All Chapters of Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem): Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
177 Chapters
Chapter 50: SHE Did Not Offer!
Lottie POV"Tell him!" Sage encouraged me, but I still felt so nervous; what if he wanted to know everything? I was ashamed of what I had done to get the information, but in truth, the boys finding out that news didn't scare me half as much as them finding out about the debt my father was effectively offering as my dowry."Knox and Kane will sort it!" Sage tried to reason with me, and I knew she was right, but what she failed to see was THAT was what I was scared of! I didn't want anyone to die! Not just so I could be happy! What sort of person would I be if I put my happiness with them over a life? Sighing, I looked over at Knox, seeing his tight jaw and the tension in his eyes. I knew he was fighting to push me for the facts."But I refused his..request!""It was hardly a request; your ribs still hurt!" Sage whispered weakly; I knew she felt just as betrayed by our father. Ignoring her, with a sigh, I continued with my explanation."My father was angry because of a debt Mike had agr
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Chapter 51: Sage?
Knox POV"Sage?" I asked, my eyes widening with respect, watching Lottie's wolf force forward to control her body. "We are ready for you both." A voice announced with a knock on Lottie's bedroom door, my signal to escort Lottie down."Five minutes!" Sage growled ferociously as she used Lottie's body to step closer to me. Pressing her hands to my face, she pulled me closer so our foreheads touched, her eyes boring into mine, allowing me to watch those beautiful eyes shine vibrantly with the purple of her wolf! I felt utterly blindsided by her actions. I had heard that a wolf could force control over their human counterpart, but I had never seen it; Havoc had certainly never tried. Not that he was active at all lately! "What are you doing?" I chuckled, my eyes wide with Havoc's craving for Lottie's braven wolf! Reassuring me that he was still in here somewhere! "Showing you!" She announced firmly."What.. no!" I heard Lottie beg Sage through the connection she had just opened up in o
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Chapter 52: I Will Never Hate You!
Kane POV I had been told that Knox and Lottie were dragging their heels; my father had sent me up to get them, as they were not opening the door for the Omega I had sent to get them. I had barely made it to the top of the stairs when I was suddenly hit with visions that left me feeling utterly distraught and completely blindsided. I knew the second the images started playing in my mind like reels. They were Charlotte's memories, memories that had a mix of emotions crashing through me, from pride, arousal, love, and concern. ...but the vision of my girl taking a beating from her father broke me, knowing she had suffered at the hands of a male meant to protect her. Selfishly, it hurt more that she had every opportunity to tell us what had happened; it was clear we knew something, But she had decided to shut us out.. why? Did she not trust us? Maybe she had sensed my wolf was MIA and had decided to keep it from me because she knew I would be ripping her father a new asshole! Without
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Chapter 53: Keeping Secrets!
Lottie POVWatching Sage interact with our mates, it was clear I wasn't the only one keeping secrets. I had so many questions, but two were playing on my tongue: where had their wolves been? Why hadn't they told me? Did they not trust me?That could hardly be surprising; I hadn't trusted them, either. I watched through the purple tinge of Sage's eyes. Kane relented and gave in to Sage; as much as I hated that they were about to see all I had done, I knew Sage made sense; we were all keeping secrets, and those secrets would only damage us. We had to start acting like a team, a unit! And that started by allowing Sage to do this, not that I had much choice.Closing my eyes, I sucked down a breath as images of their Luna and I getting ready washed through the connection Sage had formed. Even I could sense the pride we had felt at being gifted her dress, the overwhelming love we felt for their mother and how close I was to sharing my truths with her flowed down the line..Eventually, the
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Chapter 54: We Failed You!
Kane POVI felt like I had been sucker-punched in the gut! No, that was nothing compared to what I was feeling. Complete and utter heartbreak! These revelations were soul-crushing, to say the fucking least! "I am sorry!" I listened to her words and knew she meant them; I could feel it through our bond. She was scared, and I got that, but because I was too! Standing with a nod of thanks to my brother: his touch had soothed me because, through it, I could feel he felt the same. Turning to look at Charlotte, I ran my tongue over my teeth, seeing the tears rain from her pretty blue spheres. Pushing Knox aside, I crossed the room, my hands pulsing into fists at my side. I could feel Rolo's anger rippling through me, both of us on the same page.. Grabbing her in my arms, I crushed her against my chest, my arms snaking around her trembling waist as I hugged her to me, maybe a little too tight. My lips crushed to hers in a bruising kiss that I knew sucked their air from her lungs and left
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Chapter 55: Come In!
Knox POVMy eyes moved over my brother's face; I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself; maybe a little havoc was precisely what we all needed! But I could see the fear in Lottie's eyes and refused to allow her to fear my wolf the way most did. "Later, Havoc!" I promised inwardly with a nod to Kane. I felt Havoc tense, but with a grumble, he settled back down inside my head; he wasn't a big talker. He had never been. He was more of a doer! "What are we going to do about tonight?" I asked, taking a deep breath. "Get an answer", Kane growled, not letting Lottie out of his site. Something I knew would be a regular occurrence now. "Without Murder!" He added, arching a brow to me. "No shit!" Lottie laughed lightly, shaking her head. My lips curled as I saw the sass return ever so slightly. I knew she didn't want Kane or me to know about her father, his debt and Mike, but now we did: I could see the tension ease from her shoulders; the weight had been lifted, and she was no longer alone
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Chapter 56: Control Your Urges!
Lottie POVMy eyes remained locked on Knox's blue orbs while Kane's thumb gently stroked my wrist as he pinned them above my head. I knew my father wouldn't pick up on the support their touch offered, and it took everything in me not to let my face crumble and drop the mask of anger I wore as I glared into the icy hues of Knox. "Lottie?" My father questioned from the doorway. "We are busy!" Kane growled, his face still facing mine; I could feel the anger rippling off them both, and to an outsider, I knew it would like it was aimed at me; with how Kane had me pinned up to the wall, his body caging me, Knox's blocking any attempt of escape. I looked every bit like a heartbroken mate. And I guess I was! "Release my daughter!" My father ordered, but even I could hear how weak he sounded. He didn't genuinely care; he only said it because that was what he thought was expected of him."Bit late to pretend to give a shit, don't you think 'beta'" Knox laughed with a wink that I prayed my fa
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Chapter 57: Son Of A Bitch!
Kane POV Closing the door behind Anthony and me, I walked silently beside the man, who I was fully aware had just reminded his daughter of the threat he had made earlier. One to kill her if she didn't reject Knox and I. Of course, he didn't know we knew, and I planned to keep it that way for the time being. "Don't hurt my father!" Charlotte begged through the link; I closed my eyes in frustration, forgetting she could feel everything through the link and knew how much I was struggling to keep my cool simply because he was breathing the same air! "Or breathing air at all!" Rollo barked. "I was thinking, wouldn't it just be easier to go to my father with all this? He would protect us and get to the bottom of this shit!" I replied to her, opening up the link for Knox to join in. "No." She moaned. "Your father would be forced to take action at the slightest mention of treason. Do you really think your dad would allow you to stay mated to a traitor's daughter?" She asked. I could he
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Chapter 58: I Am Still Your Friend!
Lottie POV"You know, most men don't know what a ponytail is, let alone how to sort their girl's hair out." I teased, watching Knox in the mirror as he brushed my hair into a smooth ponytail, fixing his mother's hard work so she wouldn't notice. "Most men are morons." He countered with a wink at me in the mirror, my stomach fluttering instantly. "I can think of a few who are not." I smirked back at him, his lips curling in response."Hmm, do I need to go and beat some fool for impressing my girl!" Knox teased, his eyes tightening on me in the mirror as he ran his fingers over his handiwork. "I am not sure you could kick his ass... He is rather buff!" I laughed, arching a brow at him, my eyes shining with the flirtatious ease Knox and I shared."And his brother.. well, he may not be as..." "Fit? Sexy? Good with his tongue?" Knox asked, a blush spreading across my newly made-up cheeks. "Muscular..." I laughed, rolling my eyes. "But he is just as scary when he wants to be." "Puft!
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Chapter 59: Don't Drink It!
Lottie POVTurning to look at Lilly, I rasped, seeing Connie had joined her in the doorway, still wearing her dress although her make-up had worn off. I had always envied the attention she got from boys. However, something clicked in me today, making me realise that the attention she got was not because of her personality nor her pretty face that she hid under mountains of make-up, but because of how she flaunts her body. Today is an important event that should set our standing within the community, and her dress is so short and low-cut that I am confident she will have a wardrobe malfunction by the end of the night and embarrass herself and us!"It isn't my style!""True, but neither is throwing yourself at every male!" Sage interjected, making me smile. If this is what it took to make Connie happy, feel confident or whatever... who was I to judge?"I am totally judging her!" Sage laughed. Connie locked her dark eye on me with no remorse; she desperately wanted to seem unfazed by th
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