Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem)의 모든 챕터: 챕터 21 - 챕터 30
177 챕터
Chapter 21: While We Wait!
Lottie POVI don't know where this newfound confidence has come from; I had never been this bold with Mike. But then, expect if I had, he would have knocked my teeth out. Moody shit! Although truthfully, I never felt I could voice what I needed from him sexually without him sulking like a damn child. But Knox made me feel safe and at peace with myself and my slightly kinky needs. Should I be in my best friend's brother's room, offering him my pussy like one might offer a guest dinner? Probably not! Did I care... Not right now. But I suspected that was thanks to the Tequila. "Careful baby, that's a dangerous statement to make!" I watched Knox's eyes darken as he stared at me, his lips pulling into a tight line. "Maybe I like the danger! But if you are too scared... I can always ask..." I started to say but found myself cut off by a growl that ripped from Knox's throat. No other words were needed as I watched him fall to his knees between my slightly parted legs; his fingers trailed
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Chapter 22: We Have An Issue!
Kane POV I stepped into the smug prick who stood before me, his hands placed behind his back as he stood beside my father and Charlotte's—smiling at me like a Cheshire cat. Fuck I wanted to knock his teeth back down his throat. We were getting nowhere, just going round in circles! "Don't say I didn't warn you, Mike!" I smiled, my tone deathly as rage flowed through me like a wild beast needing to kill. "Kane!" My father warned me all authoritative and shit. "Respect the decision!" He commanded, a smirk pulling at my lips as I looked between the three males standing before me. Once, my father and his Beta were very much feared and respected. The two of the unstoppable. But after Charlotte's mum died, her father stopped caring, and as a consequence, my father's standing slowly declined. You can't be a feared Alpha when our Beta spends more time staring down an empty whiskey bottle than advising you! I had asked him so many times why he never replaced him as Beta, but he would shru
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Chapter 23: No Backsies!
Lottie POVI don't know if it was a few minutes or half an hour. Still, Knox kept working on my pussy with that tongue of his that had me travelling to the highest peak only to push me off into a pool of liquid heat that consumed me entirely, leaving me an incoherent blubbering mess. Never had I felt so overwhelmed by foreplay... or sex, if I was honest. "And this is just his tongue. Imagine how it will feel when he uses other body parts on us?" Sage proclaimed wantonly as my eyes fluttered closed, and I gave in to the orgasm that was pooling in my stomach. "That's it, baby girl, cum all over my tongue." Knox coaxed as he lapped at me greedily. "How does she taste?" A voice I recognised asked in the distance. I wanted to turn and look, so I could put a face to the name, but I was having difficulty moving at all right now. "Sweet like fucking heaven!" Knox announced, lifting from between my legs to lean over me. Panting softly, I tried to speak, but words failed me as I stared into
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Chapter 24: It Doesn't Have Teeth!
Kane POVI knew my brother and had absolutely no doubt he would get his way when it came to Charlotte, despite what anyone thought or ordered. He, like me, had his eyes set on making her his, and given the vibes he was giving off, there were no lengths he would not go to make that happen. "Lose the T-shirt! I want to see all of you," I requested as I slipped my arms out of my shirt and threw it aside. Knox leaned forward and helped her up. Frowning, I pulled her wrist back to look at it, to see the faint mark of a bruise loitering on her skin. "Where did this come from?" I asked, running my finger over her marked skin. Refusing to answer, she pursed her lips stubbornly. "Mike!" Knox stated, his tone tight and tense. "Let's not talk of him." Charlotte whispered, "Not now!" Looking between us, she pulled the hem of the shirt she wore up over her head like me, she discarded it onto the bed. My eyes trailed over the porcelain skin of back up to where her icy white hair now flowed fre
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Thank You!
Hey, you beautiful lot! I am sorry for the delay in updates last week. I am rather run down, I have had kidney stones and tonsilitis this week, so I am struggling to focus because of the pain meds or the fact my head/throat feels like they are trying to kill me! I hope to be better by Monday :) And I will continue to update regularly from then on! If you haven't already, check out my other books here on GN while you wait for me to get my butt in gear and get well. -- Hunting Their Defiant Luna Blurb: Little wolf believes she can run, thinks she can hide from me! Silly little wolf, doesn't she know we will always find her! There is no place on God's green earth, my brother, and I will not chase her too! Just to see the tears rain from her pretty blue eyes as we, yet again destroy everything she holds dear and watch from the shadows as she is forced to return home- to us! To her destiny! Text: You can run, but you can't hide little wolf! *** Blamed for the brutal murd
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Chapter 25: What Is That?
Lottie POV Stretching out on Knox's large bed, my head softly pounding from the insane amount of alcohol we had consumed last night before we had passed out in a heap of sweaty limbs and lovers' lips. My finger reached under the plump pillow, and I smirked as they collided with the warmth that could have only been a body. "Knox!" I whispered to Sage, who moaned in agreement. Opening my eyes, I smirked, realising I was right and the body I had groped was, in fact, the tattooed and ripped body of Knox. "How did you know?" Sage asked her tone laced with amusement that made me roll my eyes. For days, she had been dropping hints that I had ignored but understood perfectly well! She believed they were our mates! But she was wrong; I would feel more than just an overwhelming need to drop to my knees and open my mouth... or legs if they were! However, it didn't stop her constant prattling: "Why are you so in sync with them?" "Don't you love how our bodies tingle when they touch us?""Do
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Chapter 26: Bull In A China Shop.
Knox POV*With Lottie's hand gently placed in mine and my eyes glued to her delicate features as we descended the grand staircase to greet our guests, she was utterly breathtaking in a gown of silk that was almost as pale as her skin and icey hair. Even in her mask, I could see the nerves eating at her; she wasn't used to being the centre of attention, something I liked about her! Squeezing her hand reassuringly, I smiled at her, my eyes glistening with pride at having her on my arm. As my date, as my lover, but most importantly as my mate! "You look beautiful!" I whispered into her ear as we reached the party, and all eyes turned to look at the beautiful creature in the ivory dress beside me.* "You're a piece of shit!" I heard her voice boom through my dream, making me groan as I buried my head in the pillow. "Knox!" Lottie's voice cut through the last shred of the dream I was holding on to; lifting up off the bed with a sigh, my sleep-ridden eyes found her standing at the foot of
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Chapter 27: Good Cop, Bad Cop.
Kane POVI knew this reaction was a possibility when I decided to take matters into my own hands and force my father's hand. Did it feel good that I had gotten her drunk and convinced her being out mate was a good idea? Well, it didn't feel amazing! But it felt a hell of a lot better than watching her father and mine force her to marry that jumped-up prick! So there was that. I knew I had played dirty and should have trusted that she would make the right decision and choose Knox or I over that slimeball. But simply put, I didn't trust him not to beat me to it and force her hand. Like I had! Did that make me as bad as Mike? Sighing, feeling her frustrations through the link, I ran a hand through my hair and looked over at the closed bathroom door Knox had disappeared into. Licking my dry lips, I pulled the bedroom door open, clinging to the towel wrapped around my waist. I headed one door down to the spare room Knox, and I used to use for gaming. I pushed it open, expecting to see
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Chapter 28: My Brothers!
Lottie POV"KNOX TOO!" Connie gibed, rolling her eyes at me. "Damn, here I was thinking you were a prude, but actually, here you were, allowing the twins to spite-roast you!" She laughed, a blush spreading across my cheeks as memories of the three of us danced through my mind, reminding me of how right she actually was. "Wow, people are not what they seem!" She laughed, crossing her arms over her chest, her boobs spilling over the top of her dress, but it was the jealousy clear on her face stealing the attention. A part of me felt bad for her; she had always wanted Kane or Knox for herself; everyone knew that! Yet another part of me wanted to scratch her eyes out simply because she had touched what was mine. "Mine!" Sage mimicked my word, and I felt her ruffle her fur at the word, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. "I like the way that sounds." She purred like a pleased kitten, making me snort. I hadn't had time to think about what that meant for me. Did I want the twins? Wa
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Chapter 29: Fighting Fate!
Lottie POV "Lottie?" Knox asked, his tone growing just as frustrated as Lilly's features, a dazzling reminder that they were related. "Not now, Knox!" I hissed, shutting him out for the time being. "So the night you caught Mike cheating.." Lilly asked, her eyes dancing with mine as she searched my face for the truth. "..And you got lost after the bar and came back smelling of..." "Knox!" I nodded, deciding to just be open about it all. I was in too deep now; lies would only complicate things further. "But nothing.." "Stop!" Lilly growled, holding her hands up in the air in pure frustration. "I get it!" She bobbed her head, her tone laced with unspoken hurt. Stepping into her, I wanted to hug her and ask Connie to leave so I could explain without her sticking her nose in every two seconds, but the way Lilly's eyes levelled on me told me that wasn't about to happen! "Get out!" She growled, stomping towards me and grabbing the dress I had just discarded; with a snarl, she shoved i
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