Semua Bab The Alphas' Porn Star Mate: Bab 151 - Bab 160
217 Bab
2.26 Losing To You (1)
“Would you like to break?” I smirked, chalking the end of my stick and blowing on its tip.The corner of Miles’s lips quirked up as he leaned against his pole, knuckles white while gripping it steady. “You go ahead.”“He has no idea what he’s in for,” I giggled to my wolf.“I don’t know. He doesn’t look worried at all.”“Neither were the guys when I first got to Broom StiXXX.” I had their man panties in my hands plenty of times after that.“I’m telling you, this is a bad idea,” Mick growled, watching with his back pressed against the wall.I stared at Miles to see if his brother was convincing him to change his mind, but he just motioned for me to go.Leaning over the table, I lined up the shot, and right when I was about to take it, Miles said, “I’m going to bend you over just like that before plowing into you from behind.”It was too late for me to stop my momentum, and the white ball went flying towards the others. It hit in the wrong spot, and though they still broke, only one str
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2.26 Losing To You (2)
Mick cheered loudly. “Fuck yeah! That was fucking awesome!” He high-fived his brother, then threw his arms in the air, carrying on until he looked at me. I don’t know what sort of expression I was making, but his cheerfulness slipped away pretty quickly.Miles tossed his cue stick to Mick, then marched over to me. I tried to smile to congratulate him, but couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was working hard not to stomp on his foot and call for Lenny to help bash heads.“You won,” I said dejectedly. “Guess I’ll be stuck in my office for the foreseeable future.”Miles pressed his chest to mine, not saying a word. He just peered down at me with an intense look on his face.“What? You want to bend me over the table right now?” I scoffed. I was getting pissed thinking about the loss. “Can we take a rain check? If someone hadn’t cheated at the start, you couldn’t be this smug, you pompous, too-tall jerk.”His mouth twitched. “Too tall?”He was standing over me, and it just slipped out. “Don’
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2.27 The Pull (1)
Estel POV“And this, as you can see,” the sly, suit-wearing man extended his arms, turning in a half circle, “is the commercial kitchen. Fully functional. I can confirm that the stove is vastly capable of cooking up delicious dishes. Just at lunchtime, our chef whipped up a few fabulous beef wellingtons. The creamed potatoes and steamed carrots were divine.”“Looks great!” I tried not to show my distaste for the pink paint slathered on the greasy walls. It’s obvious whoever was painting this area stopped trying to impress the snobbish Luna. They probably didn’t think she would ever set foot in here.By the look on her face, I can see she’s not too happy with the rushed paint job either. I braced myself for a meltdown, but she just gritted her teeth and stayed vehemently silent."There is an excellent view of the pool from the chef's office. The kitchen has a capacity too...."I mindlessly nodded along and wrote down random tidbits of what he was saying on my clipboard. I've been doin
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2.27 The Pull (2)
I hesitated, weary of his touch. It was a kind, gentlemanly gesture, but something about his hand stretched towards me made my stomach turn.“Estel, this feels like a trap,” Kai urged. “Even Rodger is saying to call it. Beau too. Nothing about this seems right.”That pull tugged and pulled deep in my soul. My heart was beating wildly. Not from fear of going down into the dark basement, but at the thought of not and risking never finding out what this pull was trying to take me too.“Not yet,” I told Kai. “I have to do this.”With a new found confidence, I took his hand. Mr. Smith gripped it firmly, a sly smile on his face.“My dear. Watch your step.”A deep hissing vibrated in the air, throwing me off. Where was it coming from?Then I looked at his cane, pressed to the step below us, descending before us. Mr. Smith was using it to balance, gripping it tightly. Almost as tightly as he was gripping my hand. When I stared at the ornamental snake head in his grasp, the jeweled eyes gleame
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2.28 Breaking Free (1)
Mick POVLenny looked exhausted when we emerged from the old rec room. I had forgotten he was outside, keeping watch like he promised Chloe he would.“Uh, hey,” I smiled sheepishly, looking at his disgusted face.He narrowed his eyes at me, then looked at Chloe’s sleeping face as Miles carried her out. His eyes softened a bit.“I’ll be washing out my ears and throwing up for the next hour. Call me if you need me. If she needs me.” He then walked off, seriously looking ready to puke.“I forgot he was there,” Miles said.“Me too. I’m surprised he stayed.”Miles suddenly looked horrified. “Do you think he… he heard her?”I scoffed. “He heard all of us. Why do you think he said he was going to wash out his ears?”“Fuck.” He pulled Chloe tighter against his body, like he was shielding her for some reason.“Lighten up, you fucking prude. It’s not the first time you’ve done a live show for someone.”“That was different,” Miles growled.I chuckled under my breath. “He may be unmated, but he
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2.28 Breaking Free (2)
“Huh?” I strained and struggled to focus. It made my head hurt worse, but eventually the fuzzy shapes started to come into view.“Please, Boyd! Please!”A woman, so pretty, with hair the color of a warm sunset was the first to come into view. Her eyes were a deep honey color, not quite brown, but too rich to be hazel.I was stunned. Too stunned. I didn’t register anything else but her for so long. Not until the floor started to crumble above, and she ducked, looking at the ceiling in panic.“SHIT!” She screamed.I frantically looked around. I was still in the torture room in the basement, smelling like piss and vomit. This woman wasn't familiar at all. I can’t recall seeing her any other time. I know I got hit on the head pretty hard, but I would definitely remember seeing someone like her in a place like this.A thunderous explosion suddenly shook the room. I could hear the beastly snarls and vicious sounds of fighting all around. The ceiling was shaking, along with the walls.“Boyd!
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2.29 Jealous Chloe (1)
Mr. Smith POV“This wasn’t part of the plan,” the crazy little Luna puffed out her chest, watching the battle from behind the shield of my magic. I took a page out of their own book, watching from a high vantage point with magic concealing us. We had to move fast, but we made it here just in time as their forces arrived and the battle began.“Did you do as I said?” I asked.“YES!” She stomped her foot, staring up at her mate to do something. With my magic still in him, he can’t go against me. It is a wasted effort.She stomped again and growled furiously. “I WANT HIM NOW! WE NEED OUR PUP! I NEED HIM!”I sighed, ignoring her as best I could. My irritation with the Luna has grown tremendously. My tolerance is becoming paper thin.Below was becoming a massacre. The fraction of warriors we left behind were mostly defeated. There was a certain thrill in watching the defeat. Seeing the life drain from the eyes of those who were so unwilling to fight. Alpha Ford had to command the warriors w
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2.29 Jealous Chloe (2)
Chloe POV “Boyd’s back?!” I asked in groggy amazement. Miles had just woken me up with the news. It was early morning, too early for there to be light out. “Mick is coming back onto the pack now with him and everyone else,” Miles smoothed the hair from my face. He looked nervous, then asked, “Do you want to come with me to meet them?” I smiled shyly. “Can I?” I know he said he would keep me involved and in the know, but I almost expected him to take it back after I settled down. “Of course,” he bent over me and kissed my forehead. “Get dressed. We need to get going.” “Okay,” I puckered my lips, then pulled him to me as he met my kiss. He smiled against me, and I moaned in satisfaction. I still smelled like sex, the scent of both my mates thick on my skin, but I didn’t want to wash their scents away just yet. It was a reminder of the compromise we made yesterday, and every time I got a whiff of myself, it made me smile. I put on pants and a tank top, and Miles helped me into on
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2.29 Jealous Chloe (3)
“That’s just Estel,” Miles said. “You have nothing to worry about, baby.” “Is she mated?” I snapped, though I could tell the answer just by looking at her neck. It was clear of scars. Just covered in blood and dirt. “Uh, no,” Miles said nervously. “Huh.” I pressed my lips firmly together, glaring at my other mate and the unfamiliar woman conversing in hushed whispers. She looked upset about something, and he had a sympathetic look on his face. When he reached out and started rubbing her arm, I couldn’t stop the growl from spilling from my lips. “Easy, lapachka,” Lenny said in a tone that was too amused for my fucking liking. “Your claws are showing.” “Fuck you,” I snarled. Mick’s head snapped up when he heard me. He looked worried, and rubbed the woman’s arm one more time before running over to me. “Hey, cara. I didn’t think you would be up. Boyd’s back.” “I see that,” I said through clenched teeth, still glaring at the woman. “Hey,” Mick grabbed my chin and turned it towards
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2.30 BS Secret (1)
Rodger POVI paced the front porch of the old hotel, still littered with the mayhem from earlier. Warriors and pack members were still clearing bodies from the battle, but that isn’t what is concerning to me right now.It’s the room I found in the belly of this place. Locked behind what I assumed was a utility closet, until I got close enough to feel the dark energy emitting out of it. When Kai and Alexi pried open the door, they were even stunned by what they saw.Alexi went back to the pack to help Boyd get situated, but Kai stayed with me. He was as worried as I was about the room. Now we’re just waiting for my sisters to get here before making any assumptions.“Should I call for one of the Alphas to come too?” Kai asked me.I shook my head. “No. Not yet.” I’d like to know what it is we found first. Plus, I am not sure of how they will react to all of the discoveries. There were some details in there I wasn't prepared to see.Kai looked guilty all of a sudden, probably sensing the
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