All Chapters of In search of true heart : Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
343 Chapters
Did I disturb you?
Gowthami's gentle smile greeted Vipula as she approached, a warmth in her eyes that belied the underlying concern. "Did I disturb you?" Gowthami inquired softly, her tone carrying a hint of genuine care.At first, Vipula was taken aback by Gowthami's unexpected visit, her initial confusion evident in the furrow of her brows. However, as her gaze shifted to the majestic presence of Vyaaghra, a subtle flicker of fear danced across her features, betraying her unease.Sensitive to Vipula's apprehension, Gowthami's expression softened further, understanding the source of Vipula's discomfort. With a reassuring tone, Gowthami gently spoke, "Don't worry, Vyaaghra is just a young animal. It won't harm you."Despite Gowthami's soothing words, Vipula's apprehension lingered, etched in the slight tension of her shoulders and the cautious glance she cast towards Vyaaghra. The powerful presence of the creature, though youthful, still evoked a primal sense of caution wit
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seeker of ancient power's
As Veer immersed himself in a delightful conversation with his daughter Venya in Nand's room, their voices interwoven with laughter and affection, a stark contrast unfolded in another part of the house where Rudra, Abhi, and Sashi engaged in a solemn discussion.Abhi, his brow furrowed with concern, turned to Rudra seeking clarity on the sudden targeting of Rajeev. "Why is Rajeev being targeted now, and who are these individuals attempting to harm him?" Abhi's questions resonated with a sense of urgency, echoing the collective unease in the room.Rudra, his gaze steady and inscrutable, chose his words with measured deliberation. "These people are linked to my hidden life," he revealed, his tone carrying a weight of unresolved conflicts and concealed truths. The mention of Rudra's clandestine past hinted at a labyrinthine web of secrets, alliances, and adversaries veiled from the prying eyes of the world.As the conversation delved deeper into the enigma su
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mysterious lunch time package
Abhi's shock lingered palpably in the air, his voice trembling slightly as he posed the question that weighed heavily on his mind. "Rudra, what have you achieved?" His tone carried a mix of incredulity and concern, his eyes searching Rudra's face for answers that seemed to slip through his grasp.Rudra, his gaze steady yet burdened with the weight of his past, met Abhi's eyes with a somber intensity. "I achieved what I sought after," he replied cryptically, his words shrouded in layers of meaning that eluded immediate comprehension.Perplexed by Rudra's enigmatic response, Abhi pressed for clarity, his voice tinged with urgency. "Please, Rudra, explain. What is it that you have achieved?"A heavy sigh escaped Rudra's lips as he grappled with the intricacies of his revelation. "Some things are best kept hidden," he began, his voice carrying a solemnity that commanded attention. "They hold the potential for great good, but if they were to be revealed, it wou
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future son-in-law
The sleek lines of Abhi's luxury car glided through the city streets, the engine purring with effortless power. Abhi, always at ease behind the wheel, navigated the familiar route home. Rudra, his longtime friend, occupied the seat beside him, occasionally glancing out of the window at the passing scenery. In the backseat, Sashi was engrossed in her phone, her attention divided between messages and the world outside.As the car cruised along, Abhi's curiosity got the better of him. "Rudra, where's Veer today? Isn't he joining us?"Rudra turned to Abhi, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Oh, Veer has other plans. He's spending time with his future son-in-law."Abhi's grip on the steering wheel tightened imperceptibly, a mixture of surprise and intrigue coloring his expression. "Son-in-law? Since when?"Sashi, momentarily distracted from her phone, chimed in with genuine surprise. "Veer? Son-in-law? Who's the lucky guy?"Rudra, relishing
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Honeymoon tickets
As the car rolled along the winding road, Abhi's mind was still grappling with the revelations that had unfolded. Turning to Rudra with a furrowed brow, he voiced his lingering doubts and concerns."Rudra, do Veer and Nand know about their bond? Does Nand know the truth about his parents?"Rudra's gaze shifted to the road ahead, a somber expression clouding his features. "Veer is aware of the connection between Nand and his parents. However, Nand himself is not aware of this truth."Abhi's confusion deepened. "But why keep it a secret from Nand? Wouldn't he be happier knowing that he has a family?"Rudra's voice was gentle yet firm as he explained, "It's not that simple, Abhi. There are reasons why Nand shouldn't know about his past."Abhi's brows furrowed further, his curiosity piqued. "Why not, Rudra? If Nand knew, he could find closure and a sense of belonging."Rudra sighed, his tone carrying a weight of responsibility. "Abhi
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It's a surprise trip!
As the joyous atmosphere enveloped the Rajeev household, Rudra's gaze met Abhi's with a subtle yet meaningful glance. Unseen by the others, Rudra signaled Abhi discreetly, a silent communication that sparked curiosity in Abhi's eyes.Recalling Rudra's earlier words during their private exchange, Abhi's mind raced with anticipation. With practiced finesse, Abhi discreetly slipped his hand under the table, retrieving the cover Rudra had given him earlier. With a quick, surreptitious movement, he peeled back the wrapping to reveal its contents.Two tickets lay nestled within the folds, their significance unknown to Abhi at first glance. Confusion furrowed his brow as he studied the tickets, trying to decipher their purpose. Rudra's cryptic instructions echoed in his mind, urging him to open the gift during lunchtime in secrecy.Abhi stole a glance at Rudra, who maintained a composed demeanor, his eyes betraying a hint of amusement. Sensing Abhi's confusion, R
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What mission are we on now?
In the quiet confines of the hospital room, the air was tinged with a sense of calm and concern. Soft rays of sunlight filtered through the partially drawn curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. The rhythmic beeping of medical equipment provided a steady background soundtrack, juxtaposed against the hushed tones of conversation.Nand, propped up comfortably in his bed, engaged in a wholesome dialogue with his girlfriend Venya and her father, Veer, a dignified police officer. Veer's eyes, filled with paternal warmth, wandered over to Nand, prompting him to inquire about his academic endeavors."And what did you study, Nand?" Veer's voice carried a blend of curiosity and pride.Nand, with a spark of enthusiasm, shared, "I completed my MTech in Computer Science Engineering." His eyes gleamed with a sense of accomplishment, knowing his dedication to his studies mirrored Veer's own commitment to excellence.As their conversation flowed, the tra
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Why the secrecy?
Rudra's response was swift and resolute as he gently countered Nand's proposal. "No, Nand. We cannot involve Gowthami in this matter. I don't want her to revisit her past as Sakhi. It's a chapter of her life that carries painful memories and could disrupt her happiness with Rajeev."Rudra's concern for Gowthami's well-being was palpable in his words. "Gowthami is living her present as herself, not as Sakhi. Let's allow her to continue leading a happy and peaceful life without stirring up old wounds."Nand's unwavering trust in Gowthami's abilities was evident as he persisted in his argument. "dad , I firmly believe that Gowthami is the only one who can defeat him. Her skills are unparalleled, even though she may have lost her memories."The gravity of the situation hung in the air as they grappled with the dilemma of utilizing Gowthami's skills while safeguarding her well-being. Nand's unwavering trust in her capabilities clashed with Rudra's protective in
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pieces of the puzzle
Sashi's confusion lingered in the air as she urged Ram to speak the truth clearly. Ram took a moment to gather his thoughts, feeling the weight of the secret he had been carrying. "Sashi, I need to be honest with you," Ram began, his voice filled with a mix of apprehension and determination. "Rudra Dad was behind everything. He orchestrated the whole charade with Nandini, turning Nand into Nandini and claiming she was my girlfriend. I just followed his instructions, thinking it was for a greater good."Sashi's brows furrowed in surprise, but a hint of understanding crossed her features. "Rudra Dad? But why would he do something like this?"Ram shrugged, his frustration evident. "I'm not entirely sure, Sashi. But I believe he has a plan, a greater purpose behind all of this. Maybe it's related to saving Rajeev or something else crucial."Sashi nodded slowly, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Rudra Dad has always had his reasons, even if they s
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Rajeev, not right now
While Gowthami was immersed in packing, her surroundings faded into a blur, her focus fixed on neatly arranging her belongings. She didn't notice the subtle shift in the air as someone entered the room until a pair of intense eyes locked onto her form. This person, captivated by Gowthami's allure, couldn't resist the magnetic pull of her beauty. Her features were like poetry in motion -soft, yet defined, with eyes that held the depths of oceans and a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms. Her hair cascaded in waves, framing a face that spoke of innocence yet harbored a hint of playful mischief. As Rajeev approached her, the room seemed to hold its breath, and the world around them faded into insignificance. With a silent grace, he enveloped her in his arms, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Gowthami, startled yet familiar with his touch, felt a rush of emotions she couldn't quite comprehend. As Rajeev's lips caressed
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