All Chapters of Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem): Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
177 Chapters
Chapter 70: Good Little Ape!
Knox POV "Don't do it!" Kane's voice commanded through our brotherly connection; arching a brow at him, I shook my head so over these fuckers insolence! "If you do! You will just be giving him the satisfaction of knowing he got to you!" "Yeah, but Lottie will know I have her back! Right now, she thinks we are OK with her being disrespected like this!" I snarled back at my brother, whose eyes were still locked on Lottie's face, watching her like a damn hawk. "She knows we have her!" "Yeah, we keep telling her that! But actions speak louder than words, brother," I snarled, turning to look at Mike, who dared to glare at me as if he wasn't shitting himself. "Is this because those delicate feelings of yours are still hurt over her picking us over your hairy ass?" I asked with a dismissive laugh that earned a few chuckles from those around us. "Knox!" Lottie hissed angrily. But I was on a roll; I could hear the laughter form in the hall and hoped to cause this prick the same emb
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Chapter 71: Sink Or Swim!
Lottie POV It was like time slowed, and everything happened in slow motion. I had no words to describe the wide range of emotions tearing me apart. I could feel the devastating fury rippling through Knox and knew before he turned to look at me that he was not entirely in control. Havoc was beneath the surface. And people were panicking. Growing up in the pack house with Lilly, I had seen Rolo, Kane's wolf, so many times I could recall every detail about him: the colour of his fur, the way it shimmered when the light touched it, the sound of his howl as his paws padded on the floor when he chased Lilly and I. Havoc, though: I had only seen a handful of times and never close up. I remember questioning Lilly as children and her telling me that Knox's wolf was naughty and not allowed out to play. Memories flashed through my mind, and I vaguely remember once overhearing Alpha and my father discussing how Havoc had ripped a rogue apart like a chew toy. I had, like everyone, heard the r
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Chapter 72: I Can Help!
Lottie POV"Charlotte.. please." I heard Kane whine, feeling his hand graze over my shoulder as I faced the rather beautiful face of HAvoc; he reminded me of a magnificent creature I had seen in a dream once. Lifting my hand to touch his black fur, I jumped when Havoc's snarling teeth snapped at the side of me Kane was trying to grab. Anger exploded within me, and in a moment of insanity, I raised my hand and smashed it down on Havoc's snout with strength I did not know I had. "I got ya girl!" Sage barked, letting me know she had also had enough of Knox and Havoc's temper tantrum."What the hell is wrong with you!" I barked. Havoc's head spun to glare at me, those eyes shining with bloodlust."Charlotte! What are you doing?!" Kane gasped, more of a statement than a question, I noted as fear radiated from him and those behind me. "Teaching this little shit a lesson!" I growled, turning to face Havoc, whose eyes had tightened on me. Those around us who hadn't had a chance to get from
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Chapter 73: Lost To The Madness
Kane POV Looking through Rolo's golden eyes, desperate to see Lottie being swept off to safety by my mother, I felt panic rip me apart as my eyes instead settled on my father as he hurtled back to the floor, shock and fury twisting his features. My heart plummeted, catching him and the unknown male fighting; whoever it was, I had never seen him before, so he had to be one of the visiting pack members. Thanks to Havoc's explosion, any number of them could have seized the opportunity to attack my father and try to grasp what was his. I relaxed as Havoc finally moved, giving me a better view of my father. Pride swelled in my chest at seeing him advance with strength and unrivalled force that I hadn't seen him use in years. I could see that whoever my father was fighting was losing against his speed and kick-ass moves. Calming, I allowed them to continue, confident that although they were tearing chunks out of each other, my father would come out the victor. The snarls and growls fill
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Chapter 74: Not Just Yours!
Lottie POV"Ugh!" I mumbled, my hand lifting to my head with a wince. It felt like a nest of hornets had taken up residence inside my skull... and they were pissed! Opening my eyes and immediately regretting it, witnessing the bedlam around me, with earth-shattering clarity, I remembered all that shit from earlier was not a dream but my very reality! Closing my eyes again as pain tore through my shoulder, instantly knowing something was broken; as much as I wanted to sit and whine about it and wallow in the pain, I pushed myself onto my knees, knowing I had to find Kane and Knox- or Havoc and fix this mess. My eyes fell on the frightened faces of some of the women in my pack, women I had grown up with and respected, all cowering behind Luna as he tried to find safe passage from the hall; following her panicked eyes, I saw what had frozen her to the spot. Havoc was currently hovering over Kane, his paw on his throat as Kane's eyes closed, and he gave into slumber.. but I would be da
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Chapter 75: Now Sit!
Lottie POV "Perhaps not the right choice of words!" Sage whimpered as an almighty howl left Havoc's lips, one that had the chandeliers shaking and the windows vibrating. This sucked! The thought of even contemplating rejecting either of my mates made my heart ache, a real tangible pain that felt like my heart was tearing apart."Why? Because it hurts?" I snapped at my wolf, hating how much she craved Havoc's affection."Because we love them!" She whispered, "We were created for them, to fit them perfectly, to compliment their..""What... Carnage? Can you not see the fucking bloodbath our mate has caused Sage!" I hissed at my wolf while keeping my eyes locked on Havoc, my fingers pressing firmly against Kane's side, willing him to heal! For Rolo to do his thing and save my damn mate before I personally killed this big fucker!"He didn't mean to!" Sage tried to defend him, but even I heard how weak her tone was. I should have just let it go; she was hurting too, but I couldn't! "HE ha
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Chapter 76: Red Mist!
Knox POV The red mist finally began to disperse, allowing me to see more than the irrational fear and anger that was, for some reason, eating Havoc up. "Not irrational." Havoc snapped at me, making me frown, suddenly feeling uneasy, leaving him in control."I was angry, yes! I wanted to kill Mike, sure, and I have no doubt that one day I will, Havoc! But today was never meant to be that day!""Maybe today is the day!" Havoc grumbled unbothered; he was a wolf of few words, I knew that, but I had hoped he understood the situation enough to know we had to do this properly, or we just looked like jealous mates with a vendetta."I wanted to show Mike that he meant nothing, that despite how he had tried to sully Lottie in our eyes, he hadn't! That we adored her just as much now, knowing what she had done with him as we ever did!" I tried to reason with my feral beast. "He knows we love her; I showed him!" Havoc growled. "You showed everyone!" I sighed, knowing I was getting nowhere. He
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Chapter 77: WHO?
Lottie POV"You don't remember?" Luna asked, her voice cracking from the weight of her heartbreak. I couldn't imagine what she was going through right now! The fear I had felt at the idea of losing Kane would forever be imprinted on my soul! Swallowing the lump in my throat, I looked at her and shook my head in warning. "We need to be careful how we tell him!" I warned her through the link I had created for Kane, his mother and I. I watched her eyes dart past Knox to me before she pulled her hands out of Knox's hold. Clearly, it wasn't just looking at him that she found challenging; his touch seemed to cause her discomfort physically. She blamed her son for her mate's death; that much was clear to Kane and me. "Ma." Kane called from the floor, but she shook her head and stepped away, turning her back on Knox, his eyes luckily still locked on his mother; I could sense his heart breaking in his chest and knew Kane would be feeling that too. I felt Kane tense beside me, pain washing t
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Chapter 78: He Could Be Dead!
Lottie POV: "Pardon?" I asked, my hand reaching up to my neck, running over the cold chill that was chasing down my spine. "I don't think you want to know." Sage added, and my eyes closed as I looked beyond Alpha to the countless other bodies that loitered the halls, left behind by the turmoil and destruction that was Havoc. I watched my mates walk away in the direction my Alpha lay, lifeless and alone and had to agree with Sage; I didn't want to know. But I had to! "Are you coming?" Kane asked over his shoulder, his eyes boring into mine needily. "No, love. Your brother needs you!" I nodded with a small smile. "But I need YOU!" He whined, a smile slipping across my lips at the tenderness in his tone, something he rarely shared with me, although I knew it was there. "I am not going anywhere, Ace!" I offered. Truthfully, I wanted to follow them and be at their side, but I didn't trust myself to hide whatever Sage was about to tell me from my face. They would have enough suff
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Chapter 79: Holy Hell!
Lottie POV"Shit!" I hissed, remembering that no one but Knox, Kane and I had their wolves. I had heard Kane say it earlier, but in the madness, I had forgotten! "So, how did he kill Alpha Leigh instead?" I asked, needing more than this before I approached the boys."He doesn't know. Havoc doesn't remember killing his father.. he knows he must have, but he was so angry at times he said he was just seeing red mist." "The red eyes!" I nodded to Sage, who grunted in agreement. "Does Knox know?" I asked, but I already knew the answer because there was no way Knox could fake the heartbreak I saw engraved into his face as he and Kane mourned their father."No.. Havoc just wanted to take on the debt so that Mike didn't get the payment and get.."Me!"Yeah, I get it!" I snapped, hating that a life had been snuffed out because of me. My mate's father and my Alpha's life! The man who raised me, who taught me about shifting, and how to ride a damn bike, was dead because I was some damned prize
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