All Chapters of Will You Marry Me, Again?: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
694 Chapters
Chapter 581 Was He Worthy?
Sally stood up and sided with Eddie as she did not want to file for a divorce. “How could you be so superstitious just because of something a priest had said?” Sally immediately walked toward Eddie’s side. She was trying to tell him that she wanted to take his side and help him handle those difficult relatives. Unfortunately, Eddie did not need it. He even felt repulsed by her gesture as he wheeled his chair away from her. At that moment, Sally could feel that everyone around her was looking at her mockingly. Andrew had even openly insulted her. “You’re just a woman that I had played with. Who gave you the right to even attend our family meeting?” Everyone in the room continued to laugh mockingly at Sally when they heard what Andrew had said. Sally thought that Eddie would at least help her based on the fact that she was Amanda’s sister and his wife of many years.Sadly, she was wrong. Eddie did not even look at her nor allowed her to try to reap any benefits from the Fox family
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Chapter 582 You’re Just as Bad
“Mr. Cedric, please forgive me. I’m just a conman trying to make some money!” The conman pointed at Andrew. “He was the one who promised me 200 grand if I agreed to play the role! There’s no such thing as a prophecy. I had made it all up!” Andrew’s heartbeat quickened as he glared at the conman. “Eddie, you shouldn’t listen to nonsense from some stranger. Why would I do such a thing? He must have taken someone else’s money to try to frame me.”“I’m not lying!” The conman quickly fumbled for the check inside his pocket and passed it to Eddie. “Look, I still have the money with me.“What can a mere check prove? Do you think everyone is an idiot? Stop trying to frame me. I’m innocent!” Andrew continued to explain in a hurry.Cedric just remained silent as he looked at how shameless Andrew was. Andrew was confident that they would not be able to find any evidence to link him to this. Eddie shook his head in disappointment. It was obvious that he did not trust Andrew at all. However,
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Chapter 583 Are You Happy?
“Are you telling me that you’re the one who helped her? Since when did that bitch approach you?” Andrew had finally given up putting on an act as he sneered, “I was wondering how she could manage all this. “It seems like she slept with Cedric. I wonder how he feels using my second-hand goods?” Baz clenched his fists tightly, trying to fight the urge to punch Andrew right in the face. This was Nordic City, and he was Cedric’s assistant. He should not be causing his boss any more trouble. Baz stepped closer to Andrew threateningly. Andrew just laughed at Baz’s furious face. “My my, why the long face, Mr. Baz? I wasn’t wrong about Shelly being a second-hand good. It looks like that bitch slept with you instead of Cedric. She had used you to get Cedric's help.” “If you continue to insult her, I’ll make sure you’ll never speak again.” Baz gritted his teeth and warned. Even if he had to pay a heavy price, he would make sure to destroy Andrew. "It seems like I was right. Did you l
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Chapter 584 Love Is Irrational
“Andrew, even if we fail this time, there’s always next time. As long as you make sure not to leave evidence or make a severe mistake, then we’re all good. There’s no point in just being a shareholder. We should aim for the top.“Don’t you want to be better than Eddie? Your dad had already lost to him. You shouldn’t allow him to continue winning as well.”Andrew’s face was distorted as he thought about it. He did not want to lose anymore. He wanted to be at the top and to make Eddie bow at his feet. How could he possibly lose to a handicapped person? “But Eddie’s brother is Cedric. How could we beat him?” Andrew asked.“It doesn’t matter. I’m sure Cedric has his weaknesses as well. Besides, he won’t be able to help Eddie forever. I’ve already told you that we have all the time we need. “With my help, you’ll be able to be the CEO. I’m the one who truly loves you. Not Shelly!” Sally added as she wrapped her arms around Andrew’s neck. “You’re right. You love me the most. That bit
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Chapter 585 It’s on You
Cedric nodded, “That’s why I gave him the address.” Eddie could not help but admire his brother’s terrifying ability. He smiled and commented, “Cedric, you’re always so meticulous and constantly a step ahead. I wonder, would you really lose all rationality for love? I could never imagine you going crazy.”“That’s the scariest part of me.” Just because he was sensible most would think that he was always calm and collected. They do not know how scary he could be if his loved ones were threatened.“Then I pray that I won’t have to witness that side of you,” Eddie said. Cedric smiled. As long as Maia was safe nothing else mattered. Even if it meant giving up his life. “I think it’s time for you to go downstairs.” The family gathering was still ongoing. Those relatives were still waiting downstairs. Eddie sighed, “I don’t want to go down and face those people. I know that I don’t have any other choice but to deal with them.” Eddie looked at the pendant in his hand. “When my fa
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Chapter 586 He Meant It
“But, those people…” It was obvious that Baz didn’t want to let them off easy.“You’ve beaten them to a pulp. That’s quite enough. Why don’t you take a look at my face instead?” Shelly wrapped her arms around him tighter. She didn’t want him to chase after them.“Let me see it.” Baz checked her fair face meticulously. He proceeded to take off his puffer jacket and put it on Shelly, “Stay put. I’m going to buy some medicine for your swollen face.”He was about to leave when he heard weeping and footsteps from inside the room.“Who goes there?” he asked.Pursing her lips, she said, “It’s my mom and my little brother.”That stunned Baz. Shelly had asked her mother for help earlier, but the people in the room didn’t lift a finger.All of a sudden, the door swung open. A woman in her fifties roared at Shelly, “Why did you have to expose the fact that Andrew physically abused you? Why do you have to divorce him? Do you think we can afford to get on his bad side? “You hadn’t even bee
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Chapter 587 You Have a Place in My Heart
Shelly’s mother and little brother were both greedy monsters. They’d never treat her like family. To say they thought of her as ‘goods’ would be a kind way to put it. However, the moment she lost her good looks, they’d treat her like trash!It pained Baz’s heart to see her like this.Shelly pulled herself out of the hellhole that was Andrew’s grasp, but she landed right back into another one! An exquisite flower like her needed protection and nurturing.He could provide her with those things!“Let me go, Baz! I won’t leave with you! This is my home and they’re my family. This is where I belong. Why do I have to leave with you? I made myself perfectly clear! I don’t need you to look after me. I don’t need anyone! Do you hear what I’m saying?”She shook him off, took off the puffer jacket, and flung it back at him. She spent every ounce of energy she had and screamed. He needed to leave. She needed him to leave now.“Get out of my house!” She pointed at the door coldly.The rain g
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Chapter 588 The Crumpled Note
“Are you cutting ties with us?” Yara was gobsmacked. The last thing she expected was Shelly, who satisfied their every need for two long years, was trying to cut ties with them.Shelly gave her mother a sidelong glance. She knew her character well. Yara would never let her go as long as she could squeeze more money out of her. All her mother ever saw was her little brother. She was invisible to her.“I’ve gotten some money from the divorce. Aside from this ten million dollars, I’ve donated the rest of the money to charities. So, I’ve got nothing on me now, not even a cent. Are you sure you still want me as your daughter?”“Not even a cent?” It was clear from Yara’s tone that she wasn’t worried about her daughter. Instead, she doubted what she said, “Are you sure you don’t even have another cent?”Shelly replied lightly, “I can show you my bank statement if you don’t believe me. There’s no need for me to lie to you. I’m broke and you saw what happened earlier. I rejected the rich
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Chapter 589 I'm Ready Anytime
“Don’t say that about yourself. You don’t have to believe what your mother said. You’re awesome. I mean it. It doesn’t matter to me if the other ladies are awesome. All I care about is you. I love you and I want to treat you well.”“Do you love me that much, Baz?”He nodded, “Yeah. I love you so much.” He felt a little embarrassed saying it out loud.Bending over and lowering his head, he leaned close to Shelly.“Go ahead and touch it. Don’t you think my short hair is soft to the touch?”She smiled in response, “You remember that I love to run my hand across your short hair!”“Of course.” He said.Putting her hand on top of his head, she ran it across his hair, and couldn’t help but smile, “Well. Do you remember what else you said, Baz? You said you’re going to marry me. Also, you said you’re going to help me whenever I call.”“I remember what I said. I made a promise to you. It’s important.”Looking at him, she asked, “Have you said the same thing to other ladies?”He resp
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Chapter 590 That's Because She Missed Me
“Is no one on top of this?” Baz asked.Shelly shook her head and sighed. “People here can’t even take care of themselves. Why would they care about things that aren’t important?”Ever since she moved to this place, Shelly shed her status as the daughter of a wealthy family and dwelled at the lowest level of society. She saw a lot of stuff and learned to let go of things too.Baz nodded, but he felt a massive sense of relief. “It’s a good thing I got you out of here.”She caught the relief in his tone and smiled faintly. “If I didn’t let you get on the car today, would you still have come here, Baz?”“Certainly.” Baz responded without any hesitation, “I’d even ask for Mr. Cedric’s help. I’m going to get you out of here, even if it means I have to tie you up.”“Do you love me that much, Baz?” She winked flirtatiously.“That’s not the only reason. I was worried your mother would marry you off to secure wealth for herself again. It wasn’t easy for you to crawl out of that hellhole,
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