All Chapters of Love Mission: Pursuing My Stunning Ex-Wife: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1080 Chapters
Chapter 161 Who’s Scheming On Who?
Sandy’s father’s legs were quivering! “Stop talking already, you brat!” He thought. “However, Mdm. Barkworth might be pleased to see her reprimand Chiara.” If he stopped her, he would only downright offend the Barkworth family!Chiara vigorously shook her head. “No, I didn’t! I was hoping Iv would give Grandma more than just a rosary! That’s why I prepared a few more! I’m not trying to steal her limelight!”Sandy sneered. “Is that what you meant when you said you and Iv think alike? Your explanation is futile!”Rosie was enraged at this point. “I’ll let you off the hook this time just because you saved Michael before,” she said through gritted teeth. “But, if you truly want to extend my life for a few more years, stop coming to my birthday parties. Every time you do, you’ll remind me of what you did today and how much you’ve hurt my feelings!”Chiara sucked in a sharp breath and staggered slightly. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she shook her head sadly. “I-I didn’t mean it th
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Chapter 162 Has It Been Returned To Me?
”Both are willing participants in this whole fiasco,” Xander said coolly after a brief silence. Ivan immediately realized what he meant. “You should call it ‘karma’s a b*tch,’” he said, amused.…… At that moment, Ivanka had helped Rosie into the lounge. When she saw an upset Rosie sitting on the chair, she slowly sat next to her and spoke softly, “Grandma, I know every year on this day you’ll feel sad, but it has been so many years now. Has time not helped you move on?”Rosie’s heart was immediately in turmoil. She instinctively raised her head and looked at Ivanka. “Iv, this is something I’ll never get over. You’ve never experienced it. You won’t understand…” Before she could finish, Ivanka held Rosie’s hand tightly and said solemnly, “Grandma, do you know why I went all the way to a church in the mountain and got you a gold cross?”Rosie was stunned. Ivanka continued. “I’ve got it for you in the hopes that you’ll be at peace and live a long life.”Rosie sighed and said, “Oh
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Chapter 163 Isn’t This A Good Thing?
Ivanka’s head shot up to look at Rosie. “Grandma, he’s back… as Michael.”Rosie’s sad facade cracked. “You brat! You…!”In the next moment, Rosie shook her head helplessly and sighed. “Girl, I know you’re trying to comfort me. But twisting facts to this extent is just—”Before she could finish speaking, Ivanka looked at her resolutely and said, “Grandma, you know Pastor Paul, don’t you? You know he’ll never lie. A man of God doesn’t lie. You might not trust me, but you have to trust Pastor Paul. How about this? You and I will meet him at the cathedral tomorrow. Then, you can listen to what he has to say in person.”“St. John Cathedral? It’s a place with a huge significance in our community.” Rosie thought. She then looked at Ivanka in shock. “Iv, you…” Ivanka smiled plainly and said, “Grandma, let’s go together. Let’s meet this pastor, and you’ll know. He might not be destined to be your son, but maybe, he’s meant to be your grandson. He’s still considered your flesh and blood
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Chapter 164 Her Favorite; Strawberries
Rosie cocked an eyebrow in curiosity. “That makes sense. But it’s just too outlandish…”Grandma believed in the existence of God. That was why Ivanka dared use this method to deceive her. If anyone else had heard it, they would think that she was saying something irresponsible. “Grandma, the world is big and filled with amazing things. You have to believe Pastor Paul!” “Pastor Paul is indeed a great pastor. Let’s go and meet him tomorrow and see if he’s free.”Ivanka smiled and nodded. “So… Grandma, today’s your birthday, and Michael is still waiting for you outside. Don’t you want to see through your party to the end? There are many guests outside, too.”She felt more relaxed now. She was overjoyed because her plan had succeeded. “It worked! Grandma is letting go of her burden soon.” She thought. “Okay, let’s go.” Now, Rosie’s mood had clearly improved. She instantly felt like seeing her grandson. With that, Ivanka supported Rosie as they went out together. The guests
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Chapter 165 A Stubborn Man Giving In
Rosie was touched. “Honey…”She thought Samuel had forgotten how they felt toward each other in the past. Samuel sighed. “Come. Give my cake a taste and let me know if it still tastes the same.”Ivanka smiled as she watched Samuel hold Rosie’s hand as they walked to the table.She looked around and noticed Catherine had stayed. Now, she no longer looked as prideful as before. She then shifted her gaze to Sandy. She was enjoying the drinks and food with her friends. Everyone was enjoying the party. However, Michael suddenly looked at Ivanka. “Come with me.”He headed out right after he said this. Ivanka frowned. Although she was reluctant, she knew she had to follow him to talk to him about what happened earlier to prevent Rosie from finding out what she did.Some people who saw that the divorced couple went out together again became suspicious. Michael did not turn to see whether Ivanka came, because he heard her coming after him. He only stopped and turned to look a
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Chapter 166 Fine, I’ll Leave!
She continued to struggle as she spoke, but there was a huge gap in their strength. Ivanka was furious. “Let go of me!”Michael’s expression turned extremely dour. Every word from Ivanka was filled with great scorn that stabbed his heart!“Ivanka Lane! I know the kind of schemes you’re cooking! I’m giving you a chance. We can be remarried, but after that, don’t you ever play tricks and get close to Jonah Sadler again!”Ivanka was baffled and slightly stunned. She stared at the man in bewilderment, but he instantly frowned. So, was she trying to attract his attention? Did her expression imply that she never expected him to give in so quickly?Michael suddenly felt extremely irritated.Just then, Ivanka raised her leg abruptly and stepped on his foot without mercy!She was wearing stiletto heels, and she even used all her strength. Michael grunted and immediately stepped back. Ivanka’s hesitation instantly disappeared, and she took the opportunity to swiftly get out of his gra
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Chapter 167 How Could She Still Walk?
After Ivan was finally done laughing, he said, “You have no idea what I just saw!”Xander raised his eyebrows without a word. He was clearly waiting for Ivan to speak.Ivan moved close to Xander and whispered, “I saw a pit on the surface of Michael’s shoe, which means someone stepped on it! Besides, there’s a scratch mark. I can tell that it was a very strong step! Michael’s expression was extremely dark, so he must have been humiliated!”Surprise flashed in Xander’s eyes. Ivanka was probably Michael’s soft spot.She was his downfall, and she was also the one who had angered him.Ivan was extremely amused. “It’s my first time seeing him look like that. But when I went out, I didn’t see that woman.”That woman naturally referred to Ivanka.Xander looked up and saw Michael walking in.He was alone, and Ivanka had yet to return.After Michael sat down, Ivanka still did not show up. He instantly frowned. What was she playing at again?Rosie had finished half of her plate, and she
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Chapter 168 When It Rains, It Pours
Right now, she was supporting herself on a tree with one hand and raising her bare foot in the air.She was trying to figure out how to walk back.Michael saw this when he retraced his steps. When he saw her conflicted and troubled expression, surprise filled his gaze.During their three-year marriage, all he had ever seen was gentleness and decency. One could also describe her as virtuous and tender. She really used to be a typical good wife.He never saw such an emotion on her face. It was like a combination of a sneer, sarcasm, contempt, and struggle.At this time, Ivanka seemed very animated.When Ivanka sensed someone staring at her from the side, she subconsciously looked up with anticipation. She just needed to ask them to call Sandy.However, she did not expect to see Michael. On top of that, he was looking at her like he was staring at a clown.Her face instantly soured.When it rained, it poured. Why did she always have to encounter this demon?Michael was amused by
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Chapter 169 Instantly Revealing Herself?
When Michael noticed that Ivanka was still trying to resist, he yelled angrily, “Grandma told me that if I didn’t bring you back, she wouldn’t celebrate her birthday. So, be good, Ivanka Lane!”Ivanka immediately quietened down.She knew that her grandmother intended to match them together, so it was not surprising for her grandmother to say something like that.Besides, how could Michael possibly lie? If their grandmother never forced him, would he lower his status and look for her?While she remained silent, Michael suddenly carried her.Ivanka never made a sound when she nearly fell earlier, but she could not help but scream at this moment.“Michael Barkworth!”She subconsciously held the man’s neck, but she instantly let go of him in a panic. “You… Put me down, now. You just need to help support me.”“Do you think I want to carry you?” Michael’s eyes were full of impatience.Although he said that, he still held the woman in his arms tightly. She would not fall even if she
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Chapter 170 Don’t Jinx It!
Mindy was shocked, and she could no longer keep up the pretense!Jay looked over, and his eyes were filled with delight.Meanwhile, Samuel’s expression switched between conflicted and unhappy.As everyone stared, Michael carried Ivanka to her seat before he put her down.Unexpectedly, he felt a sense of loss when he stood back up.Ivanka could not bear to face anyone at this moment. Her face turned completely red, and she lowered her head. Along the way, people had cast questioning gazes at Michael and her. She felt really ashamed and infuriated!Michael looked down and glanced at her. Faint satisfaction flashed in his eyes, which was rare.Then, he went back to his seat and sat down after he gave Harvey some instructions.Mindy appeared a little displeased. “Ms. Lane, can’t you even walk now?”Ivanka’s expression changed slightly, and she pursed her lips without answering. However, Jay gave Mindy a cold glance. “Can’t you see that Ivanka’s heel is broken?” Rosie did not not
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