All Chapters of Will You Marry Me, Again?: Chapter 611 - Chapter 620
694 Chapters
Chapter 611 A Love So Deep
Maia struggled to open her eyes as she could hear the wind and waves. Her head was heavy, but the pain all over her body had got better. When her brain had managed to clear enough, she immediately thought of her baby. She quickly lifted her hand to feel her tummy as she sighed in relief.“Maia, you’re finally awake!” Amanda said when she noticed Maia sitting up. She quickly moved toward the bed and asked, “How are you feeling? Are you still in pain?” Maia looked at the smiling Amanda in a daze. “Amanda, my baby. What happened?” Maia shifted her gaze to look at her tummy and then back at Amanda in confusion.“Don’t worry, your baby is fine. He’s doing well!” Maia’s eyes turned red when she heard Amanda. “Did something happen when I was unconscious?” “It was Pablo. He brought a doctor to check on you. The doctor injected you with some medication and gave you some to take with your meals. Pablo had even lifted you onto the bed and brought a heater over!” Amanda explained in de
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Chapter 612 One Wrong Move
Pablo gritted his teeth as he glared daggers at Maia. Maia’s heart skipped a beat at the fearsome look on his face. She reminded herself to remain calm as she smacked her lips.“She’s just like my brother. They’ve been blinded by greed. All that’s left in their heads is how to gain more wealth and power! There’s no end to the madness. They don’t care about anything else! Including you, Pablo.” Maia’s tone was calm, but they resonated with Pablo. She shook her head in disappointment, “Do you think she’ll stop after taking over the Valentines Group and HL Corporation? She will only want more! She will only continue to use you as her butchering tool. She has never loved you. She only loves herself, her power, and her wealth!” Maia continued to smile faintly at Pablo even though he was looking at her with a murderous look. “I’m grateful that you’ve saved my baby. However, I would never thank you. I will never forget how you killed the two men that I had loved dearly.” As Maia though
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Chapter 613 Don’t Hurt Her
Pablo’s arms around Greta tightened as he recalled what Maia had said. Did Sally not have him nor Greta in her heart? Was she blinded by her greed for power and wealth? Pablo smiled stiffly as he thought about this. “Daddy, let me show you something!” Greta climbed out of his embrace and jumped up and down on her bed excitedly. Pablo regained his composure and smiled at her, “What do you want to show me?”Greta lifted her arms and placed them over her head as she made a heart shape. “This heart is for you Daddy. I love you and Mummy too!” Greta smiled sweetly at Pablo as she continued talking. Pablo stared at his daughter as he thought about Sally. Would she be willing to stop if she knew that Greta loved her so much? Pablo already had the answer, but he was still hopeful. He took out his cell phone and coaxed Greta to do it again. “Greta, could you do that heart shape again? Daddy wants to take a video. That way, I could recharge when I’m too tired from work! I will be full
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Chapter 614 Greta is Gone!
Pablo could feel his ears ringing the moment he heard Sally’s words. He looked at her in disbelief as he tried to process what she had just said.“What did you say?” “I said, she’s quite pretty. We don’t have to be worried about her marriage in the future.” Sally repeated as she took a sip of milk. She clearly did not think that there was anything wrong with her comment. “Sally, do you hear yourself?” Pablo clenched his fists tightly as he looked at her in horror. Sally lifted an eyebrow at Pablo’s reaction. Clearly, she did not understand why he was acting this way. “What’s wrong with my comments? You showed me a video and I’ve watched it. Why are you so angry? She’s my daughter as well. “I’m only thinking about her when I said that she doesn’t need to worry about her marriage in the future. Or would you rather her not be able to get married? Besides, she would have to listen to our advice since she is our daughter.” “I’m surprised that you still remember that Greta is your
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Chapter 615 You’re Not Late
Moments later, Sally rushed out of the mansion and drove toward the abandoned asylum. She was familiar with the mountainous road, so she took a shortcut and drove quickly to the place. When she got to the abandoned asylum, she rushed to order her men to open the door and instructed them to bring Maia out. The bodyguards walked inside and grabbed Maia. “What are you trying to do? Sally, let her go! Where are you taking her?” Amanda rushed over and tried to stop them. Unfortunately, she was no match for those burly men. As the doors closed firmly behind them, Amanda continued to bang on the door and yelled, “Let me out! What do you want to do with Maia? Sally, stop this madness, please! Please don’t hurt her!” No matter how hard and how loudly she yelled, no one answered her. All that Amanda could hear were the sounds of the waves and wind. Without saying a word, Sally just turned and walked quickly toward the entrance. Maia was forced to follow her pace as the bodyguards drag
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Chapter 616 The Price Is Both of His Thighs
“I don’t care what happens to her.” Sally grinned sweetly, not the least bit worried, “You took my daughter so you can threaten me. What a joke! You can’t. I never cared about her!”Then, she cackled again. She looked so crazy that even her eyes went red with madness.“You can’t threaten me with my daughter, but that doesn’t mean I can’t threaten you with Maia!” At the next moment, she yanked Maia’s hair and dragged her back.It was painful, but Maia bit her lips and tried not to wince. She didn’t make any sound even when her lips started to bleed. She knew better than anyone that it was extremely tormenting for Cedric to see her in pain. After all, she mattered most to him.He frowned and strained his eyes so hard it looked like they were about to pop. His fists were clenched so tightly that the veins popped out. It was hard for him to contain his anger!He counted on using Greta to threaten her, but it looked like she wasn’t Sally’s weakness after all. She couldn’t care less abo
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Chapter 617 He Can Never Risk Her Life
The two bodyguards, who were standing nearby, were shocked by what they saw. Even Sally was having trouble believing what she saw.What was incredible was that he stabbed both of his thighs in a sharp and decisive manner. It takes the most courage to inflict harm on oneself!However, he did so without any hesitation. His imposing bearing wasn’t even diminished in the face of the injuries in his thighs. On the contrary, it made him look like someone who was bloodthirsty and induced fear.Maia’s voice was hoarse and she couldn’t utter a single word. All she could do was weep and sob.‘Why…? Why couldn’t you learn to love yourself? You’d readily give up anything for my sake, even your life. You’d kill yourself if that was what it took to save me, but you didn’t know how painful it was for me to watch you. I didn’t want you to hurt and sacrifice yourself like this!‘Think about all the sacrifices you made and the reckless actions you took. How many times could you survive before you r
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Chapter 618 I Didn't Push Them In Too Deep
Pablo nodded. What she said was true. As a father, he knew very well that kids shouldn’t shoulder their parent’s burden.“Thank you. I think Greta should live under your care more than mine. If it’s possible, I hope she doesn’t know the kind of parents she had. I’m leaving her in your hands, Ms. Maia.”Nodding, she said, “Leave it to me.”“Thank you… Truly…” He thanked her again as blood spilled out of his mouth. Straining to look at Sally, he exclaimed, “Let’s hope I’ll never see you again in the afterlife!”Directing his gaze at the blue sky, he chortled. A few seconds later, he trailed off into silence and stopped breathing for good.She turned her head away as Cedric pulled her into his arms. Feeling the warmth from his body, she said, “He did one wrong thing after another because he loved Sally. By the time he realized what was happening, it was already too late. “Although he had it coming, I just can’t stop myself from feeling sorry for him. I know for a fact that he lov
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Chapter 619 It Was a Horrible Name
Although Cedric sustained some injuries, they were just flesh wounds. The fact that he didn’t drive the daggers in too deep meant that he didn’t damage his bones. All it took was some stitches and some time to recover and he would be right as rain.Everyone made it back safe and sound. That was the best thing they could ask for in such a perilous endeavor.“I’ll ask the chefs to prepare a feast tonight. All of us can have a proper meal! Best of all, everyone’s here this time!” Lauren laughed a lot. Then, she left with the servants’ help and watched over the preparation of the dinner.“Don’t push yourself, Mom!” Eddie said worryingly. Nodding, she said, “Alright. I know that. I’m just so happy!”The doctor finished up with the stitching and gave him some advice before getting ready to leave their bedroom. Maia was letting the gynecologist run some tests on her to make sure her baby was fine. She was just done with the examination when she heard a series of hurried footsteps.
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Chapter 620 I Long for You
Lauren might’ve hated Sally, but she was a mother to two sons. She knew very well that the little girl was innocent. No matter what happened, she shouldn’t take it out on a kid who was barely three years old. On top of that, while Greta was an active little girl, she was never naughty. She even called her ‘Grandma’ in an affectionate way. Lauren was the happiest when she asked for a hug from her.“Going by your logic, that makes me a grandmother too.”“What do you mean, Grandma?”Lauren responded with a smile, “It means I’m very happy to have you as my granddaughter, Greta.”“Well. I’m also very happy to have you as my grandma!” That brought a smile to Lauren’s face. She was happy from the bottom of her heart.Amanda passed a bottle of warm milk to Greta and corrected her, “You should’ve said that you’re happy to be her granddaughter, Greta.”The little girl nodded and said again in her cute voice, “I’m happy to be your granddaughter!” Then, she hugged Lauren and kissed her.L
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