All Chapters of A Divorce After My Rebirth: Chapter 931 - Chapter 940
1081 Chapters
Chapter 931 We Don't Owe Each Other Anything
But Bianca just didn't understand.Sometimes, feelings for someone could come so suddenly and inexplicably.Bianca had always been a competent and clean-cut girl during their time in Verde City. Zane had seen videos of her arguing in court. She wore a black uniform and spoke sharply. He never knew that such a proud woman would end up with such despair in her eyes. That day, she stood in front of his car and said to him, "I'll marry you and give you what you want."What did Zane want back then? His thoughts were always well hidden. And Bianca, by Malcolm's side, seemed to have been suppressed and knew nothing. In fact, her heart was cold. Yet, her mind had always been clear. While she was by Malcolm's side, she had done enough analysis of every member of the Entes family. How could anyone from that family be simple?So, she found the person she was most familiar with, Zane, and made a deal. But she would never know that the scene of her standing outside the car window woul
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Chapter 932 Both Are Non-negotiable
Zane agreed.So, Bianca would seem to have an easier time because of it. But what she didn't expect was that this ending didn't bring Nancy's freedom. Malcolm's demands got even more outrageous!When Bianca slammed her divorce papers with Zane in front of him… "Can you let me win now?"The word felt suffocating to Bianca at this moment because her victories never came from compromise. But Malcolm had pushed her to the limit.He looked at her with hidden endurance, but her compromise didn't make him feel relieved. He picked up the papers and looked at them. It was real! She and Zane were truly done."Is he really willing to let go?" Someone who had abandoned everything in Simeria now actually let go?"At least in this regard, he's not as shameless as you!""He's kind, the kind of kindness men dread." His sharp gaze made Bianca instinctively look away. He could say whatever he wanted. As for what he thought and understood, Bianca wasn't interested.But Malcolm wasn'
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Chapter 933 Bid Her Farewell
Seeing Bianca so resolute, Natalie couldn't find the words to say anything more at this moment. She just sighed. Guilt. Natalie never knew this word could feel so heavy until now when Bianca uttered them. She couldn't help but marvel at Bianca's clarity. Bianca always seemed to be clear-headed, perhaps due to her many past experiences. Having mediated through so many emotional entanglements, she had seen and understood too much! Bianca could almost instantly discern a man's true emotions. Why wouldn't Malcolm and Zane be her choice? It was simply because she saw through them too well. One was guilt, the other possessiveness and nothing more!In such circumstances, why would she choose either?"Be careful then."After numerous twists and turns, Natalie cautioned Bianca. After all, Malcolm wasn't someone to be trifled with! He wouldn't just let things end because Bianca said so."Don't worry, okay? I'm hanging up now.""Okay."The two hung up.Bianca understood Natal
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Chapter 934 Seems Like an End Yet Not Quite
Bianca stayed by Nancy's side for what felt like forever. She gazed at Nancy as if wanting to etch her image deep into her memory. This time with Nancy made Bianca's path ahead clearer. She understood better what compromises she could make, what she couldn't, what she truly wanted, and what she didn't.In the end, Zane came and forcibly took her away, and Bianca... fainted in the man's arms.When Malcolm arrived, he saw Zane carrying the unconscious Bianca out of the hospital. "Put her down!" At that moment, Malcolm's tone was chilly and dangerous.Seth, who was behind Zane, instantly tensed up upon hearing Malcolm's voice. But upon hearing Malcolm, Zane had a glint of sharp coldness in his eyes. He ignored Malcolm and turned with Bianca in his arms.Malcolm instinctively moved to follow, but Seth blocked him and Horatio. "Lord Malcolm, please restrain yourself!"Restrain himself? Those words undoubtedly hit a nerve with Malcolm. He swung his fist directly at Seth.But Seth w
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Chapter 935 I Had Nothing to Do with Her Death
As Bianca watched the two figures wrestling in the snow, she felt numb.Both of them seemed to sense something and halted their actions, turning to look towards the doorway where Bianca stood with cold eyes.With that, their fight came to a complete stop. Malcolm pushed Zane aside and strode towards Bianca."Come back with me," he said, as if Bianca belonged to him.His words were so familiar and natural.But when he grabbed Bianca's hand… Slap! At that moment, it seemed like Bianca summoned all her strength to slap him hard, leaving him frozen in place.Bianca looked at Malcolm coldly. "Get lost!"One had spoken in a resolute manner, while the other brimmed with hatred and even hostility."Her death has nothing to do with me. I had nothing to do with it!" Malcolm asserted.He was a man who dared to take responsibility for his actions.But seeing Bianca's detachment and hostility, he... panicked!Shaking his head, he said to Bianca, "It's not my fault!"Seeing Malcolm l
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Chapter 936 Danger Lurks at Every Turn
Bianca was furious to the core.But Sandy interjected, "Anyone heading to Nancy's place now gets thrashed by that rascal. He's gone mad!"Back when Nancy was around, at least there wasn't this madness.But things had changed. The fury that Nancy left behind was now being vented out by that lunatic onto the folks in the village.How on earth had they tolerated such madness for so long?Before Bianca could even think it through, Sandy continued, "He's stirred up public outrage now. I just want you to help Nancy."Knowing Bianca was a good-hearted girl, nobody else would bother with Nancy's affairs now that she was gone, but Bianca would."Can you help her one last time?" Sandy's voice choked up.Clearly, Sandy was genuinely pained for Nancy.While she was alive, they all avoided Nancy because of John. They didn't dare to meddle in her affairs. But now that she was gone and John was acting outrageously, everyone in the village was furious.Bianca hesitated for a moment.Of cour
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Chapter 937 Because You're Not Right for Me
It was clear what Bianca meant to him. If John was a demon, then Bianca is like a female Satan in his eyes. She was a ruthless villain who stopped at nothing and was still frightening. Bianca looked at the man before her and recalled Nancy's frostbitten body. And those wounds...! How could such a coward scare the whole village into not helping Nancy?"I'm telling you, I'm not afraid of you!" As Bianca approached, the man instinctively tried to get up. But the next moment… Slap! A loud slap echoed as Bianca's hand connected with his face, leaving a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. Bianca was truly ruthless, especially with those eyes devoid of any warmth, which was terrifying.Seth watched Bianca with a furrowed brow. Obviously, in Simeria, they had never seen this side of Bianca. She was always righteous and serious. But who knew she could throw such punches too...!"You…!" John covered his face, trying to retaliate, but Bianca grabbed his hand when he rais
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Chapter 938 Your Family's Sin
It was so cold! At this moment, Zane felt an unprecedented coldness emanating from Bianca. Back in Verde City, she was icy in the face of betrayal in marriage, but she herself... was sunshine personified!There was always an invisible sense of justice about her. Every time her sharpness surfaced, it made people feel like she was the embodiment of righteousness. Even when she stood up for Natalie when Cedric betrayed her in the past, warmth emanated from her."I know Simeria destroyed everything for you," Zane said painfully after a long while in the face of Bianca's apology.When did it start? Why did he suddenly feel such a strong sense of distance from her? This feeling lacked the comforting sensation and instead pushed people away invisibly."But Bianca, everything is in the past now. Can't you let go of it?" Zane's voice choked up a bit.Yes, let go! Only when everything was let go of, perhaps...!"Let go? Move on?" When Bianca heard these words, she smiled instantly. Yet
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Chapter 939 Natalie Won't Come Here
Over at Cedric's place, things were clearly not going smoothly. Kayla's situation remained precarious, so surgery wasn't an option right now. The child woke up midway once, calling out for her mommy. Everyone knew she was calling for Natalie.However, regardless of Cedric's attempts to contact Natalie, he either got no response or a cold one!Now, the only one who could talk to Natalie was Bianca. Cedric had once looked down on Bianca's arrogance back in Verde City, but now, he had no choice but to go to her! Bianca was in her cabin preparing case files, pondering how to get John behind bars. Suddenly, the doorbell urgently rang. Bianca thought it was Sandy. These days, Sandy would send Bianca some local specialties almost daily. So even if Bianca didn't go to town, she wouldn't lack food.However, when she opened the door and saw Cedric standing outside, Bianca's expression instantly darkened."Why are you here?" Clearly, just like Natalie, Cedric was the last person B
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Chapter 940 Making Concessions for Her
Beg? That word would never have left Bianca's lips in the past, but her tone was firm and icy, with a hint of impatience.Cedric was silent. Seeing Bianca like this, he was at a loss for words. His emotions were in turmoil, so he lit a cigarette and took a few harsh drags, running his hand through his hair. Every movement betrayed his inner chaos."I know she's important to you, but Luna is equally important to Natalie. She won't allow anything that might harm Luna. Do you understand?" Bianca's words cut through the tension."She'll die!" Cedric finally spoke up, referring to Kayla."So, it's okay for decent people to make concessions for her? Is that what you mean?" Bianca didn't need to ask; she knew Cedric's intentions.Once, Isabella played the role of the weaker one in his world. So, Natalie had to make concessions for Isabella time and again. And now, even his own daughter had to make concessions for this dying child?! "Cedric, do you think you're some kind of supe
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