All Chapters of In search of true heart : Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
338 Chapters
Rudra, sitting in his office, decided to take a short break and scrolled through his social media. As he saw Abhi's recent posts from Manali, a warm smile spread across his face. The photos depicted a beautiful day filled with laughter and scenic views, capturing the essence of a perfect family outing. He liked a few of the photos, enjoying the visible happiness of his brother and friends. But then, as he was about to scroll past, something in the background of one of the photos caught his eye. Rudra's finger froze over the screen. A familiar silhouette stood out, partially hidden among the trees. His heart pounded in his chest as he instinctively zoomed in on the photo. The figure in the background became clearer, and Rudra's eyes widened in disbelief. He stared at the image, his mind racing. The person in the background bore a striking resemblance to someone he thought he’d never see again. It was a woman, her face par
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mom she is alive
Rajeev's eyes locked onto the photograph, the clarity of the image revealing every familiar detail of the woman's face. His eyes turned red, and tears began to fall, tracing silent paths down his cheeks. Gowthami, standing beside him, watched in confusion and concern, not understanding the depth of his reaction. "Rajeev, who is she?" Gowthami asked softly, her voice tinged with worry. Rajeev, his face a mix of sorrow and joy, looked at Gowthami with tears still streaming. His voice trembled as he spoke, "She... she is my m..aa...." “Rajeev?” Abhi’s voice was filled with concern. “What’s wrong?” Rajeev looked up slowly, his eyes meeting Abhi with a haunted look. He swallowed hard before speaking, his voice barely above a whisper. “It’s... her. She’s here.” Abhi's heart skipped a beat. “Who? What are you talking about?” Rajeev handed his phone to Abhi, his hand still shaking. On the s
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Love works in mysterious ways.
Meanwhile, on the other end, Rudra was moving with a sense of urgency that left no room for delay. His adopted sons, Ram and Nand, watched in shock as he gave rapid-fire instructions to prepare for their sudden departure to Manali. The normally composed and collected Rudra was now a whirlwind of activity."Ram, pack our bags. Nand, get the car ready. We need to be at the airport in less than an hour," Rudra ordered, his voice uncharacteristically sharp.Ram and Nand exchanged puzzled glances. They had seen their father in various states of urgency, but never quite like this. Something about his demeanor suggested that this was no ordinary trip."Father, what's going on?" Ram asked, his voice tinged with concern. "Is something wrong with Rajeev or Gowthami?"Rudra paused for a moment, his eyes softening as he looked at his sons. But he quickly masked any emotion, shaking his head. "No, nothing is wrong. There's just... something we need to see. A s
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psychological games
In the shadowy recesses of a secluded alley in Manali, a figure lurked, cloaked in darkness and malice. The man, known only to his sinister associates as Guhya, had been meticulously tracking Rajeev and his companions. His eyes, cold and calculating, narrowed as he watched them from a distance. He had been waiting for an opportunity to strike, to unravel Rajeev's peace and stability. Guhya’s patience was rewarded when he overheard Rajeev’s frantic inquiries about his mother. The urgency and desperation in Rajeev’s voice as he described a woman who looked like her sparked a twisted delight in Guhya’s heart. He could sense the vulnerability, the raw emotion, and he knew he had found the perfect lever to wield against Rajeev. An evil smile crept across his face, a smile that spoke of malice and wicked intent. Hurting Rajeev physically was one thing, but the prospect of tormenting him mentally, of exploiting his deepest fears and desires, was far more tanta
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She was here, right here!
The morning sun cast a golden hue over the hills of Manali as Rajeev, Abhi, and their partners roamed the town in a state of heightened anxiety. The previous night's discovery had thrown their peaceful vacation into turmoil, and their only focus now was finding Ambika. Rajeev’s eyes scanned every face in the bustling streets, searching for the familiar features of his long-lost mother. Abhi, equally determined, was on the phone, coordinating with local authorities and private investigators. Their hearts pounded with a mixture of hope and dread, the image of Ambika’s face burned into their minds. They visited the local police station, where Rajeev showed the officers the photo of Ambika. The police, though sympathetic, could offer little more than standard protocol. They agreed to distribute the photo and check hospital records and local shelters, but the chances of finding someone based on a photograph alone were slim. Rajeev’s voice trembled as he pleaded with the officer in c
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At around nine in the evening, Gnapika sat at her small wooden desk, absorbed in her drawing. The room was quiet, save for the soft scratch of her pencil against the paper. She was lost in her art, capturing the beauty of the day’s adventures with her new friends. Suddenly, her phone buzzed with a message. Glancing at the screen, she saw it was from Rajeev: "I'm leaving soon and wanted to meet you for the last time. I only have a few minutes left. Can you come?" Her heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t expected him to leave so soon, and the urgency in his message made her anxious. Looking around the empty house, she realized her mother, Meera, was still out. Quickly, she scribbled a note explaining her sudden departure: "Mom, Rajeev is leaving soon and wants to meet me. I'll be back shortly. Love, Gnapika." She left the note on the kitchen table where her mother would easily find it and hurried out of the house. The cool night air brushed against her skin as she made her way through
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Are you okay, ma'am?
By the time Rudra arrived at Rajeev's place, the sky had darkened, and a heavy silence hung in the air. The dim lights of the hotel flickered, casting long shadows across the lobby. Rajeev and Abhi were waiting, their faces etched with concern and frustration. Rudra, ever the pillar of strength, walked in with an air of determination. His presence alone brought a sense of relief to his brothers. They quickly gathered around a small table in the corner of the lobby, where Abhi spread out the scant information they had collected about Ambika. "We've searched everywhere she could have gone," Abhi began, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "We've asked around, shown her picture to everyone we could think of, but no one has seen her." Rajeev, his eyes still red from crying, nodded in agreement. "It's like she vanished into thin air. I don't understand. If she's alive, why hasn't she come back to us?" Rudra listened carefully, his
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Meera's heart was pounding as she rushed back to the old man's house. The early morning light was beginning to creep over the horizon, casting a soft glow over the quiet streets. She burst through the door, her eyes wide with fear and determination."What's wrong, Meera?" the old man asked, his voice laced with concern as he saw the panic on her face."It's Gnapika," she gasped, struggling to catch her breath. "She's gone. She left to meet Rajeev, and now she's missing. I don't know what to do."The old man's face paled as he absorbed her words. "Rajeev? That boy she was talking about? Are you sure?"Meera nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "I have no idea what he looks like, where he might be. I can't find him on my own. I need your help."The old man put a comforting hand on her shoulder, trying to steady her. "We need to act fast. Let's go to the police station and report this. They'll be able to help us find Gnapika."Me
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You bought it?
As the first light of dawn filtered through the windows, Abhi woke up and stretched, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stepped out of his room and looked around, noticing for the first time the cozy, homelike atmosphere of the place they were staying. The previous night, he had been too tired and distracted to pay much attention, but now the details stood out to him. The building was a charming structure, with rustic wooden beams and large, welcoming windows that let in the soft morning light. The walls were painted in warm, earthy tones, and the floors were made of polished wood that creaked softly underfoot. There were comfortable couches arranged around a stone fireplace in the living area, and the kitchen, visible from where he stood, looked modern and well-equipped. It felt more like a home than a hotel, and he found himself appreciating the warmth and comfort it exuded. Abhi wandered into the main living area where Rudra and Ram were
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bring her back safely
Meera was seething with anger, her thoughts consumed by the idea of avenging her daughter. Every fiber of her being trembled with rage as she paced the small room, her mind replaying the note Gnapika had left. "She went to meet Rajeev," Meera muttered to herself, her voice a low growl. "And now she's gone. He must be behind this." Her hands clenched into fists as she thought about Rajeev. The fact that he and his family had vacated their hotel room suddenly, without any explanation, only fueled her fury. It felt like a blatant admission of guilt. "How dare he!" she spat, her voice rising. "If he's harmed her, I'll... I'll kill him myself." Meera's eyes darted around the room, searching for something-anything- that could help her find Rajeev and her daughter. She felt a sense of helplessness creeping in, but she quickly squashed it. She couldn't afford to feel helpless now; she had to stay strong for Gnapika. In her mind, she envisioned confronting Rajeev, demanding answers,
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