All Chapters of The Alphas' Porn Star Mate: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
217 Chapters
2.34 Figs and Cinnamon (3)
Ada’s ears tucked back, her whimpering cries making rage build inside of me. “Winnie forced me,” I snapped. “I didn’t want to be here any more than you want me to be.” “Winnie?” He looked around the room, then took a deep breath, like he was relieved to see where he was at. “Where did Winnie go?” “To shower,” I said coldly, getting up to put some space between us. I was already pulling out my phone, texting Mick about my situation. If Boyd was awake, I wouldn’t be able to stay here much longer. It hurt too much. “Why couldn’t he shower in here?” “Why do you have a three-in-one body wash?” I snapped. “That’s why. Apparently your clothes suck too.” His face turned red for a second, making him look even angrier. “You were touching me,” Boyd sat up, looking at me with accusing eyes. I gritted my teeth regretting touching him at all now. “You were having a nightmare. My bad for trying to help.” “Hm,” he grunted, almost like he didn’t believe me. Fuck this. I did nothing to earn h
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2.35 The Warrior Way (1)
Chloe POVWalking with Estel back towards the training grounds and warrior center, I could feel her caution and distrust.I couldn't blame her. Our first meeting was shit, and though she shouldn't have done what she did to piss me off, I could have handled it better too.I don’t really feel anything but pity for her now. Now that I know why she did it in the first place. She could start whispering in my ear, Mick’s ear, or Miles’s ear, and I would be able to overlook it all after all the revelations put on the table between me and my mates.~“A snake?” Miles had said. He rubbed both of his hands down his face, staring at me in disbelief. I overloaded him with too much information. I knew I lost him somewhere between describing all the different visions I had seen from the flask. A flask that I’m not entirely convinced wasn’t filled with LSD laced moldy cool-aide or something. Hearing myself tell my mates everything, I was beginning to think I was crazy too.Then when I told them ab
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2.35 The Warrior Way (2)
“She wants to reject him?” Miles asked, like it was something he couldn’t even fathom. Rejecting your fated mate is not something to take lightly. “Shouldn’t they talk first?”“That’s what I told her, but she said that every time she gets close to him, he acts like he’s gearing up for a fight.”I leaned my head back on Mick’s chest, thinking for a few minutes as he and Miles talked about what a rejection could mean for Boyd in his current condition. I was just vaguely listening while my mind ran through any and all reason for Boyd to be acting like that towards a fated mate. I mean, I even had a hard time overcoming the mate bond with Camreon. He was a complete asswipe, and I knew that from the start, but even I couldn’t resist the pull of the bond when he touched me, or even got close to me in those first few months. “He doesn’t feel the bond,” I concluded out loud, interrupting whatever my mates were talking about. “He can’t. That’s the only thing that makes sense. He’s not an Alp
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2.36 Proof (1)
“Ah, I needed that,” I sighed, lying on my back on the ground after tossing Estel like a sack of potatoes over my shoulder. She was still winded, panting to catch her breath. She got the best of me a few times too. Lenny, like the overprotective babysitter he is, even went to step in once when Estel surprised me by kicking my feet out from under me and slamming her elbow into my stomach. It hurt like a bitch, but I waved him off. After about the fifth time of waving him off, he stopped trying to intervene. “You needed to kick my ass? Jeez, thanks,” Estel struggled to sit up. I laughed, shaking my head. “No. I needed someone that wasn’t going to be polite to me. Even big brother over there treats me like glass most of the time.” I pointed my thumb at Lenny, watching from a good distance away beside the warrior building. There were others loitering around now too, including Mick and Miles, but they were far away enough not to hear us talking. “I don’t know why,” Estel groaned, rubbi
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2.36 Proof (2)
I tapped my feet nervously on the ground as the silence between Mick and I stretched and I worried about why I was there. “I’m not going to punch you again,” Mick smirked, and just like that, those old feelings of annoyance towards him rose up inside of me. “Like I would fucking let you, asshole,” I growled. I winced, regretting the words as soon as they slipped out. I knew after what everyone told me that Mick was a big reason why I was saved. He stood up for me when his brother was on the verge of writing me off because of distrust. Mick called me family, according to everyone else, and I just called him an asshole. Mick didn’t look offended, to my relief. He just scoffed and smirked softly, sitting back in his chair and folding his hands in his lap. “That’s more like it. I thought you had lost all your fight. The douche gene disappeared with your balls at that resort.” “You wish,” I huffed. “I got bigger balls than you have ever had. What the hell did you call me here for? To
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2.36 Proof (3)
Mick looked at me for a long time, his eyes penetrating mine like he was searching for something. The concern on his face was evident, and made me feel like an ass for the strong refusal to join the pack. He probably just thought I was angry that he asked. I took a deep breath, making sure the headache of Alpha Ford’s command wouldn’t hurt me, then said, “I’m sorry, but I think I need more time.” Mick smiled tightly and nodded after another couple of seconds. “I understand. No problem. Take all the time you need.” “Thanks.” There was a soft knock on the door, and when I turned to see who it was, Sirius started growling right away. It was her. The redhead that was just plaguing my thoughts. Estel. She was standing beside Chloe, a pensive look on her face. “Hey, cara mia,” Mick said brightly. “Is it time for lunch already?” “Yep,” Chloe same right in, walking around the desk to fall into his lap. She seemed too cheerful, hanging off him like I wasn't even there. “It’s time for yo
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2.37 Last Card (1)
Rodger POVMy head was pounding. Cold coffee has been fueling me for the past few days as I sat in that disgusting room in the basement of the hotel, trying to make sense of the writings on the wall.“Here, boss,” Kai sat down a steaming cup of green tea in front of me. He cut off my coffee consumption for the day, but I needed something. Decaf green tea will have to work for now.“Thanks, Kai.”“Yup,” he stretched the back of his head, looking over the texts in the books I was studying. “Have you gotten any further?”“Not much,” I sighed. “These writings are not something I can just look up on Google. Scholars study for decades to even gain a minor understanding of what they could mean.”“So you have no idea what any of the writing on the walls says?”I pointed to a group of pictures that looked like stairs, random oval-like shapes, and then a human-like figure. “This is a symbol for a type of goddess. It appears the most together, so it was easier to find references too, but everyth
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2.37 Last Card (2)
I continued scanning through all the hieroglyphics in different languages for all the different goddesses of ancient times, until my eyes landed on one. The symbols beside it were close to the ones written on the walls, but so were many of the others. That wasn’t what stood out to me. It was an ancient statue beside the text of a voluptuous woman holding a staff that was in the shape of a snake. The caption of the picture read, ‘THE GREAT GODDESS AND HER STAFF OF REGENERATION’.“Look at this,” I called Kai over, and his eyes widened as he read the lines under the picture too."Is that what I think it is on her cane?""A snake? I think it is. Look at the top where she is holding it." The handle was definitely a snake's head, with a pair of eyes that seemed haunted even in statue form. The snake's head was a stark contrast to the statue's beauty. It really stood out.“Mr. Smith had a cane shaped like a snake,” he whispered. “Estel even mentioned it. She said something was off about it.”
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2.37 Last Card (3)
Laura POV“Hmm,” the tip of Mr. Smith's cane tapped lightly on the floor as he twirled it back and forth in his hands. His eyes were glowing eerily, the dark of his irises taking over all of his whites. “Seems we are running out of time,” he murmured, staring blankly out the dirty window.He called Jasper and I here, the only semblance of a house in the camp we're hiding at in the woods far from the pack. I was already upset at having to sleep in a tent like a rat for the past week. Now, it's like he is showing off that he's in the seat of power in the house, flaunting it to me. I haven't even washed my hair with real shampoo and deep conditioner in days, but he still looks clean and well-groomed."Running out of time for what, sir?" Jasper asked.Mr. Smith smirked. I could see his reflection in the glass of the window. "It's time to hold up to your end of the deal. Use your new mate to bring me the girl. Command him now."That sour taste of irritation burned my throat with the urge
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2.38 Estel's Pleas (1)
Boyd POV “Do it,” the deep voice commanded me again. “You have until sundown. I’ll be waiting.” Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I rolled over in my bed, grasping my head between my hands. I was squeezing so tight, I knew I would have bruises, but I didn’t care. I was fighting this command. I won’t follow through. I can’t. But at the same time, I can’t refuse. All morning, since before I even opened my eyes, their voices have been plaguing my every thought. It’s gone from Laura's shrill demanding screeching to Alpha Ford’s hostile commands emanating from inside my mind, driving me to madness with the need to comply. My will was on the cusp of breaking, but the consequences of obeying them would be too great. It is a price I would never willingly pay for anything. Even when I hated Mick and despised coming to this pack, I never would have put Chloe’s life on the line or sacrificed her to anyone. Not to them, and definitely not to that monster they serve. Sirius was snarling inside of m
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