All Chapters of The Alphas' Porn Star Mate: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
217 Chapters
2.41 Clearing Misunderstandings (3)
“I heard,” he started in a rough voice, then stopped to clear his throat, “I heard that you already know what it is I want to tell you.” I scoffed lightly, staring at my hands folded in my lap. “Want to tell me? Or what you are forced to tell me now that the cat is out of the bag?” “Chloe,” he said softly, the stress pressing in his voice. “That’s not it at all.” “Then explain,” I lifted my chin, trying to maintain my pride. “You didn’t want a porn star as a daughter?" "Chloe!" "No, that can’t be it. You could have said something the day I showed up at Broom StiXXX. You’ve known since then, right?” His stiff silence and the set in his jaw as he stared at me through his lashes, lashes and eyes that were so similar to mine was all the answer I needed. “You knew,” I whispered, almost in disbelief. Some part of me was still holding out hope that he might not have known right away. That maybe he figured it out over the year we lived under the same roof. Maybe it wasn’t until my magi
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2.42 Mated Bliss (1)
Boyd POV If I could describe this moment right now, it would be pure bliss. I felt like every hardship, every trial, every fucked up thing I have had to experience in my life was paying off right now. I have a mate. I have a gorgeous mate, with a feisty streak as red-hot as her beautiful hair. “You’re going to stare a hole in my head,” she laughed with a hoarse voice, her throat raw from screaming out during our mating. My mate is a screamer. A screamer. A growler. A pull my fucking hair and cuss me the fuck out-er. “You’re perfect,” I leaned over her, burying my face into her nape to inhale her warm, comforting scent. She smelled like warm sweet bread, like the Hawaiian rolls everyone eats on Thanksgiving. That was always my favorite fucking scent in the entire damn world. It has the nostalgia of filling meals eaten with all those I love and care about. It came with the feeling of being with family, which had always been my warrior brothers. Now I’m finding that warmth with
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2.42 Mated Bliss (2)
“So fucking much.” “I like to suck,” she declared in a raspy whisper. My eyes grew heavy watching her deeply suck my fingers in her mouth again, then releasing them with a satisfying pop. “I like to feel the pressure on the roof of my mouth. When something big and hard starts rubbing against it, it makes my pussy so wet.” “Yeah,” I curled my fingers inside her mouth, rubbing the roof of it before pulling her face closer to mine. “Show me.” She giggled darkly, then pushed my chest, so I laid flat on the bed. I watched as she crawled over me, working her way down my body, her movements smooth and lithe like a cat. When she got to my prized member, her eyes grew dark as she appraised my firmness. She licked her lush lips, pumping her hand up and down me a few times before sinking her mouth over my dick. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, the tingling pull in my groin sending shivering bursts of pleasure all through my body. “Yes!” I reached down to grab her hair from her face,
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2.42 Mated Bliss (3)
“Oh, no,” she chuckled softly. “We can’t have that.” “I know, so give me what I really want.” “And what do you really want?” I held still, not ready to enter her just yet. I was tempted. She was warm and oh-so wet. I already knew how tight and amazing she felt. I was on the cusp of losing my reason. “I want your dick deep in my pussy, pumping me full of your cum,” she said shamelessly, almost making me blush. “Fuck me and fill me, baby.” “Yes ma’am,” I groaned, before slamming into her. “Your wish is my command.” ~ Estel was passed out, exhausted from the long night and long morning of filling our every desires. I was still in newly mated bliss, and wanted to keep the magic going by staying in bed with her, but it was now lunchtime and I didn’t want her to miss another meal. “I’ll be right back,” I whispered as I kissed her cheek. She snored lightly as she stirred, then cuddled against the pillow I used most of the night and settled back into a peaceful sleep. Damn, she was a
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2.43 Cindy (1)
Cindy POV (flashback)“You’re disgusting,” my sister twisted her lip, appalled at me after walking in on me with a full face of makeup. It had been a secret. A secret that I had kept hidden for so long. After everyone went to bed at night, the loud snores of my gruff father the only noise heard outside of my room, a sign that everyone had turned in for the evening, I would allow myself to indulge in the desires I had suppressed throughout the entire day. Crossdressing, or being trans, as the more cultured people outside of my small-minded pack called it, was something that would get me roughed up and driven out in a heartbeat. During the day, I was the quiet, weird loner that no one paid much attention to. In school, I flew under the radar, except for when the Alpha’s and Beta’s kids needed an easy target to pick on. Werewolves were supposed to be strong, especially the men. My father, one of the top trainers in the pack, was highly disappointed with his scrawny, mind-tempered only
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2.43 Cindy (2)
He squeezed my shoulder, giving me the kindest smile I have ever received. As a new bout of ugly sobs tore through me, he hugged me tight, letting me feel warmth from another person. It was a somber notion, getting my first gift of human warmth in years from a Beta I never spoke to before this shameful moment. After I calmed down, just enough to let him know I would be alright and to thank him, a beat up pick up pulled onto the dirt trail. Their headlights blinded me for a moment, and when my vision returned, there was an old man with thick dreads surrounding his aged face exiting the driver’s seat. “This him?” the man looked me up and down, then towards the Beta for an answer. “This is Dycin,” the Beta waved towards me after shaking the man’s hand. “You once told me you knew of a place for men that needed to get free from abuse. I hope you can help him.”“Oh, I know the perfect place for this one,” the man smiled, his wrinkles bending and crinkling in ways that had me feeling at e
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2.44 His Story Continued (1)
Four years later…“Well done, Cindy,” Rodger wrapped an arm around me, hugged me tight with a proud look on his face. “I knew you could do it.”“I almost failed,” I admitted shyly. “Ah, you just didn’t have faith in yourself,” Rodger chuckled. “You just had to get your rhythm.”When acting classes turned out to be less than ideal for me, Rodger suggested I go to school for something else. I started with a general studies course, but on a whim added a programming course to my first semester as well. That turned into a new love for computers, something I never considered before. My small, backwoods pack high school didn’t have much need for computer programs beyond basic word and PowerPoint lessons. I kind of remember taking a typing class in grade school too. Rodger knew I didn’t want to do the more traditional work at the club, and he never pushed for it. Instead, he took the time to help me figure out what it was I truly did want to accomplish in this new life. Independence was wh
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2.44 His Story Continued (2)
That was when the first encrypted message popped up on her screen. As I worked to disentangle it, the image of a snake appeared, and an email address. Something so simple and welcoming at a time, I was feeling so resentful to the girl starring in the videos I was working to erase. I tried to ignore it. I didn’t want to betray Rodger, and if I were to correspond with some hacker that was trying to get to Chloe, I would be betraying Rodger. Chloe wouldn’t be the only one affected. Then there was the whole situation with Mick being her mate. If she had a mate, she wouldn’t be Rodger’s problem anymore. Part of me was holding out hope for that. That Chloe and Mick could ride off in the sunset to fuck off together and everything else would go back to as it should be. She and Mick could have the help of his old pack on getting rid of her first mate, and then Rodger would quit beating on himself for events that were never his fault. Broom StiXXX would be my safe haven again, and the heada
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2.45 Mole (1)
Chloe POV“What a stressful last twenty-four hours,” Cortina sighed, still exhausted from our lack of sleep and excessive use of magic yesterday.“I agree.”After the air was cleared between Rodger and I last night, we stayed in my office talking about the past, what happened with my mom and Alpha Carlton. Hearing why I had grown up as an orphan hurt. My mother being killed because of Fire Moon Pack’s prejudices and the Alpha’s need to control reinforced what I had always known.Fire Moon Pack was full of monsters. All of them. How could every single one of the ranked wolves condone taking a pregnant shewolf from her fated mate and killing her all because she was mated to a witch?I could feel Rodger’s pain. He fought through tears to tell me his entire story. When he was done, I hugged him, unable to keep my distance any longer, seeing him relive all his heartache in some misplaced attempt to confess all the ways he thought he had failed me and my mother.He didn’t fail me. He was a
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2.45 Mole (2)
Mick sighed, pulling me against him and burying his nose against my nape, right over his mark. He inhaled deeply, over and over again, obviously trying to calm himself.Once he was calmer, he said, “I fought against the urge to lock you in our room. Again.”“Why,” I grabbed his face so that I could see his expression. “What’s wrong?”He shook his head, then rested his forehead on mine and closed his eyes. “You’ll hear what’s wrong soon.” He lifted his head, looking over Lenny and Jamie. His eyes narrowed, then he said to me, “I need to ask them a question, cara. Can you head in first?”Confused, I studied his hard expression, then looked back to see Lenny and Jamie were just as confused as I was. Mick didn’t waver, so I knew whatever was going on, it was serious.I softly kissed Mick's cheek, letting him know I trusted him in whatever was going on. He rested his head on mine briefly, then smacked my ass to get me going.The guard by the door opened it for me, and inside Miles was stan
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