalie pulled out a folder and handed it to Irwin. "Take a look later when you can.""No rush," Irwin replied. Natalie nodded.Irwin glanced at her and asked, "What's the deal between you and Cedric now?"Natalie's heart skipped a beat. When she looked at Irwin, there was a hard glint in her eyes. Clearly, she doesn't appreciate Irwin mentioning Cedric.Irwin's gaze was sharp as he met Natalie's eyes. Just as she struggled to respond to his question, Irwin said, "You don't have to hide it from me. His actions..."Irwin trailed off, but Natalie didn't need him to finish his sentence to understand. Her face turned a little pale as she looked at Irwin.Did he know everything?!Without waiting
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