All Chapters of Dempsey Twins' Human Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
59 Chapters
Chapter 41
After freshening up, Mateo joined the others in the hall and apologized to Patrick for his rush, explaining, "I just needed a quick refresh. Work today was overwhelming, and I felt a bit suffocated."Patrick just nodded, saying, "No problem, Mateo. We understand. Work can be quite demanding sometimes. No need to apologize."Curiosity got the best of Mateo, and he couldn't help but inquire, "So, what brings you all here suddenly?"Patrick smiled half-heartedly and explained, "Well, Amethysta here was worried about Eira and wanted to check up on her, so we decided to pay a visit."It was a simple and heartfelt reason, highlighting the close bond between Amethysta and Eira. They may not be blood-related, but they were certainly family in their own unique way. Patrick and Amethysta got up as Patrick signaled that it was time to leave. Eira and Mateo tried to convince them to stay a bit longer, but Patrick, mindful of the time, declined."Are you sure you have to go? It's getting late." E
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Chapter 42
Icarus's light chuckle on the other end of the phone made Amethysta's cheeks flush a deep shade of red. The sound of his amusement was enough to elicit such a reaction, even from a distance."Why are you so embarrassed, Angel? Wasn't it normal for you Omegas?" Icarus stated. She became silent. Since she didn't experience those feelings, how could she know? For the first time, a weird thought lingered in her heart, wanting to become an omega for him. "That..." her words stuttered. "Princess, You don't have to feel embarrassed. Not everyone a perverted alpha." his words made her feel the butterflies in her stomach. After a brief moment of silence, Amethysta decided to break it and asked Icarus a rather intriguing question. "Hmm... Icarus, what's it like to have a temporary mark and then a permanent one from an Alpha?" Icarus was momentarily taken aback by the question not only Icarus but also Isaias who was beside Icarus. They exchanged a glance but composed themselves and Icarus ca
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Chapter 43
Luther sat in his study, his face tensed with the missing trio who were partners in crime throughout the years. The hushed silence spread over the study as he pressed his secretary for updates on the investigation into Jonathan, David, and Samuel, who had been missing for months by now. "Any progress on those three?" Luther's voice was low and authoritative, breaking through the silence of the room.The secretary nodded and assured Luther, "We're digging deep, sir. Gathering every bit of intel we can on their activities."Luther leaned back in his leather chair, his eyes fixed on the secretary. "The Dempsey may be involved in this, Keep a close eye on them. I wanted my three men to be safe and alive." The secretary replied calmly, "Rest assured, Apart from the business activity they are staying low. It seems that they weren't involved in the kidnapping but don't worry, I'm keeping it under my eyes, sir." A small smirk rested across the secretary's lips which was unnoticed by Luther.
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Chapter 44
The hum of the car engine accompanied Jacob's contemplative thoughts as he drove away from Luther's house, And dialled the certain number waiting for the person to pick it up.And he was preoccupied with the thoughts of how Luther behaved today, totally a strange one. It should be his responsibility to protect the people who trust him but today, he made an obvious move that he didn't care about the pack people at all. the silence was interrupted by the hoarse voice through his phone. He glanced at the screen, it seemed Icarus picked it up. "Icarus? What's up?" Jacob answered, the confusion evident in his voice.Icarus' voice crackled through the phone, raspy and worn, "Hey, Jacob, It's been a while buddy. We're holding up. How about you?"Jacob replied calmly, "I'm good, just dealing with pack stuff. How's Dad? And Isaias."There was a hesitation in Icarus' response, "As always, Just spending his time here and there holding mom's memories.""It must be hard for him, right." Jacob pre
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Chapter 45
"Luther is targeting Dad now." Icarus's serious tone was clear evidence of how much rage he was holding against the pack leader. "How did you know?" Isaias gritted his teeth, not liking the fact that the old hag was plotting again. "Jacob called me and informed me. We should be careful in the future. He will do anything to hide his crimes." Isaias clenched his fist harshly, his muscles tightened with the contraction. "Seems like, he wanted his old friends to be treated better." Isaias chuckled. The light, low-pitched chuckle in his raspy manly voice, was dangerous yet sexy. "Seems so," Icarus shrugged his shoulder off, swirling the steering. "We should get ready, a little before going to meet her. What do you say?" Icarus added. "Nice idea. But I will choose the outfit." Isaias demanded, Icarus nodded. Icarus swirled the steering and drove the car to the shop. Amethysta swirled the glass of her mocktail, eyes fixed on the bubbles rising to the surface. The bar, once a lively envi
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Chapter 46
Mateo pulled Eira into his arms, and as soon as she recognised the person, she pushed him away harshly with a yelp, his fingers scratched her forearm. "Don't you fucking get close to me? I... I will sue you for harassment." here goes another drama. The manager pops onto the scene, quite late though. "Mister, you are disturbing the others, please can you leave?" He politely asked but received a dead glare from the younger. Mateo inhaled before forcibly taking Eira out of the bar. He throws the younger in the car who yelped again but this time, a small yelp turns out to be a loud whimper. Mateo got inside the car and only received a hard punch from the younger. "Stop it, Eira. Don't be bratty." Mateo held her both wrists together, causing her to quiver. "Bratty, you say. Do you know the old Eira? You didn't. I was loyal to you, until the moment you left me after the heat. So what, you helped me but after that day, things changed. What do you take me for, a slut or a whore to get laid
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Chapter 47
"I... I will freshen up first." Amethysta stuttered. She wasn't used to staying alone with a stranger, an alpha, to be precise. She wasn't scared but kinda nervous. Amethysta, a bit flustered, headed to freshen up, leaving Isaias to chuckle at her nervousness. After a brief moment, she returned, settling across from Isaias. The earthy scent of the alpha eased her tension, creating a comforting environment around her. Isaias handed over soup to him. "Here you go" Sharing hangover soup, they broke the silence with Isaias playfully teasing her about the night she got wasted. "You know what, You were about to make a scene if we... I... If I didn't come there to stop you."Amethysta blushed, Being embarrassed in front of the man she liked, it was worse for her right now. "I... Eira was asked to meet me." "That's what I'm saying, you called me but got wasted before I could join you. That's so rude of you, Princess." Isaias's low-pitched voice definitely did something to the latter. Isai
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Chapter 48
Icarus and Isaias made their way to the parking lot after completing their work, their minds likely preoccupied with the day's tasks. However, as they reached the parking lot, an eerie atmosphere surrounded them. A group of people emerged out of nowhere, their behavior immediately signaling that something was off. Their movements were abnormal, almost as if they were under the influence of drugs, but the reality was far stranger.Little did they know this group wasn't just ordinary individuals; they were feral alphas. The air in the parking lot shifted, and tension hung thick. The feral alphas, with their primal instincts and unpredictable nature, snarled looking at the twins. Isaias, his instincts alert, warned the group, "Who the fuck are you all?""I don't think they are normal people to answer your questions.," Icarus extended his hand, protecting his brother behind him. The feral alphas, however, remained silent, their eyes betraying a predatory intent. Without a word, the atmo
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Chapter 49
Icarus and Isaias reached the home pretty late. After parking the car without making a sound, they made their way to the hall. They tiptoed toward the stairs but were stopped by the striking lights. "Who the fuck turned on the light?" Isaias hissed and Icarus stopped him. He gestured to his brother to see the front. Isaias zipped his mouth after seeing his father. "Dad..." They chuckled nervously. Concern was etched on Dareen's face after seeing their son in blood all over the body. He rushed to his sons checking whether his sons had any injuries. "What happened, Boys? Why are you two covered with blood? Are you injured?" Dareen's eyes brimmed with tears. "We are fine, Dad. No need to worry. A little accident... Nothing much..." Icarus smiled while comforting his father. "Nothing much... You say... My kids are covered with blood. And you told me not to worry about you two." Dareen yelled at his sons who were exchanging glances."C'mon on, Dad. As he said, it's nothing." Isaias hu
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Chapter 50
Isabella explained what happened that day and how they got a punishment, hearing all that Eira couldn't help but crackle up loudly, making the atmosphere lively. "Finally, you laughed. Eira... You did a great job," Isabella huffed, self-praising her. Though the friends found it weird, they let it slide. Finding a friend wasn't an easy one. But some friends were precious though they only had our last moments in school or college. This was true for Amethysta, Eira, and Isabella. The next class started within a minute and their clock repeated with a boring lecture with the ear-piercing melodies of professors' scolding. In the middle, Amethysta sent a message to Icarus. "Hey, hmm... Can we meet up?" That was so blunt but straightforward. As soon as she sent it, The message showed as read but Icarus didn't reply. She was waiting for his message but there was no reply. She sometimes checked when she was in a lecture. What was there to be busy? An unknown pout made its way to her lips,
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