All Chapters of In search of true heart : Chapter 341 - Chapter 343
343 Chapters
Lies, lies, lies
Gnapika held up another photo, her voice steady and full of conviction. "This is the truth. Rudra killed my father." She pointed to the image of Meera with another man. "This man is my father, not Rudra." Everyone stared at the photo, their shock palpable. Meera's eyes widened as she studied the image, a flicker of recognition mixed with confusion crossing her face. She felt torn; while the photo seemed to tell one story, her heart whispered another truth. Meera stood silently, her heart aching with uncertainty. She had no memory of the man in the photo, yet the image stirred something deep within her. Could it be true? Had she been living a lie all this time? Or was there a more complex truth hidden in the shadows of their past? everyone began to doubt Rudra’s story. The students rallied around Gnapika, their loyalty and trust in her unwavering. ."We believe in what we see," one of the students said firmly. "And we found Gnapika in this house, hidden away in that secret room.
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pillar of justice and courage.
One of the students, with a determined look, stepped forward and said, "We need to file a case of Gnapika's kidnapping against Rudra. Let the police investigate and find out the truth." Listening to this, Abhi and the others bristled with anger. Abhi's eyes flashed as he took a step toward the student. "How dare you suggest such a thing!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with fury. "Rudra would never harm Gnapika. You're talking about tearing this family apart even more!" Ram, equally incensed, added, "This is absurd! Rudra has done nothing wrong. He's just as confused and concerned about Gnapika's kidnapping as the rest of us. Filing a case against him would only waste precious time we need to find the real culprit." Nand, trying to calm the situation but clearly upset, said, "We all want to find Gnapika and ensure her safety, but accusing Rudra without any solid evidence is not the way to go. We should be working together, not against each other." Ambika, still holding the
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Abhi, still grappling with the shock of the sudden intrusion, was the first to break the silence. "Who invited them?" he demanded, his voice tinged with frustration. Sashi, his wife, stepped forward, her expression resolute. "I did," she said firmly. "Until the police are involved, this case won't be solved. We need to find out who is truly behind Gnapika's kidnapping. We can't let people assume that our family is against her." Rudra, who had been silently absorbing the scene, nodded in agreement. "Sashi is right," he said, turning to look at his friend Abhi. "If I'm innocent, which I am, I'm willing to face whatever it takes to prove it. Ambika and Gnapika deserve the truth, and I have nothing to hide." His words hung in the air, a declaration of his determination and a plea for justice. Ambika watched him closely, searching his eyes for any sign of deceit. The police officers, sensing the tension, began to move methodically, their presence a stark reminder that the time for se
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