All Chapters of Love Mission: Pursuing My Stunning Ex-Wife: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
1080 Chapters
Chapter 171 Michael, You Have Such Good Taste!
Ivanka’s hand froze as she took the shoe box. Michael naturally looked in her direction as well, and he looked even gloomier than he did earlier.Rosie quickly said, “Silly girl, hurry up and change your shoes! Otherwise, how are you going to walk? Michael, carry Ivanka to the resting lounge so that she can change her shoes.”Michael did not respond.As he sat still, Ivanka hurriedly said, “No need. I’ll get my friends to take me there.”While she spoke, she waved at Sandy.Sandy was looking in her direction, so she quickly patted Anna when she saw the signal. The two of them got up and walked over.Ivanka finally sighed in relief.Michael took his fork and kept quiet.Rosie instantly felt disappointed as she glanced at Michael. Since things had come to this, it would be inappropriate for her to say anything else.After Sandy and Anna helped Ivanka up, they slowly walked toward the resting lounge. The moment they entered the lounge, Sandy could not hold back anymore. She was
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Chapter 172 She’s Protected by the Barkworth Family
Michael was speechless.Ivanka heard what was said when she walked over. She coughed gently before she sat down in silence.However, Rosie chuckled and said, “Michael, I’m giving you a mission. Don’t be so stiff around each other after the divorce. Listen, Ivanka is my granddaughter, and I’m going to pamper her with all my heart! So, you have to treat her better! You need to choose a few dozen pieces of clothing for her and have them customized and delivered to her!”Michael instantly frowned. “Grandma.”His voice seemed to be filled with helplessness.Mindy’s expression darkened, but before she could speak, Ivanka immediately said, “Grandma, I have enough clothes. You don’t have to do this.”Rosie looked at Ivanka gently. “My good girl, I know that you have enough clothes, but yours will be different from the ones that he buys!”After Rosie said that, she gave Michael another stern look. “I don’t care! You have to choose fifty sets of this season’s clothing and be serious about
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Chapter 173 I Achieved It
It was only after all the guests had left that Ivanka looked at Rosie. “Grandma, I’m leaving.”Rosie was reluctant to let her go, but she nodded helplessly. “Okay, good bye.”“Okay, I’ll come over and pick you up tomorrow.” Ivanka smiled faintly when she saw the reluctance in her grandmother’s eyes.Rosie smiled and nodded. When she saw Michael standing still at the side, she really felt like kicking him!“Why don’t you send Ivanka back? Do you want a girl like her to leave alone?”Michael became aggravated. “Grandma!”Ivanka’s expression changed as well, and she quickly said, “No, Grandma. My friends are waiting for me outside. I’ll go back with them.”“Friends?” Rosie was doubtful.“Yes, they’re Sandy and Anna. Grandma, I’m leaving,” Ivanka immediately said.She did not wait for Rosie’s reply any longer. Remembering that her shoes were from Michael, she stopped walking for a while, but she quickly resumed her steps.Her previous high heels broke because of him, so it was on
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Chapter 174 I Can’t Turn Things Around Anymore!
Ivanka chuckled helplessly. “I probably didn’t think it through at that time. I just wanted Grandma to get her mind off of it as soon as possible.”Soon, the songs that Sandy selected started playing. She walked to the couch and sat down before she distributed the beer that Hanson had opened. “Come on, let’s drink! We’re not leaving without getting drunk! Our success today has been great! We’re celebrating for Ivanka!”“Cheers!”They were in high spirits. However, after drinking for a while, Hanson could not help but look at Ivanka and softly ask, “Ivanka, what happened to your shoes today?”Ivanka was stunned. She hesitated for a moment and gently said, “I used too much force in my step, and that caused the heel to break. I didn’t have my phone with me at the time, so I couldn’t contact you. Grandma noticed that I had been gone for a long time, so she forced Michael to go and look for me. It then led to the situation that happened later.”Ivanka was still wearing the crystal high
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Chapter 175 Having Fun
Lyla took a deep breath. “Mrs. Barkworth called me just now. She said that Rosie is fine. She even mentioned that she would send someone to check on you and that she doesn’t mind it.”Chiara gritted her teeth. “So what if she doesn’t mind? Everyone thinks that I’m a hypocrite and that I faked my relationship with Ivanka. She reminded me kindly, but I was ungrateful. I even tried to outshine her. How can I clarify all of this?”The good image that she had maintained for many years had gone down the drain! She had been exposed!“Michael didn’t defend me at all today. He just looked on with a cold gaze. He doesn’t like me, so how can I shamelessly approach him again? If this happens, what will the people in our circle say about me next?”Lyla immediately spoke in a deep voice, “The Lane family has a high status, and nobody really dares to insult you. Chiara, no matter what happens to your image, you have to try and marry Michael. We’re business people, and we gather for profit. Regard
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Chapter 176 Find Out What Happened to Her
Sandy swung a beer bottle in her hand as she danced, and Anna laughed without a care.Ivanka was also a little tipsy. She leaned back on the couch while she massaged her forehead with one hand.The only sober person in the room was Hanson.He slowly got close to Ivanka and handed her a glass of water before he took away her wine glass. “Stop drinking, or else your headache will get worse.”Ivanka opened her eyes slightly. Since she had been drinking, her face was a little more flushed now. “Okay,” she said with a smile.She had a lot to drink, but she remained lucid.A while later, she slowly got up. “I’m going to the restroom.”Hanson did not respond. However, Sandy had just entered the restroom, and the door was still closed. Therefore, Ivanka walked out.Hanson frowned slightly. “Ivanka.”“Don’t worry, I’m not that drunk. I just drank some beer.”Ivanka only had a slight headache, and she could still walk firmly. Even so, Hanson continued to frown because he was worried.
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Chapter 177 A Big Dream
Jonah glanced at him before he led him to an empty private room. Only then did his assistant talk about the incident at Rosie’s birthday party in detail.Jonah narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak immediately after.His assistant explained things in a comprehensive manner because he was afraid of missing certain points. Besides, he dared not analyze the situation on his own, so he just told Jonah the truth.Jonah chuckled. “Michael doesn’t think that he can still get her back, does he?”His assistant was a little surprised. “Michael wants to get Ms. Lane back? How can that be? He’s been very indifferent, if not hateful, toward her.”Jonah sniggered. “With the way he is, who else can trouble him? Even if Rosie forced him into it, he could have carried Ivanka in through the backdoor. Why did he allow so many people to watch them?”After interacting with Ivanka for some time, he was sure that Ivanka had let him go completely.She would not have allowed Michael to carry her
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Chapter 178 A Lump in Her Throat
Hanson never paid attention to her. Did she still want to persist?She was tired, but she also felt reluctant… When would Hanson give up on Ivanka and turn back to look at her?“So, haven’t you thought about giving up?” Anna could not stop herself from looking at him and asking.The driver remained silent in his seat as he drove. He never dared to listen to his boss’ personal matters.Gloominess crossed Hanson’s eyes, and he subconsciously looked askance at Anna. “Anna, do you have someone in mind?” He smiled helplessly.Anna’s heart trembled, and her face froze. She did not know how to respond.Hanson had no intention of waiting for her reply either. Instead, he just said, “I haven’t liked Ivanka for a mere day or two. Protecting her has become an instinct for me. All these years, I’ve been too afraid to even hope that she’ll be with me, but… if she’s willing, I’ll definitely care for her with all my heart and never let her suffer.”Anna’s expression grew increasingly conflic
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Chapter 179 Controlled by the Family
“I’ll be off now.”That was all Anna said. She had thousands of things to tell the man, but she could not say them out loud.Hanson smiled and nodded. “Let me send you to your door.”“No need. We’re already at the yard. Why do you have to send me? It’s really late. You should go back early and rest.”Hanson did not insist either and just nodded. He only asked his driver to drive away after he made sure that Anna had entered her home.Meanwhile, Anna felt slightly heartbroken as she saw the car’s headlights slowly fade away through her window.He was such a warm person. How great would it be if he was willing to give her a chance? She was willing to be with him forever.Not only did Ivanka not like him, but she had also suffered emotional turmoil. She did not want to be in a relationship anymore. Would Hanson want to guard her his entire life?Anna’s tears seemed to flow even more.When Anna’s mother, Leah, came downstairs, she saw her daughter standing at the entrance of the l
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Chapter 180 As If He Was at Ease
After she washed up, she saw the dark circles around her eyes. She immediately put on some foundation so that she did not look too miserable.Besides, she was going to visit St. John Cathedral. She did not want to put on heavy makeup.She drove all the way to the Barkworth family’s mansion. After she entered the living room, she saw that Rosie was dressed up and sitting on the couch. She appeared to be in good spirits as Ivanka smiled faintly. “Grandma, we can leave now.” Rosie smiled and nodded. “Wait a little longer, girl.”Ivanka was a little puzzled. “Grandma, what’s the matter?”“We’re waiting for someone.” Rosie pretended to be mysterious, and it confused Ivanka.However, before she could think about it in depth, she heard the sounds of a car coming from outside. She looked over automatically as Rosie spoke with excitement, “Let’s go now!”She got up, held Ivanka’s hand, and walked outside.When they got out, they saw Michael sitting in the driver’s seat. He did not inte
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