All Chapters of Will You Marry Me, Again?: Chapter 601 - Chapter 610
694 Chapters
Chapter 601 A Trail of Clues
“Why must it turn out this way? Why would I have a sister like her?” “It’s not your fault. Don’t blame yourself for her sins.” Maia knew that Amanda was an entirely different person from Sally. Amanda tightened her lips and nodded with a pained expression. “I always thought that my sister would release them when they’ve gone crazy.” She covered her mouth with her hands as she trembled in fear. “Maia, w-will we die as well? I’ve tried my best to endure the torture so that I can see Eddie again. I don’t want to die.”“Don’t be afraid. She intends to use you to get to Eddie and to use me against Cedric. She won’t kill us before achieving her goal. You’ve managed to endure for three years. Don’t give up now!” Amanda nodded, calming down. “What should we do now?” “Why don’t you show me the map of this building?”“Sure, but how? There’s no pen or paper in the room.” Amanda looked around in disappointment.Maia glanced around and spotted a water bottle on the table. “Why do
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Chapter 602 You’ll Live in Despair
“Enough!” Sally placed her hands over her ears and shouted at Eddie, “I’ve always loved you, but you chose not to acknowledge it. Even though Amanda is dead, you still choose to love her!”“That’s why I can’t love anymore. Sally, a word of advice. I don’t care about your relationship with Andrew or what you’ve done to me, I will let you go on behalf of Amanda. “However, you shouldn’t have messed with Cedric’s grandfather. He will never let you off that easily. You should think of how to make amends with my broth—”“Cedric’s grandfather? Don’t worry. He’s dead.” Sally laughed.“What are you talking about?” Eddie’s face fell as he questioned her sternly.Instead of replying to his question, she just continued to pack. “Sally, what did you mean by that? Why is Cedric’s grandfather dead? Do you know something?” He wheeled his chair toward her and grabbed her arm. Sally smirked wickedly as she glanced at his hand holding her arm, “Didn’t you already hear me?”“Y-You’re saying he
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Chapter 603 I Wish You Success
“You’ve managed to capture Maia, right? You should get a few more men to look after her. She’s not like Amanda. She won’t be that easy to fool. Maybe she’s already thinking up a plan to escape as we speak.”“How long do you still plan on keeping Amanda in captivity? She’s your sister.”“I don’t care if she was my sister. The moment I release her, she’ll return to the Tate family and continue with her princess lifestyle! What about me? “I’ve lived in that rundown shed for 20 years! If she didn’t try to steal the man I love, I would’ve left her alone!” Sally yelled in rage. “She even dared to tell me that Eddie had sent people over to the Tate family to ask for her hand in marriage! Do you know how I felt then? “She already had everything I wanted, yet she still wanted to steal the man I loved. She should be thankful that she’s my sister, or I’d have killed her three years ago!”Pablo sighed, “Sally, you should stop making excuses. The truth is that you kept her alive to use her
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Chapter 604 Taking Chances
“Then, you should make sure to warm me up properly.”“Sure thing, you can count on me!” Amanda tapped her chest lightly and promised as she continued to warm Maia up. Maia could not help but smile at Amanda’s silliness. “I was just joking with you.”“Maia, your hands are really cold. Since your little sunshine is not here, I’ll be responsible for warming you up!” Amanda offered as she smiled widely. Her cute dimples showed. “Please continue, how did you end up together again?”“It was his continuous effort of always being there for me, to help me, and save me whenever I was in a dire situation. He had placed my life above his and had shown me that he loves me. More importantly, he was in my heart.“Instead of creating pain for him and me, I decided to give him one more chance. In the end, my gamble paid out.”Amanda shook her head after she heard Maia’s words, “From the moment he was willing to give up his life to save yours, it was already proof of your importance to him. “Th
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Chapter 605 Framing Andrew
Sally’s face was distorted with the cruel smile plastered on her lips. Maia knew that she was gone. Sally had turned into something far more sinister. “Pablo, bring them out of their confinement!” Sally glared at Maia as she instructed.Pablo frowned at Sally, “What do you want to do?”“I want to give Cedric and Eddie a huge surprise! I’m sure they’ll love it!” Sally turned and walked into the office next door. Pablo looked at Sally’s back as his frown deepened. He sighed and instructed the bodyguards to bring the prisoners into the room next door. When Amanda saw the bodyguards opening the doors and reaching out to them, she quickly hid behind Maia and whispered, “Maia, help.”“There’s no need for this. We will move on our own.” Maia demanded calmly as she stared at them intimidatingly. Pablo froze in his tracks when he heard Maia. He glanced at the bodyguards and signaled for them to stop. Maia and Amanda followed them obediently to the other room. Amanda was holding ont
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Chapter 606 You Can Have HL Corporation
Eddie’s eyes turned red, and he couldn't hold his tears back anymore. All Amanda could do was shake her head and sob. Then, her eyes turned and tears started dropping as well.“Hahaha…” Sally burst into a maniacal laughter, “Kill me? What makes you think you can do it? Remember, Eddie. I have your precious Amanda.” He slammed the armrest of his wheelchair hard in response.Amanda was weeping but she couldn’t say anything. “Cedric!” Eddie said in a trembling voice.“Look what the cat dragged in. Impeccable timing, Cedric!” Sally said. With the help of the voice changer, she said everything in Andrew’s voice in an arrogant tone.Maia jolted awake when she heard his name. At the next moment, she saw his cold, dashing face. Something stirred in her heart and her eyes turned red immediately.He still looked cold and ferocious, but his brows were furrowed and his chin was stiff. Arrogance filled his gaze that seemed to ensnare anyone who looked at him.The moment their gazes met,
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Chapter 607 Coughing Up Blood
“You’re out of your damn mind, Sally!” Maia was in so much pain that she gasped and blurted out the words with what energy she had left.The bulb above them made a hissing sound. The unstable voltage eventually caused it to pop. The bursting sound, the howling wind, and the raging waves formed a cacophony of pure terror.Sally burst into laughter with a triumphant look on her face. She stepped away from Maia and walked toward the phone. Then, she muted the video call.Cedric and Eddie could no longer hear anything on the other end of the phone. They could only see.Crouching, she yanked Maia’s hair and smacked her cheeks, “You’re right, Maia. I never planned on letting you go. Nobody can offend me and get away with it! Do you want to know why the population in this institution is reducing?“Well, you’re looking at the answer. I tortured them, tested drugs on them, and pushed them to madness. Then, I’ll push them off the window in the hallway and into the ocean!”With that, Sally
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Chapter 608 I Might Lose the Baby
Loud thuds could be heard as the baton connected fiercely with Amanda’s body. Maia was gasping out of pain while Amanda was already screaming at the top of her lungs. It only excited Sally more!Pable stepped forward, grabbed her wrist, and stopped her, “They’re going to die if you keep this up. How are you supposed to make a deal with Cedric and Eddie, then? Don’t forget, you need them!“Are you going to let your plan go to ruins? You won’t get anything if they die. Cedric and Eddie will never let you go by then. So, are you going to keep beating them?”Sally slowly calmed down when she heard what he said. Grunting angrily, she tossed the baton to the ground. Then, she smiled, looked at the phone, and unmuted the video call.“Take what I want to Lumiere Mansion three days later. Do it at night and don’t play any tricks. All I have to do is lift my finger and your beloved ladies will die a horrible death! Hahaha!” Sally laughed triumphantly and hung up the call.Then, she glanced
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Chapter 609 It's the Waves
Pablo realized Amanda was very genuine. Her dimples also reminded him of the old Sally he used to know. However, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he helped Maia up and put her on the single bed at the side.Amanda recoiled at his lack of response. Looking at the blanket on the bed, she asked, “C-Can we put this blanket over Maia?” He nodded in response.“Thank you.” Thanking him, she pulled the blanket over Maia. A few minutes later, he took a heater and set it down by the bed. She was pleasantly surprised to see his gesture and said, “You have such a kind soul! Thank you!”“Kind soul?” He couldn’t believe what he heard, “May I remind you that I’m the one who brought you here? How do you figure that I’m a nice guy? It was clear I’m capable of committing wicked acts without batting an eye.”“I don’t think that’s fair. My sister is the wicked one, not you. I’ve been locked in here for three years and yet you’ve never done or said anything harsh to me. You’re not the bad guy, as f
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Chapter 610 Two Can Play at That Game
Cedric’s eyes were cold and sharp when he said, “Look into it!”“At your command,” Baz responded.At that moment, someone knocked on the study door and opened it. It was Lauren.Standing at the door, she flashed a smile at Cedric and Eddie. However, her smile froze at the next second. She was a perceptive and intelligent woman, after all. So, she could sense something was going on in here.“Something’s wrong,” she said confidently.“Nothing’s wrong, Mom.” Eddie looked at his mother and tried hard to mask his emotions. He smiled and asked, “W-What brought you here? It’s so late in the night. You should be resting.”“I can’t go to sleep. The servants told me that Cedric’s back and he’s in the study with you. So, here I am.” Her health was getting worse day by day. So, she appreciated all the time she could spend with her sons.Stepping into the study, she noticed Eddie’s smile was very stiff. Then, she watched as Cedric tossed the cigarette butt into the ashtray. He wore a cold ex
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