All Chapters of Love Mission: Pursuing My Stunning Ex-Wife: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1080 Chapters
Chapter 141 A Capable Woman
They entered the room together.At that point, many guests had arrived, and many were looking at the door. That way, they could immediately fawn over any important people who walked through the door.Everyone looked at the door and saw two women walking in together.On the left was a woman in a light blue strapless dress. The dress was simple, with a few stripes and little decoration. She was wearing a necklace with blue gemstones. The gemstone was not particularly dazzling, but it still held everyone’s attention. It went perfectly with her dress.Ivanka already had a lovely body, and the dress brought out her best features. She shone like a star.Her curly hair cascaded down her front and back. She wore a simple hairstyle with a butterfly hair clip, which made her look ladylike and elegant. No one could ever imitate the innate nobleness she exuded.Many people found it impossible to look away.Sandy had dressed up for the occasion, too. She wore a pink gown adorned with numerou
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Chapter 142 Furious
Those who did not know any better thought Ivanka had gone too far and criticized her actions. However, people who were part of the circle knew what was going on.“It’s not all about how you look. They didn’t get married because of Ivanka’s beauty. Besides, do you even know who Ivanka is as a person? We can never fully understand a person. We don’t know her well because we don’t see her often.”They always wore masks when they met new people, so they knew nothing about each other.“Alas, if I were a man, I would pursue her. She’s so beautiful!”“Pfft, a beautiful woman like her is trouble. She’ll cause problems for everyone around her. Throughout history, beauties never ended up well.”While the guests were discussing animatedly among themselves, someone excitedly said, “The show has started!”The others were perplexed, but they kept looking at the door. Their eyes lit up when they saw the three people walk in.Theodore, Lyla, and Chiara were the three.Chiara’s gown was not as
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Chapter 143 Hypocrisy
At that moment, Ivanka was standing opposite Sandy. Many people were watching Ivanka, but few came to greet her.The main reason was Ivanka’s special identity. She was the ex-wife of Mr. Barkworth. Despite the fact that she was divorced, no man dared to flirt with Mr. Barkworth’s ex-wife.Besides, she also had a close relationship with Jonah. Men were afraid to approach her for fear of being targeted by the two bigwigs before they could speak with Ivanka. They would have a miserable life if that happened.Sandy smiled as she noticed the two people behind Ivanka slowly approaching. “Here they come.”She then greeted Lyla and Chiara. “Aunt Lyla, Chiara, hi!”She told reporters yesterday that Chiara treated her well on Ivanka’s account, so she had to take the initiative to greet them.Sandy was overjoyed when she noticed Chiara’s smile freeze.Ivanka also turned. She felt nauseous when she saw Lyla and Chiara.She thought. “In the past, when they had nowhere to go, they would seek
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Chapter 144 Old but Strong
Ivanka sneered once more. Lyla’s words carried a deeper meaning.When she said that a family should always stay together, she was implying that she rarely stayed at home and did not consider it her home. She had kept her distance from them.Lyla’s actions were meant to sow discord and expose Ivanka as a hypocrite. This way, she could turn the situation to her side regarding yesterday’s interview.Since Ivanka set them up yesterday, how could she let them do as they wish?She smiled and nodded. “You’re right, Aunt Lyla. We haven’t eaten together in a very long time. I talked to Chiara about it last time, but at that time, she seemed busy. We were going to discuss it further, but she had to leave for work. Do you think Chiara has any plans for tomorrow?Lyla looked stiff.Chiara was so angry that she almost lost it. She thought. “That’s nonsense! There’s no such thing! I never knew Ivanka could tell such bald-faced lies.”Ivanka had salvaged the situation. They had attempted to de
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Chapter 145 How to Be a Conniving B*tch
Everyone had a complicated expression. Mindy appeared to acknowledge Chiara as her daughter-in-law, but Rosie did not.Rosie held a higher position in this family than Mindy.Chiara’s marriage into the Barkworth family appeared to be a challenge.Chiara, despite having a good upbringing, could not help but despise Rosie.Rosie was attempting to humiliate her in front of everyone.Chiara took a deep breath and suppressed her rage. Then, she smiled and said, “Yes, Grandma, you are not old. Uncle Jay and Aunt Mindy were just worried about you. They're scared that you’ll fall.”Mindy relaxed and returned to her senses. “Mom, you’ve always been like this,” she said with a smile. “You’re not as strong as you used to be, so you need to take care of your body.”Rosie waved her off dismissively. Everyone saw her and came over to congratulate her. They sent her their blessings, and Rosie was happy.“Hahaha, you guys made me feel like I’m only eighteen today.” Rosie sounded happier than b
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Chapter 146 How Could She Do This?
Chiara took a deep breath and smiled. Then, she said, “I won’t have such thoughts.”Right then, Ivanka helped Rosie walk to the head seat and sat down.Ivanka glanced at Jay, smiled, and nodded at him.When she met Jay, she felt awkward because she did not know how to address him.Jay was not like Mindy. She had a strained relationship with Mindy and could confidently address her as Aunt Mindy.When it came to Jay, however, she was at a loss. She could not call him Dad since she and Michael had divorced, but she could not call him Uncle Jay since he was kind to her. She was afraid that calling him Uncle Jay would sound distant. In the end, she remained silent.Although she called him Dad the last time they met, it was when no one was around. She could not say it in front of so many people.Samuel finally cracked a smile after a while. When others complimented him, he smiled.Chiara subconsciously looked around. She wondered why Michael had not arrived.Rosie smiled as she held
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Chapter 147 Her Status Has Been Reduced!
She was ecstatic!She nearly jumped with joy.Rosie was watching the interview with Jay at the time. She smiled and said, “Did you see that? Iv still has feelings for Michael and does not want Chiara to marry him. As her grandma, I should help her.”Jay wore a puzzled expression. He knew that Rosie was playing dumb.Ivanka did this because she was upset with Chiara and Michael’s treatment of her. It was simply a form of retaliation. She had long since given up on Michael.When Jay saw that she was smiling and laughing, he did not ruin the moment by exposing her.She made the announcement without hesitation at the banquet.Jay could tell that Rosie did not want Iv to suffer. She did not want others to look down on her after she divorced Michael. Whatever happened, the Barkworth family would always be there to protect her.Michael noticed this scene as soon as he walked in.He noticed her wearing a dress that was lighter in color than the one she wore to the previous banquet. Ev
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Chapter 148 Several Shows
When Rosie noticed Michael had arrived, her face darkened. “Is my birthday unimportant to you, brat? Why are you so late?”“Of course it’s important,” Michael said calmly, looking at the stunning Ivanka. “Grandma, you’re busy introducing your new granddaughter, so how can you have time to care about me?” he said dismissively.Rosie scoffed. “Don’t make fun of me, you brat. She’ll be my granddaughter and your father’s daughter from now on, so she’ll also be your sister.”Ivanka and Michael were taken aback, as were the guests.What a joke! His wife became his ex-wife and ended up being his sister. What a dramatic shift!Chiara cracked a wide smile. It was good to see Ivanka become Michael’s sister. They would never have the opportunity to get together again.She did not care what everyone thought and walked forward with a smile. “That would be fantastic! I was always concerned that Iv and Mic’s relationship would deteriorate after their divorce. It would be an ideal ending if they
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Chapter 149 I Won’t Let You Feel Sad!
He did not mind letting Ivanka sit beside Rosie since he could sit on another side.However, she had just filled both sides.Ivanka felt embarrassed and wanted to get up to give Samuel her seat. However, Rosie grabbed Ivanka’s hand and snorted coldly at Samuel. “I wouldn’t even respond to you if there weren’t so many people here. Go sit somewhere else.”Ivanka was dumbfounded.Rosie’s behavior only served to further embarrass her. She could see the rage in Samuel’s eyes. However, today was Rosie’s birthday, so she could not disobey her.Michael said nothing and sat on Rosie’s left side. When he turned his head slightly, he could see Ivanka with a troubled expression.He had never seen Ivanka react like this since the divorce. He felt a little dazed. She had completely changed.Samuel was irritated, but he did not want to argue with Rosie on her birthday. He sat next to Michael.Sandy had not yet sat down. Ivanka looked at her apologetically, but Sandy did not mind it. She point
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Chapter 150 Who Planned This?
Chiara’s gaze was reproachful. She took her hand in hers and was clearly about to speak when she was interrupted once more by Catherine. “Do I need to remind you that you saved Michael’s life? Would the Barkworths be so ungrateful in front of so many people?” Chiara’s sneer was hidden beneath her gaze. That had been the desired effect! Catherine was her pawn. Catherine’s presence saved her a lot of trouble. Catherine looked straight at Rosie as Chiara pretended to stop her. “Mdm. Barkworth.” Rosie turned around to see Catherine approaching her with a smile. “Ms. White, do you have any business with me?” she smiled, unable to turn away someone who approached with a friendly smile. Many people were looking at them. Why should they bother eating the food when they could be watching something far more entertaining? They had eaten all sorts of delicacies before. In fact, they were sick of eating it! Even though the table was laden with delicacies, it was nothing out of the ordin
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