All Chapters of A Divorce After My Rebirth: Chapter 941 - Chapter 950
1081 Chapters
Chapter 941 She Has No Obligation
Or was it that he had always been fantasizing about something else?Was it that Cedric hoped Natalie would soften up a bit and come to Weiss Town? Then, she and Austin would have a falling out, and then Cedric could reconcile with her? Then, they could live together with Luna and Kayla?"Cedric, Kayla is Isabella's daughter. Do you understand what that means?" Bianca didn't know why those people had schemed this way and made Natalie a mother figure in Kayla's mind. It didn't matter how Kayla looked at Natalie or what kind of mother Natalie was in her heart. It didn't matter whether she longed for Natalie's love or hated Natalie.Everything was Isabella's fault!She schemed everything...!However, she didn't take into account that Natalie wouldn't soften her heart for a child. Perhaps Natalie would have given in if Kayla wasn't Isabella's daughter."If you really think you can use this to your advantage, I suggest you forget about it!" Bianca shut down any future possibiliti
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Chapter 942 Peaceful Coexistence
At that moment, Zane understood what Bianca's forgiveness truly meant. She wasn't forgiving. She was distancing herself! She wanted to stay away from him...!Suddenly, Zane looked at Bianca and asked, "Is it because of him?" Zane was referring to Malcolm! The one who hurt Bianca deeply, destroyed everything she had, and yet also brought them together...!Bianca looked at Zane impassively. With just one glance, Zane's already shattered heart felt even more hollow in an instant. "I'm very sorry!"At that moment, Bianca's avoidance of his question made Zane realize everything. Her distancing wasn't for anyone else but herself.Bianca remained silent, still looking down."Bianca." Zane wanted to see what Bianca had to say, but at this moment, he felt like he couldn't say anything.Bianca quietly ate her dessert. "It tastes good."Any woman with him in the future would be lucky!"I'll cook for you for the rest of our lives," Zane said in the next moment.Bianca smiled.
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Chapter 943 I Didn't Mean to Harm Her
Malcolm looked at Bianca's indifferent expression, feeling a tightness in his chest. Anger burned within him, but then Bianca said, "There's no peace between us. Give up on that idea!"Right, there was no peace to be found! Their beginning was a mistake, and all the repercussions that followed were his own fault!"Bianca!" His voice grew heavy.Finally, Bianca had had enough. She flung the soup pot in Malcolm's direction. If he hadn't dodged in time, he'd probably end up in the hospital again. Even though he avoided it, he still felt the heat, and his complexion darkened."Are you trying to kill me?!" Malcolm glared at her viciously."If I could, I'd end you myself!" Bianca's words were sharp, filled with determination and her trademark coldness.Seeing Bianca like this, Malcolm understood the concept of hopelessness in an instant. Back in the family, he could get whatever he wanted easily, even if it required some effort. But now, Bianca's prideful nature made him realize just
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Chapter 944 Can You Afford to Wait?
Bianca found herself sandwiched between the two men. It felt suffocating, but she couldn't do anything about it, so she chose to ignore them.After hearing that Malcolm had moved back to the house next to Bianca, Natalie felt like it was a terrifying battleground. "Are they out for your blood?" she asked Bianca after taking a deep breath."I'll take theirs first!" Bianca's eyes flashed with danger as she spoke.Natalie paused, sensing the danger in Bianca's tone. She knew Bianca was angry; anyone would be in her shoes. "When do you plan to leave?" They had agreed she'd leave after Nancy's case, but now...Bianca reiterated her plan and said, "Once that scoundrel is in prison, I'm out."That was how Bianca saw John. Perhaps that was why Natalie had been friends with Bianca for so long. She was passionate and righteous, showing her best qualities."It might not be that easy," Natalie warned.She understood what Bianca wanted, but they also knew Malcolm. Zane was always gentl
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Chapter 945 Your Wishful Thinking
After hanging up the phone, Bianca began making her own breakfast. She had intended to have a light soup hotpot, but because of Malcolm's interference, that plan went out the window.Zane gripped her wrist in a gentle yet firm manner that carried an invisible insistence. "Breakfast is ready, okay?" he said."No need," Bianca replied.Zane's grip tightened slightly. "Please leave," Bianca said, her words devoid of warmth.These words were icy, indicating her patience had run out. No matter the mental preparation she had made for the invisible game between them, it was now severely affecting her life, even the "waiting" she had mentioned to Natalie.Their eyes met. Bianca's were cold, while Zane's expression hinted at a feeling of heaviness. "Bianca," he began. "I've said what I needed to say to you. Just leave, okay?"Yes, everything had been said. Why linger here?But in this world, some things couldn't be explained. Like between Cedric and Natalie. Despite agreements to
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Chapter 946 Meaningless
The workers moved fast, replacing the doors and windows in less than an hour.Handing over the brand new keys to Bianca, they assured her of the absolute security of the locks—they could be opened with fingerprints or from the inside.Before leaving, the workers emphasized the importance of monitoring the batteries. If it ran out and she didn't have the key, breaking down the door would be the only option to enter the cabin.The doors Bianca had installed were tough to open, so the workers spent a considerable amount of time advising her on this.Bianca took note of everything they said.Malcolm and Zane stood in the snow, watching Bianca complete the task without any expression on her face.Once the workers left, Bianca stood at the door, giving Malcolm and Zane a cold, indifferent look before slamming it shut.Whatever thoughts Malcolm and Zane had before coming here, they were crystal clear now—they had seen who Bianca truly was.Zane didn't know how he made it back to the s
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Chapter 947 Buried Deep
Zane left, and Bianca relaxed a bit as soon as he did. She just turned back to the house when Natalie's call came in!Bianca answered. Before she could speak, Natalie asked, "Zane's leaving, right?"And Bianca got it.Zane's sudden reaction was clearly because of Natalie's influence.Bianca chuckled!Her laughter sounded carefree.Even though she acted like she didn't care, having both Zane and Malcolm here made her feel suffocated. Now that one was gone, she felt a bit lighter, and her heart was more at ease.She laughed and said, "Do you think we can't mind our own business and have to meddle in each other's?"As soon as she said that, Natalie stiffened a bit. But Bianca was speaking the truth."It's not meddling, okay? It's called being supportive!"When someone knew their friend was in trouble, they naturally tried to help.Initially, Natalie had wanted to start with Malcolm. But after Austin intervened, even with the benefits offered, Malcolm showed no intention of leav
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Chapter 948 Must Save the Child
Cedric looked at Bianca's icy demeanor. There was a coldness tinged with invisible arrogance... Just like when she was in Verde City."I won't come in." Since Bianca refused, Cedric naturally wouldn't force his way in.Bianca raised an eyebrow. The next moment, Cedric said, "Can you go somewhere with me?""I told you I'm busy!" Bianca swiftly replied.Then, Cedric added, "It won't take much time. Just an hour."Bianca remained silent.At this moment, Cedric seemed so humble.Yes, humble!Back in Verde City, he seemed so high and mighty, as if everyone before him was beneath him. Even Natalie suffered because of him in his marital world. Who would have thought that Cedric, now, could be so humble?Bianca didn't want to deal with him. But knowing his temperament, if she ignored him, there would be no peace for her...Finally, she nodded and went inside to fetch a coat.Bianca remained silent in the car as they drove towards the town. There wasn't much to say between her an
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Chapter 949 Can the Dead Still Live?
Two hours later, it all ended!Bianca gazed at Cedric, her gaze cold and detached, tinged with a hint of mockery."Bianca!""Are you done? That was quite an entertaining joke!" Reincarnation? Cedric could really say such things?!Without a doubt, the unspoken understanding between Natalie and Cedric became a laughable joke in Bianca's eyes.Cedric's heart ached badly."I'm telling the truth!""Hah!" The truth?"What truth? That the dead can live again? What a joke!" Wasn't it just a joke?It was a colossal joke!Cedric fell silent, and the pain in his eyes shimmered even more at this moment.Seeing him like this made Bianca incredibly dizzy—it was just too much! How could such a man exist in the world?He would say anything to get Natalie to save Kayla!Just as Cedric was about to say something else, Bianca finally said, "Fine, even if what you're saying is true..."Did Isabella lose her life for Natalie?Bianca looked at Cedric and continued, "If it's really tru
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Chapter 950 Nothing Noble About You
Hearing Bianca's words, Malcolm felt like his mind was being clouded. "Is that what you really think?" At that moment, all his previous restraint towards Bianca was about to burst out. How could she think like that?!Bianca looked at Malcolm. "What else could it be?"Love was something that could happen to anyone, but it just wouldn't happen to this man.Maybe there was a chance?But for Bianca, it definitely wouldn't happen to her.Malcolm looked at her cold expression.Especially at this moment of questioning, there was no warmth in her eyes.Malcolm had to admit that Bianca... was truly an icy person!The grip on Bianca's wrist gradually loosened, and Malcolm saw the complexity in Bianca's expression as he watched her face.The moment she gained her freedom, Bianca rubbed her slightly sore wrist. She looked away from the man and turned to walk away!"Wait!"Just as she took a couple of steps, Malcolm's voice came from behind, slightly tense. And beneath that tension,
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