All Chapters of A Divorce After My Rebirth: Chapter 911 - Chapter 920
1081 Chapters
Chapter 911 Living Next Door
Zane swiftly moved next door to Bianca, and Malcolm got wind of this news shortly after. At Snow Peak Manor, the man's eyes gleamed with fierce hostility, leaving Horatio trembling at the sight...!"Lord Malcolm!""He's living next door to her?!" When he spoke, his tone was filled with danger.Horatio nodded nervously. "Yes, sir."The air grew thick with tension! In the dim space, the man's face emitted a dark and cold light. The sense of danger permeated the air continuously, as if Malcolm wanted to devour something in that instant.Horatio looked at Malcolm, and the man said in a chilling voice, "Then shall I move too?"What?Move? Where to?Next door to Bianca? Horatio felt the blood drain from his face at the thought...!If news of their affair spread to Simeria, it would become a complete joke.Indeed!Even though they had already relinquished their positions in Simeria, Malcolm and Zane were once influential figures there. Abandoning everything for a woman was
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Chapter 912 Cooking for Her
Seeing Zane like this, Bianca's head was throbbing.There were plenty of ingredients in the fridge, and it must be said that Seth had prepared them according to his understanding of Bianca's taste. So, most of the food in the fridge was basically what Bianca liked to eat.Bianca was speechless. Glancing at the time on her wristwatch, she frowned and looked at the man in the open kitchen, who was skillfully handling the kitchen utensils.Bianca remarked, "I didn't expect you to know how to use those things.""Natalie said you like homemade food, but you're not good at cooking." So, when Zane came to Weiss Town, he cooked almost every day. After two months of practice, even a cooking idiot like him would improve his skills. At that moment, Bianca didn't know what to say. There was a dull feeling in her chest."I made chicken soup to help you with your recovery," Zane said.Bianca replied, "I don't need it!""You've lost a lot of weight, probably about ten kilograms."Bianca w
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Chapter 913 Driven Mad with Anger
The anger that was already simmering surged even more when Zane heard Bianca answer without hesitation. It caused his heart to choke in that instant!"There shouldn't have been any connection between us from the beginning. I was wrong before!" She could have waited eventually to get a chance to break away from Malcolm. But at that time, she wanted revenge on him as quickly as possible, so she got involved with Zane.People said that when one suffered, there may be a reason for such arrangements by the heavens, and one's resistance... would lead them into another path of pain. And this path of pain made Bianca understand its agony.Zane looked at her, pain constantly flashing in his eyes. Bianca said, "Let's end things here, okay?"Was it okay? Of course not.Zane wouldn't agree!So, no matter how gentle he had been towards her before, his gaze at this moment was filled with endless determination.He simply said, "I won't agree to it.""Zane!""I'll look for you and nev
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Chapter 914 Her Indifference
After Bianca returned to her senses, she realized Malcolm had called her numerous times. She hadn't brought her phone when she went to Zane's place earlier. Now, she saw dozens of missed calls.The phone rang again, this time from an unknown number.Bianca answered, "Hello.""Ms. Sanders, Lord Malcolm's been in an accident."Bianca fell silent. On the other end, Horatio's voice sounded urgent, but Bianca seemed unaffected by the news.An accident? What kind of accident?"Ms. Sanders? Ms. Sanders!" The urgency in the man's voice heightened as Bianca remained silent.Suddenly, Bianca snapped back to reality."What happened?" Her tone was calm and indifferent, showing no concern."It was a collision. He's on his way to the hospital.""I see."A car collision. Bianca's response was as indifferent as if she were hearing about Malcolm's dinner plans for the evening.On the other end of the line, Horatio was surprised by Bianca's cold reaction. How could she be so indifferent
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Chapter 915 Who Won
At the hospital, Malcolm woke up and immediately asked Horatio if he had called Bianca after his accident last night. Upon learning that he had called and Bianca had only responded nonchalantly, Malcolm's heart sank.Horatio had initially hoped to smooth things over for Bianca, but seeing that she hadn't shown up or even expressed any intention to do so, he thought maybe it was better this way. However, he didn't expect to call Zane and get that response from him, either!Now, the atmosphere in the entire ward was shrouded in a dangerous fog.Clang! Clatter! Malcolm swept everything off the small table by his hospital bed in a fit of rage.Obviously, Malcolm was not taking it lightly."Lord Malcolm..." Horatio exclaimed."Let's go!" Malcolm got off the bed.When Horatio heard that, he was even more alarmed. Although Malcolm's injuries were not very serious, he had suffered a concussion last night. The doctors had said he needed at least three days of observation.So, how co
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Chapter 916 Don't Despair, Hang in There
When John saw his tooth knocked out, anger burned in his eyes as he glared at Bianca. "You damn woman!" Fully enraged now, he was completely driven despite how much fear he held for Bianca deep down. Just as he was about to attack Bianca, Nancy, whom Bianca had shielded behind her, suddenly pulled Bianca behind her. John's furious fist landed heavily on Nancy's chest, causing her to grunt in pain, even though she was accustomed to it. This indicated how intense John's attack was. Bianca's anger also intensified. With a loud "bang," she grabbed whatever was nearby and struck the man's head hard. This time, John also witnessed Bianca's ruthlessness. His original aggression faltered when faced with Bianca's cold, fearless gaze. He dared not approach again. Bianca said firmly, "What's so great about winning this time? Even if I have to spend my entire life, I'll make sure Nancy leaves you!" Looking at John's shameless face and actions, Bianca's determination only grew stronge
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Chapter 917 Not So Easy to End
When she arrived home, Bianca seemed to remember something. She got out of the car, preparing to grab some stuff from the house and head straight to town. But to her surprise, Malcolm was standing right outside the door.When she saw him, Bianca's anger flared up!Malcolm said, "Let's talk."Seeing the black cloud over Bianca's face, a hint of surprise flickered in the man's eyes. He had to admit that Bianca had a fiery spirit!Upon closer inspection, there was even a bit of rustic charm about her. But strangely, it wasn't off-putting.Bianca replied, "There's nothing for us to talk about!"Clearly, she was at her breaking point.Before, she was willing to talk to this man about what happened with Nancy. But now, faced with many problems of her own, she knew his demands couldn't be met in a short time. She had to find another way. The matter with Nancy couldn't wait another minute.However, Zane and Malcolm had blocked her path, and she didn't want to yield to either of the
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Chapter 918 Intense Standoff
Regarding Nancy's case, the last thing Bianca wanted was to prolong the situation. Though Zane claimed he was helping her, Bianca couldn't shake the feeling that it might also become a power struggle between him and Malcolm.And once they were locked in a power struggle, ending things wouldn't be easy."Bianca!""Don't interfere in this matter!" At the moment she spoke, danger oozed from Bianca's tone. Yes. She didn't want him to interfere in this matter and drag it out."But you-""Why don't you understand by now? What I do has nothing to do with either of you!"Bianca said those words because she was clearly losing her patience.Zane fell silent. He looked at Bianca, lips twitching as if to say something. But at this moment, Bianca didn't want to hear anything. Her world was chaotic! Yet even in chaos, she remained clear-headed when it came to the confusion these two men brought to her life. She knew exactly what she wanted and what she intended to do."Fine, I promis
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Chapter 919 The Skill of Prying Open a Door
After everyone left, Seth approached Zane in concern. "Lord Zane, Lord Malcolm probably won't let this go easily."In fact, he might not even let Zane off easily!Seth and the others had seen Malcolm's ruthless methods before. So now, looking at Zane, Seth couldn't help but feel worried."Ever since I accepted her presence and even gave her that kind of status, our friendship has been strained," Zane said truthfully.At these words, Seth stiffened! Rarely had he seen things so clearly.And what Zane said was true. From the moment he accepted Bianca by his side, there was no possibility of reconciliation left between him and his brother.After all, in the Entes family, where was there any sentiment? If even fathers and sons were like that, what about brothers?Seth clearly heard the bitterness in this and felt that what Zane did was actually right! After completely cutting off, there would be no more regrets, right?Seth nodded. "So be it!"If Zane must have Bianca, then someth
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Chapter 920 Brother and Wife
Just now, Malcolm sent someone to fetch Bianca, but she refused to see him. So, he was already angry! Now, hearing that Zane was with her and they'd been inside for quite some time, a thick sense of danger instantly emanated from his eyes.Bang! Some things fell to the ground.However, even though he did that, it seemed like his anger hadn't been released at all. Instead, it was building up more and more, making him increasingly irritable.Horatio was silent. He couldn't understand it! Didn't he leave everything about Simeria behind? Didn't she completely abandon Zane as well!?Then why did it seem like the relationship between those two was so deep now?A gust of wind seemed to pass by him, and Horatio felt like his brain was going to explode. Without needing to think about it, he knew tonight was going to be another eventful night.When they emerged, they saw Seth guarding Bianca's door. Horatio subconsciously looked at Malcolm. The danger emanating from him at this moment wa
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