All Chapters of Will You Marry Me, Again?: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
694 Chapters
Chapter 561 Someone Special in Mind
Later, a bodyguard's voice rang out, "Young Master, she's looking for you."Upon hearing "she," Shelly immediately knew who it was."Okay." Andrew's mood noticeably improved as he walked towards the direction of the stairs.After Andrew left, Shelly whispered to Baz, "It's Sally looking for him. Guess what Sally wants with him at this time?"Baz wasn't clueless, he immediately understood."I know.""I don't know. What do you think they're up to?" Shelly clearly knew but intentionally wanted Baz to speak.Blushing, Baz said, "Doing things like we did."Shelly laughed, "Go over there." She pointed her fair hand towards the location of the big bed.Baz, holding her, walked towards the direction of the bed.Baz held Shelly, cleaning her up and reapplying medicine."Before using the surveillance device, open the circular button at the back, embed it in the bouquet of flowers in the vase. It won't be discovered, and ordinary devices won't detect it. You can completely relax.""Ye
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Chapter 562 Love Is Torturing
Maia couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that Fischer took this matter so seriously. Then, Fischer asked again, "Miss, how did Baz find this girl?"Maia briefly explained the process to Fischer."What?!" Fischer was shocked. "Andrew's wife? Shelly?""Yes," Maia nodded."When I was studying abroad, I went to the same school as her. If I remember correctly, her family runs a perfume factory. She was quite famous at school, especially for her beauty. She knew how to use her looks to solve problems. This time, could Baz be manipulated?""I don't know. Baz went to the Lumiere Mansion, and she found out about it. If she wanted to tell Andrew, she didn't need to wait until now, right? Besides, Shelly also wants to get rid of Andrew. Even if they're using each other, it can be considered mutually beneficial.""But if Baz genuinely falls in love, this..."Normally, Fischer spoke much less than Baz and often teased him, but beyond that they had a very close, almost brotherly relationshi
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Chapter 563 He Listens to Everything She Says
Cedric looked at the information handed over by Eddie, and a slight smile played on his lips. With the support of these shareholders and the exposed records of Sally and Andrew, the punishment of public opinion would be enough to crush them both."Do you think there might be any complications on Shelly's side?" Eddie had been somewhat worried all along. "It can't have been easy for her to endure that for two years."Cedric closed the file, casually tossing it onto the table. "Because she waited for two years, she wants Andrew to get into more trouble than we do."Everything that needed to be done had been done by now. The outcome would be revealed at the shareholder meeting in three days.Afterward, Cedric got up and walked towards the adjoining room, with Eddie following closely behind. In the next room was Lauren, who was currently receiving intravenous treatment, her health visibly deteriorating each passing day."Mom, how are you feeling?" Eddie asked with concern, looking at
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Chapter 564 Memory Card
Cedric noticed the worry in her clear eyes. She was trying to set a trap for him, so he willingly walked into it. He knew that if Maia didn't get the details, she wouldn't sleep well tonight."Cedric, tell me what happened today. Why are you still on the balcony so late? Did something terrible happen? Is there any trouble with the preparations for the shareholders' meeting?" Maia's tone was urgent, throwing several questions in a row.Cedric's lips curled up. Just as he expected. He had no intention of hiding anything from Maia. Instead of letting her worry day and night, it was better to let her know the truth."She coughed up blood. She won't live past a year."Maia instantly understood who he was referring to. Biting her lip, Maia didn't know what to say for a moment."Have you called her Mom yet?" Maia asked slowly after a while."No."Maia pursed her lips again, then spoke slowly, "She must have wanted to hear that, so...""Yeah." Cedric nodded, understanding her point."
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Chapter 565 The Mastermind
Shelly saw him nod, calmly adjusted her hair, and said again, "My task is considered complete. Please tell Mr. Cedric that I hope Andrew never has a chance to turn his life around. Only then can I live a peaceful life.""Alright, I will convey that to Mr. Cedric truthfully.""Next, there's something I want to tell you."Baz was puzzled. "What is it?"Shelly looked at the palm of her wrist, spoke as she opened her hand, "My task is done, and the deal between us is over. Though I may be tainted, you seemed to enjoy it. I am confident in my looks and figure, and you didn't lose out."Shelly's smile was bright, but for some reason, her chest felt sour and painful."What do you mean?" Baz couldn't believe what he heard."What do I mean?" Shelly glanced at Baz indifferently, not as clingy as she was in the past few days. Instead, she seemed distant and cold. The charming side of her disappeared.Shelly laughed a few times. "Baz, are you really that naive or are you just pretending to
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Chapter 566 You’re Devoted to My Brother?
It was no wonder Lauren decided to skip the shareholder meeting and let her son attend it in her place instead. With a son like him, all she had to do was sit back and relax!Sally might’ve looked calm. There was a faint smile on her innocent-looking face, but she clutched to the hem of her shirt tightly, which betrayed her real thinking. She was both frantic and fearful. Helpless, even.Eddie fixed his gaze on her. It was the first time she felt imposition from him when their gazes met each other. In their three years together, she had known Eddie as someone who cared nothing about fame and power. All he cared about was that damn lady…Imagine her surprise when she saw how deeply Eddie cared about Valentines Group as well as the position of family leader!She clenched her fists. She was his wife, so it was perfectly normal for her to run the company on his behalf. However, he decided to run against her for the position.“This explains why he didn’t do anything for the past few
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Chapter 567 A Pretty Lady Sheds Her Tears
At the next moment, a minor shareholder busted into the conference room. “I object to Sally and Andrew being the candidates for the CEO position! They don’t qualify!”Andrew was so furious that he jumped from his seat and roared at Hendrix. “It’s bad enough that you came late to the meeting, Hendrix. How dare you claim that I don’t qualify to be one of the candidates the moment you barge in here? Are you saying I’m worse than this gimp here?”On the other hand, Hendrix knew he had to carry out the task Cedric had assigned him. He was already a minor shareholder in the Valentine Group to begin with. He didn’t enjoy much authority, and he wasn’t particularly capable, either. If he added offending Cedric to the list, he was sure he’d suffer a terrible consequence!“Don’t you know why you don’t qualify? Try checking your phone! You physically abused your wife, Shelly, and took Sally to the hotel more than 30 times. This news made the trending topic!“Shelly is accepting interviews
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Chapter 568 Getting into Hot Water
“That’s because I’ve been gathering evidence, but he had eyes on me, watching my every move. It was hard, but I have the evidence now. On top of that, Andrew was spending more time on the Valentines Group. That gives me a chance to slip away from the ‘Lumiere Mansion.’”Shelly said every word confidently, so much so that nobody could tell she was lying a little. In the middle of her speech, tears began dropping.“The internet is circulating news that Andrew took Sally to the hotel. What do you know about this?” Another reporter asked.She nodded. “I know about it. Andrew told me about Sally. However, I had no idea news about them would surface after I revealed my incident.”“Are you saying that you have nothing to do with the evidence on the internet?”“That’s right.” She nodded and responded weepingly, “I’m not that capable, and I certainly don't have the means to get my hands on that evidence. “However, I firmly believe we should always do the right thing. My revelation must’v
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Chapter 569 Roll the Dice, Sally
Andrew kept cursing in his mind. Shelly was supposed to be an eye candy. He couldn’t believe she chose to set herself on fire just to burn him along! This was more than just stabbing him in the back. He and Sally were at a complete disadvantage in the shareholder meeting because of Shelly’s actions.Sally clenched her fists and said, “There’s nothing between me and Andrew. We’ve done nothing wrong, as all of you will soon find out. As for Andrew and his wife, I’d argue that it’s their private business. How can we just believe in Shelly’s one-sided statements? “We shouldn’t poke our noses into their family affairs. That’s the end of it! We have to press on with the shareholder meeting. Let’s do this the old-fashioned way. The candidate with the most votes will be promoted to CEO!” Now that it came to this, she had to roll the dice. It was sink or swim.Cedric sneered, disdain clear in his eyes. “Going by the number of votes, huh?” His cold voice sent a chill down the other sha
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Chapter 570 The Brothers Had Each Other's Backs
“Why should I care about you, Sally? Are we related in any way?”“Why, you…” She gritted her teeth. She had never expected Andrew to turn his back on her like this. Andrew laughed and took steps toward her. There was nobody around them.“I heard everything earlier. Eddie said he’ll make sure you get nothing out of the divorce. In your little speech, you also did everything you could to distance yourself from me. What makes you think of me now, huh?”She had to put her pride aside and grab his arms.“D-Don’t do this to me. You were so nice to me a few days ago…”“If I had known sleeping with you would bring me this heap of trouble, I wouldn’t have laid a finger on you, Sally. After all, there are a lot of pretty ladies out there, and it’s not like I’d have trouble finding one for myself.” With that, he shook off her hands.“Your gimp of a husband is Cedric’s brother. With someone like Cedric backing him up, there’s no way you’d be able to outmatch him! You’ll have to cut your
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