All Chapters of Dempsey Twins' Human Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
59 Chapters
Chapter 21
Amethysta's world had once revolved around the comforting routine of boring daily life, but it all came crashing down when Icarus suddenly disappeared from her life. The absence of his presence left her feeling drifting into the pits, and a pervasive sense of loneliness began to settle in.Desperate for answers, Amethysta tried reaching out to Icarus, her calls and messages becoming a lifeline in her quest for connection. Yet, her efforts were met with nothing but silence, as if her pleas vanished into the void.Days turned into weeks, and as the unanswered messages piled up, Amethysta could no longer deny the painful truth: Icarus had vanished from her life. It was as if he had never been there at all.A memory resurfaced in her mind—a conversation with Icarus in which he had mentioned that he was new to the city. It struck her with the force of revelation. What if he left the city? That was what roaming in her mind. Amethysta felt a mixture of emotions—abandoned, hurt, and bewilder
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Chapter 22
Amethysta facepalmed internally for being suspicious of someone she knew. She felt awkward because of her behavior. It wasn't polite to be rude to someone who came to see her. Laurent, with a hint of nervousness in his voice, cleared his throat. "Amethysta," he began, "I was wondering if you'd be willing to join me for a cup of coffee at the nearby cafe."Amethysta hesitated for a moment, her eyes fixed on the ground, and then looked up at Laurent with a forced smile with a hint of surprise in her eyes since it was all of a sudden he asked, "Well, I suppose I can't deny such a polite request," she replied, her reluctance evident in her tone. "I'll accept, Laurent."With a relieved smile, Laurent nodded. "Thank you, Amethysta."They both made their way to the cafe. Seated at a cosy corner table in the cafe, Laurent and Amethysta perused the menu, each lost in thought about their impending conversation. After a few moments, Laurent looked up and said, "I think I'll have a cappuccino,
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Chapter 23
Amethysta entered her room, her footsteps echoing softly in the quiet house. She picked up her mobile phone and noticed a few messages from her father, indicating that he was still at work. Her brows furrowed slightly as she read the messages, contemplating whether to respond.However, after a moment's thought, she decided to close her phone without replying for now. She placed it on her bedside table and headed for the bathroom. Sliding down her straps, she stepped inside the shower. The warm water washed away the remnants of a long day. The droplets slid over her body, wetting her body. Under the shower, She couldn't control her emotions anymore. She pressed her lips trying to control her whimpers. But she couldn't. She whimpered while her eyes shed tears which were mingled with water making it meaningless. Amethysta wrapped in her bath towel and stood in front of the full-length mirror in her bathroom. Drops of water glistened on her skin, and her reflection revealed a moment of
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Chapter 24
Eira quietly made her way to Mateo's bedroom, her footsteps soft against the floor. As she entered, she noticed that Mateo was in the shower, the sound of running water echoing from the bathroom.She decided to wait for him, taking a moment to settle into the cosy room. The dim lighting and the soft scent of Mateo's Pheromones lingered in the air, creating a soothing atmosphere as she patiently waited for his return from his comfortable shower.Mateo emerged from the shower, his lower body draped in a bath towel. Eira's gaze fell upon him, and for a moment, she was awestruck by his presence. His tall, athletic form and the play of water droplets on his skin seemed to captivate her.She couldn't help but relish the sight before her, a moment of admiration that passed between them as he dried himself off, aware of the effect he had on her at that moment. His slow moments got her guard off. "Are you done with your staring, Kitten?" Mateo asked. Eira averted her gaze, looking at the grou
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Chapter 25
After a quiet moment of comforting silence, Mateo gently broke the hug, his voice soft as he said, "Let's get some sleep, hmm." Mateo caressed her hair gently. Eira responded with a gentle hum, and together, they made their way to the bed. Mateo took the initiative to arrange the bed, making sure it was comfortable.As they settled in, Eira surprised Mateo by laying her head on his chest, her actions leaving him momentarily stunned. His heart skipped a beat, but he soon relaxed, his arms wrapping around her in a protective embrace. The sensation of her head against his chest brought a sense of warmth and intimacy that neither of them could deny.Mateo, curious about Eira's sudden display of sensitivity, gently inquired, "Baby, is this because your heat is approaching, you are so sensitive?"Eira shook her head in response, denying that it had anything to do with her heat. She simply felt the need for closeness and comfort.Mateo sighed softly, his hand patting Eira gently as he whisp
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Chapter 26
But Icarus paid no attention to her caution. He moved closer, sitting beside her on the bed and gently pulling her closer by the waist, their eyes locked in a moment of intense connection. Amethysta found herself unable to resist his magnetic pull, her earlier resolve melting away in his presence."Angel... I know I did wrong. Just punish me till you are satisfied." Icarus pulled her hand making her touch his cheeks with her hand. When their skin met each other, She felt a sense of connection making her back hair stand straight. Her pupil dilated while her fingertips turned cold. Amethysta's wide purple eyes met Icarus's gaze, and he couldn't help but be captivated by their depth and beauty. Her eyes held a myriad of questions, searching for answers to the sudden rush of emotions coursing through her.As her thoughts swirled, a gentle warmth spread across her cheeks, and she realized it was Icarus's palm, his touch tender and reassuring. She leaned into his touch without knowing,
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Chapter 27
Back at the mansion, the police had already arrived, questioning the servants about the break-in. Each servant shook their head, claiming they hadn't seen anyone enter the premises. The atmosphere was tense, and the officers were determined to get to the bottom of the incident since Patrick was an important person in the pack. As Patrick arrived home, he was immediately approached by one of the police officers. The officer began asking relevant questions, "Mr. McCarlock, can you tell us if you noticed anything unusual or if there's anyone who might have had a reason to break in?"Patrick furrowed his brows in thought, contemplating the questions. "Honestly, officer, I can't think of anyone who would have a motive for this. I could only sense the mixture of pheromones when I came out of my room. But they didn't steal anything. If they were thieves, they would have used the scent blocker. But they didn't use,"The police officer nodded, jotting down notes as they continued to investiga
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Chapter 28
Amethysta came to her room after having dinner. She didn't even talk to her father properly making Patrick suspicious of her thoughts yet he was worried about his daughter who was lost in her thoughts nowadays. She paced front and forth in her room, her heart heavy with longing. "Why hasn't he shown up again?" She whispered to herself. "Did I do something wrong?"Tears welled up in Amethysta's eyes as she rushed to him, her voice trembling. "I thought he would be different. He is also like others. Did he find that I am not like them?""If I was a werewolf, he would have taken another glance at me... I... I am worthless, Ain't I?" She asked herself and despised that she was a human for the first time. No one ever wavered her heart as Icarus did. She was somewhat attracted to that foreign guy who showed up only a countable number of times. Amethysta lay in her bed, her heart still trembling in pain whenever she thought of her days with Icarus. Or you can say her hours with him. As she
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Chapter 29
The next day, it was Amethysta's weekend holiday. She awoke later than usual, her sleep having been restless the previous night. After getting herself ready, she descended the staircase and entered the living area. There, she found her father, waiting for her.Patrick looked up from the book he had been reading, a warm smile gracing his lips. "Good morning, sleepyhead," he greeted her.Amethysta returned the smile, feeling a sense of comfort in her father's presence. "Morning, Dad," she replied. "Did you wait long?"Patrick shook his head. "Not at all, Ami. I was just enjoying the peace. How did you sleep?" Patrick dramatically said. Amethysta chuckled and hesitated for a moment, then decided not to share. "It was good."Patrick's concern deepened seeing his daughter's fluttering eyelids and the fingers that were snapping now and then. "Okay, why don't we make the most of your weekend holiday? Is there anything you'd like to do today?"Amethysta thought for a moment, a glimmer of exc
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Chapter 30
Amethysta followed Dr. Alaric Leone, as he led her through the lab's intricate maze of experiments and equipment. With every step, he explained the various facets of their research in a way that was both engaging and informative. She was so indulged while looking at the equipment and everything. For a moment, she thought of studying Research. Alaric's words almost bewitched her. "We're exploring the boundaries of werewolf characteristics. So that we could help in the genetic disorders related to glands," Alaric began. "These tanks you saw earlier are our only hope to let those kids survive."Amethysta listened, captivated by his words. A moment ago, he was flirty but when it came to research, he explained well. Amethysta wondered what kind of spell it was. Alaric looked so different while explaining everything. As they moved from one experiment to the next, Alaric's explanations became more intricate. She was silently hearing everything, observing well. Soon, they reached the resti
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